
Oct 25, 2017
life, in general, must a chore because you clearly seem to incapable of forming a rational chain of thought. Anyway if you can't stay on topic, I suggest not muck up this thread.
Your "witty" comebacks are not adding to anything.

Me: "These guidelines are shit lol and not actually limiting ICE in any way"
A different poster, responding to me: "Actually they are limiting ICE, but some folks won't be satisfied unless we have open borders"
Multiple Posters: "A discussion about how abolishing ICE isn't the same as open borders and treating it as such is a scare tactic used by right wingers"
Me: "Just to clarify, I'm perfectly ok with open borders"
You: "You're a big dumb idiot who no one should listen to"

I've been giving you the exact same energy you decided to give me.

Look, I agree that Biden isn't exactly a crusader, but he legitimately can't just stop ICE from operating. I wish he could, but what I really wish is that we could be a united fucking party and be able to just legislate ICE into oblivion as the system was intended to work.

i mean, just like, what i'm getting at is the biggest obstacle isn't figuring out how to stop ICE, it's that he straight up does not want to do it.
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Oct 25, 2017
The reason the former ICE director doesn't like this is because it enables them to paralyze ice since it makes them subject to termination for not following the cabinet director
And that's good if it's as good as sold (I have ample reason to be skeptical), but it's a mustard seed to a whole cow. I agree with the ACLU that it isn't nearly enough. It's timid, Biden should be thinking razing the agency, and there's many creative means to mismanage ICE in the meantime to encourage as many of their agents to get demotivated, sit down, or "voluntarily self-deport" themselves from the agency. The US has a long and rosy history of appointees running their agencies into the ground, intentionally or otherwise. My kingdom for a President with a backbone.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
And that's good if it's as good as sold (I have ample reason to be skeptical), but it's a mustard seed to a whole cow. I agree with the ACLU that it isn't nearly enough. It's timid, Biden should be thinking razing the agency, and there's many creative means to mismanage ICE in the meantime to encourage as many of their agents to get demotivated, sit down, or "voluntarily self-deport" themselves from the agency. The US has a long and rosy history of appointees running their agencies into the ground, intentionally or otherwise. My kingdom for a President with a backbone.
I'd use Trump and the EPA as a model, personally.
there was nothing "rational" about the post. It came off as something which people spout of on the internet with gusto but has no basis in reality.
Cool, so your whole thing is you just want to get into pointless back and forths on things you're not even willing to listen about, and tfritz clowning you is justified.


Oct 26, 2017
Cool, so your whole thing is you just want to get into pointless back and forths on things you're not even willing to listen about, and tfritz clowning you is justified.

Being "right" is no justification for a belief or an educated opinion. Even fucking Trump thinks he is right.

It would be easier to "listen" to someone if their whole point didn't seem outlandishly stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
personally the funniest part of this is that you seem to think that open borders don't exist


Oct 27, 2017
What would stop racist supervisors from approving their field officers to deport any brown people like usual?


Oct 25, 2017
Or Planned Parenthood or the USPS or basically anything conservatives don't like.

i'd rather it go down like the EPA sabotage, which was incredibly effective but remained largely unremarked upon, even by folks who were otherwise very climate change action-focused, but in reality it'd end up being very public like the USPS sabotage

What would stop racist supervisors from approving their field officers to deport any brown people like usual?

it's fine, obviously the folks who have been in ICE long enough to work their way up to supervisor positions, and have been in those positions for years, will have Very Good And Benevolent Judgment and not let agents kidnap any random brown people they see on the street.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Its not at all. There are plenty of people on this forum who openly call for a complete abolishment of any sort of border agency.
Here's the gag there would be way less "illegal" crossings if we actually had legal free movement. Most people who cross which is ONE slice of immigration is to just work in the country and want to go back home but can't because of how militarized the border is. The US needs to modernize immigration and how people can work in the county and have certain reciprocity with countries etc. we don't even need ICE.


Oct 29, 2017
Definitely not planned parenthood or USPS because despite the absolute ass kicking they've got they're still functional somehow.

They're both pretty fucked up honestly. Abortion is functionally unavailable in many states because conservatives have been so effective in defunding and impeding Planned Parenthood and abortion providers.

The USPS is still also wracked with delays there was a House hearing on it this week.

Same thing should be done to ICE.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They're both pretty fucked up honestly. Abortion is functionally unavailable in many states because conservatives have been so effective in defunding and impeding Planned Parenthood and abortion providers.

The USPS is still also wracked with delays there was a House hearing on it this week.

Same thing should be done to ICE.
This is kinda getting technical when we're on the same page, but my point is planned parenthood is nearly wrecked... in red states. They're not doing great in blue states due to federal neglect, but they are functional there.

And, USPS is a shadow of its former self, but even then they're still fulfilling their function with delays. Just saying, I don't want the ICE equivalent of being functional in some states but not others, or just having their human rights abuses delayed. I mean, I'd take that over doing nothing, of course. But, the EPA example is what I'd go with because that's fundamentally turning an agency against its own goals.


Oct 28, 2017
Sums it up

Liberals are already done with the facade, as they go back to being 2000-era neocons. There will be no progression under the GOP and Dems.

The failure now is 100% the liberals and all those that keep making excuses for them. Biden literally already a liar,

Wait a minute. Where did he lie? I suspect any speech or written statement you can point to will demonstrate he and his team omitted that they will enforce preventing illegal immigration while still living up to the spirit of no being maliciously cruel about it.

Please demonstrate he and his team actually lied.


Oct 30, 2017
The reason the former ICE director doesn't like this is because it enables them to paralyze ice since it makes them subject to termination for not following the cabinet director
You are making a lot of sense and I feel like this is too much of an emotional topic.

The 100 day deportation freeze is caught up in court. So he pushed a guideline that directly leads a papertrail to each unit and can process terminations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A federal judge granted a restraining order preventing Biden's 100-day deportation freeze from happening:

Meanwhile, a federal judge on Tuesday barred the US government from enforcing a 100-day deportation moratorium that is a key immigration priority of the new president, Joe Biden.

US district judge Drew Tipton issued a temporary restraining order sought by Texas, which sued last Friday against a Department of Homeland Security memo that instructed immigration agencies to pause most deportations.

Arguments that Biden intentionally backtracked for the hell of it are disingenuous. Abolish ICE, sure -- but that's going to take Congressional action as it requires dismantling the entire Homeland Security apparatus (which should happen for several reasons, of which ICE is only the most notorious part).
Oct 27, 2017
A federal judge granted a restraining order preventing Biden's 100-day deportation freeze from happening:

Arguments that Biden intentionally backtracked for the hell of it are disingenuous. Abolish ICE, sure -- but that's going to take Congressional action as it requires dismantling the entire Homeland Security apparatus (which should happen for several reasons, of which ICE is only the most notorious part).

I thought I remembered that a judge threw that out. I'm sure people saying that Biden was backtracking conveniently forgot that.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
personally the funniest part of this is that you seem to think that open borders don't exist
Open borders don't exist if I don't believe in them/don't want them!
This is sarcasm, of course.
Glad you all convinced me picking Biden over any other Democrat minus Buttigieg and Klobuchar
Speaking as an outside observer, the most one could say about Biden during the primary is that he wasn't Gabbard or Bloomberg, low as the bar may be comparing any candidate to those two.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
well i mean its not like random people saying this. the ACLU response doesn't seem to suggest that Biden had no choice in doing this
I'm a card-carrying ACLU member and I donate $20 every month.

The NPR article is not the entirety of the ACLU response -- it quotes everyone, from a hardline immigration judge to the former commissioner of ICE.

And yet, there's stuff buried in the NPR article like this:

Shortly before the Trump administration ended, the union signed an unusual labor agreement with ICE. According to a whistleblower complaint, the deal would have given the union extraordinary power to "indefinitely delay" changes to immigration enforcement policies that it doesn't like.

The Biden administration said this week it is moving to scrap the deal.

These are good things. Yet it's part of a process.

It's the job of advocacy organizations like the ACLU to continue to push the administration. And it's the job of NPR to fill its reporting with relevant quotes, especially on a subject like immigration enforcement and potential reform, of which reasonable minds can disagree about myriad aspects of it. Saying that Biden should move faster or adjust resources or reprioritize is a legitimate criticism too.

But posting inflammatory tweets from randos featuring Toy Story memes adds nothing to the conversation other than confusion.


Oct 29, 2017
Wait a minute. Where did he lie? I suspect any speech or written statement you can point to will demonstrate he and his team omitted that they will enforce preventing illegal immigration while still living up to the spirit of no being maliciously cruel about it.

Please demonstrate he and his team actually lied.

Biden promised to end the use of 287(g) agreements and now he's put out guidelines that leave enforcement broadly to ICE's discretion. Until that changes I'd say that's a broken promise.


Oct 27, 2017
Its not at all. There are plenty of people on this forum who openly call for a complete abolishment of any sort of border agency.
ICE isn't (just) a border agency, though. It's a racist, fascist US Gestapo filled with Nazis that ravages minority communities all over the place.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Biden promised to end the use of 287(g) agreements and now he's put out guidelines that leave enforcement broadly to ICE's discretion. Until that changes I'd say that's a broken promise.
Definitely a valid point. There's also a distinction between entering into new 287(g) agreements, which I don't think has happened, and directing the DHS Secretary to cancel existing ones.

I don't know if there are any legal hurdles there. (Some cursory research says there aren't, though.) But this isn't my lane.


Oct 29, 2017
Definitely a valid point. There's also a distinction between entering into new 287(g) agreements, which I don't think has happened, and directing the DHS Secretary to cancel existing ones.

I don't know if there are any legal hurdles there. (Some cursory research says there aren't, though.) But this isn't my lane.

He actually promised to end all the agreements Trump entered into so he's got an active rather than a passive responsibility on that one I'd argue.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
i mean, just like, what i'm getting at is the biggest obstacle isn't figuring out how to stop ICE, it's that he straight up does not want to do it.
To be honest, I think Biden himself likely has no strong feelings either way.

And since he cannot actually do anything at this moment, I think he is playing it extremely cautious.


May 8, 2018
You know Biden is a centrist when his numerous actions in the past weeks got liberals touting Republican talking points.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
It's not like this is coming out of nowhere. Those of us who didn't want Biden to win the Democratic nomination were laughed off (or better yet, written off as doomposters) as we warned that this was how he would govern. Hell, after Jim Clyburn and the SC Dem boomers practically anointed him, he literally told an immigration activist and 2008 Obama campaign volunteer, after voicing concern to him about the millions of immigrant families that he separated as VP that he "should vote for Trump".

Meanwhile, this political cartoon from the Atlanta Journal Constitution is aging like milk:


What Biden could do, I think (and I'm not a legal expert) is get rid of the current director of ICE, install an "acting" director whose loyalty is to Biden, and then have that director just halt all deportation activity. Whether the logistics of that actually work out, I am absolutely uncertain.
Now this is crazy talk, we both know only Trump was allowed to install agency heads whose life goal has run completely counter to the agency's entire directive.
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Oct 25, 2017
We already have them going from "kids in cages" to "overflow facilities" lmao
Okay I want ICE destroyed as much as anyone and frankly? I'm a "borders should just be open, fuck it" guy, but can we stop acting like "overflow facilities" is the same as kids in cages? Yes, actually, it is a pretty major improvement that a bunch of kids who were separated from their parents are now in dormitory housing instead of literally sleeping on the ground inside wire fences, since the Biden administration has now had a grand total of 25 days to track down their parents after Trump's ICE made sure to avoid keeping any records. Or is your proposal to kick the kids out on the street and say "Good luck, hope you find your mom"?

Can we focus in on the actual bad shit instead of parroting whatever snappy Twitter meme has everyone's attention today? Your own link talks about how this is for unaccompanied kids at the border, what would you actually do with them? Please don't say put them in the foster system


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Okay I want ICE destroyed as much as anyone and frankly? I'm a "borders should just be open, fuck it" guy, but can we stop acting like "overflow facilities" is the same as kids in cages? Yes, actually, it is a pretty major improvement that a bunch of kids who were separated from their parents are now in dormitory housing instead of literally sleeping on the ground inside wire fences, since the Biden administration has now had a grand total of 25 days to track down their parents after Trump's ICE made sure to avoid keeping any records. Or is your proposal to kick the kids out on the street and say "Good luck, hope you find your mom"?

Can we focus in on the actual bad shit instead of parroting whatever snappy Twitter meme has everyone's attention today? Your own link talks about how this is for unaccompanied kids at the border, what would you actually do with them? Please don't say put them in the foster system
That would require people to actually have a plan for a supremely complex problem (that's only going to get worse as certain nations face massive climate migration and which, all honesty, needs to be solved at an international level).

I sincerely don't know what you do with unaccompanied minors other than house them until they can be released to a family member. I don't know what you do if they don't have a family member in the U.S., or if a family member from the sending nation shows up to claim them during the interim period. I also don't know what you do if, between entering the U.S. and having a court hearing date, the migrant's family is no longer able to provide for them, the migrant commits a non-serious (or serious) crime, or they exprss a desire to live on their own instead.

I do not know the answer to these questions, but I do know it's not a stupid Twitter meme.


Oct 25, 2017
just tired of people acting like A) biden can do whatever he wants as king B) liberals control everything from tweeting. C) these people that post that stuff, especially the andy throwing woody out meme act like they are so much more woke and smarter than everyone else. Its tiresome and stupid. We're all on the same team and largely all want the same goals.

I think that the country offers us a binary choice gives the illusion that leftists and liberals are close in ideology, but that's not really the case for the most part.


Oct 27, 2017
dunno how this addresses the ice issue but this is a good start for immigration overall

Sánchez, Menendez Introduce Bicameral U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 to Overhaul American Immigration System

Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez (CA-38) and U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) today introduced the bicameral U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, President Biden’s bold, inclusive, and humane framework for the future of the United States immigration system. Reps. Zoe Lofgren (CA-19), Lucille...

also find it appalling & concerning that this thread is only 3 pages


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
just tired of people acting like A) biden can do whatever he wants as king B) liberals control everything from tweeting. C) these people that post that stuff, especially the andy throwing woody out meme act like they are so much more woke and smarter than everyone else. Its tiresome and stupid. We're all on the same team and largely all want the same goals.
I bullshit you not: Joe Biden can cancel most of the student debt in this entire country with the flick of a pen. He is deciding not to.

Also, much like Trump did tons of times throughout his presidency, he could fire the current ICE director on the spot and put in someone whose entire mission is to make the agency be completely ineffective.


Oct 28, 2017
Biden promised to end the use of 287(g) agreements and now he's put out guidelines that leave enforcement broadly to ICE's discretion. Until that changes I'd say that's a broken promise.

Ok this is what I found based on your concern.

  • End the Trump Administration's historic use of 287(g) agreements. Section 10 of President Trump's January 25, 2017 executive order sought to deputize state and local law enforcement to perform the function of an immigration officer. These types of actions undermine trust and cooperation between local law enforcement and the communities they are charged to protect. As President, Biden will end all the agreements entered into by the Trump Administration, and aggressively limit the use of 287(g) and similar programs that force local law enforcement to take on the role of immigration enforcement.

The Biden Agenda for the Latino Community

Joe Biden believes that the story of America is one of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The Latino community is a core part of the American community and their contributions are evident in every part of society. Our nation’s ability to draw and welcome hard-working, aspirational...

So right there from the beginning the Biden team has said they would only remove what Trump did. They are ok with 287(g) as it existed before then.

That said, what Biden ended up doing can be easily interpreted as outright ending 287(g) because before Trump, the government barely used it.

Sec. 2. Revocation. Executive Order 13768 of January 25, 2017 (Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States), is hereby revoked. The Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, and the heads of any other relevant executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall review any agency actions developed pursuant to Executive Order 13768 and take action, including issuing revised guidance, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, that advances the policy set forth in section 1 of this order.

Executive Order 13768 is too long but here is the relevant part about 287(g) that was revoked.

Sec. 8. Federal-State Agreements. It is the policy of the executive branch to empower State and local law enforcement agencies across the country to perform the functions of an immigration officer in the interior of the United States to the maximum extent permitted by law.

(a) In furtherance of this policy, the Secretary shall immediately take appropriate action to engage with the Governors of the States, as well as local officials, for the purpose of preparing to enter into agreements under section 287(g) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1357(g)).

(b) To the extent permitted by law and with the consent of State or local officials, as appropriate, the Secretary shall take appropriate action, through agreements under section 287(g) of the INA, or otherwise, to authorize State and local law enforcement officials, as the Secretary determines are qualified and appropriate, to perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens in the United States under the direction and the supervision of the Secretary. Such authorization shall be in addition to, rather than in place of, Federal performance of these duties.

(c) To the extent permitted by law, the Secretary may structure each agreement under section 287(g) of the INA in a manner that provides the most effective model for enforcing Federal immigration laws for that jurisdiction

Biden followed through on his promise.


Oct 25, 2017
Predictable, democrates will just do the bare minimum and let things go back to "normal"... And now he said he's open to negotiate the minimum wage with republicans...

It's all back to status quo like excepted

Obviously it's miles better than trump, but it's not an excuse

also find it appalling & concerning that this thread is only 3 pages

it's not important, we shouldn't make biden look bad afterall!


Nov 12, 2017
There's no point in making up excuses or trying to put more benevolent meaning into Biden's actions. Similar to how he could obliterate student debt, he could very well end ICE. He just chooses not to.

I don't know why people think he would when during his campaign trail he cut off immigration activists during his campaign trail. His intentions have always been clear. He's not gonna be pushed to the left. And y'all can "tut tut" at me or others who were "I told you so" for not understanding this deep strategy or going "Actually if you read this fine print, he totally did follow one step of his 15 step promise", but until then it's just the good old return of american brutality with a smiley face


Oct 27, 2017
Biden could just do what the ACLU is dinging him for not doing in their response;

1. Limit 287(g) programs where state and local authorities act as immigration enforcers (Biden has pledged to do this
2. Limit the use of ICE detainers, ie keeping people in jail longer so you can deport them.

Instead he's giving out guidelines that ICE needs to go after people who threatened "national security or public safety" and I'm sorry if you haven't figured out by now ICE is just going to go after everyone and say they're a threat to national security or public safety anyway I have a bridge to sell you.

This is the correct take. Not that fear-mongering about open borders that are as likely to happen as Trump becoming humble and honest.

The GOP will accuse him of opening borders and letting in rapists and gang members no matter what he does.

But I guess there are enough xenophobic democrats out there that he needs to kowtow to them too...or he's one of them.


Dec 25, 2019
I get that abolishing ICE is not the same as open borders, but presumably people who want it wouldn't be happy if ICE was abolished but all of their tasks were turned over to the police instead? So the immigration enforcement is the problem, not which agency is doing it, no?


Jan 27, 2018
Isn't it just focusing on actual criminals & not deporting people who sling some weed & drive over the limit? not defending drunk driving, but being deported for that feels borderline fascist.
Biden needed to go further with changes to ICE, it's a shame hes in the moderate wing of Dems.


Oct 29, 2017
Ok this is what I found based on your concern.

The Biden Agenda for the Latino Community

Joe Biden believes that the story of America is one of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The Latino community is a core part of the American community and their contributions are evident in every part of society. Our nation’s ability to draw and welcome hard-working, aspirational...

So right there from the beginning the Biden team has said they would only remove what Trump did. They are ok with 287(g) as it existed before then.

That said, what Biden ended up doing can be easily interpreted as outright ending 287(g) because before Trump, the government barely used it.

Executive Order 13768 is too long but here is the relevant part about 287(g) that was revoked.

Biden followed through on his promise.

Sorry no this is wrong, Biden said he'd end Trump's 287(g) agreements in addition to limiting the practice. That EO does not do that.

It's pretty simple here, Biden has an obligation to actively end all of Trump's 287(g) agreements.
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Oct 28, 2017
Sorry no this is wrong, Biden said he'd end Trump's 287(g) agreements in addition to limiting the practice. That EO does not do that.

You're technically correct and also technically wrong.

To rescind Trump's 287(g) agreements directly he should have rescinded EO 13767 which is why you are technically right.

What he chose to do was rescind EO 13768 which means all executive branch departments can not execute any deals made under 13767.

Since the two executive orders cover a wider range of permissible actions it stands to reason there is something in 13767 he wants to keep alive.

Whatever it is, he still effectively managed to honor his promise of dismantling Trump's 287(g) agreements by ordering DHS and other relevant departments not to use any procedures that enabled those existing agreements.