
Oct 26, 2017
I care more about the swing state polls. It's a given that Biden will get the popular vote
Mar 27, 2018
These headlines scare me, I feel like they build too much confidence and increase complacency.

We gotta be campaigning like we're gonna lose until the very end, we can't get cocky


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I care more about the swing state polls. It's a given that Biden will get the popular vote

Yeah, this was the mistake made with polls in 2016. Too much attention paid to national polls and not enough to swing state polls. I want to see state by state polls and a prediction of electoral college results.


Oct 24, 2017
Yeah, this was the mistake made with polls in 2016. Too much attention paid to national polls and not enough to swing state polls. I want to see state by state polls and a prediction of electoral college results.

Well right now according to RCP Biden is winning in Michigan, PA, Wisconsin, Florida, and Arizona and is virtually tied in NC.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
He keeps doing the right things too. We cant become complacent This should not be a close election but we have to treat it like it'll be won by one vote.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, this was the mistake made with polls in 2016. Too much attention paid to national polls and not enough to swing state polls. I want to see state by state polls and a prediction of electoral college results.

Trump won by a ridiculously small margin across 2 key swing states. No poll was ever going to give us a picture of something like that. It's shocking how many people will say they will vote one way to outwardly hide their shame and yet vote the opposite in the solitude of the voting booth


Oct 25, 2017
These headlines scare me, I feel like they build too much confidence and increase complacency.

We gotta be campaigning like we're gonna lose until the very end, we can't get cocky
if there is one thing you don't need to worry about, is complacency.

but... if you want to worry about something, at least its healthier to try to avoid others complacency


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
These headlines scare me, I feel like they build too much confidence and increase complacency.

We gotta be campaigning like we're gonna lose until the very end, we can't get cocky
Don't worry that people that need to vote don't read the news lol.

I"m hoping for strong social media campaigns. That's what is gonna work.


Nov 3, 2017
We can't let Trump win again.

Look at the state of the country now. In 5yrs there'd be nothing left.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the same in 2016, when everyone was saying Hillary had it in the bag, there was no way the dude from The Apprentice would actually win

then he did, and everyone watched in horror, and people have voted in droves against him and everyone around him for the last 3 years in all elections.

I edited above, it's better to be worried about it and try to do something about then not!

madame x

May 15, 2020
4-5 months ago i thought trump would win against any dem except bernie, but now it seems like anybody can beat him

oh well, at least trump will be out. i wont be voting for biden though, because i have to vote with my conscience (i live in california so dont get mad)


Apr 14, 2018
40 million unemployed
100,000+ dead
Nationwide protests

"No, I don't take responsibility at all"

That's it. That's the ad


Oct 30, 2018
Part of me is starting to wonder if Trump will find an excuse to resign/announce he's not going for a second term if polling continues to trend this way. I think he'd rather leave on his own than lose if the writing is on the wall.


Oct 27, 2017
These headlines scare me, I feel like they build too much confidence and increase complacency.

We gotta be campaigning like we're gonna lose until the very end, we can't get cocky

It's unfortunate that certain people need a guillotine over their heads and a fire under their asses to get them to go all out. People should be able to acknowledge the numbers for what they are without sacrificing that.

To use a baseball metaphor, it doesn't matter if your team's down 10 runs or up 10 runs, when you're up to bat you do everything you fucking can to get another run in.


Oct 27, 2017

From the same ABC/WAPO poll, it's not a slam dunk because Biden voters are just not going to be as enthusiastic as a Trump voter.

So gotta make sure Dems turn out to vote.
Oct 25, 2017
As much as I would love to rave about this, after Hillary, regardless of the candidate she was, I just can't trust polls. I only believe what happens in November. So kudos but ticking a box or answering the phone or sending mail does not guarantee that people will show up. And we absolutely need people to show up. I'm hoping these protest at least makes people wake up about how important state and local elections matter.


Oct 26, 2017
People gotta vote with the mindset that their single vote could win it or lose it all.

I can't catch a breath until Biden is swearing in
Apr 4, 2019
Greater Toronto Area
Trump is screwed. His whole shtick before he became President of the States was that everybody in Washington was an idiot and that he could do everything better then them. How many times did he say: "Nobody knows more about (Iran, the Economy, politicians, China, trade, nuclear, etc.) than me?"

Now after 4 years in office he has proven himself to be an even bigger idiot than the people he was calling idiots. All without admitting no fault. Everything bad happening is because of the nasty media, Dems, China, Socialists, the Deep State, or illegal immigrants. Even his fellow GOP politicians get thrown under the bus.

He's cried wolf so many times that he has no credibility among the 60% of Americans not among his cult.

40 million unemployed
100,000+ dead
Nationwide protests

"No, I don't take responsibility at all"

That's it. That's the ad

Yes. It should be simple for Democrats to showcase how bad he's been and what an asshole he is about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Not only do the Dems need to win, they need to crush the GOP everywhere. They must be vehemently rejected.


Oct 25, 2017
The GOP in WI really fucked up with COVID, FoxConn is a dud, and the current protest movement is going to make it really hard for Trump to win the state.


Oct 27, 2017
Feeling good about our chances. Obviously nothing's guaranteed, but still, I'm optimistic.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Well no duh. Trump's approval rating has remained extremely consistent. The problem is that it hovers around 40% which isn't enough to win an election. Trump's gonna be a blueprint why you don't burn every bridge you come across in politics.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
It's insane how this has all happened in only the past couple months.
I was saying in another thread about Biden that when election time is drawing near there's gonna be some major dystopian-like ads showing EVERYTHING this fucker has done since he took office and how he hasn't accomplished a damn thing for like 99.9% of people


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I care more about the swing state polls. It's a given that Biden will get the popular vote
There's generally assumed to be about a 2.5-point (or so) edge in the Electoral College favoring the GOP. Biden has consistently been up by about 7-8 points on average. A situation where Biden wins by that much and still loses the Electoral College pretty much only exists as a hypothetical, though obviously if Biden's lead narrows he has reason to worry.


Nov 28, 2018
I care more about the swing state polls. It's a given that Biden will get the popular vote
From the same poll:
Trump has the edge among voters in the South while Biden leads in the Northeast and the West. A subsample in the new poll that includes registered voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio and Iowa shows a tight contest across those states, with Biden at 51 percent and Trump at 46 percent.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
if there is one thing you don't need to worry about, is complacency.

but... if you want to worry about something, at least its healthier to try to avoid others complacency
I agree. This will be quite a bit different from other elections as the two visions for the country are so starkly different and most people will realize that the election is much more important than a typical election. Here in AZ we have voted for a Democratic nominee only once since 1948 (Clinton's reelection in 96) so the fact that it's a battleground state, I think, shows just how much the landscape has shifted under Trump's incompetent ass.