Dec 28, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
It always seemed to me that getting 67 votes in the Senate was going to be the most difficult thing to accomplish given the right wing apathy to Trump. I fully expect a Democratic House to successfully impeach him in 2019 though.

I also fully expect Trump to limp his presidency on to 2020 essentially as a lame duck.
Not saying that will or won't happen, but impeaching Bill Clinton had an opposite effect which made him more popular afterwards.


Oct 27, 2017
I've always found this somewhat true. Even if we have all the evidence to suggest involvement, are we gonna see the votes in congress to impeach and files charges? Trumpism is growing among the right and it won't be long before his shtick becomes the norm for them. It's gonna be a mess once we get down the road to that situation and it's hard to predict anything in this political climate.

Edit: I'm wondering if Muller knows this as well? Maybe he's holding off until after midterms to see what can be done? He would just be gathering evidence until then and with Trump's daily rants he digs himself into deeper holes than the day before.


Oct 25, 2017
lol this thread has some real gems in it. Comparing him to Hannity, and now he's hard right. When the enemy of your enemy is also your have too many enemies, and the problem might be you. Bill is an ally. A loud, opinionated ally. But still an ally.

He is not an ally. Get out with that nonsense.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Not saying that will or won't happen, but impeaching Bill Clinton had an opposite effect which made him more popular afterwards.
Notice how the DNC doesn't talk about impeachment? Along the lines of what you said, talking about it will only lead to hardship for them in the mid-terms.

He is not an ally. Get out with that nonsense.

To you maybe. To me he very much is. So you get out. Or stay. Free will.


Nov 16, 2017
If you look at it historically, the Presidency has been broken many times before. Harding, Jackson and Nixon all fucked the system in their own special ways. Some of those things were fixed afterwards, but we still live with many of those flaws. I would argue that Ford's decision to pardon Nixon was one of the single most damaging things that ever happened to our country.

Nixon was entirely discredited by watergate and he was elected and re-elected with massive popular support. The question is does the American electorate care as much about having a criminal president as it used to back then.

My knowledge of Watergate isn't full and I lack the awareness of how great of an effect it has had on the country, so I can't really comment too much on it.

In response to Blast, I would say those flaws that persist today have only led to the situation we have now. And what will Trumps flaws bring? He's opened a pandoras box thats pretty much energized America's latent racism. It would take an extreme establishment politician to but the lid back on, something I believe we will never have again

In response to Sapien85, the answer is no. Irregardless of who has higher numbers, the Tea Party / MAGA cult has found a solid footing amongt the American mindshare. When Trump is dead and gone, they will still remain and his spirit will embolden them. Ironically, him winning is the best result since him sowing so much discontent would have martyrized him if he lost the election, but branding him a criminal (rightfully so btw) and ostracizing him will have the same effect.

Its like we're too far gone, I can't think of any effective way too combat White Nationalism. It will always be propagated and those in power will cling to its dominion and preserve it as much as possible.


Dec 1, 2017
lol this thread has some real gems in it. Comparing him to Hannity, and now he's hard right. When the enemy of your enemy is also your have too many enemies, and the problem might be you. Bill is an ally. A loud, opinionated ally. But still an ally.

He's a strident imperialism apologist, a transphobe, and an "anti-PC" freeze peach dumbass.

Politics isn't team sports, the dude sure as fuck isn't my "ally" no matter what party he says he votes for.


Oct 25, 2017
Notice how the DNC doesn't talk about impeachment? Along the lines of what you said, talking about it will only lead to hardship for them in the mid-terms.

To you maybe. To me he very much is. So you get out. Or stay. Free will.

To anyone who cares about the people he regularly talks bigoted shit about, he is the stark opposite.

He's a bigot and a small minded pos. Not the kind of ally anyone who cares about others would want.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
To anyone who cares about the people he regularly talks bigoted shit about, he is the stark opposite.

He's a bigot and a small minded pos. Not the kind of ally anyone who cares about others would want.

Remember when he had Milo on and let him spew his transphobic bullshit and instead of calling him out he just shrugged?


Oct 28, 2017
He is not an ally. Get out with that nonsense.

The extreme left-wing purity testing of everyone is part of why we are in this mess with Trump.

You don't have to agree with every left-wing ideal to be a left-wing ally.

The only place Bill Maher is really far off the rails is his anti-science anti-big-pharma attitude. He has some really stupid beliefs on drugs and "natural" cures and crap.

I know others don't like his hot-takes on Islam, but I find I often at least sympathize a little, and sometimes agree, depending on the rant. I have a very dim view of any kinds of religious zealots.

I'm with Maher on this one. Trump isn't going anywhere before 2020. The only thing the investigation is gonna get is to help influence the 2020 vote.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
I'm with Maher on this one. Trump isn't going anywhere before 2020. The only thing the investigation is gonna get is to help influence the 2020 vote.
Yep, and that's the reason to cheer Mueller on. In the meantime, the dems need to win back the House and Senate to stem Trumps ability to fuck up even more shit.


Oct 26, 2017
it's not just about the Mueller probe, it's also about filling the swamp with the likes from the Gilded Age.

Trump is the Berlusconni of America and is getting away with it because greedy people are letting him
Oct 24, 2017
The extreme left-wing purity testing of everyone is part of why we are in this mess with Trump.

You don't have to agree with every left-wing ideal to be a left-wing ally.

The only place Bill Maher is really far off the rails is his anti-science anti-big-pharma attitude. He has some really stupid beliefs on drugs and "natural" cures and crap.

I know others don't like his hot-takes on Islam, but I find I often at least sympathize a little, and sometimes agree, depending on the rant. I have a very dim view of any kinds of religious zealots.

I'm with Maher on this one. Trump isn't going anywhere before 2020. The only thing the investigation is gonna get is to help influence the 2020 vote.

Nah, Maher can go fuck himself. Unless you agree with his transphobia, in which case kindly say so so I can utilize the block button.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
That's not what he is saying. He's saying that Mueller can't throw Trump out of the WH alone and Trump is above the law despite how many times liberals are saying he is under the law.

No matter what happens Pence would pardon him. People that really think impeachment is going to happen need to get real. And if half the motherfuckers with political twitter-fingers sit home like they did in '16 ya'll gonna get 4 more years of your boy. Believe it or not ALOT of Americans don't give a fuck about his disgusting shit-talking and view liberals and democrats FAR worse. So as long as he is seen as trying to implement their agenda they'll support him.
Oct 27, 2017
Bill Maher has his opinion on this, which is only informed as he can be, which is about as informed as anyone else. He is not an authority on anything aside from being a snarky ass on a TV talk show. Don't fall for this fallacy. The reality is that when enough evidence forces things, politicians worried about reelection will make decisions against the current regime. The GOP is evil, but they're all about that self preservation.


Oct 26, 2017
until Mueller finishes his job, we are just yelling at the TV watching CNN with no result.

I'm only going to be impressed when people start going to jail but if nobody goes to jail then the system is a joke


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Trivializing transphobia.

Nah, Maher can go fuck himself. Unless you agree with his transphobia, in which case kindly say so so I can utilize the block button.

Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.

Maybe in your book that makes me a transphobic asshole too, in which case, block away, and enjoy your slightly more liberal than before bubble. TBH I don't actually know any trans people - but my Dad is a lifetime crossdresser, so I have plenty of empathy for them, I guess you could say.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.

Pathetic. He has no problem challenging his guests on other issues.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.
He has a suspicious habit of agreeing with the people with supposedly opposing viewpoints and throwing a tiny fit every time more liberal people call him out on his bs views.

Your argument also makes no sense now that we know deplatforming these people makes them go away, letting them speak is what gives us Trump.
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
The Maher hate here is a little tiresome. Yeah he gets some things wrong. But so do all of us. He's never hurt anyone. He is not right wing by any stretch of the imagination and the left needs to stop shutting out anyone that doesn't pass some absurd purity test.

This. I both agree and disagree with him. You know, like you do with another person within your circle. He puts out a kick ass television show with great guests and panel discussions.

The internet has polarized us to the point of it's the best shit ever or the worst, you're either Mr Rogers or Hitler.

Oct 24, 2017
Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.

Maybe in your book that makes me a transphobic asshole too, in which case, block away, and enjoy your slightly more liberal than before bubble. TBH I don't actually know any trans people - but my Dad is a lifetime crossdresser, so I have plenty of empathy for them, I guess you could say.
Sorry I can't support someone who makes the same jokes about me as the right.


Nov 1, 2017
You clearly took your time to listen to his arguments. Oh wait.
He's right.

This is getting better and better.

Reading high-quality posts like this, I wonder: Have you even ever listened to Maher talk?

Holy shit.

You're insane if you honestly believe this.

Wow, lost in translation... i should have used a /s for my position holy
Don't click the fucking thread if you don't want to give him attention. Stop telling other people what to do.

And you my friend, take yourself too damn serious.
Oct 26, 2017
I have a feeling Trump has committed more than one instance of crime and there's likely tons of proof for each of his crimes. So much that republicans will be forced to vote him out as well. Actually forced is the wrong word. Based on the way Republicans talk in private on the hill I think they would welcome the convictions as cover for them voting against him.

This is not a Bill Clinton lied about an affair so impeach him scenario. This will have money laundering, conspiracy to defraud, lies, campaign finance violations and likely much more


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny what people will forgive when they're not the subjects of someone's bad actions. "Oh, Maher let's a transphobe rattle off untruths using his platform? Doesn't affect me. Why is everyone making a big deal about it?"


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
No matter what happens Pence would pardon him. People that really think impeachment is going to happen need to get real. And if half the motherfuckers with political twitter-fingers sit home like they did in '16 ya'll gonna get 4 more years of your boy. Believe it or not ALOT of Americans don't give a fuck about his disgusting shit-talking and view liberals and democrats FAR worse. So as long as he is seen as trying to implement their agenda they'll support him.

Don't think Pence could do shit about any state charges. Though if all the charges levied against him are federal, hes riding off into the sunset clean.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when he had Milo on and let him spew his transphobic bullshit and instead of calling him out he just shrugged?
I remember.

The extreme left-wing purity testing of everyone is part of why we are in this mess with Trump.

You don't have to agree with every left-wing ideal to be a left-wing ally.

The only place Bill Maher is really far off the rails is his anti-science anti-big-pharma attitude. He has some really stupid beliefs on drugs and "natural" cures and crap.

I know others don't like his hot-takes on Islam, but I find I often at least sympathize a little, and sometimes agree, depending on the rant. I have a very dim view of any kinds of religious zealots.

I'm with Maher on this one. Trump isn't going anywhere before 2020. The only thing the investigation is gonna get is to help influence the 2020 vote.

Dismissing things as "purity test" is fast becoming a hand wave for allowing bigoted ideas. No thanks.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
As per usual the left has to compromise and make deals, while the right not only does whatever it wants, moderates flock to cape for them

Never changes


Oct 26, 2017
Oh noes proud leftists.
I didn't put a value judgement on it. But yeah a lot of people around here (since Trump?) have gone further left of where Maher's center-left liberal target audience is. We use "centrist" as a pejorative around here now :P

And i would really like to know what you consider 'hard leftists'..

I don't mean communists of course. It's relative to the American political scene and for some people that will never be left at all. But further left than the center.

The type who lately calls for aggressive deplatforming, wants hate speech criminalized, is actually afraid of Nazis/fascism in 2018, throws out the word bigot very easily, definitely supports more socialism over more free market initiatives... That kind of left. More left than what tend I think an average American liberal, or for that matter Maher's target audience, is.


Oct 25, 2017
As per usual the left has to compromise and make deals, while the right not only does whatever it wants, moderates flock to cape for them

Never changes

Critical hit.

I didn't put a value judgement on it. But yeah a lot of people around here (since Trump?) have gone further left of where Maher's center-left liberal target audience is. We use "centrist" as a pejorative around here now :P

I don't mean communists of course. It's relative to the American political scene and for some people that will never be left at all. But further left than the center.

The type who lately calls for aggressive deplatforming, wants hate speech criminalized, is actually afraid of Nazis/fascism in 2018, throws out the word bigot very easily, definitely supports more socialism over more free market initiatives... That kind of left. More left than what tend I think an average American liberal, or for that matter Maher's target audience, is.

You really don't need to be anywhere near what you're defining to know Maher is a bigot and should be ignored entirely.


Oct 25, 2017
Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.

Maybe in your book that makes me a transphobic asshole too, in which case, block away, and enjoy your slightly more liberal than before bubble. TBH I don't actually know any trans people - but my Dad is a lifetime crossdresser, so I have plenty of empathy for them, I guess you could say.

This post is quite something.

- Calling out bigots is how we got Trump.
- The point of this show is to bring people you disagree with but then not disagree with them.
- Making transphobic jokes and letting transphobic people use your show to spread their hate does not make you a transphobe.
- Equating crossdressing to Transgenderism.
- Bubbles.


Oct 30, 2017
how big and important does he think he is? you can certainly criticize the guy, but i have never gotten the impression he thinks he is anything but a comedian and a television host who "tells it like it is."
He is really condescending to people, extremely judgmental, partakes in bullying behavior and thinks he knows everything.

Not arguing that it is not justified sometimes, but many times it can be extremely off-putting.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
His claim entirely falls upon the assumption that Republicans would not vote for his impeachment. There is so much we know Trump is being investigated for - money laundering, collusion, obstruction, quid pro pro, etc - if charges for just half of those come to light, Trump becomes toxic. Toxic to the point Republicans will vote to save their own career over his, and given the power balance swing after November it should not be a problem having enough votes.


Oct 25, 2017
Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump.

The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up?

Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry.

Maybe in your book that makes me a transphobic asshole too, in which case, block away, and enjoy your slightly more liberal than before bubble. TBH I don't actually know any trans people - but my Dad is a lifetime crossdresser, so I have plenty of empathy for them, I guess you could say.

Not standing up to Milo's hateful transphobic views while on your own show is absolutely supporting transphobia.

It's a real shame you're cool with that.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
His claim entirely falls upon the assumption that Republicans would not vote for his impeachment. There is so much we know Trump is being investigated for - money laundering, collusion, obstruction, quid pro pro, etc - if charges for just half of those come to light, Trump becomes toxic. Toxic to the point Republicans will vote to save their own career over his, and given the power balance swing after November it should not be a problem having enough votes.
Um, the dude said he liked to grab women by the pussy, cheated on his wives with porn stars, and paid off porn stars, most likely with campaign funds. And the GOP doesn't view him as toxic still. They never will because Trump voters view all those things as plusses in his favor. The GOP members who are disgusted by it aren't trying to change anything. They're merely leaving office willingly and allowing others who can tolerate Trump take their place.

Racists are not allies no matter how you spin it. Not everyone has such privilege.

Oh he's racist now too?


Oct 25, 2017
lol this thread has some real gems in it. Comparing him to Hannity, and now he's hard right. When the enemy of your enemy is also your have too many enemies, and the problem might be you. Bill is an ally. A loud, opinionated ally. But still an ally.

How I've always felt about the guy. He's no saint, but who the hell really is?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like Maher as much as some of you here but nothing he's saying is remotely partisan.

Trump is "above the law" given the kind of crap he's gotten away with already. And Republican Senators are not going to vote to remove him from office. This is the truth, a Democrat president would have been long gone if they pulled this shit.

Maher doesn't mean people should give up. Quite the opposite, vote, resist and fight back harder then ever but be mindful of the (current) situation.

It doesn't mean Mueller's investigation is useless. It's probably the most important investigation in US history. Again, just be mindful of what Mueller can/cannot do.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
As per usual the left has to compromise and make deals, while the right not only does whatever it wants, moderates flock to cape for them

Never changes

It's less about caping for them and realizing the reality of the situation as it is now. By all means if you can let us know how Mueller can get Trump impeached and removed out of office that's not based on feelings alone you are more than welcome. This isn't about purity tests, this isn't about allies or what Maher said in the past. This isn't even really about the Democrats and that's a big part of the point. This is about the factual reality at hand and the reality of the numbers in the Congress and Senate after an optimistic mid terms.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
lol this thread has some real gems in it. Comparing him to Hannity, and now he's hard right. When the enemy of your enemy is also your have too many enemies, and the problem might be you. Bill is an ally. A loud, opinionated ally. But still an ally.



Oct 28, 2017
This post is quite something.

- Calling out bigots is how we got Trump.
- The point of this show is to bring people you disagree with but then not disagree with them.
- Making transphobic jokes and letting transphobic people use your show to spread their hate does not make you a transphobe.
- Equating crossdressing to Transgenderism.
- Bubbles.

I didn't really say any of that, but OK, sure buddy.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Um, the dude said he liked to grab women by the pussy, cheated on his wives with porn stars, and paid off porn stars, most likely with campaign funds. And the GOP doesn't view him as toxic still. They never will because Trump voters view all those things as plusses in his favor. The GOP members who are disgusted by it aren't trying to change anything. They're merely leaving office willingly and allowing others who can tolerate Trump take their place.

There is an ocean of difference in what he's done before and actual serious legal charges. They will not be able to hide, excuse or run away from them. It would consume the entire party and news coverage until something was done. At that point Republicans would have absolutely nothing to gain by keeping him in power, but only so much to lose. And Pence becoming President is something they have always wanted anyway.