Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Happy first day of Black History Month

On Friday night's Real Time, after mocking ex-Starbucks CEO and presidential hopeful Howard Schultz ("a giant asshole") and President Trump ("he knows nothing about black people"), Maher welcomed Will Hurd, a Republican congressman representing Texas' 23rd District, onto the program.

Following some back and forth about the border wall, which Rep. Hurd—who represents "more border than any part of Congress"—isn't a fan of, Maher asked Hurd, who is black, why he's a Republican.

"I'm just asking why you're a Republican?" he pressed. "Because they're not good at the debt, that was their big thing. You said limited government, they don't do that. They took over the Congress in 2011 and they raised the debt a trillion dollars a year. They're not good at national defense—the president's a traitor. What's in it for you? What is in the Republican Party for you? You were in the CIA!"

With that, Hurd explained, "I was in the CIA for almost a decade. I was the dude in the back alleys at four o'clock in the morning collecting intelligence on threats to the homeland."

"That's where you'd collect it, huh? Wow," shot back Maher. "By the Popeyes Chicken?"

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Nov 8, 2017
Guy in the CIA supports president who goes against the CIA on everything. Makes sense.

Why even throw that dumb joke in there? It's not even funny and comes completely out of the blue.

Deleted member 50969

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Dec 17, 2018
Maher is that follow who always tries to have witty comeback, its just unfortunate for him that his witty comebacks include racially charged quips.


Oct 29, 2017
He really can't fucking help himself? And he thinks he's really all that different from Trump or his MAGA base


May 11, 2018
Because the other villains live in Westeros.

Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
I was looking for the racist part and then that last sentence hit and I just had to look it up to see it and heart it for myself.

What is is wrong with this dude?


Oct 25, 2017
Somebody is gonna come ITT and defend it because black republicans are walking contradictions and/or Maher is an important liberal ally and voice and we can't afford to "cancel" him

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
He's fighting racism though so it's okay, like that time he talked about how white people can use the N-word.

I read the OP and then checked out that section of the video to see if there was explanation for why he might have thought it. Was the guy from Louisiana or had a strong accent or something? Nope. Did it link to anything that related to Popeye's? Not really, the guy mentioned a back alley and Bill Maher jumped to Popeye's.


Oct 25, 2017
What Popeye's are located in back alleys? Maher just really wanted to bring up that black people eat fried chicken, huh?


Oct 27, 2017
How the hell does Maher still have a show?

I don't know anyone that watches him anymore.

Caja 117

Oct 25, 2017
As an european I don't get it. Could someone explain it to me please?
Is a Sterotype used to make fun of Black people that they like fried Chicken very much. Popeyes is a very famous Fried Chicken restaurant chain in USA.

Next week Maher will probably just double down on this by saying people get too offended, just like he doubled down on the Stan Lee thing.

$10 Bagel

Oct 25, 2017
I don't see why this was brought up

Why do racists always have the dumbest "jokes" and do they really think they're that clever?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
The dude doesn't think when he vomits some medieval shit like this. He's an old school racist, not even subtle.

Deleted member 32374

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Nov 10, 2017
Just such a basic lack of respect. I mean come on dude.... Lost all credibility with the racist shit a while back.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
What Popeye's are located in back alleys? Maher just really wanted to bring up that black people eat fried chicken, huh?

If there was any innocent intent to it at all, I think the joke was supposed to be envisioning the back alley, like it's nestled between stores. But there are a million ways you can go about that without mentioning the word "chicken". Hell, he could have said "between the Popeye's and the Burger King" and it wouldn't just be about a fried chicken place.


Oct 29, 2017
Remember guys, he's an "ally".
Yep. That's the key the people who defend men like Maher don't get. When you actually become an ally, there needs to be a fundamental change. There needs to be an understanding as to why basic shit like this is gross. The fact that Maher hasn't even passed that simple hurdle is why his sincerity as an ally is called into question. Hell, even if internally someone finds something like this fucking hilarious, the desire to actually do better should usurp the desire for a cheap laugh and stifle that unfunny nonsense before it comes out of your mouth if, that is, that person is someone genuinely interested in the comfort of minorities and the progress of society as a whole.

Maher is both unwilling to do that stifling as well as unwilling to learn, evolve and actually take what minorities say to heart. Rather it seems he's fucking insulted by the very notion of not being allowed to be bigoted simply because he's on the "right side". He doesn't get to do that and claim he's an ally and people don't get to excuse his behavior just because "he's on our side".


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
The dude doesn't think when he vomits some medieval shit like this. He's an old school racist, not even subtle.

He's not old school though. He dates alot of black women, sees himself as progressive in a bunch of ways; in his mind he's the good guy which is why he probably tells himself these are just racy 'jokes' that's the wrong forum to try out (the field n----- joke) . It reminds me of people like Rappaport that feel that because they feel they have a grasp of race and feel they are invited to the 'cookout' that they can speak any type of way.


The Negro Historian
Oct 25, 2017
He said the n-word and kept his show. A "Black people love chicken" joke will be hand waved away


Oct 27, 2017
I sincerely don't understand what this dudes audience is since no one I know, regardless of political views, seems to like him.

Tbh though if him dropping an N bomb recently didn't make waves, this won't either