
Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
fuck that shit they need to stop blurring these asshole's faces


Oct 27, 2017
Probably because I'm blissfully unaware of how bad its been and come off tone deaf.
Yup, that.

Even though we (black people) and they (other minorities) have been telling you this for decades, so you should've known how pervasive it is without cameraphones.

Even though we had one of the most high profile examples of this emerge long before everyone had a camera in their pocket, so you should've understood right then and there.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
Combine the worst aspects of landlords, untrained police officers, local government, rules lawyering nimby assholes and you have your average HOA president. Petty tyrants with better legal protection than you'd imagine.


Oct 27, 2017
I've lived in a number of communities with HOA's and largely anyone involved with them who lived in the community was a complete asshole to deal with. i've seen people like this harass and chase people in their cars until they left the community without any proof or reason to justify it. i've had people come over to my house to tell me i had too many guests/cars in the vicinity and was only permitted "so many guests or guests vehicles near my property at any given time", basically any bullshit they want to make up to punish people they don't want in the community.

worst I ever had to deal with was a neighbor on the HOA board (a retired elementary teacher much less), blacklisting me because she saw that I let a teenager (who happened to not be white) into the community through the side gate along my home. that night i got a call from her to remind me im not allowed to let anyone into the community without proper ID, "how many black people live here to believe he was visiting family?" lol

two weeks later i got notices about having too many wind chimes on my patio and that my garden lighting was "distracting my neighbors", much less the crap i've dealt with over things like the confederate flag/tea party shit being allowed outside of some homes but being told a small political sign in my yard wasn't allowed (it was for a democrat). HOA's and gated communities are trash, even in more "progressive neighborhoods" in LA i've seen people behave like bigoted trash once your behind some gates.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Dude becomes a HOA president and uses that pittingly small bit of authority to bully a black person.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Delivering while black. He's just trying to do his job. Fuck that HOA president.


Oct 25, 2017
Hope this dude gets sued, or at least gets non-threatening harassment in return. I live a few miles away from him. (His home address is already out there on the first local news site comments section I saw, so I suspect he's going to have a bad time).

Dude is an oil-made millionaire.


Apr 18, 2018
as soon as this hit the news he went hard out, disconnecting his phone number

what a coward

why didn't he just use the standard white person defense template?

"I have never been called a racist before, and I'm very hurt by all the accusations. I have many black friends. There has been a rash of thefts in the areas so I was being precautious. Excuse me for doing my duty as an American citizen. You people should be ashamed of yourselves!"


Oct 29, 2017
I'm so sick of racism and bigotry. It's so exhausting. Black people literally can't do anything safely in America.


Oct 25, 2017
Hope this dude gets sued, or at least gets non-threatening harassment in return. I live a few miles away from him. (His home address is already out there on the first local news site comments section I saw, so I suspect he's going to have a bad time).

Dude is an oil-made millionaire.

My mans is rich and has nothing better to do than harass people trying to do their job?

Oct 25, 2017
"working while black" - added to the list.

i'm getting so fucking tired of this BULLSHIT.

can't imagine just HOW tired of this black people themselves are...




Nov 6, 2017
Did the video just quickly gloss over the fact that his wife and kids died in the last month, or did I misunderstand that? Holy shit if I'm not mistaken, though...
Oct 25, 2017
HOAs were created solely to push minorities out of neighborhoods. 100% of HOA presidents are like this, who the fuck else would care what your lawn looks like? They need to be abolished.

Urban Scholar

Oct 30, 2017
Ahh racism as traditional as grandma's cooking. As abundant as the oceans. As invisible as the air we breathe. And still completely ignored by the population at large as if it were a fairy tale.