
Oct 25, 2017

So ongoing right now is the "The Truth Lies" ARG event for Black Ops 6. For those unfamiliar, Treyarch has been doing these for awhile now leading up to the announcement of their next Black Ops title. For Black Ops Cold War in particular there was the "Pawn Takes Pawn" ARG.

I thought that rather than have this locked behind the other thread which is just general BO6 discussion, this can be used to talk about the ARG specifically.

Open your eyes. The truth lies.

You might remember a better time. But it was false. Trust no one. Open your eyes. Find the truth.

Right now there is a website that has a TV where you can go through the channels, there is even a TV Guide on Channel 1.

Channel 4 seems to be the only one that isn't currently showing anything.

It seems to be a mix of stuff from the 1990's to Present Day. Unlike the ARG from Cold War which took place itself in 1989, the "main" part of the ARG seems to be set in the present here, since all of the "defacing" of landmarks is clearly of the present.

The biggest part of this is that if you go to Channel 5, there is a longer video that is playing that when you reach the end of it, there is a button in the top right corner to "rewind" at the end, which shows off a very short snippet of Zombies Gameplay.

However, there is also these in that video as well:

View: https://imgur.com/x3B3gZ2

View: https://imgur.com/bEg945m

The Zombies Gameplay (you can't seemingly save the footage of it like you can of other videos on there by pressing the Rec button)

View: https://x.com/charlieINTEL/status/1794872560498405538

And then there is the Live Action Trailer in 2 days:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V08UPqchVgQ

The coordinates on the image of the video are of Saddam Hussein's Palace... which I'm guessing that is who you see in the thumbnail.

My own speculation:

Going based on the imagery in the latest video, I'm guessing the US is... making "Toy Soldiers" by somehow doing some Brain stuff to soldiers? Hence the strange machine we see and also the literal puppet/toy.

Which could be a follow up to this from Mauer Der Toten:


Which had you working with a Robot that seemingly had a decent amount of intelligence. Considering that Requiem, the faction you worked for in Zombies, was a group within the CIA (which that latest video of BOCW mentions), that means they would have the information on how Klaus was made, since he was made by Requiem.
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Oct 25, 2017
Seems like they are returning to the nuttiness of Black Ops 1, which I'm pretty psyched to see

Has there been any indication about a troubled dev cycle on this, or has Treyarch gotten to take their time?


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like they are returning to the nuttiness of Black Ops 1, which I'm pretty psyched to see

Has there been any indication about a troubled dev cycle on this, or has Treyarch gotten to take their time?

None AFAIK, in fact, this game has had the longest Dev Cycle of any CoD at 4 years.


Oct 26, 2017
So it's a redo of the Cold War stuff from the original? Didn't NuCO set up the same stuff?


Oct 26, 2017
I need to replay the BLOP series, I dont remember much from them. I hope they add them to game pass leading up to 6.


Dec 28, 2017
I know the running theory right now is the Perseus group morphing into this Cerberus group but from the teasers, I feel like they're setting up the rise of Cordis Die. Maybe Cerberus was a Cordis Die predecessor. If next year's game is really a sequel to Black Ops 2 then this seems likely.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I know the running theory right now is the Perseus group morphing into this Cerberus group but from the teasers, I feel like they're setting up the rise of Cordis Die. Maybe Cerberus was a Cordis Die predecessor. If next year's game is really a sequel to Black Ops 2 then this seems likely.
It's set in the 90's so yeah, Menendez would be active during that period. Won't surprise me if he appears in this game as a cameo just like Zakhaev and Krevchenko did in CW.


Apr 28, 2020
you know the ARG and marketing is very on the nose with the US elections coming up and bs shenanigans right now


Oct 25, 2017
damn, that's wild. Is it cross-gen?

It is.

Similar to MWIII, Black Ops 4 will also be using CoD HQ.

So technically speaking, Black Ops 4 will be """DLC""" to MWII lol

Tom Henderson said that as of currently, 48% of PlayStation players on CoD are still using a PS4. Too big of a group of players to cut off as of this time.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It is.

Similar to MWIII, Black Ops 4 will also be using CoD HQ.

So technically speaking, Black Ops 4 will be """DLC""" to MWII lol

Tom Henderson said that as of currently, 48% of PlayStation players on CoD are still using a PS4. Too big of a group of players to cut off as of this time.
what's CoD HQ?


Oct 25, 2017

CoD HQ is the unified CoD Client. It's currently the home of MWII, MWIII, and Warzone. You can essentially pick and choose which stuff you have installed.

So you could have like... the Campaign of MWII installed, MWIII's MP installed and Warzone Installed. Or just have Warzone installed and nothing else.


Oct 25, 2017
Well we have cod games not doing that great for cod standards. But this game feels it has a lot of hype behind it wit how the teasers have gone

The only recent "dip" was Vanguard, and even that still sold 30 Million Copies.

But yes, Black Ops 6 will likely sell a lot better, though depending on how Game Pass goes... Maybe not initially until the Switch 2 version drops since there might be a noticeable dip from lack of Xbox game sales.
Oct 25, 2017
Also isn't this one supposed to be open world one?
At least elements of it

I'm not a fan of how MWIII used the Warzone map as open campaign missions but I do think there is a place for an openworld element to COD,
I just think it should be part of an evolution of MW19 Spec-Ops, MWII Spec-Ops, MWII Raids, DMZ and MWZ.

Like imagine you just load into BO6 and you are in a military base

(headquarters from WW2)in open world Kuwait/Iraq with 100ish other players on the server.
And instead of playing MP or regular campaign you can go get a quest from an NPC and just run out of the base and do it on similar to DMZ.

Then you could add the DMZ layer into it where there are other factions around the map you can join and when you have active faction missions it enables PVP with players with an active faction mission of rival factions.

You basically have Warzone's engine and assets baked into the game,
It would be a good way to extend the single player and possibly work in some of those into DMZ or spec-ops
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Oct 26, 2017
At least elements of it

I'm not a fan of how MWIII used the Warzone map as open campaign missions but I do think there is a place for an openworld element to COD,
I just think it should be part of an evolution of MW19 Spec-Ops, MWII Spec-Ops, MWII Raids, DMZ and MWZ.

Like imagine you just load into BO6 and you are in a military base(headquarters from WW2)in open world Kuwait/Iraq with 100ish other players on the server.
And instead of playing MP or regular campaign you can go get a quest from an NPC and just run out of the base and do it on similar to DMZ.

Then you could add the DMZ layer into it where there are other factions around the map you can join and when you have active faction missions it enables PVP with players with an active faction mission of rival factions.

I mean MWIII was development mess, this shouldn't be as far as we know so it should be done better.


Jan 9, 2021
Everything sounds cool except campaign being open world rumor. Are we gonna use Humvee in open world? It's a war game. I think linear campaign fits well. The only thing that would make sense is Cyberpunk-like multiple endings.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Few Days old, but someone got their hands on one of the Newspapers and transcribed all of the article blurbs:


Iconic Presidents Blindfolded in Brazen Act

KEYSTONE - In an act of brazen defiance, an unknown group - identified only by a three-headed-dog insignia - scaled Mount Rushmore overnight, blindfolding the four presidential visages with a series of large, opaque cloths bearing the message, "THE TRUTH LIES".

Tourists discovered the vandalism at daybreak after spotting a group swiftly exiting the park late last night. Locals immediatly descended upon the park to see blindfolds for themselves, and in many cases, voice their outrage.

According to one Keystone resident who wished to remain anonymous, "This is a national treasure, to see it desecrated in this way is heartbreaking".

Social media has exploded with speculation about the group's motives, with theories ranging from anti-government extremists to anarchist pranksters.

As authorities work to remove the blindfolds and restore Mount Rushmore, the question hangs heavy in the air: "Who do we, the people, trust?"

(CONTINUED, page 6)

American Dream Demoted

The ideal Americans Dreams, which has always been portrayed as a bright light of hope and prosperity, was recently redefined as a "semi-conscious haze of disappointment".

This term was coined in an announcement released by the Department of Existential Apathy. Once seen as a symbole of upward progression, financial success and boundless opportunities, the dream now appears far beyond the grasp of an average citizen living in the U.S.

The vision only offers hollowness to the next generation - an existence defined by materialistic emptiness except for a rare moments when desperation in underscored by empty attainment.

This reduced level of promise evokes no response other than a collective indifference from individuals worn out trying to meet unending expectations that provide no tangible or emotional benefit.

(CONTINUED, page 23)

American families divided by politicians' conflicting empty promises.

As American is devoured by another political cycle, promises have once again become the campaign currency of choice. The consequences of this political rhetoric extend far beyond the stump speeches and dabates - inflitrating the home of American families, where divisions emerges as families stake their identity in causes and problems that will never be meaningfully addressed by candidates of either major party.

Families find their relationships strained as they have to choose between false promises of prosperity, security, and progress on one side of the aisle, or the promises of progress, security and prosperity on the other. As the cycle ramps up, it appears clear that the deciding votes will be cast in a few key battleground states, which will determine the political puppet tasked with taking the blame for the country's stalled legislative efforts for the next four years.

As division deepen and trust in political leaders waves, American families are left navigating an increasingly polarized landscape defined by uncertainty. As the cycle of empty platitudes perpetuates, the fabric of American society strains under the weight of disillusionment and division.

Americans on both sides agree on the need to hold politicians accountable and push for clear progress from the elected candidate, though this ambition is sure to dissipate as soon as the election cycle grows old and the football season kicks off.

In a tragic development that has left rationality and logic reeling, the ongoing culture war has claimed the lives of critical thinking and common sense.

The two long-standing pillars of reasonable discourse were pronounced dead at the scene after succumbing to fatal injuries sustained in the crossfire between a series of manufactured, divided ideologies.

"It's a dark way of cognitive faculties everywhere," lamented a philosopher and bystander. "Critical thinking and common sense were staunch defenders of nuanced comprehension and understanding, but they were outmatched and overwhelmed by the pervasive us-versus-them rhetoric and social media misinformation."

Cultural war claims the lives of critical thinking, common sense.

In the wake of tragedy, knee-jerk reactions and emotionally charged hyperbole have stepped in as replacements for the fallen symbols of logos and pathos.

As one charged observer noted, "It's a lot easier to deal in a state of complete emotional delusion and demonize the other side than to consider a path of objectivity or seek common ground."

Attempts were made to revive critical thinking and common sense through the administration of facts and appeals to shared humanity, but the efforts proved futile against the relentless onslaught of divise narratives and deeply-entrenched biases.


Middle-Class American Divided by Ruling Class - Begin Blaming Each Other (TODAY, page 22)

Smoke and Mirrors Distract as American Dream Sold To Highest Bidder (TODAY, page 33)

Recycled Political Stances Do Nothing to Decrease Pollution (TODAY, page 41)

"Department of Existential Apathy"


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Gulf war sounds fun for this one, will probably pick it up


Oct 25, 2017
Well they seem to be going really deep into the whole: "US + Allies" are lying angle after that trailer. Though sadly unless I missed something... Not sure there is much else to gleam for the ARG? I imagine there will be more stuff soon.

Channel 4 on the website is still blank.


Oct 27, 2017
Been a little while since I was excited about a new COD. I'm really looking forward to this one. I thought Cold War was great. Maybe I'll even play some multiplayer this time.


Oct 27, 2017
I read the OP and was so confused as to how much I didn't know about the narrative - are all the Black Ops games connected?


Fallen Guardian
Jan 9, 2023
I read the OP and was so confused as to how much I didn't know about the narrative - are all the Black Ops games connected?
Plus the rebooted MW games, and Zombies, and Vanguard, and World at War.

The timeline goes something like this

World at War -> Vanguard -> Vanguard Zombies -> BO1 -> BOCW -> Zombies CW -> BO2 (past missions) -> BO6 -> Zombies BO6 (maybe) -> MW -> MW2 -> MW Zombies -> MW3 -> BO2 (future missions) -> BO4 -> BO3


Jun 3, 2020
So what's the big deal with this one, exactly? I'm seeing lots of people hyped for it, some who normally wouldn't give a shit. Is it specifically because it's a new Black Ops, or is it the political angle this one is taking?

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Awkward seeing Blackops slowly dig closer to full coverage of the War on Terror. It was inevitable though I guess.