
Oct 26, 2017
She did her own video, but to not give her clicks, Humanist Report lays it out here:

Long and short of it:
-She states that many of the reactionary right wing fuckwads on YouTube don't believe much of what they spew about in their videos. It's all for clicks.
-She was approached in the green room of a prominent left-hating show, by its host, where he tells her that he doesn't really all of the rhetoric he spits, particularly anti-trans garbage (She doesn't name names, but it's so obviously Dave Rubin and the Rubin Report. Sorry Colin, ya boy is a hack, just like you.)
-She says that she was going to do a tour (which fell through) with another large Youtube shitlord presence, and this individual said that she should "plant protesters and also make signs for them in an effort to fan the flames, generate clicks". That they, and like 4 other "skeptics" do this as well. (Again, she didn't name anyway, but I'm betting either Milo or Sargon, your friendly neighborhood "Classical Liberal")
-She states that ironically, many of these reactionaries were left wing folks until just a few years or so ago.

-She also states that she's had to move multiple times, gets regularly accosted, and even physically harmed in public because of her "views".
-That She no longer will be covering political and social topics because it's "Effed up my life"

Bonus Bonus:

Need more help regarding Dave Rubin being a hack? He used to work for The Young Turks. Left because they wouldn't give him his own 30 minute show with a 6 figure salary. Shortly after, Dave latches on to the Koch brothers teet, and BOOM: Classical Liberal Dave Rubin has his own left-hating show


The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
I think I've heard of her. She's the one girl who debated Contrapoint that one time, right? Didn't know she was right leaning. Disappointing...


Oct 25, 2017
Your long short of it just makes it sound like she's talking about herself.


Oct 28, 2017
Not surprised. I think she's referring Lauren Southern, who she was/maybe friends with at one point. Lauren famously got attacked at an anti-trump rally by protesters, yet she has never released the full footage, just the moment of the attack/
Nov 3, 2017
You know Youtube is in a sad state when prominent Youtubers fake being a toxic political ideology for views.

Like, seriously? THIS is how screwed up the algorithm is?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
You know Youtube is in a sad state when prominent Youtubers fake being a toxic political ideology for views.

Like, seriously? THIS is how screwed up the alogorithm is?

It's not shocking. Alex Jones pretty much admitted the same thing in court documents. You don't have to believe it to be willing to shill it for money.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh, Tiffany Tumbles uploaded a new video?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
It's not shocking. Alex Jones pretty much admitted the same thing in court documents. You don't have to believe it to be willing to shill it for money.
I mean, yeah, Alex Jones is an actor too. It is a hustle.
Jones himself denies it, lol:
His attorney responded by claiming that "he's playing a character" and describing him as a "performance artist".[176][177] In court, Jones denied playing a character and he called his show "the most bona fide, hard-core, real McCoy thing there is, and everybody knows it".[178]

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
Funnily enough out of everyone on YT I think Carl was the one that made it blindingly obvious that the majority of these people are just lazy narcissists that found a never-ending hustle.

Thing is, it doesn't matter at all whether they're the "real deal" at this point. They don't give a fuck about anyone's lives potentially being made worse by their work and they can barely think a week ahead.


Oct 25, 2017
So basically her argument is "I'm the only true alt-right shitbag and the others are just pretending." Wow Blaire, very compelling. I have a lot of sympathy for you.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it supposed to matter that she called out the other nazis on YouTube as being fake? False rhetoric is still dangerous and can still influence anyone that falls prey to YouTube's algorithm. I'm just not 100% sure what my takeaway is supposed to be from this.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Is it supposed to matter that she called out the other nazis on YouTube as being fake? False rhetoric is still dangerous and can still influence anyone that falls prey to YouTube's algorithm. I'm just not 100% sure what my takeaway is supposed to be from this.

Get your real hate speech from the genuine source!


Oct 28, 2017
What percentage of these people's audience are people on the left who just want to point out dumb things these people do?


Oct 25, 2017
She is not wrong on the cash in types. Large Number of click seekers were very much running channels/sites that were focused on Left Wing Ideology before Trump hit the scene. Candance Owens used to run a site that was fully anti-trump mocking his dick size etc. before she realized as a black woman she would make far more money and clicks turning into a Trump Supporter.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
What percentage of these people's audience are people on the left who just want to point out dumb things these people do?
.2, less if you consider that the small amount of people that do it only respond to their edited videos and not their 6 hour nothing streams that get over 100k views.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd imagine that it's there, but it's not nearly as significant as the right wing trash that needs to have their shitty worldview validated.
It's easy money.
I guess it's anecdotal but it feels like 100% of my hearing about these dumb youtube personalities currently is from people saying "look at this dumb shit boogie said this week!!" or whatever.

Similar to twitter. It's sad how I can have people like Ben Shapiro muted yet still see so much of their content through people screenshotting and shitting on it lol. My precious curation ;_;


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like marketing from another phony. "These other rival right wingers are fake but I'm real! Buy my shit!".


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising at all.

The far right is quick to embrace anyone who shares their views, and there is a lot of money to be made doing it.


Oct 27, 2017
money must be drying up in the alt right youtube space
Stefan NotAnArgument was e-begging not too long ago following his and Lauren Southern's Oceania tour being both disappointing and cut short by Auckland and NZ PM Jacinda Arden telling them to effectively fuck off. His views also seem to be way down for a channel with nearly a million subs. Part of it is likely due to the oversaturation of the alt-right market in a market that was already relatively small; Carl, Dank, and PJW were actually smart to jump onto the UKIP train, since it means they have an out if the alt-right/alt-lite YT market collapses, unlike a lot of their fellow grifters.


Jul 24, 2018
Kasparian pretty much confirmed Rubin is a complete fraud so this is hilarious. That shitstain isn't going to have anyone to run to soon enough.