
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California

Over the past several years, the work of evaluating our development processes and making hard decisions has led to new games and other products that we're proud of. We now have more live games and unannounced projects than at any point in the company's history. We're also at a point where we need to take some of our talented developers and bring their skills to other projects. As a result, we've made the difficult decision to shift some developers from Heroes of the Storm to other teams, and we're excited to see the passion, knowledge, and experience that they'll bring to those projects. This isn't the first time we've had to make tough choices like this. Games like Diablo II, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Overwatch, and more would not exist had we not made similar decisions in the past.

Despite the change, Heroes of the Storm remains our love letter to Blizzard's worlds and characters. We'll continue actively supporting the game with new heroes, themed events, and other content that our community loves, though the cadence will change. Ultimately, we're setting up the game for long-term sustainability. We're so grateful for the support the community has shown from the beginning, and the development team will continue to support Heroes with the same passion, dedication, and creativity that has made the game such a unique experience.

We've also evaluated our plans around Heroes esports—after looking at all of our priorities and options in light of the change with the game, the Heroes Global Championship and Heroes of the Dorm will not return in 2019.

Sounds like phase 1 of going into maintenance mode.


Oct 27, 2017
Well this is interesting. I played a little of Hots it was pretty fun. Shame.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Huh it always seemed like it was semi successful or at least something compared to the hundred dead mobas out there.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
Blizzard jumped on the MOBA bandwagon just a little too late, I don't blame them for wanting to move resources away from it towards more (presumably) profitable parts of the company.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy playing HotS, but the reality is that it's below blizzards standards (though immortal may be lowering those standards). I remember before it came out there were leaks/rumors that upper management was displeased with it. It was probably just too far along for ATVI to allow them to cancel it so late in development


Dec 10, 2018
I'm not too involved with HoTS - but seems like an odd decision to make right after (seemingly, to me) beginning to double down on the game's lore + introduce it's own unique character, no?


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
if they were going to cut costs heroes was the obvious game to take the hit.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
lol is it a franchise if it's just other franchises in a single game.
It had a fanbase and core following, lots of people played it regularly. I guess all those people go to the other 2 major MOBAs now.

It's not just that they are cutting out Esports for HOTS but they are also decreasing support and content for the game. Once more people get wind of this they are gonna migrate like D3 players migrating to PoE (which just had 50% more players on launch than the last league because of the Diablo Immortal fiasco).


Dec 14, 2017
I'm playing since beta and i could never get into the esport scene of hots so i'm really unaffected byHGC being cancelled, for the slower update we need to see how much slower are we talking about.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved the hell out of this game when it came out. I still play it occasionally. Very proud of my 145 Murky. The game never got a good balance going at all. Constant power creep and other terrible decisions from the developers. Quite a few of the games characters are completely useless. It's a shame but it is what it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Kinda bums me out, I liked Heroes. The variety of maps and general absurdity of it drew me in more than any of the other MOBAs out there.
lol is it a franchise if it's just other franchises in a single game.
They had started to actually build up lore for the game itself. The most recent hero is actually a unique creation that's a daughter of one of the announcers.


Oct 25, 2017
I think they accidentally trainwrecked their monetization post-2.0. The character bundles were great. But the re-addition of paid skins seemed to indicate that they might have accidentally killed their financial model when they put loot boxes full-force into a genre/model where it just didn't make much sense compared to stuff like OW.
It had a fanbase and core following, lots of people played it regularly. I guess all those people go to the other 2 major MOBAs now.

It's not just that they are cutting out Esports for HOTS but they are also decreasing support and content for the game. Once more people get wind of this they are gonna migrate like D3 players migrating to PoE (which just had 50% more players on launch than the last league because of the Diablo Immortal fiasco).
On top of this League/DOTA have both been introducing HOTS-esque modes with 15-20 minute games, which makes it harder for HOTS to compete, since they're doing what you're doing, while having far larger install bases.

Leaving so many people hanging is super shitty though, and ActiBlizz should be doing the right thing and paying a few months severance to people affected by this.
Kinda bums me out, I liked Heroes. The variety of maps and general absurdity of it drew me in more than any of the other MOBAs out there.

They had started to actually build up lore for the game itself. The most recent hero is actually a unique creation that's a daughter of one of the announcers.
Doing a HOTS-original hero + all the fanservice stuff at Blizzcon makes me think they knew this might happen.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
It's a shame. This was my most played multiplayer game for several years. There's been rumblings of the game dying, but I think this is the final nail in the coffin.
Oct 25, 2017
Guess there are only two lanes in MOBA, after all. Heroes of the Storm should be a neat Pasture title, though. May it enjoy its twilight years in relative peace.


Oct 27, 2017
shame, hots was the only moba that i could actually stomach spending any time with. also watched a fair bit of hots esports and found it entertaining. oh well, heres to new projects.


Oct 27, 2017
Sad to see it get minimized. It was my most played game of 2016 and 2017. The game was always interesting with different maps and regular enough new heroes to shake things up. I could play quick play and just play who I wanted and still have fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I have always said, with that cast of characters and all their IP, adding the simplicity of it for being a MOBA, this could have been easily the Dota2/LoL killer, but Blizzard never cared enough.


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Lets hope to go to Overwatch so that game will actually get some worthwhile content.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Edmonton AB
Fuck me. I play HOTS nightly. Its so much fun. I swear Blizzard is being screwed over by Activision. Games are just going to get worst under Activision.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Doing a HOTS-original hero + all the fanservice stuff at Blizzcon makes me think they knew this might happen.
Yeah, I was a little confused about why they picked now to start digging into HOTS's lore and making original characters, but the timing is making sense. Even if HOTS itself folds, they've developed a universe that they can find ways to keep alive, and until then they have a way to drive engagement with less competitive fans.


Oct 31, 2017
not shocking, but still a "wow" moment

it was crystal clear that it was never going to reach the levels of LoL or DOTA2, so in that case it's not worth it to Blizzard


Oct 25, 2017
I used to be heavy into HOTS, I assumed Blizzard would stay happy with the core audience it found but I guess not.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the sooner people accept that Overwatch is a multiplayer game and that's what always intended it to be, the less disappointed people will be.
HOTS team didn't really do any single-player content. The OW team is legit overworked- the reason all the 2018 events are basically the same as the 2017 ones is literally because all of the OWL development stuff completely ate up their team's time.


Nov 8, 2017
When they added the first original HotS hero, which defeats the entire purpose of HotS, I knew something was up.


Nov 3, 2017
They're totally going to be making a BR game.

And it's totally going to come 3 years after BR gets saturated af.


Oct 25, 2017
HOTS team didn't really do any single-player content. The OW team is legit overworked- the reason all the 2018 events are basically the same as the 2017 ones is literally because all of the OWL development stuff completely ate up their team's time.
Overwatch team isn't even 200 total people IIRC. Which is madness, Destiny has twice that many people working on each individual expansion.