
From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017




NetEase Inc. is in final negotiations to poach Yakuza franchise creator Toshihiro Nagoshi from Sega, a sign of how Chinese games companies are expanding beyond their home turf during a government-led crackdown.

The hire from Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. would mark the biggest coup in a contest between NetEase and close rival Tencent Holdings Ltd. to scoop up video game talent and assets in Japan, made more urgent by slowing growth and regulatory pressure at home.

Nagoshi, who developed and helms one of Sega's most successful action series, is expected to set up his own team and create new games, people familiar with the matter said. He hasn't signed a final contract and his duties have yet to be finalized, they said, asking not to be identified discussing a private deal.

Tencent and NetEase are on a multiyear quest to fill out their content libraries with more of Japan's highly prized animation, comics and games (ACG) titles, betting on their potential to become global blockbuster hits. In a country that's typically taken a skeptical view to outside investment, their ventures are now finding a more receptive audience in the wake of the pandemic's impact on funding and Sony Group Corp. cutbacks on support for small studios.

Tencent, the world's largest games publisher, regards Japanese content as a potential anchor for its increasingly critical effort to build a Disney-style global media juggernaut that also spans video, music and books. It's on the brink of adding another studio to its string of acquisitions in recent years, according to the people.
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Oct 27, 2017
Well that's depressing :( Nagoshi is such a Sega institution - it'll feel strange to see him go.

EDIT: Calls to mind this interview he did just about 10 years ago:
We've seen a big shake-up lately, with high-powered Japanese creators leaving companies, most significantly Inafune from Capcom. You're still at Sega, and it seems like you're satisfied there.

TN: Well, I don't know if I'd call myself all that high-powered [laughs]. It's hard to say whether the trend is a good thing and for everyone's best interests, but a creator needs to be someplace where he can shine the brightest, and that's not necessarily always going to happen by going it alone.

It's not that I'm satisfied at Sega so much as I really owe one to Sega -- they taught me how much fun making games can be. I doubt I would leave this company in 10 or even 20 years. Unless something really drastic happens, I'm not going to leave on my own volition.

The Man Who Won't Leave Sega: Toshihiro Nagoshi

The man behind the Yakuza series explains how he's fighting for his pride with his latest project, the sci-fi shooter Binary Domain, and why he can't see himself leaving Sega anytime soon, despite the flight of Japanese talent from big companies.
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Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow, end of an era but looking forward to the new direction team rgg will take with the two current franchises going forward


Oct 25, 2017
I understand everyone has their price, but this is surprising. Dude seems to have a real passion for Yakuza; weird to think he might walk away.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
Whilst Yakuza has multiple key writers, he's such a driving creative force behind the thing.

I'm gutted.

They might put it on Switch now though.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Wtf. Netease of all companies. This is the worst news


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
A shame to see Nagoshi go when Yakuza was just starting to take off, but I'm curious to see what he'll do next.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
If so he left the studio in a good position at least, though im sure itll not be easy for someone to step up and fill his role either


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
Do the yakuza games sell well in china? Seems like something that wouldn't be acceptable
Oct 27, 2017
Nagoshi, who developed and helms one of Sega's most successful action series, is expected to set up his own team and create new games, people familiar with the matter said. He hasn't signed a final contract and his duties have yet to be finalized, they said, asking not to be identified discussing a private deal.

Yep, so sadly it's a question of how many of the RGG staff he is going to take with him.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
So... can Yakuza have a female protagonist now?

I don't really see that happening considering how male dominated the Yakuza traditionally are:

The Yakuza is populated almost entirely by men and the very few women who are acknowledged are the wives of bosses, who are referred to by the title ane-san (姐さん, older sister).

Maybe a revenge story with a widow (or daughter) of a yakuza boss could work, hell that even sounds pretty good now that i think about it.


Feb 4, 2018
On one hand this sounds bad because Yakuza is a series that keeps delivering and changing the head is an unknown quantity.

On the other hand, at this point I'd think some of the assistant directors and other staff who've been making nothing but these games for a decade are probably well equipped to take over and lead the franchise if Nagoshi leaves.

Also it's not like the Yakuza games don't have a lot of bad stuff/issues with them, so a change may actually improve them...