
One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Nothing more unnerving than some old man staring at you.

Once, I was at an airport waiting for my flight minding my own business. Old guy sitting across me just staring at me.

Another time, I was driving to the beach. I was at a red light and i looked out my window to see an old man angrily staring at me. And he kept staring until the light turned green.

And these are the recent examples.

Is this a thing? Male seniors just staring at you as if you attacked their daughters? You would think that by 60, you should know that it's rude and unnerving to stare?
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Jun 7, 2018
Durham, UK
Are you wearing a furry suit 24/7? If not then probably bitter old assholes.
They're probably just jealous of your youth and dashing looks, OP.
Oct 25, 2017
Not to defend old guys too much, since I don't know anything about you so it could be related to racism, prejudice, etc.

This shit is something that old people do, like old asian people are notorious for this. I think sometimes they may just have been glancing around and zoned out and are thinking about shit and they don't have the faculties to focus on something else before they drift off.

It's not necessarily about you


Nov 6, 2017
I've noticed older people often do stare. I don't always think it's intentional, this may sound mean but I think they're a bit zoned out a lot of the time.


Nov 15, 2017
Not to defend old guys too much, since I don't know anything about you so it could be related to racism, prejudice, etc.

This shit is something that old people do, like old asian people are notorious for this. I think sometimes they may just have been glancing around and zoned out and are thinking about shit and they don't have the faculties to focus on something else before they drift off.

It's not necessarily about you
Probably this. They see you, you remind them of something from their past and they drift into the thought.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
My friends and I were out for an 80s theme party at a local bar, and we went out to grab a bite at a food truck. An old man named "Corbyn" was aggressively staring at my friend, so when he asked him "What?" the guy got super aggro and defensive and then started to try to fight us. Thankfully I was a door guy for a few years so I knew how to handle his weight (he was drunk) and keep anything seriously physical from breaking out, but MAN...what gives with some people?

He was bothered that my friend was wearing a sport coat "in the summer" and then he kept calling me Pedro (I'm half hispanic, and with a mustache is shows). Just a really insane encounter, lol.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
When I was a pretty young thing I used to assume they were perving on me. Now I'm a whiskery old bugger so I try not to make it too obvious, but yeah, young people are pretty and easy to look at.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably this. They see you, you remind them of something from their past and they drift into the thought.

This is what I was thinking too. When you are young it feels like you'll be young forever. Then you're not.

It's easy to spend time thinking about those days, whether staring at someone or not.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Old men always scowl at my wife when I'm out with her lol. Then I jokingly imitate them in an old man voice "... boy if I still had the strength I'd string up that colored fella!".


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Maybe you just think old people staring look angry.
Also, I feel like once you're old you've earned the right to look at anyone however the hell you want to look at them. Get off my fuckin lawn.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
I feel you OP, happens all the time to me and I'm over it.

I don't buy the "it's their version of resting bitch face" excuse either. I don't see those old fools scowling at anyone else, just me.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
I've noticed older people often do stare. I don't always think it's intentional, this may sound mean but I think they're a bit zoned out a lot of the time.
This. I live in a retirement area, and staring seems to be a frequent thing from seniors. Sometimes they don't even back down when you stare back. There have been times where I want to be like, can I fucking help you?! lol

But, yeah, I'm not sure they realize what they're doing sometimes when they do it.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
They're the counterpart to old women looking offended by me. But that's probably specifically the gayness. >:V

I 100% stare back at the old dudes. Can't outstare me with those cataracts of yours!


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
They're the counterpart to old women looking offended by me. But that's probably specifically the gayness. >:V

I 100% stare back at the old dudes. Can't outstare me with those cataracts of yours!
lol Dude, I stare back all the time, and they usually don't back down! I often have to lose the staredown or I'll be there all day.
Oct 28, 2017
As a black man, old white men have never stared at me however, sometimes it feels like white women hate my soul from the glares I used to get. Not so much anymore since i have some salt in my beard.


Oct 26, 2017
I see old people staring at my lesbian tattooed friend all the time, she sees it too obviously. Super annoying to the point where we've had to call them out several times.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Not to defend old guys too much, since I don't know anything about you so it could be related to racism, prejudice, etc.

This shit is something that old people do, like old asian people are notorious for this. I think sometimes they may just have been glancing around and zoned out and are thinking about shit and they don't have the faculties to focus on something else before they drift off.

It's not necessarily about you

Kinda hard not to take it personally considering people can get shot by things like this lol

I'm black. But the old man who stared at me during the red light was also black as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Not to defend old guys too much, since I don't know anything about you so it could be related to racism, prejudice, etc.

This shit is something that old people do, like old asian people are notorious for this. I think sometimes they may just have been glancing around and zoned out and are thinking about shit and they don't have the faculties to focus on something else before they drift off.

It's not necessarily about you
This. Hell, I do it sometimes too in deep thought, then I catch myself staring at random people lol

Also, one time in grade school my teacher told us that is older people are staring at us, its probably because we remind them of their younger selves.
Oct 25, 2017
I used to get stared at all the time as a kid, no matter what the age of the person doing it. I was really tall for a young age and weird looking

now either it doesn't happen or I don't give a fuck as much, have grown into my looks a bit. gave me a bit of a complex at the time though

some old dude took a photo of me on holiday once when I was like 10 or 11 and my family just tried to laugh it off, like wtf. just snapped and got on with his day


Oct 25, 2017
They knew you were a ERA member and were curious to know if the rumors about the average ERA member were true
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda hard not to take it personally considering people can get shot by things like this lol

I'm black. But the old man who stared at me during the red light was also black as well.

Hey far be it from me to tell you not to be upset about it. But you asked if it was a thing and it's definitely an old people thing that some if not many times is about nothing to do with you


Oct 30, 2017
pip pip cheerio fish & chips
Damn idk, as a woman when old dudes stare at me i assume they're about to come tell me that i'm too ugly/attractive/emancipated/single/childless/alloftheabove and i gotta give 'em the ol' shrugaroo

you could be like "um hey do you want something or what?" or you can just leave it, kinda not your problem if they don't have anything to say... maybe they are thinking nice things but they just have an angry concentration face about it?
sucks tho


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, our vision really isn't what it used to be. Perhaps "struggling to make out details from the blur" comes across as angry-looking sometimes?

Getting older sucks. RBF may just reflect that day's pain. Of course, there are still plenty of angry old racist stinkeyes all over the place, too.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Why do you women stare at me at the gym when I am working out and getting a nice sweat in.

Those times a little old lady on the bus would ask permission to hold onto my young, firm shoulder and upper arm. "I'm a little unsteady on my feet, dear." And then that time at a cafeteria at King's Cross Station, a really ancient guy politely asked me if he could watch me enjoy eating a cream cake. Putting on my best sweet innocent smile for him, I obliged with gusto. Incidents like that really helped me to understand that appreciation of beauty remains all ones life.

Now Joe Orton or Harold Pinter would have turned either of those scenes into a grotesquely sinister comedy, but for me these were real and welcome, sightly flirtatious encounters that did no harm and led to nothing of consequence.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I had just walked into a store, and was in a hurry, so I was walking a little faster than normal. Some old man suddenly turned around to glare at me like I was coming to rob him. I just stared as his ass right back.