
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think many people would consider "making a pact with a criminal faction" a good case of success against criminality. I mean, it kinda worked in a way, but that's far from what the general population have in mind.
i seriously doubt most of GenPop believes that the PCC thing is the biggest contributor for decreasing criminality in SP. Esp when alckmin was pushing all the several increases to the police state he made during his tenure.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
My fear with Bolsonaro is that he looks at the military coup as an option.
Some people are afraid that yersteday was the last time we had a vote for anything. I don't know how right they are on this, but Bolsonaro doesn't inspire trust at all.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, I'm really hoping Haddad can turn this around with the right campaing. He should take the 'Lula' name off and go for something else, like family and values.
Anything but the facist.

People who are against Lula won't suddenly start voting for PT just because his name isn't in the slogan.

If anything, polls were showing Lula would crush Bolsonaro if he had been able to run for this election.
Jan 7, 2018
People who are against Lula won't suddenly start voting for PT just because his name isn't in the slogan.

If anything, polls were showing Lula would crush Bolsonaro if he had been able to run for this election.
Bolsonaro was polling way lower when polls showed Lula beating him by a lot. Hell, he performed way better than what he was polling yesterday.
I don't really see a significant amount of people who voted for Bolsonaro voting for Lula instead if he was running. If anything, it would only energize his anti-PT speech more.


Nov 14, 2017
He's actively and openly calling for murder, essentially. He wanted the police to kill more people. He wants the army to eliminate refugees. He wants to sterilize poor people. The shit cherry on the shit sundae? He's openly calling to a return to a dictatorship.
Yeah. He said that our military dictatorship failed because it didn't killed enough people.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bolsonaro was polling way lower when polls showed Lula beating him by a lot. Hell, he performed way better than what he was polling yesterday.
I don't really see a significant amount of people who voted for Bolsonaro voting for Lula instead if he was running. If anything, it would only energize his anti-PT speech more.
Eh I don't know. You gotta consider something:
The "average" Lula voter has more in common with Bolsonaro's "ideals" than with other candidates.
The poor northeastern family that voted in Lula is, in general:

Extremely religious.
Actively hate groups like LGBT.
Thinks that violence is the answer to violence.

Those marginalized groups voted in Lula because Lula was the first(and only) that gave a shit about them. But put those people in any other economic group, they'd be wearing Bolsonaro's shirts all day long.
In the lack of a Lula, quite a few of them won't turn to Haddad. They'll turn to the candidate that have the most similar ideas to them. And in most cases that's Bolsonaro. Which is insane, but it shows how our country truly is.

If Lula was still running, I am sure he'd get a bigger pull here than Haddad did.


Oct 25, 2017
IfI had any gif making skills I would make one with that infamous scene in the City of God movie where Ze Pequeno makes the kids chose between getting a shot in the hand or a shot in the foot, because it feels kind of like that right now.


Oct 25, 2017

Hope is possible even on youtube =O
You did good.


Oct 29, 2017
LOL whatsapp groups on fire today.

Part of me wishes it was settled on the first turn already and we get it over with, the dollar roller coaster this past month was terrible where I work.

IfI had any gif making skills I would make one with that infamous scene in the City of God movie where Ze Pequeno makes the kids chose between getting a shot in the hand or a shot in the foot, because it feels kind of like that right now.
Yep, that's how I feel right now.


Oct 25, 2017
IfI had any gif making skills I would make one with that infamous scene in the City of God movie where Ze Pequeno makes the kids chose between getting a shot in the hand or a shot in the foot, because it feels kind of like that right now.

More like choosing between a shot in the foot and one in the temple.


Oct 25, 2017
Err. I still hoping for a miracle in the second round, but we already lost. We elected the worst congress I ever seen and I thought the previous ones were already pretty disgusting.

Even if for a miracle Haddad wins, I can already see him and his vice being impeached(they will find a reason).

We should focus in protecting our democracy and our institutions in the next years.

Jean Valjean

Oct 28, 2017
There are some people expecting that Bolsonaro will "soften up" when he becomes president.



Oct 25, 2017
I need to make my parents a power point on all the reasons that Bolsonaro would be worse than even the corrupt PT party.


Aug 22, 2018
There are some people expecting that Bolsonaro will "soften up" when he becomes president.


From the horse's mouth:

Far-right Brazil candidate snubs 'peace and love' after winning first round

Some Bolsonaro supporters called on him to moderate his message to ensure victory, but the candidate said he would stick to hardline rhetoric on crime and corruption that has resonated with voters.

"I can't turn into a Little 'Peace and Love' Jair, which would be betraying who I am," Bolsonaro said in a radio interview.

He said he plans to "pacify Brazil". He's definitely closer to Duterte than to Trump.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
I'm a dual citizenship American with a Brazilian citizenship (born in the US). This fight over Bolsonaro has been on going in my US household for weeks, with me trying to convince my increasingly conservative mom (who is also dual-citizen, but born in Brazil) that while the political situation is incredibly rough, Bolsonaro is not the solution the country needs.

However, she's already drank the kool-aid & thinks PT is 1 election away from turning Brazil into another Venezuela. And now, his supporters who are sending videos all over social media, are saying the election was rigged because there were people in voting centers saying they were votin for Bolsonaro, but that the vote was being cancelled out. Cops were even called. And all this does is feed into the corruption/socialism narrative that Bolsonaro has been harping on PT for.

Its unbelievably hard to see a scenario where he doesn't just win, but his support won't increase in the next few weeks leading up to the 2nd round. I have a little cousin in Sao Paulo who I finally brought on a trip to the US this past summer that I think i'm going to bring him over & help him immigrate & finish HS here.


Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It began. First victim.
Capoeira master Moa do Katende was killed in a bar by a Bolsonaro supporter after declaring support to Fernando Haddad.

EDIT: I'd be grateful if any fellow portuguese speaker could translate this.
The comments as always are full of idiots talking about how unfair and dishonest it is for the journal to attribute the crime to a bozo voter and that the killer wasn't even confirmed to be one... except for the fact that the police caught him and he confessed the motive was because he was saying in a bar (apparently screaming) pro-Bozo crap and the victim said that the people there were voting for PT, for that he stabbed the victim 12 times in the back.



Oct 27, 2017
Err. I still hoping for a miracle in the second round, but we already lost. We elected the worst congress I ever seen and I thought the previous ones were already pretty disgusting.

Even if for a miracle Haddad wins, I can already see him and his vice being impeached(they will find a reason).

We should focus in protecting our democracy and our institutions in the next years.
I cried a lot yesterday for this :(


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It seems that in all South America the biggest fear of some people is turning into Venezuela

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
It seems that in all South America the biggest fear of some people is turning into Venezuela
Yeah. Just read some comments under the video of John Oliver. They all think Haddad is like Maduro and will take away their freedom. When Bolsonaro will re-install the military dictatorship of the 1980s they won't have any freedom either.

Maybe Brazil would need a government of technocrats who are not involved in any corruption scandals.


Oct 28, 2017
There are bigger forests than the Amazon in North America, Russia, China, etc. What is important about the amazon is the biodiversity

The Taiga, none of the others are close to bigger than the Amazon.

Green Yoshi: Technocrats can be embroiled in corruption just like anybody else. What we need is decent fucking people with intelligent ideas and compassion. The failure of technocratic solutions is part of the reason why we are where we are.
Oct 26, 2017
Eh I don't know. You gotta consider something:
The "average" Lula voter has more in common with Bolsonaro's "ideals" than with other candidates.
The poor northeastern family that voted in Lula is, in general:

Extremely religious.
Actively hate groups like LGBT.
Thinks that violence is the answer to violence.

Those marginalized groups voted in Lula because Lula was the first(and only) that gave a shit about them. But put those people in any other economic group, they'd be wearing Bolsonaro's shirts all day long.
In the lack of a Lula, quite a few of them won't turn to Haddad. They'll turn to the candidate that have the most similar ideas to them. And in most cases that's Bolsonaro. Which is insane, but it shows how our country truly is.

If Lula was still running, I am sure he'd get a bigger pull here than Haddad did.
Add fucking morons (regardless of education level) to the list too. Remember, this is the country where people like Paulo Maluf got elected time and time again and there are countless similar examples of the same all over Brazil.

And a lot of news are talking how this was more a anti-PT vote than a pro-Bozo vote, except they weren't the only ones running (and you have to completely ignore his hate speech on top of that).
I also like the "people wanted someone new", "someone out the system". Yeah, voting for a guy who has been a politician, a mediocre one by the way, for 27 years.

I guess that is what is making we depressed. To realize that a good portion of Brazil is no better than the average Trump supporter: willfully ignorant and hateful.


Oct 27, 2017
Bolsominions actually created a game on steam, its about Bolsonaro fighting communists, represented by gays, women and PoC.

I saw the trailer and its beyond disgusting, personally i will report this game to steam as this is just wrong no matter your political beliefs. If anyone want to see it for themselves here the link:
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Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Man, this shit is really bad. This guy makes Duterte look like a human rights activist.
I know it's pretty worthless, but I feel for you, BrazilERA.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've been feeling apathetic all day, i have women and black (and black women) relatives that voted for him and I just don't know, man. These links above about the murder and the steam game only make it worse.


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
I've been feeling apathetic all day, i have women and black (and black women) relatives that voted for him and I just don't know, man. These links above about the murder and the steam game only make it worse.
As seen in the US, people will vote against their best interest to persecute people who they feel are less than themselves.

It's fucked up. It's not a good way to go, and I hope that next time, people wake up. However, hope is not a strategy, so form a start up to educate the masses. :P


Oct 25, 2017
Bolsominions actually created a game on steam, its about Bolsonaro fighting communists, represented by gays, women and PoC.

I saw the trailer and its beyond disgusting, personally i will report this game to steam as this is just wrong no matter your political beliefs. If anyone want to see it for themselves here the link:
Isn't the vast majority of Brazil brown? Whites aren't the majority are they?


Oct 25, 2017
Is there any good documentary about Bolsonaro (other than John Oliver) and/or the rise of populism in Brazil?


Oct 25, 2017
Today in SHOCKING developments


The comments are already filled with fake news allegations on portuguese and people who don't even seem to watch 10 seconds of the video.