
Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to go with "deliberately disingenuous", but as a last attempt:
- "Fan" by itself is useless as a replacement for "gamer" as it doesn't imply "games" at all. You might as well replace "gourmet" with "fan".
- "Fan of games" or "game fan" is every bit (twice as much, in fact) as susceptible of becoming a tainted term as "gamer" does, and for the exact same reasons.


I'm not trying to replace gamer.... Gamer stays for the people who playing video games is an identity (including the significant toxic portion) fan of games is no different than fan of movies, fan of tv shows, fan of comics, etc...

I'm not the one being weirdly disingenuous

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Nah, i understand that, just in this thread and the other thread, I've seen a lot of people saying as they are gamers it's not fair to keep lambasting the whole gaming community about the whoel sexism/racism/homophobi "thing" - it's driving me so annoyed as this keeps happening every friend about gamers being shit to minorities and then we talk about gamers being discriminated against. It's putting me a little on edge to be honest.

I understand. I'm fine with you disagreeing with my point of view that giving up on "gamer" as a term is not the solution, as long as it's clear I don't mean "gamers" don't have a huge bigotry problem, either. To me the two go hand in hand (giving up on the term feels like the "easy" solution that excuses us from having to clean up house), but I also understand someone constantly hurt by this bigotry and exhausted from a fight they don't have a choice not to fight would have a very different and more practical viewpoint.

In the end this is really disagreeing about terminology and fine details. I think both of us (and probably most people in this thread) agree there's a problem and there's a long fight ahead of us.


Oct 25, 2017
ITT people are more hung up on the unfair persecution of 'gamers' than the actual harassment and discrimination LGBT people face from gamers, and from the industry

When oh when will we have our GAMER RIGHTS MOVEMENT

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017

I was asked what I'd use instead of gamer.

That;s why i said a fan

No, you weren't. Reread the post you replied to. I was asking for a term for the ones that base their identity on gaming.


I'm not trying to replace gamer.... Gamer stays for the people who playing video games is an identity (including the significant toxic portion)

Which again is the opposite of what I asked, but fine, let's go down that path.

fan of games is no different than fan of movies, fan of tv shows, fan of comics, etc...

And gamer is no different than swimmer, reader, painter, etc...

Oh wait, except it is; and not because of any inherent linguistic property of the fucking word, but because the gaming community is full of bigots. Who knew!?

I'm not the one being weirdly disingenuous

Yeah, apparently you're just being weirdly oblivious. :P

Anyhow, I'm logging off. G'night everyone.
Last edited:


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
No, you weren't. Reread the post you replied to. I was asking for a term for the ones that base their identity on gaming.

Which again is the opposite of what I asked, but fine, let's go down that path.

And gamer is no different than swimmer, reader, painter, etc...

Oh wait, except it is; and not because of any inherent linguistic property of the fucking word, but because the gaming community is full of bigots. Who knew!?

Yeah, apparently you're just being weirdly oblivious. :P

Anyhow, I'm logging off. G'night everyone.

My mistake I thought you were asking what the people who simply play games should call themselves.

Gamer is a far better word for Identity players which was my point all along.

Miscommunication on my part apologies.

I'll reiterate then

Gamer= Identity
Fan of games = well fan of playing games.


Oct 27, 2017
So, Eurogamer changed their logo on Facebook. Now it's coloured like a Pride flag.

4 out of 7 Top comments:

It's mind-blowing to me how so many people do not realize that such gestures may be something amazing for members of LGBTQ community. They have enough problems and often much hate towards them irl, so I bet seeing such symbol may be a little uptlifting, right? It's just that. Just being... nice.

If such gestures are triggering you, you have zero empathy and you are plain stupid - because that's the only explanation why you don't understand the point.
Yeah, I already got a taste of that after Sony's 1st party studios like Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, London Studio or the main PlayStation account on Twitter and Facebook changed their logos into a coloured price flag version. Some ugly-ass comments popped up. Terrible shit. A lot of people are assholes. Especially on social media :-/


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
As an LGBT person, fuck gamers.

I'm sick to death of the homophobic abuse I've gotten from gamers. Directly and indirectly.

There are a lot of lovely gamers, there are a lot of trash gamers. You can "not all gamers" me but that doesn't mean we don't have serous toxicity issues in our communities that needs to be addressed - after all, Gamergate lead into the rise of the alt-right of today.

It's very telling when people are more upset at gamers being identified as a negative trait rather than the abuse LGBTQIA+ people face everyday from gamers.


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising unfortunately. Most people are in fact pretty awful and being online let their ugly side comes out. A lot of gamers are socially awkward in the first place so it creates an even more toxic environment.


Dec 18, 2017
ITT people are more hung up on the unfair persecution of 'gamers' than the actual harassment and discrimination LGBT people face from gamers, and from the industry

When oh when will we have our GAMER RIGHTS MOVEMENT
True. But maybe people saying things like "gamers are trash" are shaping the arguement in a way that excludes the very same LGBTQ and minority gamers who are being discriminated against, without even realizing they are legitamizing the idea that gaming is for straight white males only.


Oct 25, 2017
True. But maybe people saying things like "gamers are trash" are shaping the arguement in a way that excludes the very same LGBTQ and minority gamers who are being discriminated against, without even realizing they are legitamizing the idea that gaming is for straight white males only.
I'm nonbinary and I don't care about whether I'm a "gamer" or not. If you want me to specify "shithead gamers" rather than just "gamers", then fine, but it's a dumb thing to get hung up on when people like me get harassed by shithead gamers all the time. If people defended LGBT in trouble like they defend their identity as gamers, we'd have shamed most of the shitholes off the internet by now.