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Oct 29, 2017
Indeed, there is so much we don't know. There's also the part related to Cambridge Analytica, Rosneft, the Qataris, the Cypriot bank. We know something happened but we don't have the conclusions.

The invetigation is huge, so many individuals and companies involved:

People need to know what happened in details.

Not to mention Rick Gates, who has been singing for more than a year now, was involved with quite a lot of that and more
Gates, like Manafort, was in a position to know a great deal of critical information. For example, recent attention has focused on an August 2016 meeting at a cigar club in New York where Manafort may have passed confidential campaign polling data to Kilimnik. Prosecutors have characterized that meeting as going "very much to the heart of what the special counsel's office is investigating." Gates was the only other person at that meeting. Indeed, it's likely Gates's cooperation helped prosecutors prove Manafort was lying to them about what happened there.
Recently we also learned that prosecutors in the Southern District of New York issued a grand jury subpoena seeking information related to possible financial improprieties or illegal foreign contributions to the president's inaugural committee. The committee was chaired by Trump's longtime friend, real estate developer Thomas J.Barrack Jr. Barrack's deputy chairman? None other than Rick Gates. If there was wrongdoing connected to the inaugural committee, Gates likely knows. In fact, he already admittedat Manafort's trial that he may have personally misused inaugural funds.​
Others who have cooperated with Mueller, such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, have moved forward to sentencing, which suggests their cooperation is largely completed. Gates, on the other hand, has had his sentencing date put off several times, most recently in January, when prosecutors said he continues to cooperate in "several ongoing investigations." Prosecutors clearly are pleased with the extent and truthfulness of Gates's cooperation; Manafort has shown us what happens to a cooperator who tries to pull the wool over Mueller's eyes.

And we know virtually nothing of what the SCO actually cares about with this extremely forthcoming and involved witness. Like Manafort, most of his currently charged crimes were financially related and involved with his work in Ukraine.

Just saying, nearly 2 years where we know that the SCO was already at an advanced stage from the early going. Those Cohen and Broidy documents prove enough of that, and that's an entire different area from Russian collusion via GRU spy Kilmnik!

Why I've been going with the handing off the important guts to SDNY and others because it's part of a larger, more consequential move.


Dec 2, 2017
Not to mention Rick Gates, who has been singing for more than a year now, was involved with quite a lot of that and more
Gates, like Manafort, was in a position to know a great deal of critical information. For example, recent attention has focused on an August 2016 meeting at a cigar club in New York where Manafort may have passed confidential campaign polling data to Kilimnik. Prosecutors have characterized that meeting as going "very much to the heart of what the special counsel's office is investigating." Gates was the only other person at that meeting. Indeed, it's likely Gates's cooperation helped prosecutors prove Manafort was lying to them about what happened there.
Recently we also learned that prosecutors in the Southern District of New York issued a grand jury subpoena seeking information related to possible financial improprieties or illegal foreign contributions to the president's inaugural committee. The committee was chaired by Trump's longtime friend, real estate developer Thomas J.Barrack Jr. Barrack's deputy chairman? None other than Rick Gates. If there was wrongdoing connected to the inaugural committee, Gates likely knows. In fact, he already admittedat Manafort's trial that he may have personally misused inaugural funds.​
Others who have cooperated with Mueller, such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, have moved forward to sentencing, which suggests their cooperation is largely completed. Gates, on the other hand, has had his sentencing date put off several times, most recently in January, when prosecutors said he continues to cooperate in "several ongoing investigations." Prosecutors clearly are pleased with the extent and truthfulness of Gates's cooperation; Manafort has shown us what happens to a cooperator who tries to pull the wool over Mueller's eyes.

And we know virtually nothing of what the SCO actually cares about with this extremely forthcoming and involved witness. Like Manafort, most of his currently charged crimes were financially related and involved with his work in Ukraine.

Just saying, nearly 2 years where we know that the SCO was already at an advanced stage from the early going. Those Cohen and Broidy documents prove enough of that, and that's an entire different area from Russian collusion via GRU spy Kilmnik!

Why I've been going with the handing off the important guts to SDNY and others because it's part of a larger, more consequential move.
Thanks, I forgot about that part, it's difficult to keep track of everything, I don't know how you do it.

People who jump in this thread and only care about the "no indictments" news don't know what they are missing.


Oct 25, 2017
trump being quiet on twitter is weird
I think it's because the admin doesn't know what's in the report. All they know is the Mueller is recommending no future indictments. Which seems like fucking amazing news if you're in Trump's inner circle. That does not mean this report won't be damaging and a serious pain in the ass for Trump, politically (or still, even legally). Trump doesn't know if he wants to publically call the report "fake news," "total hoax," or if he wants to shout to the world, "I'm totally vindicated! Read the report yourself."


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's because the admin doesn't know what's in the report. All they know is the Mueller is recommending no future indictments. Which seems like fucking amazing news if you're in Trump's inner circle. That does not mean this report won't be damaging and a serious pain in the ass for Trump, politically (or still, even legally). Trump doesn't know if he wants to publically call the report "fake news," "total hoax," or if he wants to shout to the world, "I'm totally vindicated! Read the report yourself."
Yeah, it would be kinda interesting to have him praising the report and then when it comes out it absolutely rags on him.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it would be kinda interesting to have him praising the report and then when it comes out it absolutely rags on him.
No further indictments could mean he is following the assumed tradition of a sitting president can not be indicted. It has never been tried in courts so we do not know how it would play out, but it could be pretty damning and proof of all the illegal things we assumed Trump did.


Oct 29, 2017
Thanks, I forgot about that part, it's difficult to keep track of everything, I don't know how you do it.

People who jump in this thread and only care about the "no indictments" news don't know what they are missing.

Heh yeah, I have an entire bookmark folder dedicated to this stuff. Used to be scrapbook when i was on FF, but Chrome has no useful equivalent that I've seen.

But yeah, we shall see. I'm far more interested in hearing more about the stuff they've been keeping under wraps for the entire investigation. I think the reality where nothing conclusive on Trump and his inner circle was found is still possible and very interesting on its own (though a sucky one to live in), but by the hour I'm daring to grow more assured that it actually is the other way this time.

Mueller found a lot of suspicious Russia shit with Trump's campaign and now he's laying the groundwork for other agencies to continue to the next level of criminals after Stone/Manafort/Gates straight into Trump's most inner circle. These investigating groups will have wider berth to really fuck over these guys which could yield more concrete judicial success. Just a theory until we get the full thing.

And I STILL wanna know what Flynn squealed about to get him such a lenient sentencing by Mueller's team, even after his lying about Russian ambassador, Kislyak - yet another angle in the Russia collusion investigation which hilariously became background noise due to all the other shit going on.

Short attention spans we have.


Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of unanswered things that were brought up overtime. Lets not forget a US Senate Candidate reached out to Guccifer 2.0 for stolen information and was happy to get it.


Oct 25, 2017
Heh yeah, I have an entire bookmark folder dedicated to this stuff. Used to be scrapbook when i was on FF, but Chrome has no useful equivalent that I've seen.

But yeah, we shall see. I'm far more interested in hearing more about the stuff they've been keeping under wraps for the entire investigation. I think the reality where nothing conclusive on Trump and his inner circle was found is still possible and very interesting on its own (though a sucky one to live in), but by the hour I'm daring to grow more assured that it actually is the other way this time.

Mueller found a lot of suspicious Russia shit with Trump's campaign and now he's laying the groundwork for other agencies to continue to the next level of criminals after Stone/Manafort/Gates straight into Trump's most inner circle. These investigating groups will have wider berth to really fuck over these guys which could yield more concrete judicial success. Just a theory until we get the full thing.

And I STILL wanna know what Flynn squealed about to get him such a lenient sentencing by Mueller's team, even after his lying about Russian ambassador, Kislyak - yet another angle in the Russia collusion investigation which hilariously became background noise due to all the other shit going on.

Short attention spans we have.
I don't think you need to convince most of the skeptical people here that Trump is immoral and corrupt.

What I need to be convinced of is why I should care about these investigations.Will it take down Trump? Or will it expose systematic problems that need fixing beyond trump? If not then the whole thing does feel like a distraction, considering the billions of other things to worry about right now.

This might be unfair, but from the outside looking in, it kinda feels like either people following it like it's a tv crime procedural, and people desperately looking for a reason 2016's election was illegitimate to protect a worldview that was absolutely shattered by it. I suppose the report still has a very good chance to be a step forward for people like that.

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
I'm guessing that here's got to be significantly damaging information in the report. If there wasn't, then Barr would have had no problem summarizing the findings today. Just my thought.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't think you need to convince most of the skeptical people here that Trump is immoral and corrupt.

What I need to be convinced of is why I should care about these investigations.Will it take down Trump? Or will it expose systematic problems that need fixing beyond trump?

If not then the whole thing does feel like a distraction, considering the billions of other things to worry about right now. This might be unfair, but from the outside looking in, it kinda feels like either people following it like it's a tv crime procedural, and people desperately looking for a reason 2016's election was illegitimate to protect a worldview that was absolutely shattered by it. I suppose the report still has a very good chance to be a step forward for people like that.

I believe nothing in this world is legitimate and I have grown quite nihilistic these last few years, but I still want to fight for the semblance of democracy we purport to have. And yes, if it's found that Trump's entire administration is rotten to the core and have defrauded the United States even if it wasn't Trump himself (still finding that hard to believe), then whoever was involved needs to be brought to light with the full condemnation of the law as if Trump was doing it himself.

The fact that we don't give a shit about crimes like conspiracy and bribes and outright fraud committed to enhance a fascist agenda and the criminals' own coffers is exactly the reason we're in the mess we're in. If we went after white collar crime and the privileged criminals more often with zeal instead of turning fucking dumb and forgetting we can walk and chew gum at the same time, then these criminals would be less successful in obtaining power.

Instead, it's 1 giant continuous gaslighting and it's been happening since all of us were born. Well before, really. All of the Iran Contra guys are back for another round, and Trump's kids who could have been nabbed years ago, are still around to punish us for our laziness and have threatened to continue haunting us again in the future.

Lot of stuff to fight, yes, but I want the rot gone. Or else it will continue to linger around for years to come and it will come back in a potentially even more dangerous way even IF we win back the presidency, senate, and everything else in 2020. In fact, I guarantee it will.

I've already seen the successes of '06 and '08 and what came after. We can't simply defeat Trump. We can't simply beat back or stall his policies. We have to destroy the entire criminal apparatus and lay bear the constant crimes and sleaze from the right.

Russian investigation is but 1 cog in a wheel of corruption and lies; it is not the wheel and it never was. Anything gleaned from it will never be useless or pointless if it can be used in other areas. If anything, it's helped reveal that we got a lot more work to do in cleaning up our entire system, and yes, I believe that's the ultimate conclusion we will glean from the findings and we'll continue from there.


Oct 26, 2017
Early as tomorrow. Wonder if Barr would negotiate Trump's resignation to be pardoned for all crimes if it's that bad?
It seems that no matter what is in the report, it will definitely still disappoint people including this person here. It's like crazy expectation came out of no where that Mueller will lock up Trump and his goons just like that.


Oct 27, 2017
Early as tomorrow. Wonder if Barr would negotiate Trump's resignation to be pardoned for all crimes if it's that bad?


People, please please please bring yourselves back to reality, this kind of thinking isn't good for anyone

It seems that no matter what is in the report, it will definitely still disappoint people including this person here. It's like crazy expectation came out of no where that Mueller will lock up Trump and his goons just like that.

To be fair, liberal Twitter and this board helped paint that picture and got everyone's expectations way too high, it didn't really come out of nowhere, it was the fantasy all along.


Dec 2, 2017
This is what I think will happen:

Regarding Mueller, there are of course a lot of possibilities, but here are a few predictions to occupy the mind while we wait. 1/7
First, we are told no more indictments are coming (beyond the many already filed), but I bet the Mueller report will still include significant new derogatory information on the Trump inner circle and probably on POTUS himself. 2/7
My bet is that, despite this new derogatory information, Mueller declined to bring new indictments mainly for "prudential reasons." 3/7
Meaning, for example, that some key evidence cant be used because it's classified (despite CIPA); or there are problems with witnesses or document provenance; or the evidence shows that guilt is very likely, but it isn't quite proof beyond a reasonable doubt, etc. 4/7
If/when all or most of the facts come out, which is very likely, Trump critics will say Mueller was too cautious (I would not be surprised if some *within* SCO held that view), but in any event they will argue that the report makes out a clear case to impeach. 5/7
Trump defenders, I predict, will go with "no-indictment-no-collusion" and/or discover a newfound appreciation for DOJ traditions and the vital democracy-protecting prudential standards in the Justice Manual. 6/7
In the end, however, while it may not be as sexy as Russia, I predict that SDNY (or NYAG) will get him fair and square for campaign finance or other crimes. 7/7


Jul 25, 2018
What I fear will happen is the media and most the US will continue to look past the actual crimes he has done, including tax fraud, bank fraud, obstruction, and we already know he's an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime, but they'll all let him skate through this on the basis of "no smoking gun here on this particular charge".


Oct 25, 2017
Mueller's mandate is to investigate, right? Not necessarily to litigate, unless it's relevant to the actual investigation? If that's the case, I can totally see that he's gathered sufficient evidence to make some kind of case, and that he didn't deem it necessary to further his investigation. I mean, he clearly hasn't gathered nothing. You don't just indict a whole bunch of people from Trump's inner circle and come away empty-handed.


Oct 25, 2017
What I fear will happen is the media and most the US will continue to look past the actual crimes he has done, including tax fraud, bank fraud, obstruction, and we already know he's an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime, but they'll all let him skate through this on the basis of "no smoking gun here on this particular charge".

This is literally the plan Trump, Fox News, and the GOP at large is going with.

If this was a nothingburger, so's the rest of it.


Oct 25, 2017
What I fear will happen is the media and most the US will continue to look past the actual crimes he has done, including tax fraud, bank fraud, obstruction, and we already know he's an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime, but they'll all let him skate through this on the basis of "no smoking gun here on this particular charge".
Honestly that has been a concern for many experts for a long time that when the report came out it would be so overly simplified by the press and of course the GOP.


Oct 29, 2017
Mueller's mandate is to investigate, right? Not necessarily to litigate, unless it's relevant to the actual investigation? If that's the case, I can totally see that he's gathered sufficient evidence to make some kind of case, and that he didn't deem it necessary to further his investigation. I mean, he clearly hasn't gathered nothing. You don't just indict a whole bunch of people from Trump's inner circle and come away empty-handed.


So main purpose is to investigate, but also is able to prosecute if he believes it "necessary and appropriate". Which ofc we've seen in action numerous times already.
So, the good sticking point is why to no longer prosecute; it would have to be because he no longer believes it necessary and appropriate. So why? Nothing more can possibly be done to the other unindicted actors (Glen Greenwald's forever dream) or are we talking more 'the end of the beginning' here (my forever dream)?

The full report can give a lot of context to that Q, which is why it absolutely has to come out unsoiled. So many threads we don't know about yet that hopefully now can be shared so we can better figure out where to go next.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
It seems that no matter what is in the report, it will definitely still disappoint people including this person here. It's like crazy expectation came out of no where that Mueller will lock up Trump and his goons just like that.

People have been posting The Wire anD Friday Night Light GIFs for the better part of two years like Mueller is some next coming of Christ. The boot licking and ass kissing of this whole thing has been embarrassing for awhile now and this board and this thread are a prime example of how out of touch they are from the average day American citizen.

When you're looking for rationale thinking remember this is the same group of people who said the Vita TV would likely dominate the gaming market.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
People have been posting The Wire anD Friday Night Light GIFs for the better part of two years like Mueller is some next coming of Christ. The boot licking and ass kissing of this whole thing has been embarrassing for awhile now and this board and this thread are a prime example of how out of touch they are from the average day American citizen.

When you're looking for rationale thinking remember this is the same group of people who said the Vita TV would likely dominate the gaming market.

There's a Friday Night Lights Mueller gif? Which one is that?


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that there's still no Trump tweets makes me think this could turn out to be big
Don't hype yourself up for this man :/. I think the president not translating is probably his leash being tugged to back off and let this die slowly and quietly without angering any members of the justice department further


Oct 27, 2017
Don't hype yourself up for this man :/. I think the president not translating is probably his leash being tugged to back off and let this die slowly and quietly without angering any members of the justice department further
I don't think I am, as for specifics I really have no expectations at the moment, but it never seems like anyone has really had success in the past about getting Trump to not tweet. The silence is really unusual.


Oct 25, 2017

I dunno, people act like Trump was doing great and all of a sudden Mueller tanked his popularity. He has a litany of problems beyond the Russia investigation. And that report is only exonerating if it comes out and says "Everybody, including Trump's kids, were lying about the Trump Tower meeting. It never happened, therefore no collusion." The stuff they already admit to is a conspiracy. If the report just reiterates what we know, when we get the full report and not the doctored Barr version, it'll still be harmful.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I don't think I am, as for specifics I really have no expectations at the moment, but it never seems like anyone has really had success in the past about getting Trump to not tweet. The silence is really unusual.
I saw an article that said he is nervous about the report and doesn't want to discuss it with anyone at the moment.

Make of that what you will.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Basically we don't know what the Mueller report says yet but because there are no final indictments that have been made, upon the handing off of the report to the AG, the trolls are coming out.

I'd be way more surprised if indictments dropped upon the release of the report. That would be really weird because indictments reveal things, and that would usurp the process of what happens next with the report. The report is out of Mueller's hands. Mueller making last minute indictments would be him deciding to reveal the most sensitive items; that doesn't seem within his purview and direction.

But hey, checkmate liberals?


Nov 2, 2017
Los Angeles, California
People have been posting The Wire anD Friday Night Light GIFs for the better part of two years like Mueller is some next coming of Christ. The boot licking and ass kissing of this whole thing has been embarrassing for awhile now and this board and this thread are a prime example of how out of touch they are from the average day American citizen.

When you're looking for rationale thinking remember this is the same group of people who said the Vita TV would likely dominate the gaming market.

The whole "Resistance", a force armed only with gifs and memes, has been embarrassing for a while now. From "Mueller Time" to perp walks to the litany of cringeworthy nicknames for Trump, it's honestly pushed me further away from the cause. I'm still as eager to see Trump impeached/behind bars as anyone, but I just can't be associated with that impotent Twitter-rage. Places like /r/politics have devolved into a naive bastion of samey jokes and comments. There's a huge segment of young voters who get most of their information from the privileged, palette-swapped Muppets on Pod Save America. The reality-shattering truth these people are going to face will hopefully crush their naïveté and get them to focus on actual issues that could help defeat Trump in 2020. That is, if they can ever stop eating each other alive.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Recession is hitting next year anyway, so the dems can pretty easily run on Trump ruining the economy if nothing comes of the investigation. But I still think there's more to come.


Oct 25, 2017
The whole "Resistance", a force armed only with gifs and memes, has been embarrassing for a while now. From "Mueller Time" to perp walks to the litany of cringeworthy nicknames for Trump, it's honestly pushed me further away from the cause. I'm still as eager to see Trump impeached/behind bars as anyone, but I just can't be associated with that impotent Twitter-rage. Places like /r/politics have devolved into a naive bastion of samey jokes and comments. There's a huge segment of young voters who get most of their information from the privileged, palette-swapped Muppets on Pod Save America. The reality-shattering truth these people are going to face will hopefully crush their naïveté and get them to focus on actual issues that could help defeat Trump in 2020. That is, if they can ever stop eating each other alive.

All the handwringing in this thread is hilarious, but this post is just completely wrong.

People were mobilized when Republicans came their closest to repealing the Affordable Care Act. The midterm elections saw historic turnout, stymying Republican agendas all across the country. Your assessment that people aren't engaged on the issues is myopic. Maybe get off Twitter and get engaged yourself.
Oct 25, 2017
The whole "Resistance", a force armed only with gifs and memes, has been embarrassing for a while now. From "Mueller Time" to perp walks to the litany of cringeworthy nicknames for Trump, it's honestly pushed me further away from the cause. I'm still as eager to see Trump impeached/behind bars as anyone, but I just can't be associated with that impotent Twitter-rage. Places like /r/politics have devolved into a naive bastion of samey jokes and comments. There's a huge segment of young voters who get most of their information from the privileged, palette-swapped Muppets on Pod Save America. The reality-shattering truth these people are going to face will hopefully crush their naïveté and get them to focus on actual issues that could help defeat Trump in 2020. That is, if they can ever stop eating each other alive.
Sometimes I wonder if people read their own posts back to themselves. What self inflated nonsense, as if the midterms demonstrated nothing.
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