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Oct 25, 2017
I don't fully understand that but it's the first thing since the referendum that sounds anything like a real plan


Oct 28, 2017
The leak reveals a highly complex plan ("Model A") under which the U.K. would be given the unilateral option of EITHER extending the implementation plan OR going into the backstop if the FTA isn't ready by Dec 31 2020
EU is never gonna give up control and give the UK a unilateral option.

Second part sounds like the backstop always sounded (Backstop only kicks in if there is no better alternative after transition)?


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
The EU have always 'offered' a UK wide customs union as potential backstop as long as it meets their concerns.

Back on the 26th of July, Barnier said this at a press conference.


Not really sure why it's been dressed as some concession. It's been on the table since the start. Hopefully we can now get to the next moment of reality which is whatever is set as the backstop is almost certainly going to be the fundamental base of the future long term relationship. There's no FTA which will remove the Irish border issues.

True. It's the paragraph beneath the red bit that concerns the EU and could be the next big argument.
The EU would accept an all-UK customs deal, but the UK also need an all-UK single market deal if they want to avoid any UK-NI border checks. The customs union only affects a few of the border checks.
The EU will require full regulatory oversight for UK single market access. The UK's "Regulatory equivalence" proposals are bullshit since the different member states are always coming to different conclusions on what the regulation actually means. EU oversight is required to prevent regulatory divergence (CJEU being the 'supreme court', but most disagreements are settled way below this level by EU regulatory quangos).

The EU regulators have relatively advanced plans for no-deal, since they've assumed that even if we get a deal it will not involve single market membership (since the government literally said that). The UK authorities have already been kicked out of all EU regulatory work unless it can be guaranteed that it will be finished before April and their roles assigned to other member states (expect some banking and medicines regulatory chaos on the EU side though). Meanwhile, our policy is some muddled statements that we'll build our own parallel regulatory system that's just as good as the EU's (with strippers and blackjack already covered by national regulations).


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK

I don't understand this. Letting UK people come in the EU freely, in exchange for letting EU people come back (if they had lived in the UK in the past)? Seems like a much better deal for UK people, because it includes everyone in the future. Am I interpreting this right?

Deleted member 33082

User requested account closure
Nov 14, 2017

I don't understand this. Letting UK people come in the EU freely, in exchange for letting EU people come back (if they had lived in the UK in the past)? Seems like a much better deal for UK people, because it includes everyone in the future. Am I interpreting this right?

No, he means that UK citizens that are currently in the EU will be able to move freely to other EU countries, rather than being stuck in the one they reside in.

Deleted member 31104

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
No, he means that UK citizens that are currently in the EU will be able to move freely to other EU countries, rather than being stuck in the one they reside in.

btw I don't actually think the EU can offer that without a treaty change (i.e it won't be in the withdrawal agreement). Migration from non member states is a reserved competency. The member states might agree to it but they'll need to go through their own national legislative procedure.


Nov 4, 2017
I love that the British government is fudging this by basically giving themselves the option to default into the agreed position with the EU rather than admitting they'll have to concede. As long as they can maintain the illusion that they are doing this BECAUSE THEY WANT TO not because they're being forced to by a superior partner, it's okay to sell their country down the river. Dat British superiority complex...


Oct 28, 2017
Especially because the Transition Period IS A CONCESSION TO US. It is the EU BEING NICE.

They don't want us sitting in the Transition forever almost as much as the Brexiters don't. It just adds more and more complications over time.
Yeah. Can't see how this will be agreed by the EU as it's basically giving control of theEU customs union and the SM to the UK.

This is gonna get seen as cherry picking.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK

Some of the highlights from the NAO's No Deal Prep report.

  • If the UK leaves the EU with no 'deal' in place on 29 March 2019 [...] trade between the UK and the EU would be governed by World Trade Organization (WTO) rules including the principle of 'most favoured nation'. [...] This means that new customs controls, tariffs and non-tariff barriers might apply to around £423 billion of trade at the UK border.
  • The effectiveness of departments' border planning and delivery has been affected by ongoing uncertainty and delays in negotiations. The uncertainty from the ongoing UK-EU negotiations has made it difficult to make clear planning assumptions
  • There is a high delivery risk attached to government departments' border programmes for 'day one of no deal' due to their scale, complexity and urgency; this risk is magnified by the degree of interdependence between the programmes.
  • Infrastructure identified by government departments cannot be built before March 2019
  • The additional resources required to operate the border may not be ready by March 2019
  • Businesses do not have enough time to make the changes that will be needed if the UK leaves the EU without a 'deal'
  • The most complex issues relating to the border in the event of the UK leaving the EU without a 'deal' remain to be resolved.
So that's nice.
Jun 2, 2018
Northern Ireland
I can't remember the last time she mentioned 'No deal is better than a bad deal'. The fact that she mentioned it at all shows how utterly incompetent she is, in trying to portray a strength and resilence that the UK has, when that wasn't actually there in the first place.

What a mess we are sleepwalking into. Someone in cabinet needs to gain a reality check.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if people are still in the get on with it mood. It's going to be a disaster unless we get some pointless no say like deal. The cost of new infrastructure and new oversight will make the billions we pay the EU a bargain. Brexit is such a waste of time and money with no gains, even if we strike a half way deal we've shot ourselves in both feet and end up worse off.

El meso

Oct 27, 2017
If there is no FOM who is going to pick fruits in The UK?
It seems like an oversight to me...the whole sector is going to suffer right?

And nursing...if they send The nurses back to their countries things Will go bad real fast


Oct 27, 2017
If there is no FOM who is going to pick fruits in The UK?
It seems like an oversight to me...the whole sector is going to suffer right?

And nursing...if they send The nurses back to their countries things Will go bad real fast
Obviously the people they stole these jobs from while on wellfare will solve all of it. Duuuh.
(Your reasoning is why no politician ever did anything about immigration when they could, they know it is necessary.)

El meso

Oct 27, 2017
The last 3 blokes in a pub vídeo was eye oppening to me, everything Will change in The UK... Mostly for worse btw
The transportation
The food
The healthcare
The border
..serious did anyone think about that, these are not things any govern Will be able to solve in just two yearsn, and im not even touching The european future that was taken from Young People there.


Oct 30, 2017
Some muppet in the comments there saying we'd have been fine if it wasn't for the remoaners.

Sad thing is, a quick history check says they're not joking.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
I wonder if people are still in the get on with it mood. It's going to be a disaster unless we get some pointless no say like deal. The cost of new infrastructure and new oversight will make the billions we pay the EU a bargain. Brexit is such a waste of time and money with no gains, even if we strike a half way deal we've shot ourselves in both feet and end up worse off.

from another thread:

lol at these melodramatic replies. The country is not going to implode, we'll just get on with it and be mildly inconvenienced for a bit and then have a cup of tea.

(don't know if sarcastic or not)


Oct 25, 2017
I love that the British government is fudging this by basically giving themselves the option to default into the agreed position with the EU rather than admitting they'll have to concede. As long as they can maintain the illusion that they are doing this BECAUSE THEY WANT TO not because they're being forced to by a superior partner, it's okay to sell their country down the river. Dat British superiority complex...

well a smart way to do it could be to also then talk about immigration controls - which although they techically already have but don't use, they could claim them as some kind of pyrrhic victory.


Oct 25, 2017
Though as the article notes, the objection stems from the fact that Russia hasn't ratified the current EU schedules, therefore any new schedules that derive from that are also suspect.

EU still screwing over the UK.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, the Guardian edited the story to phrase it in a more awkward way but in the British MEP Syed Kamall responded to the socialist faction in the EP demanding a second referendum by claiming that the Nazis were socialists.
Well, it's in the name, duh!

Maybe someone should tell him that German social democrats were the only ones that voted against the Enabling Act in 1933 in parliament. Everyone else (except for the communists, who were already imprisoned) voted in favour, including centrist parties.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Damn, the Guardian edited the story to phrase it in a more awkward way but in the British MEP Syed Kamall responded to the socialist faction in the EP demanding a second referendum by claiming that the Nazis were socialists.

Who? I bet he's some nut-job UKIP lunat.... the leader of the Conservatives group in the EU Parliament.
Fucking hell, even in his so-called apology, he's at it again, "I get tired of people saying Nazism is a right-wing ideology". Just what the fuck does he think "right-wing" means?

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
If there is no FOM who is going to pick fruits in The UK?
It seems like an oversight to me...the whole sector is going to suffer right?

And nursing...if they send The nurses back to their countries things Will go bad real fast

Immigrants have been picking fruit long before the EU and FoM was a thing. Can't remember what you call it but they allowed many people to come over for the seasons. No idea how feasible it is nowadays though.

People don't realise until it's too late and I've already hear from old people, I would happily pay more for fruit if the need to pay people more while not thinking it's probably not pay that puts off British people.
Oct 26, 2017
Damn, the Guardian edited the story to phrase it in a more awkward way but in the British MEP Syed Kamall responded to the socialist faction in the EP demanding a second referendum by claiming that the Nazis were socialists.

They must get very confused by buffalo wings and dragonflies

Also that 'party of Churchill eaten by UKIP' quote. Why is it that everyone forgets what a racist cuntbag Churchill was


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Why are so many Conservative politicians in the UK fucking insane.

They realized that the people are sheep
They realized that the check of power is toothless
They realized that no-one cares about corruption
They realized that no-one cares about treason
They realized that the way the Nazis got into power still works
They realized that "conquer and divide" is even a good strategy on your own population
They realized that democracy is failing.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
I'm familiar with Kamall from a few debates and that kind of lunacy is what he does.

Hyperpartisan, lowest common denominator stuff. He's terrible and there's a chance his awfulness will reach the UK once everything is said and done.


Oct 25, 2017
I find the notion that another vote would risk the social fabric to be utterly disgusting to be honest.

Firstly, it openly accepts that Leave voters are going to riot in a way remainers didn't. And we're supposed to be fine with that. "Don't change your mind or leave voters will riot in the streets and it will be your fault!".

Secondly, *the social fabric is already torn behind repair*. Old people voted to deny young people the same opportunities and future they had, and won't suffer the consequence. The massive generational gap in the voting patterns shows a complete breakdown of society, and the fact that politicians are ignoring the demographics of the vote because it's politically scary is really depressing. Rights that we were *born* with are being stripped away because of a bunch of racist, xenophobic backwards fuckers. And you're telling me another vote would somehow cause more damage than we already have?
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