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Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
I had to stop listening to them a while ago - they're the perfect example of remain supporters who have taken no lessons from losing in 2016 and just think doing a 2nd referendum will solve everything. Dunt is a proper condescending prick as well
My breaking point was
just started listening to this and the phrase "some of our favourite Tories" should be in no-one's vocabulary if you even aspire to progressive values

And the guest this week is a Thatcher stan who literally jokes about wanking over Thatcher

I'm out lads

Remainiacs asked an "political branding expert" if a hypothetical remain campaign would really lose out from not caving on immigration and he was all "well germany let a million people in and that fuelled the nasty advertising, so they need to do something on immigration" i.e. give them what they want

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
In other incompetence news, from the Sun douche via The Guardian:

"The revolution has failed (for now). Multiple sources tell me say the 1922 Executive will refuse to approve any changes to the leadership rules when it meets at 4pm by a comfortable majority. So May to stay.

It appears some of the public agitating for leadership rules changes in the last few days has quite badly backfired. It has turned some initially wavering 1922 exec members against.

Sir Graham Brady to announce the conclusion of the exec's deliberations to a full meeting of all Tory MPs at 5pm. So this looks like the second Brexiteer coup against May that has failed in four months."


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
The prospect of an independent Scotland is very exciting to me as a EU citizen. Here's hoping it happens and it wins this time. In Edinburgh I've heard countless people say they voted "no" and would change to "yes" this time because Brexit opened their eyes, so I think with a good campaign that ensures that Scotland would be part of the EU, that shouldn't too hard to win.
Oct 28, 2017
The prospect of an independent Scotland is very exciting to me as a EU citizen. Here's hoping it happens and it wins this time. In Edinburgh I've heard countless people say they voted "no" and would change to "yes" this time because Brexit opened their eyes, so I think with a good campaign that ensures that Scotland would be part of the EU, that shouldn't too hard to win.

It was as close to the bone as it could get last time. Everything pointed to a Yes win but in the end we got scunnered thanks to currency fears and the whole "You won't be able to stay in the EU!" patter. Now that the UK is tanking its rep worldwide, as well as constantly heeing and hawing over the issue of EU membership, the road looks clear.


Apr 22, 2019
I doubt this even happens to be honest. Some Democrat will win in 2020 in the US, they'll condemn Brexit, and they'll pretend it never happened.

If it did happen, more countries would become completely autonomous and join the EU on their own, weakening Britain even more


Oct 28, 2017
In other incompetence news, from the Sun douche via The Guardian:

"The revolution has failed (for now). Multiple sources tell me say the 1922 Executive will refuse to approve any changes to the leadership rules when it meets at 4pm by a comfortable majority. So May to stay.

It appears some of the public agitating for leadership rules changes in the last few days has quite badly backfired. It has turned some initially wavering 1922 exec members against.

Sir Graham Brady to announce the conclusion of the exec's deliberations to a full meeting of all Tory MPs at 5pm. So this looks like the second Brexiteer coup against May that has failed in four months."

Never underestimate the Brexiteers' ability to catastrophically fuck up.


Oct 27, 2017
It was as close to the bone as it could get last time. Everything pointed to a Yes win but in the end we got scunnered thanks to currency fears and the whole "You won't be able to stay in the EU!" patter.

I remember it being pretty close right to the end, when was everything pointing to yes? My memory might be playing tricks on me. I voted yes last time and would do so again, FWIW.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
That pledge probably turned a few people too.

Isn't the problem with Independence now is basically one hell of a border issue and trade with the rest of UK, like Ireland without the GFA, we are still screwed if the UK doesn't stay close to the EU in a customs union, single market agreement. We trade more with the rest of the UK so how do you fix a similar impossible problem like the Irish border one?

I just don't think you call sell that unless the UK remains in the EU no matter the idiocy in Westminster. People will cling to the UK union more than before because that's the meat of the trade.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
That pledge probably turned a few people too.

Isn't the problem with Independence now is basically one hell of a border issue and trade with the rest of UK, like Ireland without the GFA, we are still screwed if the UK doesn't stay close to the EU in a customs union, single market agreement. We trade more with the rest of the UK so how do you fix a similar impossible problem like the Irish border one?

I just don't think you call sell that unless the UK remains in the EU no matter the idiocy in Westminster. People will cling to the UK union more than before because that's the meat of the trade.
There's less political weight and moral obligation behind avoiding a border in that case


Apr 21, 2018
That pledge probably turned a few people too.

Isn't the problem with Independence now is basically one hell of a border issue and trade with the rest of UK, like Ireland without the GFA, we are still screwed if the UK doesn't stay close to the EU in a customs union, single market agreement. We trade more with the rest of the UK so how do you fix a similar impossible problem like the Irish border one?

I just don't think you call sell that unless the UK remains in the EU no matter the idiocy in Westminster. People will cling to the UK union more than before because that's the meat of the trade.

yes. either britain remains in the eu, in which case what's the difference that means we need another vote. or britain leaves the eu in which case you have to fight an extremely grim economic prospectus given the divergence on goods/services with trade partner and the collapse of the global price of oil since 2014.


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to keep track, saw this shared on my feed of another CUK Mep wannabe throwing out some transphobia to give CUK the bigotry bingo.

Also seems like someone knew of one of the s homophobia and tried to edit their Wikipedia page the day before they were announced to be running.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
It's hard to keep track, saw this shared on my feed of another CUK Mep wannabe throwing out some transphobia to give CUK the bigotry bingo.

Also seems like someone knew of one of the s homophobia and tried to edit their Wikipedia page the day before they were announced to be running.


Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
honestly the least surprising thing in the world is finding out the party attracts TERFs. I just assume that's a given.
Oct 26, 2017
Let's not forget whatever fucking dire take this was like what. Her main schtick seems to be calling out antisemitism but then spends so much time over a year making these claims.



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
In other incompetence news, from the Sun douche via The Guardian:

"The revolution has failed (for now). Multiple sources tell me say the 1922 Executive will refuse to approve any changes to the leadership rules when it meets at 4pm by a comfortable majority. So May to stay.

It appears some of the public agitating for leadership rules changes in the last few days has quite badly backfired. It has turned some initially wavering 1922 exec members against.

Sir Graham Brady to announce the conclusion of the exec's deliberations to a full meeting of all Tory MPs at 5pm. So this looks like the second Brexiteer coup against May that has failed in four months."

Why do anything when you can just whinge about it on the Today Programme instead?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm genuinely shocked that none of the CHUK MEP candidates have a twitter that is just them saying the n word over and over.


Feb 19, 2018

TINGE continue to act like utter fuckwits. Honestly it's incredible, they've managed to nominate some absolutely terrible people, have handled it terribly, and oh, really pissed off the Lib Dems, who should be in theory natural allies.


Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
lmao catching up on the guardian politics weekly from last Thurs

Chris Leslie interviewed for TIG

"it's about time someone made the case FOR the european parliament, all these other parties are sort of down on it and saying how bad it is...
we shouldn't be taking rules from other countries we should be making rules"

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

it's all lies... which is why 2 of their MEP candidates stood down the day after being picked.

Glad they sorted that out then. No problem here.
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Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
One of the candidates Frances Weetman or something like that is crazy. Not only did she say UK wasn't built on slavery she spewing eugenic shit about Jewish people.
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Oct 25, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
The prospect of an independent Scotland is very exciting to me as a EU citizen. Here's hoping it happens and it wins this time. In Edinburgh I've heard countless people say they voted "no" and would change to "yes" this time because Brexit opened their eyes, so I think with a good campaign that ensures that Scotland would be part of the EU, that shouldn't too hard to win.

I don't think it's that simple. Brexit itself is showing to be a good cautionary tale of how independence would go. Replace the EU with rUK and UK with Scotland.

We've all seen how tribal the Tories will go, if they are in power for an independence vote, then they will grant no favours and it'll be a bad split. A solid case to remain can be made highlighting the above as well as emphasizing that Scotland does the majority of its trade with rUK.

The inherent problem is immigration. Scotland needs it, and it isn't getting enough from rUK moving into the country. So it is a choice of shorter term painful hits (rUK trade being fucked) vs long term gains (immigration control that suits the country's needs and changing the country's economy to work outwith the rUK).

Immigration is of course required by the rUK as well, but we still live with a party who like to put their head in the sand and pretend it's the cause of all bad things in the country, not the symptom of gutting the services to handle immigration well in local communities. No sir.

The hunger for a referendum isn't there currently either, hence why Sturgeon has given a pretty vague commitment to it with Brexit flavoured strings. The Tories got a massive return in the 2017 election from selling themselves as the party of the union and the polls haven't shifted to a consistent and strong yes result.

Salmond was all about making the referendum happen and working from there to raise the yes vote. Sturgeon is much more cautious generally, and is aware that a second No vote locks the debate out for a really fuckin' long time. I think it may be her downfall, the SNP base are still pretty hungry for indyref2.

My stance tends to fall with Sturgeon, it's not the right time to seek independence, and trying to do it now will only damage the chances of it ever happening.


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK
As a grown adult, to feel the need to take a 16-year-old political activist trying to advocate for a greener world to ensure a sustainable and liveable future for her generation and try and tear her down publicly using your privileged voice in national media should be a moment of intense clarity that you are an actively terrible, villainous person.
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