
Oct 27, 2017
Yep. If it gets the chuds in line I couldn't care less what people call it. It's a shot, the name doesn't matter.

Less ending the division, and more manipulating them to finally do something right for once.
Trying to appease a right wing, white supremacist insurgency is neither plausible, nor wise. We give them nothing.

They let Trump put his name on the stimulus checks, and I'd bet my life savings that got a significant amount of less informed citizens to vote for him.





Oct 25, 2017
4 years of bottled up feelings coming out in the most appropriately passive aggressive way possible


May 1, 2018
Trying to appease a right wing, white supremacist insurgency is neither plausible, nor wise. We give them nothing.

They let Trump put his name on the stimulus checks, and I'd bet my life savings that got a significant amount of less informed citizens to vote for him.




Lol, naming it Trump isn't giving them anything. It's a worthless gesture that might trick them into taking it. Which is sorta important when it's almost half the population and everything has been turned into a culture war. I also really don't care one way or another I just want results.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, naming it Trump isn't giving them anything. It's a worthless gesture that might trick them into taking it. Which is sorta important when it's almost half the population and everything has been turned into a culture war. I also really don't care one way or another I just want results.
Just make the fucking thing mandatory. We already do that with loads of other vaccinations.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish, but that absolutely won't happen. I think we're even lucky they're even talking about making it free.
Allowing this vaccine to be named "Trump" is a huge insult to the hundreds of thousands of people that have died as a direct result of Trump's willful mishandling of this pandemic. It is BEYOND offensive, and there are plenty of other ways to get these fuckers to take it than by conceding the name.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I had only read about that segment with Geraldo suggesting that shit, but after watching it now I feel so fucking disgusted. It's even worse when you hear all the words he's saying yo justify such a fucking stupid idea. Wow...


Oct 27, 2017
Meh. I'm not impressed. I don't want sarcasm. I want plainly told facts. That is truly damning for Trump. Williams doesn't really do anything here to communicate the fact that Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths; he's simply sarcy. Just give it to us straight for once, Williams.


May 1, 2018
Allowing this vaccine to be named "Trump" is a huge insult to the hundreds of thousands of people that have died as a direct result of Trump's willful mishandling of this pandemic. It is BEYOND offensive, and there are plenty of other ways to get these fuckers to take it than by conceding the name.

We don't know how long these vaccines even last. If half the population doesn't take it because it's some Bill Gates microchip or whatever the virus will never go away. But really I don't care about it either way. I'm just saying if it gets good results, do it.

We can name the less effective vaccine that comes in second "trump," how bout that?

Workplaces can and probably will. I've been hearing a number of people complaining about mandatory flu shots.

Yeah, workplaces requiring it is different and I can totally see that happening in a lot of areas. I don't see any chance of it being a government mandate though.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
Can't wait for US history taught in 30 years to talk about how the great president Trump was able to save America by getting the country a vaccineā€¦which is why they called it the Trump


Oct 27, 2017
Allowing this vaccine to be named "Trump" is a huge insult to the hundreds of thousands of people that have died as a direct result of Trump's willful mishandling of this pandemic. It is BEYOND offensive, and there are plenty of other ways to get these fuckers to take it than by conceding the name.
I agree, and people need to realise winning in politics isn't about facts or being best at governance; it's about being best at image and propaganda. We literally just saw that with one of the worst leaders in history by any standard receiving a record number of votes. He still lost, thankfully, but woah.

Letting them get a win by naming the nation-saving vaccine after Trump not only won't get the cult to take it, and won't only aggravate and grossly insult any decent person, but it will give them a huge actual propaganda win that will cost lives later.

They must get nothing. We need to learn not to give them things, ever.


Nov 26, 2017
Can't wait for US history taught in 30 years to talk about how the great president Trump was able to save America by getting the country a vaccineā€¦which is why they called it the Trump
The glorious leader who, after months of downplaying, attacking doctors, lying about testing, blaming other nations, inciting violence against Governors, hogging ventilators, forcing states to bid for PPE, left WHO, all while gathering unprotected people together as often as possible, manged to develop a cure as the nation set world record after world record for infection cases. Where's his medal?


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL


Oct 26, 2017
Trying to appease a right wing, white supremacist insurgency is neither plausible, nor wise. We give them nothing.

They let Trump put his name on the stimulus checks, and I'd bet my life savings that got a significant amount of less informed citizens to vote for him.



Yep. My sis in law said the stimulus was from Trump and the Democrats tried to block it. But she believes a lot of bullshit like after the election she was crying saying we're all going to die because her step dad's last name is Trump.


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't this the dude who lied about nearly being hit by an RPG. Either way, fuck Trump.


Nov 6, 2017
Holy fuck how the fuck can you make a suggestion like that and not immediately hide your face in shame... goddamn these republican kiss asses.


Mar 18, 2018
While laughable, this is an almost perfect example of how fox news and the like bombast its viewers with phrases like "No one has done more to create this vaccine than Trump." as everyone nods along thoughtfully.

Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears dear viewers.


Oct 26, 2017
I ate Indian food last night and just did a horrendous Trump in the toilet.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
T....there's no way that dude was serious when suggesting that name right ? mind is actually blank right now


Oct 25, 2017
I will like to draw everyone's attention to this old video of his show: his guest was amazing

"Swimming pool Budweiser basic." Is seared into my brain, this Linguistic Professor set his entire soul on fire.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Meh. I'm not impressed. I don't want sarcasm. I want plainly told facts. That is truly damning for Trump. Williams doesn't really do anything here to communicate the fact that Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths; he's simply sarcy. Just give it to us straight for once, Williams.
Boy, you sure nailed him...for one 2 min segment of his nightly, hour-long show that, some 300 days into a pandemic didn't expressly just state the facts and instead utilized sarcasm, which clearly must be indicative of how he handles his show at every other moment, just because.

Sadly, this isn't "Truly damning for Trump". Brian Williams and plenty of other newscasters have been chanting the rising number of deaths obediently each day on air for months and yet Trump still had over 70 million people that wanted him for president again.


Oct 27, 2017
Boy, you sure nailed him...for one 2 min segment of his nightly, hour-long show that, some 300 days into a pandemic didn't expressly just state the facts and instead utilized sarcasm, which clearly must be indicative of how he handles his show at every other moment, just because.

Sadly, this isn't "Truly damning for Trump". Brian Williams and plenty of other newscasters have been chanting the rising number of deaths obediently each day on air for months and yet Trump still had over 70 million people that wanted him for president again.
The majority of media including Williams have handled Trump atrociously for the last 5 years and we're meant to applaud them now because they "go in" with some dry sarcasm now he's defeated, as he play the entire Fox and Friends clip. Fuck that.


Oct 27, 2017
The majority of media including Williams have handled Trump atrociously for the last 5 years and we're meant to applaud them now because they "go in" with some dry sarcasm now he's defeated, as he play the entire Fox and Friends clip. Fuck that.
That's a wider set of goalposts than you set earlier when you were complaining that he hadn't just stated the number of dead from Covid-19. Which ironically, of all the things to blast the media about, that's the one thing they've been doggedly faithful about reporting to the nation daily. Williams too.

No one said you were "meant to" do anything. But some will applaud it because that's how positive/negative reinforcement works.


Oct 27, 2017
I just can't imagine what it feels like to be such a worm to say what Geraldo said. It's like self respect is a concept he was never familiar with.


Oct 26, 2017
you know and i had an idea, what if we started calling oxygen "trump," so when we breathed we could say boy, take a big breath of that fresh mountain trump. or what if we went to trump's house on valentine's day, and we all made him valentines with puns about winning the election, or one that says, it's not fake newsā€”you're my valentine!, etc


Oct 28, 2017
Moichandising, moichandising, where the real money from the presidency is made. Look, Trump-the T-shirt, Trump-the Cap, Trump-the University, Trump-the Water Bottle, Trump-the Vaccine.
The kids love this one, I've been told. Last but not least, Trump the doll, me. What beautiful doll. Looks like me, can you believe it?


Oct 29, 2017
The Trump name shall always be synonymous with the word CRAP.

What a load of...

A big stinkin pile of...

That's a bunch of...

You look like...

Don't give me no...

Stop the...


Oct 27, 2017
you know and i had an idea, what if we started calling oxygen "trump," so when we breathed we could say boy, take a big breath of that fresh mountain trump. or what if we went to trump's house on valentine's day, and we all made him valentines with puns about winning the election, or one that says, it's not fake newsā€”you're my valentine!, etc

'Mr. President, from the american people to you...'


...aaand then he can go about LARPing as president in florida or whever


Oct 29, 2017
Remember that time Geraldo caped for a child rapist and slaver?

What happened to you @GeraldoRivera ? You used to afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted. Ghislaine Maxwell's crimes were documented specifically by name in Jeffrey Epstein's illegal non-prosecution agreement. Geraldo, she's a sex-trafficker of underaged girls.

Contrary to the tweet, Geraldo has always been trash, but still - fuck Geraldo Rivera.


Oct 25, 2017
It's weird. Ive heard Geraldo interviewed long form on Howard Stwrn. Few times and he's always come across as normal, smart and level headed. But then anytime I see a clip of him on Fox News he's a fucking nut.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yep. If it gets the chuds in line I couldn't care less what people call it. It's a shot, the name doesn't matter.

It absolutely does matter and giving him credit for anything that he absolutely doesn't deserve , let alone something as monumental as the vaccine for a deadly disease, and you're handing him the white house in four years, because there's no way he doesn't run short of being outright dead.

One of the most important things in the next four years for America is making progress towards breaking his insane cult apart and bringing people back to some sanity as much as possible, and you cannot give him that ground as a result. There's a serious chance It will result in more violence, suffering and death than whatever stupid percentage of his cult not taking the vaccine will


May 1, 2018
It absolutely does matter and giving him credit for anything that he absolutely doesn't deserve , let alone something as monumental as the vaccine for a deadly disease, and you're handing him the white house in four years, because there's no way he doesn't run short of being outright dead.

One of the most important things in the next four years for America is making progress towards breaking his insane cult apart and bringing people back to some sanity as much as possible, and you cannot give him that ground as a result. There's a serious chance It will result in more violence, suffering and death than whatever stupid percentage of his cult not taking the vaccine will

A Trump vaccine for a Trump virus isn't really giving him much credit. Especially when it rolls out during a Biden admin and only the cultists will call it a "Trump vaccine", which they will do anyway.