Yuri P

Oct 28, 2017
The biggest issue with Destiny right now is onboarding and the narrative that they remove content from the game (which they stopped doing and promised to never remove expansion content again).
But I'm not sure if it's even possible to fix onboarding. The trust is lost even if they find a better way to explain the mechanics and reset the story after Final Shape.
A full reset with Destiny 3 doesn't sound like a bad idea because it will at least send a signal to newcomers and lapsed players that they can finally play Destiny without worrying about any of these issues.


Oct 27, 2017
Rock and a hard place if you have a decade (assuming it's years out) worth of character investment and you can't bring it with you to the next game, or simply a clean slate. I'll only be interested in a full on clean slate. Too many dumb systems and baggage with the game currently.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
The biggest issue with Destiny right now is onboarding and the narrative that they remove content from the game (which they stopped doing and promised to never remove expansion content again).
But I'm not sure if it's even possible to fix onboarding. The trust is lost even if they find a better way to explain the mechanics and reset the story after Final Shape.
A full reset with Destiny 3 doesn't sound like a bad idea because it will at least send a signal to newcomers and lapsed players that they can finally play Destiny without worrying about any of these issues.

They need to do a full reset for sure. They are unlikely to be getting new players at this point. Make a 3rd with what they nearby from the first two.

Destiny 2 has been around awhile now. Time to move on.


Oct 25, 2017
I think a nice reset with a 3rd game would be the only way I'd give Destiny a chance, I was addicted to trials of osiris in D1 but once I saw it wouldn't return in the sequel, that was a good enough excuse to finally move on and play other things. I know it came back eventually, but the PvP in Destiny 2 didn't captivate me the same way, and I can't point to an exact reason why.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Id rather they make the classes more meaningful. Give more healing abilities to Warlocks, more shields and tanking abilities for the Titans, and more statue effects for the Warlocks.


Dec 11, 2017
This would be the only thing to bring me back to this franchise and I've been waiting for it for years it seems.


Aug 6, 2023
I'll be there day 1 for sure. I have been wanting Destiny 3 for a while.

I adored 1 and played the most of any game ever. I played 2 but fell hard off it. It wasnt3as good as 1 was at the end. I kept coming back and got decent play time from a few expansions, but it was a disjointed experience for me. Last time I even got bored of the season activity and dropped it.


Jul 21, 2023
It should have happened a long time ago. Probably around the time where they started to take paid content out of the game.

His words are definitely weird. I would welcome a Destiny 3.
Oct 31, 2017
Played D1 from Alpha to TTK, something like over 1500+ hours playtime in that window but dropped the game cold turkey not long after Taken King's release. As a primarily Crucible PvP player, the artificial grind/gating of things became too much for me and my enjoyment of the game. At its highs, D1 was incredible for me, but by the time the game had wore out its welcome I was beyond over it.

D2 never was able to really captivate me. I considered returning at D2's launch but the allure just wasn't strong enough. Then it kind of had a mixed reaction for awhile so it was easy to stay disinterested. Forsaken happened with all its positive word-of-mouth and it actually got me to get the game and play through the relevant content. Had a bit of fun for about a month or two but even then the game felt like a disjointed mess that required way too much of a time and mental commitment to get even a modest "return" of enjoyment out of. So again I found it easy to put it down and ignore. Have had basically zero interest in Destiny since that brief D2 flirtation around Forsaken's release.

A Destiny 3 hard reset (on many levels, really) could potentially get me to return.

I just wonder how the hell they would thread the needle of trying to appeal to the long term, dedicated D2 diehards, long lapsed former players, semi-regular casual players, and totally new players coming into the IP for the first time. Destiny 2 has had going on 7(!) years of content/experiences of players, so how do you appeal to all those people who've been there for all this time for likely hundreds/thousands of hours AND try to also appeal to every one else too? Wasn't that one of the big challenges of Destiny 2? Trying to appeal to all these disparate groups?


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
Let's GO!

Tbh haven't played Destiny since Warmind and haven't found an enticing reason to jump back in since but Bungie makes great games so I'm always excited to see what they're cooking.


Oct 25, 2017
We'll see but it feels a little too late for me. I think making D3 made a lot of sense to fix their back end issues. Unfortunately they just lost me over the years with all the bad player unfriendly decisions in 2 so I just dunno if I trust them with a number 3 any more.


Nov 15, 2017
Played D1 from Alpha to TTK, something like over 1500+ hours playtime in that window but dropped the game cold turkey not long after Taken King's release. As a primarily Crucible PvP player, the artificial grind/gating of things became too much for me and my enjoyment of the game. At its highs, D1 was incredible for me, but by the time the game had wore out its welcome I was beyond over it.

D2 never was able to really captivate me. I considered returning at D2's launch but the allure just wasn't strong enough. Then it kind of had a mixed reaction for awhile so it was easy to stay disinterested. Forsaken happened with all its positive word-of-mouth and it actually got me to get the game and play through the relevant content. Had a bit of fun for about a month or two but even then the game felt like a disjointed mess that required way too much of a time and mental commitment to get even a modest "return" of enjoyment out of. So again I found it easy to put it down and ignore. Have had basically zero interest in Destiny since that brief D2 flirtation around Forsaken's release.

A Destiny 3 hard reset (on many levels, really) could potentially get me to return.

I just wonder how the hell they would thread the needle of trying to appeal to the long term, dedicated D2 diehards, long lapsed former players, semi-regular casual players, and totally new players coming into the IP for the first time. Destiny 2 has had going on 7(!) years of content/experiences of players, so how do you appeal to all those people who've been there for all this time for likely hundreds/thousands of hours AND try to also appeal to every one else too? Wasn't that one of the big challenges of Destiny 2? Trying to appeal to all these disparate groups?

The problem with D2 at launch was that it was made for casual players only. There was no random rolls on weapons, they tossed new exotics at players way to fast, they made the game super slow, there was zero endgame and none of the secrets that D1 had. You pretty much played the campaign then you did weekly bounties and that was all there was to do. That is not what the game is now or has been for a while.

The problem now is just getting new players to understand the story, what they should be doing, and the UI. When I bring friends into Destiny they don't know how menus work, they show no interest in the story because the game does such a poor job telling them, which isn't surprising considering they have to tell the story of the red war, curse of osiris, warmind, and like 20 seasons that can't be played anymore). I think this is what Bungie considering now new players can just skip the new light experience all together.

D2 is a much better game right now than D1 ever was. They just can't keep fumbling these opportunities. They fumbled D1 launch, they fumbled D2 launch, they fumbled Lightfall(good campaign level design, bad narrative) after about a year of great player sentiment following the Witch Queen(which finally delivered a good campaign level design experience combined with a good narrative). There is no telling if they won't fumble again tho.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah. Gonna love the everlasting fuck outta Destiny 3 until they pull some bullshit that makes me quit the game and complain endlessly for 5 years.


Dec 4, 2017
Tried to get into D2 multiple times as a late entry, it's fucking unplayable. Unlike D1 where I entered late I could play all expansions from start to finish in a clear direction and flow. D2 I entered and I had no clue what was going on or where I did any mission or which structure.

They defo need a 3rd.


Oct 25, 2017
Time for Destiny Unleashed.

Not surpising for a tbh.
New engine is a must since from what I know, the under the hood stuff is a mess.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Appreciate it has its fans but Destiny has never done anything for me. The core gunplay is solid, but the world and the lore just doesn't interest me. I watched the trailer for the new expansion and every part of the narration and story just sounds so generically bad to me that I can't engage with it. I'm glad they're working on Marathon because they're such a good studio but I've completely bounced off Destiny and I don't think a third game would really pull me back in beyond perhaps 10-20 hours.


Oct 26, 2017
What Luke said can be interpreted in any way you like.

Might as well be that Destiny is returning in 2026. In pog form!

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
two destinies weren't enough? now there are three destinies? that's not how destiny works


Dec 1, 2017
D2 actively hates new players. It's virtually incomprehensible and this is coming from a Warframe player. I really don't understand how D2 survives as is.


Oct 26, 2017
So... he said that Bungie will continue working on Destiny after The Final Shape.

Did anyone expect anything different?


Oct 26, 2017
So... he said that Bungie will continue working on Destiny after The Final Shape.

Did anyone expect anything different?
In the age of profound corporate greed I want somebody to step up and say "After [insert date here] our product will cease to function. We have no plans for a sequel. I hope that you've enjoyed your time with our product. Once we turn off the servers, all you'll have will be your memories." And then the shareholders, blinded by avarice, flay them alive.


Apr 16, 2018
I am up for a third one. Was fully invested in Destiny 1 from the beta to the end, and Destiny 2 from the start, but do not play every day anymore.


Oct 31, 2017
I would be down if it's gonna be completely new story and setting, I always liked Destiny and the beginning of 2 was cool but I don't want to be punished if I want to take a break and half the game is gone.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I'd definitely jump in on a Destiny 3, especially if it gets better at storytelling. I played a good few hours of Destiny 2, but it got repetitive.


Oct 25, 2017
I like the idea of getting into destiny but I do not like a lot of the fomo content deletion that is going on as a direction so even if destiny 3 happens feels like unless I'm on ground zero every time it would have similar issues.


Aug 6, 2022
Cant wait for year 3 where the original story gets deleted and you can buy 5 different versions, non of which have all the content.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Haven't Bungie said before that there won't be a Destiny 3?

I wonder whether going forward it'll be a blanket reset to just 'Destiny'?


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't Bungie said before that there won't be a Destiny 3?

I wonder whether going forward it'll be a blanket reset to just 'Destiny'?
Even if they've ever clearly stated that they have no intention of building a Destiny 3, it's kind of silly in the greater scope of things. If the money is there, there will always be a new Destiny in some shape or form.

The question is more about "when" and not "if" there will be a new Destiny.


Oct 30, 2017
Me and my friends have been waiting for Destiny 3 since the first or second expansion, in D2, lol. We all lost interest around that time but we all still talk and yearn for more Destiny. No one is willing to get into all the new stuff, it's extremely overwhelming. So we've all decided to just wait for Destiny 3 even if they've said it's not coming.


Oct 29, 2017
I bought Destiny day one and played it a while but passed up on D2 and though I've felt like jumping in, I feel like I've missed so much content that may be gone forever but also still probably have a chunk of old stuff to play before I catch up with the current position of the game. An all new reset / Destiny 3 would at least be a new starting point that I'd consider buying if previews/reviews were favourable.
Jun 16, 2023
I absolutely loved Destiny 1 with the all the hype reaching the Raid and finally mastering it. I closely followed the development and invested a lot of time.. until Destiny 2 came and absolutely lost me in one of the most convoluted and time intensive live service games ever created.

I love the general gunplay and the lore, but what they are doing with D2 is just not compatible with how I approach games currently. :D


Feb 17, 2018
I don't understand how they haven't decided to go heavily into Warframe structure, a never ending game, where all the content that they made can continue to be played, instead of this weird, make content, take it out a little later, can't even figure out what you should be buying to play the stuff that's good, etc.

But guess there's still an audience for Destiny.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
I don't understand how they haven't decided to go heavily into Warframe structure, a never ending game, where all the content that they made can continue to be played, instead of this weird, make content, take it out a little later, can't even figure out what you should be buying to play the stuff that's good, etc.

But guess there's still an audience for Destiny.
Old system. The idea is hopefully D3 is on an engine that makes it easier.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This was shared in the D2 OT, a leaker who correctly gave info about the Prismatic subclass back in February/March also gave some details regarding Destiny 3
Apparently someone leaked Prismatic a month ago along with a correct description of what it is. They also confirmed D3 is being developed under codename "payback" and you will no longer be confined to classes like warlock/titan/hunter and can spec into any ability



Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
Loved the OG Destiny, that game kept me hooked.

They lost me with Destiny 2, especially with their decisions and choices going forward with content. I enjoyed it for the most part, but in the end i fell out of favour with it.

They'll need to do something special to get me back if a 3rd entry comes.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The biggest issue with Destiny right now is onboarding and the narrative that they remove content from the game (which they stopped doing and promised to never remove expansion content again).
But I'm not sure if it's even possible to fix onboarding. The trust is lost even if they find a better way to explain the mechanics and reset the story after Final Shape.
A full reset with Destiny 3 doesn't sound like a bad idea because it will at least send a signal to newcomers and lapsed players that they can finally play Destiny without worrying about any of these issues.
It's a nightmare for returning players too. I haven't played since six months or so before Lightfall launched - so 18 months or so? I booted up the game yesterday and I was immediately hit with nine millions things. I quickly logged back out. I don't know if I have the patience for all that right now. I took another 18 month break at one point and came back to the same problems, but I was more motivated to get in there and go through it again. Not so much this time.

As for D3, it would need to be a serious overhaul of the game. The same treadmill isn't going to cut it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's GO!

Tbh haven't played Destiny since Warmind and haven't found an enticing reason to jump back in since but Bungie makes great games so I'm always excited to see what they're cooking.

If Forsaken and TWQ didn't give you a reason to continue playing I doubt Destiny 3 will change that.

They need to do a full reset for sure. They are unlikely to be getting new players at this point. Make a 3rd with what they nearby from the first two.

Destiny 2 has been around awhile now. Time to move on.

WoW has been around a decade longer than the Destiny franchise. R6S, Roblox and Minecraft have been around longer than D2. No one is clamoring for sequels. Bungie fucked up vaulting content and after Final Shape should try releasing the complete light saga for folks to play the complete story.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
If Forsaken and TWQ didn't give you a reason to continue playing I doubt Destiny 3 will change that.

WoW has been around a decade longer than the Destiny franchise. R6S, Roblox and Minecraft have been around longer than D2. No one is clamoring for sequels. Bungie fucked up vaulting content and after Final Shape should try releasing the complete light saga for folks to play the complete story.

Sure, but each game is different. I don't know if the extreme end of games should be used as an example. There are also plenty of multiplayer games that do get sequels as well.

There comes a time when games stop attracting newer players for whatever reason. Games like Roblox and Minecraft don't have that problem. One way to attract newer players if a game isn't naturally bringing them in is sequels. Start fresh, start new, make a big expansive sequel, advertise all the right things, get it going that way.

Path of Exile is doing that for instance; game is still popular, but it is not growing, and the first has been through so many iterations, so many editions, so many expansios, etc etc for a new player it is just too much. So Start afresh, learn from the mistakes of the first one, nothing advertises better than a sequel.