Oct 25, 2017

in 2014 explaining how the BLM and Blue Lives Matter crowds both have valid positions. He continues on to express his concerns about police body cams...

He makes the point that these are two different groups with two different issues that aren't talking about the same thing. One is how race plays a role in the criminal justice system and the other worries about the safety of officers who risk their lives on a daily basis. Further more he's concerned that the community is being forced to pick sides. His solution is that everyone needs to come together and be both pro-minority AND pro-police. Interesting position(sarcasm).
Last edited:


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I think the issue here is BLM existed first, and instead of offering support for this viewpoint a group of people basically said "Screw you and your movement, the real BLM is blue lives.". One is a reaction to the other, so they really are talking about the same thing, and are now associated with one another for a reason.

Hijacking a minority groups movement to make it about yourself is bad enough. But when that movement is about pointing out the inordinate amount of black people murdered by the very people that are supposed to be protecting them it becomes even more disgusting.

I'm white, so I could be completely wrong on this particular topic.
Oct 25, 2017
His solution is that everyone needs to come together and be both pro-minority AND pro-police. Interesting position.

It's not an interesting position. It's exactly what you'd expect from him.

He comes from a educated, middle class background, Ivy League and Oxbridge education, joined the military at the age of 27 at a time when everybody knew the War on Terror was a load of steaming horseshit because it would play well in his future political campaigns etc.

Of course that person believes in the inherent goodness of US institutions, no matter how much he pretends being gay makes him progressive.

Fuck Mayor Pete.


Oct 27, 2017
I Swear Jordan Pelee is gonna make a Pete stand in on his next movie.


Oct 25, 2017
He also super downplays the necessity of body cams using bullshit speak. It's not great.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't live in America so I may be wrong, but Isn't the problem that police when interacting with African Americans often claim they 'feel' like their life may be in danger and that is the 'reason' they shoot before properly assessing the situation?

I've seen statistics in the past showing African Americans have much higher risk of death when dealing with police, is the opposite also true lending some merit to the "blue lives matter" claim, or is it just reactionary whataboutism like it seems to me?


Oct 29, 2017
We've seen enough cases now where police simply want to humiliate, assault (sexually or otherwise) and kill people of colour, and use the excuse of them feeling scared or under threat in their duties as their justification.

Alternatively people of colour want to be left alone so they can live in dignity and safety.

Not only are the issues intertwined, it's incredibly easy to figure out which side every decent person should be on morally and practically.

No wonder his track record as mayor of South Bend is so bad.


Nov 6, 2017
Pete is never going to take a strong position on anything. No wonder he's the moderate democrat's darling.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
How motherfuckers look when the defended Buttigieg's idiotic "being gay means I can relate to victims of racism" comment:


Whoops missed the context/intent. Please ignore!

Honestly, if someone claims their homosexuality makes them sympathetic to victims of racism but continuously sides with the racism, is that person really gay?

Keep in mind, I'm just using Buttigieg's (poor) logic here lol :P


Dec 26, 2018
Shit on Buttgieg all you want but can you please get better sources than a Trumper.

A liberal case for Donald Trump: The lesser of two evils is not at all clear in 2016

Is there one? A Trump presidency needn't be a nightmare for the left. On many issues, Clinton presidency might be

Once you've let that sink in, try this: There is a liberal case to be made for Donald Trump. The prospect of Trump defeating Clinton this November is not necessarily the apocalypse that some would lead you to believe. Here are some of the reasons why.


Nov 7, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
BLM was never about being anti-police but anti-police brutality. It's a movement against the widespread and systemic abuses of power committed by people charged with protection of citizens. And like people have mentioned, Blue Lives was a silencing tactic that co-opted the language of BLM combined with a gaslighting agenda of pretending that at any point BLM was about "despising" police for literally no reason.

We can be pro-minority and pro-police. The issue is the institution in that equation holding the power with the ability to kill and arrest while being supported in those endeavors by our legal structures has made it their MO for generations to be actively anti-minority.

Law enforcement has frequently made the choice to not actually be genuine in few if any endeavors to correct the gross behavior and corruption that leads to consequences of false arrests/imprisonment along with fatal authorial abuse where an overwhelming amount of the victims end up being black and brown.

Minorities have been the most forward facing and active in efforts to come to the table to end this shit so they can actually trust the people they pay to protect them as citizens. Same can't be said for the institution of law enforcement who have only decided to ignore, delay & manipulate the conversation and cast themselves as the victims of "ungrateful" minorities in order to avoid the growth and change that they're more than capable of.


Dec 26, 2018
User banned (1 month): trolling, long history of similar behavior
No. I won't. Leave if you don't have anything interesting to say.

Wow. You had a good chance to shit on Mayor Booty but you're fine going to bat for a Trumper. I would have thought mentioning your source being a dick who openly supports Trump would have qualified as "interesting." I'll keep this mind the next time I see you posting about Trump's administration.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow. You had a good chance to shit on Mayor Booty but you're fine going to bat for a Trumper. I would have thought mentioning your source being a dick who openly supports Trump would have qualified as "interesting." I'll keep this mind the next time I see you posting about Trump's administration.
Cool. Stop derailing the thread.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
Thread de-rail coming in 3...2....1....

Feels like Pete kinda came out of nowhere. Averted my eyes from the Dem primary for one second due to the UK GE and all of a sudden he's surging. Disappointing.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
Wow. You had a good chance to shit on Mayor Booty but you're fine going to bat for a Trumper. I would have thought mentioning your source being a dick who openly supports Trump would have qualified as "interesting." I'll keep this mind the next time I see you posting about Trump's administration.

you've reached new levels of bad faith.


Oct 27, 2017
This is completely in line with him as a candidate. Midwestern white people are pro police. His bid for the nomination is milk toast midwestern white guy, I know everyone hates him here but he's never presented himself as anything different than that. He's not going for the progressive left of the party for his nomination.


Nov 7, 2017
This is completely in line with him as a candidate. Midwestern white people are pro police. His bid for the nomination is milk toast midwestern white guy, I know everyone hates him here but he's never presented himself as anything different than that. He's not going for the progressive left of the party for his nomination.

You say it like we should be fine with it, and he's certainly anything but your common Midwestern white person. He's an awful candidate. He tries to gaslight BLM, uses SJW as a pejorative, Harvard elite/Rhodes Scholar, has wealthy donors in his back pocket, uses dishonest arguments against free college, dishonest framing around his Healthcare plan, the guy just comes across as someone completely lacking integrity.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Pete has inspired me to run in a local election on a new progressive platform that is both pro-minorities and pro-nazis.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You say it like we should be fine with it, and he's certainly anything but your common Midwestern white person. He's an awful candidate. He tries to gaslight BLM, uses SJW as a pejorative, Harvard elite/Rhodes Scholar, has wealthy donors in his back pocket, uses dishonest arguments against free college, dishonest framing around his Healthcare plan, the guy just comes across as someone completely lacking integrity.
On top of all his other issues, he's a small-town mayor. South Bend Indiana. I mean wtf. He can't get elected to even state-wide office in his home state. Because Indiana won't give him a "promotion" as state treasurer or governor or U.S. senator, he's skipping ahead to the most powerful office in the land. He is uniquely unqualified and callously delusional if he thinks he is. Better he move to a more Dem-friendly state and work out his political ambitions there. Or switch to being a Mitt-Romney-style Repub. It's a better fit for him tbh.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't live in America so I may be wrong, but Isn't the problem that police when interacting with African Americans often claim they 'feel' like their life may be in danger and that is the 'reason' they shoot before properly assessing the situation?

I've seen statistics in the past showing African Americans have much higher risk of death when dealing with police, is the opposite also true lending some merit to the "blue lives matter" claim, or is it just reactionary whataboutism like it seems to me?

Being a cop is "dangerous" (or as dangerous as it is) because you have to stand in traffic or on busy roads sometimes. Not so much because you have to work with black people.

But you can thank fox news and the republican machine for that fear. Bunch of cowards.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
One side wants to stop being hunted and killed. The other side wants to continue to do what they want without consequence.

Cops aren't the ones being hunted.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the issue here is BLM existed first, and instead of offering support for this viewpoint a group of people basically said "Screw you and your movement, the real BLM is blue lives.". One is a reaction to the other, so they really are talking about the same thing, and are now associated with one another for a reason.

Hijacking a minority groups movement to make it about yourself is bad enough. But when that movement is about pointing out the inordinate amount of black people murdered by the very people that are supposed to be protecting them it becomes even more disgusting.

I'm white, so I could be completely wrong on this particular topic.
You're correct on this. Conservatives always try to take a stance that in their heads can't be attacked, and makes the others choice seem wrong.

For pro choice they chose pro life because who'd say they weren't pro life (if you didn't know better). For BLM we got ALM or Blue lives matter. Because who'd say all lives don't matter or that polices lives don't matter.

Its all about distraction and pulling in the people who really don't know what's going on.


Oct 29, 2017
Being a cop is "dangerous" (or as dangerous as it is) because you have to stand in traffic or on busy roads sometimes. Not so much because you have to work with black people.

But you can thank fox news and the republican machine for that fear. Bunch of cowards.
This. People aren't under any delusion that being a cop isn't difficult or dangerous. Blue Lives Matter is not a movement directed at making cops safer by addressing issues within the job that make it dangerous. Rather it exists for the purpose of spreading a propaganda message that cops deserve to avoid accountability or criticism simply because they are cops. You can't even call it a movement when Blue Lives Matter as a phrase is a co-opt of the actual movement of oppressed people Black Lives Matter. It was born from the goal of trying to deny the voices of the disenfranchised rather than being birthed from an effort toward genuine change the way Black Lives Matter was.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
Pete being thrust into the spotlight because of his polling in the Iowa caucus will never not annoy the fuck out of me. A state that's nearly 91% White should not have such sway in candidacy races as it does.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
Giving a middle finger to the idea of banning private insurance period is pretty strong. Forced Warren to put out that weird, delayed M4A nonsense.

This is true. He will defend insurance companies and a system that lets people die because they can't afford insulin with every fiber of his being.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
This is completely in line with him as a candidate. Midwestern white people are pro police. His bid for the nomination is milk toast midwestern white guy, I know everyone hates him here but he's never presented himself as anything different than that. He's not going for the progressive left of the party for his nomination.
Thinking like this just validates and perpetuates bigotry. the fact that some folks just label racism as a cost of doing business is insanity

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
This is why his recent comments on how he can relate his oppression to black oppression rings hollow. He will say the right words in one instance but what he truly believes is very damaging.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not an interesting position. It's exactly what you'd expect from him.

He comes from a educated, middle class background, Ivy League and Oxbridge education, joined the military at the age of 27 at a time when everybody knew the War on Terror was a load of steaming horseshit because it would play well in his future political campaigns etc.

Of course that person believes in the inherent goodness of US institutions, no matter how much he pretends being gay makes him progressive.

Fuck Mayor Pete.
Disparaging a veteran who served honorably to make a political jab at someone you dont like doesn't make you any better than those on the right that would do the same to McCain. Feel free to disagree with the guy but unless you have something backing that hot take then I think we'd be better off with fewer people on this forum peddling bullshit because he doesn't fulfill your checklist for a candidate.
Oct 25, 2017
Disparaging a veteran who served honorably to make a political jab at someone you dont like doesn't make you any better than those on the right that would do the same to McCain. Feel free to disagree with the guy but unless you have something backing that hot take then I think we'd be better off with fewer people on this forum peddling bullshit because he doesn't fulfill your checklist for a candidate.

He was 25 years old.

It was 2007.

We knew the War on Terror was bullshit. We knew the invasion of Iraq was built on lies. He wasn't some teenager joining the military because he felt he had no career prospects, he didn't join up in an emotional charged time after 9/11 when he felt there was a just war worth fighting.

He was a grown ass man who knew better but volunteered because it would help him with his political ambitions.

Fuck Mayor Pete, fuck Mayor Pete's bullshit military career and fuck the "respect the troops" fetishization of military service.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Disparaging a veteran who served honorably to make a political jab at someone you dont like doesn't make you any better than those on the right that would do the same to McCain. Feel free to disagree with the guy but unless you have something backing that hot take then I think we'd be better off with fewer people on this forum peddling bullshit because he doesn't fulfill your checklist for a candidate.
I disparage McCain from the left. Dude was a racist ghoul.

And fuck this "respect our troops" bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Pete sucks. It is known.

Walter Bragman also sucks. He is legitimately a conservative pretending to be a lefty and when sourcing something like this, it's going to be a good idea not to signal boost him.