
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Why the heck do modern high end washers have WiFi????

Personally, I appreciate the notifications on my phone when the loads are done. Also if you have a washer/dryer combo, they can "talk" to each through Wi-Fi. For example, whatever cycle I run my clothes on through the washer, the dryer automatically chooses the appropriate drying cycle when I turn it on. Nothing game changing, but it's a nice convenience. Plus it's 2021, why wouldn't new appliances be smart? LOL.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
Why the heck do modern high end washers have WiFi????

It's great! Getting notifications on my phone when the washer or dryer is done and being able to check on the status is just a great quality of life feature. Depending on which one you get too, you can also give it command remotely like for the dryer to tumble a bit if you can't get to it so the clothes don't get wrinkles. In mine, the washer can talk to the dryer so that the dryer settings get automatically set based on what you used in your washer settings.

I would think it's also yet another thing that can break.

Eh, it's not some necessary feature. If it breaks, the thing will still function just fine without it. It just a nice quality of life feature to have.