
Oct 27, 2017

California to get more than 200 million masks a month in coronavirus fight, Gov. Newsom says

The masks are among the most coveted supplies needed in hospitals and medical facilities that are treating people infected with the coronavirus amid a nationwide shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers.

Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday that California has secured a monthly supply of 200 million N95 respiratory and surgical masks to help protect healthcare workers and other essential personnel at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

"We decided enough's enough. Let's use the power, the purchasing power of the state of California, as a nation-state," Newsom told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. "We did just that. And in the next few weeks, we're going to see supplies, at that level, into the state of California and potentially the opportunity to export some of those supplies to states in need."

Newsom on Tuesday said the state already has distributed 41.4 million N95 masks across California, including 1 million from the federal government. The Democratic governor has said California must be self-reliant and cannot depend on the federal government, which is receiving requests from states across the country, to supply live-saving respirators and other essential medical supplies.

"It's not an indictment. It's not a cheap shot. At the end of the day, they don't have the masks at the national stockpile," Newsom said Tuesday of the federal response. "We decided enough of the small ball. Let's use our purchasing power. Let's go at scale."

Newsom said the consortium will supply at least 150 million N95 masks to be used by frontline healthcare providers as well as 50 million surgical masks.

The governor said California may share the cache of masks with other states that are also in need of medical supplies.


Oct 26, 2017
They should probably guard these somehow so Trump cronies don't steal them.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I choose to look at California as its own country, because it would be a great one. Good that Newsom decided to act like it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Newsom is behaving more like the President than the actual goddamn President.


Oct 25, 2017
I choose to look at California as its own country, because it would be a great one. Good that Newsom decided to act like it is.

5th largest economy in the world. Trump wants to keep us and the east coast quarantined and open up the red states that are just starting to get infections as some kind of piece meal effort to restart the economy. LOL, yeah go run a national economy on red states.


Oct 27, 2017
Feds stepping in to commandeer them in 3, 2, 1.

Pathetic that we even have to entertain this train of thought since it has precedent.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck yes. Let's California this shit.

Cut Trumps sticky fingers off. Lives are depending in these supplies.


Oct 30, 2017
Newsom's past policies haven't been perfect, but he's been a remarkable leader during these times.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
The wording makes it sound like he's daring Trump to step in and try and take it. Wonder if Trump will take the bait.


Oct 25, 2017
The wording makes it sound like he's daring Trump to step in and try and take it. Wonder if Trump will take the bait.
That's my thoughts. I think he's expecting Trump to do that, and likely already has clips cued up to blast over TV about how states should get their own equipment because the Feds are just the back up.


Oct 26, 2017
Hm, I wonder if trump will try to paint CA as "stealing" masks from the government. I could see him trying to paint CA as an enemy


Oct 27, 2017
Good thing Republicans have been neutered at the State level. IF only we could root them out county by county we'd be in paradise over here.


Oct 25, 2017
Now that's leadership. Sad that it even has to come to this. Even sadder that feds may sabotage them out of spite.


Oct 27, 2017
Governors and mayors across the country - certainly not all of them, but enough - are showing us how much better this crisis could've been handled with someone even halfway competent in the White House.

You don't even need to be a great executive overall, you just need to be capable of rising to meet the moment. Trump cannot and will not ever do that.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
Governors and mayors across the country - certainly not all of them, but enough - are showing us how much better this crisis could've been handled with someone even halfway competent in the White House.

You don't even need to be a great executive overall, you just need to be capable of rising to meet the moment. Trump cannot and will not ever do that.
Trump's incompetence is staggering. Almost as staggering as the people who are brainwashed into thinking he is actually doing a good job and can't tell the difference between competence and buffoonery.

Good on Newsom
Nov 23, 2017
Newsom's past policies haven't been perfect, but he's been a remarkable leader during these times.
Listening to some of his public announcements lately has put out a standard of how any person in power should be speaking to the public. I can't even stand listening to the bafoon clips in news show/talk shows.

Living in the middle of the state, you can really see the differences in people's actions from the red side to the blue side of town. I'm just very thankful that our county is minimally affected by this and we still have adequate resources to handle incoming cases.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
My state has its issues, but it also fucking rules, sometimes.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
California's going to need their own military before too long.



Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
watch when the Federal government aka Jared swoops in and confiscates them for 'backup'


Oct 30, 2017
Listening to some of his public announcements lately has put out a standard of how any person in power should be speaking to the public. I can't even stand listening to the bafoon clips in news show/talk shows.

Living in the middle of the state, you can really see the differences in people's actions from the red side to the blue side of town. I'm just very thankful that our county is minimally affected by this and we still have adequate resources to handle incoming cases.
I've stopped watching any Trump press conference all together. The buffoonery is just too much.

I'm as terrified of the virus as anyone, but Newsom gives me hope that we'll make it out okay (relatively speaking). And he backs it up with facts, professionalism, and actions. This is what a leader should look like. Meanwhile the piece of shit in the white house is busy attacking reporters for not worshipping him and suppressing voting.


Oct 25, 2017

I mean. Fuck.

CA pushing out the dweebs who are unprofesh.

Oh god, that gif is back

Badass and much needed move by newsom but i wonder what kind of precedent this sets for like...a rogue government lol. Trumps such an ass. I can only imagine 4 more years of him might encourage states like new york and california forming a coalition since trust in the federal is so abysmal rn


Oct 28, 2017
We are really in this timeline..... fighting to secure goods in a pandemic in spite of the federal government. There should be questions and attacks about this happening all day long