Oct 27, 2017
Until Blizzard steps up and fires many people, no apology is sincere, especially from management. Apology without action is only manipulation.

Arcus Felis

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
I've stopped playing and buying their games since the Blitzchung incident. Warcraft 3: Reforged cemented my disillusionment.

While this doesn't actually surprise me, I am still absolutely disgusted by the extent of the events. Activision-Blizzard joined the list of companies I no longer support in any way, along THQ Nordic, Ubisoft and EA (and apparently I need to add Insomniac Games too).


Oct 25, 2017
The Morhaime stuff is disappointing and unsurprising. It's impossible he wasn't aware of these problems while was running Blizzard, and of course people immediately show up with receipts proving it.
Jun 5, 2018
The information in that report is both revolting and disgusting, assumably Activision had access to it and still thought to respond in the most disrespectful way.

My work experience is limited, I am a white Male and haven't ever had to worry about this, I have been making a conscious effort to read up on these issues when I see them because they effect lives.

even still, to think humans could act like that, and then the support supposedly in place for situations like this could reinforce it is atrocious, I feel banning discussion on the games that "company" makes is a necessary decision, have a pinned thread that lists blacklisted companies/games and explains in great detail why that is, there has to be a way to spotlight these issues without supporting them.


Oct 26, 2017
I always wondered why the dragon aspects in WOW were so hyper-sexualized. It was very distracting tbh and did not make sense.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd also keep in mind that people who went through this at Blizzard can and will have different opinions about the executives and other employees involved and they shouldn't be poked at for that being the case. A large group of people having similar but ultimately unique, personal experiences with discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault do not need to agree about everything for there to be a problem. They are not a monolith. Support them all.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
Blizzard sure turned into a shithole over the past decade. And fuck Morhaime, I don't buy that he didn't know, not one bit.

Given the nature and severity of the incidents, I suspect that it has been a shit show far longer than a decade. Those higher up the chain would have been aware of some of the abusers and likely did whatever they could to protect them if they were in positions that were allowing the company to be as successful as it was.


Aug 17, 2018

There may be no bigger indictment of Morhaime than the sheer ARROGANCE of thinking he could get away with posting that bullshit without people immediately coming back at him with receipts.

All the things he "thought" he stood for, all the things he "tried" to do-- all blatant lies. He knew. He was told exactly what was happening and didn't give a shit. He's only sorry now because it's finally getting attention. He's sorry he got caught, he's not sorry he did it.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
I'd also keep in mind that people who went through this at Blizzard can and will have different opinions about the executives and other employees involved and they shouldn't be poked at for that being the case. A large group of people having similar but ultimately unique, personal experiences with discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault do not need to agree about everything for there to be a problem. They are not a monolith. Support them all.

People have started harassing current employees on social media to quit their jobs as a sign of protest. It is so insanely stupid.


Oct 27, 2017
There may be no bigger indictment of Morhaime than the sheer ARROGANCE of thinking he could get away with posting that bullshit without people immediately coming back at him with receipts.

All the things he "thought" he stood for, all the things he "tried" to do-- all blatant lies. He knew. He was told exactly what was happening and didn't give a shit. He's only sorry now because it's finally getting attention. He's sorry he got caught, he's not sorry he did it.
Seems to be a very common trait of people who have never had to face any real consequences or be held accountable for anything in their lives.

"No one has ever dared to call me out publicly in the past, so no one will this time, either." I hope he gets destroyed.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Blizzard making "Welcome to #Blizzlife" comments on new recruits' posts on LinkedIn seems so sad to look at. And in very very poor taste.


Oct 29, 2017
Why does it literally seem like every gaming company are pieces of shit? I mean from activision, to Ubisoft, to insomniac, EA I can keep on going.


Jun 30, 2021
computer science has been a boys club since the mid 80s, so it becomes self selecting for this shit.

Tech companies today are largely pretty corporate so no it's not really about CS.

This just seems like another symptom of game studios just being behind the curve.

The shit I'm reading about Blizzard is something from like an early 2000s silicon valley startup lol


Oct 25, 2017
Tech companies today are largely pretty corporate so no it's not really about CS.

This just seems like another symptom of game studios just being behind the curve.

The shit I'm reading about Blizzard is something from like an early 2000s silicon valley startup lol
I've seen similar in a 2016 Silicon Valley startup. Not a lot has truly changed. In many ways it's gotten less outwardly blatant depending on how big and corporate the company is, but it's certainly there. I also worked at a Fortune 500 with 8k+ employees, many many many women leaders, nothing stopped executives and managers from preying on the interns every summer. Even one who was ultimately fired because he could NOT stop texting the intern despite his own wife working at the same company and after warnings he received to stop.


Jun 30, 2021
I've seen similar in a 2016 Silicon Valley startup. Not a lot has truly changed. In many ways it's gotten less outwardly blatant depending on how big and corporate the company is, but it's certainly there. I also worked at a Fortune 500 with 8k+ employees, many many many women leaders, nothing stopped executives and managers from preying on the interns every summer. Even one who was ultimately fired because he could NOT stop texting the intern despite his own wife working at the same company and after warnings he received to stop.

Surely there's a difference between hitting on employees discreetly and uh *checks notes* doing coke in bathrooms, spreading nudes of employees, and large swathes of sexual assault allegations.

This is John McAfee startup levels crazy.


Oct 29, 2017
Night City
I don't buy Morhaime's apology at all. There is no way he wasn't fully aware of what was going on and that culture probably started at the top and worked its way down.


Oct 25, 2017
There is not a CEO in gaming right now who isn't sitting down with legal, HR and upper management and coming up with an action plan.

I don't buy Morhaime's apology at all. There is no way he wasn't fully aware of what was going on and that culture probably started at the top and worked its way down.

You shouldn't. He just started a new company and cannot afford the negative press.


Jan 7, 2018
Wonder where Blizzard North fits into all of this. Separate office, but still answering to the same leadership... granted, most (or all?) have long left Blizzard, so easier to not get dragged into this. But with Morhaime looking like he was aware what was going on and did nothing, I wonder how it was at Blizzard North.


Oct 26, 2017
I just don't understand how it's so hard for so many people to not be a giant piece of shit. Seeing this stuff just… fuck.

And all of these people hand waiving it away, I wonder if they know that most likely women they work with probably are uncomfortable/afraid of them, especially if they saw their comments.

The Morhaime stuff is disappointing and unsurprising. It's impossible he wasn't aware of these problems while was running Blizzard, and of course people immediately show up with receipts proving it.
Agreed. This is what command climate looks like. People see what folks at the top will allow and act accordingly. This shit happened because Morhaime and people like him allowed it through inaction or direct action. Either way they created the climate that allowed this to fester.

I also want to point out, when you look at the general gaming populace, a lot of them are monstrously toxic assholes. Look at how many people get death threats over video game reviews or how Jason Schrerier got death threats for saying a game was delayed. These same people are also WORKING IN THESE GAME COMPANIES. These same incels are the ones making games you like. That's why having strong policies and leadership to handle this kind of thing when it comes up and to deal with it is so important.

Think about women you all know in your life. Think about how many time's they've told you about times when they've had to work harder than others, about random comments that were made to them, about times when they had an idea and that idea wasn't used but then a man repeated the same idea and the man was listened to.

Now imagine all the stuff they aren't telling you.

That's what it's like for women in the work place if there aren't strong controls in place to stop this kind of behavior. Especially in the tech sector. It's even WORSE in game development.
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I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Shocking that the company that hired a toxic player from Everquest named Tigole (short for "big ol titties") would have a frat house reputation. Where is Tigole now? Oh right:

"Jeffrey Kaplan (born November 4, 1972) is an American video game designer who was vice president of Blizzard Entertainment."

Edit: He left in 2021
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Jun 9, 2019
Has there been anything on Chris Metzen specifically yet? Other than that he also was one of the higher ups who probably knew a lot of what was going on but still didn't do anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, please don't go after devs on social media when we don't know their involvement. Adam Holisky and Christie Golden, who are both relatively new at Blizzard, have gotten quite a bit of harassment recently.



Oct 25, 2017
Surely there's a difference between hitting on employees discreetly and uh *checks notes* doing coke in bathrooms, spreading nudes of employees, and large swathes of sexual assault allegations.

This is John McAfee startup levels crazy.
Coke is the drug of choice when you're working by Wall Street I learned frankly. Either way that was just a small example as I'm not going to start discussing more of the worse stories I've heard as I've only heard them second hand. So I'm not putting them out there randomly. The point is more to highlight that Blizzard or other game dev companies aren't unique in the slightest for this kind of behavior.
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Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, pretty unlikely that Morhaime didn't know about this stuff. Disappointed to see his non-specific apology and promise to do better is receiving a somewhat positive response. I guess it really shows how inept Brack and Activision corporate are that they can't even manage that level of response.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
Guys, chill. That poster apologized for this two days ago.
Yeah, I'm not mad at Tahnit. I just know other people who's said the same thing so I needed a bit to vent because it feels so surreal to just go "you see my billion dollar company's mmo would never let this fly". It feels like console war shit. This isn't directed Tahnit. All love to them!
Sugiyama has a stake in Dragon Quest specifically that's both unfortunate and makes it extremely difficult if not impossible to just get rid of him. At this point, it's just a waiting game on when he croaks.
yeah thats true

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Bobby and all the other assholes that helped things get this fucking horrible for people working there, is this the first time a state has sued a gaming company for these kind of issues?

I thought Riot Games had a similar lawsuit which they settled.

Oh im sure. But im pretty sure there is not a toxic culture at square Enix. I am sure there will be outliers but I doubt its prevalent.

I dunno why you're still turning this into a MMO VS.
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Oct 6, 2020
Yeah, I'm not mad at Tahnit. I just know other people who's said the same thing so I needed a bit to vent because it feels so surreal to just go "you see my billion dollar company's mmo would never let this fly". It feels like console war shit. This isn't directed Tahnit. All love to them!
I wasn't really directing that at you in particular, just felt like bringing up an already resolved conversation isn't all that productive (and you weren't the first person to bring it up, so it's cool).

I understand your need to vent. It's weird to see a lot of people under the impression that Japan is some feminist utopia with great worker's rights.


3D Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't really directing that at you in particular, just felt like bringing up an already resolved conversation isn't all that productive (and you weren't the first person to bring it up, so it's cool).

I understand your need to vent. It's weird to see a lot of people under the impression that Japan is some feminist utopia with great worker's rights.

Yeah I didn't see the apology, but I was definitely more interested where that idea came from.

Like with a lot of the various problematic issues that you get in western nations, you will get in japan and then some, just a somewhat different flavour of it. Sometimes a lot more insidious, ingrained and subtle.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
I wasn't really directing that at you in particular, just felt like bringing up an already resolved conversation isn't all that productive (and you weren't the first person to bring it up, so it's cool).

I understand your need to vent. It's weird to see a lot of people under the impression that Japan is some feminist utopia with great worker's rights.
Oh no, don't worry I know it wasn't at me. I take no offense! Yeah, pretty much your last sentence sums it up for me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to try and embed the initial response from Scarlett:

Taking responsibility and apologizing for your role in this is paramount, Mike, and I really appreciate it.

When things got really bad in bnet - many of us felt abandoned by you, and what's worse, when I was threatened with physical harm and panic cc'd you about it -


edit: nevermind, she's retracted her statement, see post below

edit: Also worth mentioning these posts from a (supposed) ex-blizz employee:

re: mike
He admits it was a failure.

And I was there, and I know mike, and I'm part of this whole thing (a woman who participated in the complaint). I fully believe he was shielded from most of this by both bad and good actors. Every time I've seen someone really ask for his help, he's made it happen, up to and including personally firing someone who assaulted people and overturning a wrongful termination.

I think people who wanted to get away with things knew how to either shield him from it with fear on those below them, or how to make it seem less than what it was. Especially the people who knew him best and knew how to manipulate that trust he had. It doesn't excuse it or take away all responsibility, but by even 2005 or so he was really removed and had trusted people to follow through on his values.

And he admits he failed on that

re: lore community manager
He is actively one of the more problematic people there and is making this about himself instead of the people it affects. He shared nudes without permission and other things. His hands are dirty, too. Also, reporting to hr was well known to do nothing. It was rare, if ever, that reporting up the chain or to hr actually ever went to anyone who would actually do something. Including mike.
Again I've seen the good things he did when they actually did get to him. I fully believe most things didn't even get close to his level. People were really good at hiding shit from him and making things seem rosy. A couple of the people on Twitter and other social media have said similar things.
I left in 2019 for a job out of state that paid better, but was there for some time before that and saw a lot of what people said and did that quickly disappeared when mike was around. and the crappy managers would make it clear that if you went around to him directly, even if he listened and delegated action and fixed that problem, others would not take it kindly and you'd end up in with trouble anyway. It apparently wasn't true as I learned over time, but it's a line we were fed to keep us going to managers and hr instead. And you just felt too intimidated despite the open door, because it was mike morhaime and all your execs made a big deal about it and made it seem like you couldn't use it
A lot of us wish in hindsight we actually had used it more, especially looking back at the things he did do when people actually used it
Okay I have an ops shift to start now, and this is all bringing up way too much that I'm already having a rough time dealing with. It's really complicated and shitty
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Oct 25, 2017
Well, she retracted her sympathy for Mike entirely. She didn't mention what exactly changed her mind (yet), but damn she seems distraught.
She posted more right after about him basically saying it was a problem to the people under him which directly led to her failing performance targets and losing bonuses etc


Oct 27, 2017
People have started harassing current employees on social media to quit their jobs as a sign of protest. It is so insanely stupid.
Seems people are doing too much, people attacking and making accusations to people working for Activision Blizzard.

not productive at all, let it go to court and see what happens