Can you see the diffrence?

  • I can see

    Votes: 325 85.5%
  • I can't see

    Votes: 55 14.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017
I have and wear prescription glasses and I cannot tell the difference between 30 fps or 60 fps. If they were running side by side? Probably but if Im playing a game Im not saying to myself hey this game isn't 60 fps. Now if it's sub 30 fps? Yes I can see the difference.

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Oct 25, 2017
I can tell the difference but as long as the framerate is solid I can handle 30 for certain genres. I grew up with much worse framerates and frame timing.

Matty H

Oct 31, 2017
You get used to 30 with console gaming.
I don't go back and forth a lot between graphics and performance modes when the option is there, I just pick one and stick to it. If it's a fast paced game I pick 60 but I don't know that I could just look at the screen and tell what the frame rate is.


Oct 25, 2017
I can now after PC gaming for a year but I'll still go Quality over Performance any day on console. Nice to have both nowadays on PC though.


Oct 25, 2017
I notice it much more now since I'm all digital w/GamePass and switch between games frequently.

30 fps gives me eye strain and headaches now.


Dec 11, 2018
If you show me the same thing running at 30 and 60, I can differentiate between those, but otherwise, I'm usually not sure what something is running at. Often I can guess based on circumstances, like if it's a Switch game that's not Smash or Mario Kart I can assume that it's running at 30 or below, but otherwise it's a crapshoot. I think it's not so much a physical inability to see the difference, as it is the fact that the way I interact with gaming doesn't lend itself to counting frames.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there is anyone who wouldn't be able to tell if they toggled between 30fps and 60fps on the fly.

But the average person probably can't tell what the framerate is if you sit them down with a videogame and ask them. That comes with experience and being aware of this kind of stuff.

However I think it's no coincidence that very successful multiplayer games are 60fps. They're inherently more fun to play due to their higher framerates.


Dec 26, 2018
Sounds like you've be personally attacked OP.

Just like in normal life people experience, have different perspectives and act differently. Just because someone can't see the difference doesn't mean they're lying or telling non-truths.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the question in your thread title should have been answered by the multiple people in the Ratchet review thread telling you that they cannot see the difference.


Mar 23, 2019
People also tend to claim you can't notice the difference between 60-120, 120-144, and 144-240. I mean... sure you can. Even some last gen "performance" modes that sent you from 30 into the high heavens of 45FPS were preferable. It's also very easy to notice drops from 60 into the 50s.

Your brain can get used to anything though. A lot of people could potentially have gone through life at 30FPS.


Jan 6, 2020
I can only notice with I can compare both modes in the same game.

And I don't care either way. On PS5 I have been sticking to 30 in games with ray tracing and more fidelity and it's absolutely fine.
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Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
I notice. That said, after playing a game at 30fps for like 5 minutes, I stop noticing anything is amiss.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I only notice if I swap between them. If I start at 30fps it doesn't register. Likewise, after a half hour I can adjust if I switch to 30fps.

That's what I mean when I say something like I can't see the difference.


Dec 13, 2017
The difference is very obvious 30 to 60 to 120 and 144. Having said that I dont have any issues playing some games at 30 FPS

Example Spider man 2018 looks and play completely fine at 30, but looks and plays even better at 60

What I do have problems with is with fluctuating frame rates, a consistent frame rate is always going to be better. VRR and gsync help a lot with this

I also wouldn't be able to play a first person shooter at 30 fps on a monitor w/mouse/keyboard, but I've never had any issue playing FPS games on a TV at 30 fps with a controller. Having said that I much prefer 60 fps, and by and large most fps games have been 60 fps this gen on consoles.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I thought Ridge Racer 3D was 60 FPS and Ridge Racer PSP was 30. Turns out it's the other way around. I don't know what causes this but RR3D feels a lot smoother and faster than RRPSP, which feels sluggish. There have been other games like this that I thought were 60 FPS that were actually 30, so I've never been able to confidently say what framerate a game runs at when asked.

However, if you were to put two versions of the exact same game running next to one another, but one version was running at 30 and the other at 60, I would notice.


Oct 26, 2017
Some people just want to be contrarian.

Others genuinely don't understand the difference, but think that they do, so they comment.


Oct 27, 2017
I can definitely see the difference between 30 and 60, but I don't think I've every really had a problem with a completely locked 30 if that's what the game offered. A locked 60 is preferred, but I've enjoyed plenty of games with a locked 30 over the years when that's the only option offered by the game.

I think the 30 vs 60 issue became more interesting to me when console games started offering performance modes with 30 but better graphics vs the quality modes with 60 but some graphical features turned off/decreased. To me in those cases, I guess I take it game by game to see if going down to 30 is worth the added graphics settings being offered.


Dec 10, 2020
I think it's a matter of knowing what to look for once you've figured out how to spot it... eventually even 2-3 frame dips from 60 become quite noticeable.

I'm probably a weird one - I'm very sensitive to it, but equally I don't care all that much, fluctuating frame rates without a VRR display get to me a lot more. 30 fps always feels fine to me so long as latency is relatively low and frame timing stays locked at 33.3ms.

Despite owning a 2080ti and a 144hz monitor, I've played numerous games recently at 30fps just for the eye candy lol. The SpecialK tool by Kaldaien comes in handy here for ensuring frame timing and latency stay in check.


Oct 27, 2017

TestUFO: Framerates

Animation on Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests for testing displays and monitors.

honestly, the easiest way to tell is by watching that UFO fly. change the pixels per second and all that.

note: if you have a 60 hz screen, the 120 hz will look exactly like the 60 hz and etc.

it's easy to tell the difference when switching between the 2. like playing halo 3 for hours, then playing cod4 then going back to halo, you'll notice the smoothness has changed. a locked 30 is usually fine though. forza horizon has shown its not an issue. the only major issue is when the frametime and/or fps are unstable.
30 fps look like the 15 fps UFO on a LG OLED, that's why the difference is more dramatic to some.

Stone Dudeman

Oct 27, 2017
If I just pick up a controller and play, then no I usually can't tell the difference. If I switch back and forth while playing the same game then I can.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I have a friend who doesn't see the difference between 60 and 120 on his LG CX. It's the weirdest shit. I'm sitting next to him and the game is fluid as hell and he's like "this is just 60 fps but the game looks worse". What makes this weird is that he doesn't play 30 fps games at all because to him they feel like a slideshow, which is fair to a certain degree I guess, but caring so much about framerate that you literally don't play anything below 60 fps and then not seeing the difference between 60 and 120 is just bizarre to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
30 vs 60 I can easily tell now that I've been playing 60 fps games more often, but I've been having issues telling 120 and 60 apart, played a bit of Ori 2, Power Rangers (fps boost) and Nioh 1, but couldn't tell if 120 fps felt different from 60.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I can tell pretty quickly between 30fps and 60fps, it's pretty obvious. Looking at 120fps is a little harder (unless the comparisons are slowed down), but I can definitely feel it. And it makes 60 feel sluggish afterwards, let alone 30.


Oct 27, 2017
People have different eyes.

I myself have severely impaired vision in one eye due to getting glass embedded in it at a young age which has caused scarring across the lens and cataracts and also halted my eyes development.

This causes many issues such as depth perception and impaired colour vision in that eye which isn't great when you are already colourblind and on top of that ghosting of fast moving objects.

Even side by side I can barely tell the difference. The only difference I perceive is that the character feels too floaty like they aren't attached to the ground.


Feb 16, 2019
I can easily tell the difference between 30 and 60 also I adjust to it easily enough in games with good 30 fps (PS4 Spider-man) . Bloodborne right now is difficult for me to play which actually hurts because it's one of my top 3 games ever . After getting used to higher framerates over the last 3 some odd years "bad" 30 fps is a no go for me any longer .:(


Dec 3, 2018
My boss apparently can't see the difference at all having played Outriders on both PS4 Pro and PS5

His answer to me is "I dont have a 60 frames per second TV. I dont see the difference it'd make anyways"

I wanted to commit suicide when I heard this. My fiance found it hilarious.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
More casual people who don't browse message boards like this just don't care about these things. I remember knowing people who couldn't tell the difference between SD and HD video back in the day.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't believe people who say they can't notice a difference.
I believe a small amount can't but I also believe there are a number who take that stance and feign ignorance just to defend 30 fps games. They say they can't notice the difference because to say so they would feel like they are saying, they are playing something inferior.

There is nothing wrong with playing something at a lower frame rate if that is the limit of your system and for whatever reasons you enjoy playing on that particular system. That is perfectly fine. And its obnoxious to rail against somebody who makes that choice. But I think there is also a 30 fps defense force who just pretends they don't see or it isn't a big deal just to defense force.

I also think more casual people might not be able to verbally explain the difference therefore they say they can't see it because they don't have the terminology to explain it.


Nov 10, 2017
I can't tell. They look a tiny bit crisper. But nothing to get bent out of shape about.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes 100% in every game I play. Than you play something at 144fps and its even better.


Oct 27, 2017
Even putting aside how much better the feel of a game is at 60fps, I easily notice how much sharper anything in motion is at 60fps. In my opinion the visual benefit going from 30fps to 60 fps is far greater than the one going from 1080p to 4k.


Oct 27, 2017
Once you show it to people side by side, I think almost anyone can see it.


Oct 29, 2017
I only notice once I switch back to 30 after getting used to 60 for a while and then I can't go back. If a game is 30 only though, it doesn't bother me in the slightest as long as the frame rate is stable.


Oct 27, 2017
More casual people who don't browse message boards like this just don't care about these things. I remember knowing people who couldn't tell the difference between SD and HD video back in the day.
My wife still can't tell the difference between broadcast TV @ 480p and 4k bluray other than hdr. That she notices.