Oct 25, 2017
a lot of people migrated to the US because of leftists goverments/dictatorships/terrorism/guerrillas in their countries
Oct 25, 2017
I'm from Mexico, people are very religious and conservative in here, issues like gay marriage and abortion matter a lot.

Ironically, in Mexico, the constitution has "sexual orientation" as a protected class that can't be discriminated, and we have a great Supreme Court that is pretty liberal so even if Mexicans are very conservative we have Supreme Court rulings that always go in favor or equality.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Racism still flows through some hispanic people. They believe since they have light skin, they get to join anglosaxon team. (Not just whites but those who are racist)

So they see themselves better than those with a tan or brown skin. They grow up ignoring their roots, posting on 4chan or shit stain site and you end up with a hispanic person that is a clone of your typical white person ready to discriminate.

To be clear I'm talking about the typical white person growing up surrounded by right ideology who then turns into something like a trumper. Not everyone is like this obviously.

As a hispanic person, shit pisses me off. Our people come to the USA for a better life and prosperity and what do these new gen fuckers turn to? Hateful bigoted assholes. (Gop supporting hispanic)

I'm sure it's a mix of their parents being stubborn conservatives who shun their kids from any sort of free thought. I hear it from my own family. Say a commercial with a gay couple shows up and quickly the nasty comments start. "Gross why are they showing that?! "This country is sick" etc etc. So their kids are like "yea that's messed up." And years of that will make them full on GOP supporting dicks. Meanwhile being a womanizer or a drunk or abuser is ok and just shoved under the carpet like nothing is wrong. I know this because I've experienced it and its sickening. I'm not a parent but trust me. I will not let their bullshit get to my future kids.

So there you go.

I hope I dont get banned. I'm generalizing to an extent but it's from my own experience. I'm not making shit up. Hispanics who are religious or conservative like to do questionable shit but oh no, cant have gays, LGBTQ or any agency helping immigrants because fuck you got mine.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a very small minority in the Hispanic community.

I'd assume it boils down to:
Tax incentives (or the perception of tax incentives)
Bootstraps argument


Oct 25, 2017
I'm from southern Indiana. Mind if I edit this a bit after some input from my community?

Spanish - a romance language
The Spanish - people from Spain; Spaniards
Hispanic - Mexican
Mexican - Mexican
Mexican-Americans - Mexican
Latino - Mexican
Yeah, this is my understanding of the terms too except that Hispanic probably covers not only Mexico but also other Central and South American countries with significant Spanish colonial presence but not Spanish people who are referred to simply as Spanish.

Deleted member 40797

User requested account closure
Mar 8, 2018
Yeah, this is my understanding of the terms too except that Hispanic probably covers not only Mexico but also other Central and South American countries with significant Spanish colonial presence but not Spanish people who are referred to simply as Spanish.

Right, Spanish people are simply Spanish - i.e., members of a particular European country.,
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, this is my understanding of the terms too except that Hispanic probably covers not only Mexico but also other Central and South American countries with significant Spanish colonial presence but not Spanish people who are referred to simply as Spanish.
Also in my community

Chicano - Mexican
Dominican - Mexican
Cuban - Mexican
Puerto Rican - Mexican
Jun 10, 2018
While I do believe there are a contingent of black Hispanics who lean conservative/GOP, I do not think that streak runs anywhere near as rampant as in non-blacks Hispanics. Because as apart of the displaced black diaspora within inherently white supremacist societies, you learn very early on the disparaging resentment and othering lobbied against you. Not to mention becoming aware of the systems that lock you in the same destitute/impoverished conditions like in the US.

Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018
I met an Indian in Asia a few weeks ago who said he "supported" the wall effort because "it's not fair to the people who do things legally to just let people cross illegally". Like many republican talking points... That sounds reasonable but ignores all the racist undertones that run below it all, and misinterprets what the real arguments people are having are about. It's crazy to me to see the rhetoric and msinformation has flown across the ocean.


Oct 27, 2017
"fuck you, got mine"

Basically this. I have met some immigrants that are super conservative, want stricter entry requirements, etc because "it was hard for them to get in and it shouldn't be so easy now" or basically, fuck you I am in shut the doors. I know more immigrants that are thankful for the opportunity provided to them and are loyal to liberal values to allow for them and others to be treated fairly.

It blows my mind how people can support something that hates them.


Oct 25, 2017
"Fuck you, I got mine" and latent racist bias against indigenous and darker skin Latinx folks. The lighter skin you are in the latinx community the easier it is to ingratiate yourself into white america and be "one of the good ones" so you can easily look down on anyone else darker skinned than you.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I have some ex military cousins who are all about the nonsense despite being born and raised in Puerto Rico


Oct 25, 2017
Religion/Heavy Catholicism
Misogyny/Machismo culture
Hispanic cover a large variety of skin tones, some of them which "pass" for white if the person has an Anglo name.

It is not a monolithic group as a lot of people make it out to be.

Even in places like Mexico and Puerto Rico, the indigenous peoples are discriminated against by those of European ancestry.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Some got rich and are like "fuck you got mine",
some want to be white,
some ran from countries that had left wing dictators and are now afraid of anything relating to that, Catholicism
some are just compete idiots

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
There are people within every minority group that will go against their own interests. Humans are bizarre.


Oct 25, 2017
If I remember correctly, OP...

Latino = South America
Hispanic = Spanish speaking countries, like Spain.


Nov 26, 2017
Malmoe, Sweden.
Probably for the same reason that there are reactionary, insanely racist and classist gay people (gay white males, if we're being honest here).

Wide-spread demographic data - as it pertains to census data like "the latino population in the US" - will give you some sense of how a group will feel, think and respond to whatever (ie, "this is how latin people within the context of engaging with the US political system will react to whatever particular talking point, or thing that is currently "going on").

But within these discreet groups you'll find an almost endless variation of individual grievances. It would be insane if this wasn't the case.

If you want to put a "human" spin to it, then what can be more humanizing of "the other" than if you see someone let their guard down, and start venting about an extremely narrow set of slights that you might assume they would be way passed by now.

People are incredibly complicated, and even very clever people often don't have a coherent idea of life (that they follow).

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
Also in my community

Chicano - Mexican
Dominican - Mexican
Cuban - Mexican
Puerto Rican - Mexican

After living in California for a while...

East coast - Puerto rican
West coast - Mexican

From what I've gatherered speaking latinos who support Trump are either
- ignorant as F
- are traumitized from living in violent places that "law and order" rhetoric works on them.
- they feel like got here legitimately and they hate people skipping the line so to speak

But I think in general people are just dumb as fuck. I know a dude who is a cop who is for Trump because he wants smaller government. I mean really?
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Oct 25, 2017
Quite a few years ago NPR had a story on the now adult US citizen children of illegals, working at the same factory their illegal parents started working at, all being replaced by illegals. They were pretty upset.

Once you get yours you don't want anyone else to have it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Used to work with a catholic girl who hated Trump and a lot of republican ideals except for abortion..she didn't vote the last presidential election cause she hated Trump but also she didn't want to support abortion rights..

Last year saw her on Facebook trying to save her brother who was captured by ICE

But yeah a lot of people I know hell even Muslim people who can't Trump but still vote for his party cause they're anti abortion


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've only seen white Hispanics support Trump. One guy is Puerto Rican and even after the hurricane disaster, still supports him. It's mostly because of religion.

My cousin's husband, who has some Hispanic blood in him but passes off as white, also supports him because of guns.

It baffles me so I try to not talk to them at family reunions.


Oct 25, 2017
My folks are white Hispanics and they LOVE anything Republican. They see illegal immigrants as scum/freeloaders/etc that'll raise their taxes and cause crimes.

They also hate unions even though they saved my dad's job, they hate handouts except when it helps them, and so on.

That's how it be sometimes. It's the "fuck you got mine" mentality mixed with "I struggled to get here so everyone should too" and a pinch of "all lives matter".

You can bet your ass they complain when peeps are racist against them tho. But when black people do it, they're entitled.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
They're always the ones that feel superior to the "lower class" Latinos. They want to be white so bad.

Just look at this series
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Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
It's kinda like gay guys that brag about not being effeminate and how people are too sensitive and not being able to get married isnt a big deal because you can still have a civil union.


Oct 26, 2017
Only ones I've run into are those who are a few generations removed from whoever immigrated here from their family. Like 4th gen immigrants and beyond.


Jun 9, 2018

As a Catholic, a lot of people will choose religion > politics and view conservatives / republicans as the only parties that will support their religion. I got lucky and had a very liberal family which is weird in the religious community.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
They're always the ones that feel superior to the "lower class" Latinos. They want to be white so bad.

Just look at this series

The guy who said he'd block 50 Mexicans immigrants or asylum seekers or whatever from entering the country if just 1 was bad, even if the other 49 were good, imo is both selfish and a complete coward.

He spoke about that 1 bad apple out of the 50 potentially raping his daughter or whatever (something that would have an unimaginably rare probability), but never even considered the opposite of that spectrum, that any 1 of the 49 'good' immigrants could just as well enrich or even save his daughters life, eg if 1 became a surgeon who carried out a life-saving operation on her, or 1 donated an organ, or helped with the delivery of a child in a complicated birth, or became a lawyer and went on to help her through an important case, became a friend who helped her in a time of great depression or need, or whatever else.

The latter just by the numbers is obviously orders of magnitude more likely (49 good vs 1 bad), but he decided to focus on only the detrimental and negative, out of what is my in my opinion fear, cowardice and selfishness, with no regard for how much the lives of those 49 'good' immigrants could be potentially positively and irrevocably changed forever, and what negatives could befall them if asylum or whatever was rejected.

That kind of fear orientated sentiment seems so perplexing to me. As a random example, because of the impossibly low probability of his daughter or anyone in general, dying in a plane crash, he'd ban all flights? Obviously not, because there are bigger positive ramifications at play, but when it comes to actual human beings, he evidently doesn't want to consider them. 'I got mine' in a nutshell.
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Nov 1, 2017
With my ex-girlfriends' family it was only because they are religious and the Conservative party is Pro-Life and "more godly" than baby murdering, sinner Democrats.


Alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Latinos that got into the country legally hate the ones that go in illegally, that plus the abortion shit.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
my dads wife is black and she was just telling me today how she supports trump because he wants fair trade. i told her there's a pretty sizeable gulf between what trump wants and what he's actually capable of doing.


Jan 25, 2018
They got money to immigrate through the legal system, so they feel like the others who come in undocumented shouldn't have the same rights as they do and want them gone. Trump is a tool for them to get what they've wanted for a while.

Plus abortion stuff and being bigots in some cases.


Dec 8, 2018
It's simple , people in general are just dumb selfish assholes who don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect them. Conosco muchos Puertorriqueños que se creen que son blancos cuando de mudan para EU.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump is very appealing to people who subscribe to the toxic machismo found among Latin culture/countries. It's not hard to understand.