
Jun 5, 2020
I mean every time I see a Coup/revolution all over the world(right wing or left wing) it looks scary, like these people mean business and would fuck everything up in their path yet the one from last week looks straight out of a cosplay convention and the sad thing is that these people look themselves as badasses.





All I saw from last week was a bunch of privileged whinny idiots.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
No and this kind of commentary needs to stop.

If all you saw was a bunch of whinny privileged idiots, you didn't look nearly close enough.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I've seen damn near all of the media from the event, the livestreams, etc. I still can't figure out what beardy in the yellow (faux-tifa) has going on with his hair. Did he chop his beard up strangely? Is that a ponytail on the side? I'm confused.
Nov 5, 2017
They'll say they're your average Joe, fighting for the country when, in reality, they're clowns who cry when they don't get organic food in prison.

However, I did just notice the clown on the left is wearing Yeezys. Wonder how Kanye feels about that.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes and thankfully so. These people can't even figure out who they are amongst themselves. It's rather interesting and frightening to watch.


Oct 27, 2017
There was a terrorist walking around with zip ties and bombs planted. I don't know if it would be something I'd call pathetic. Imagine if they hid the bombs better or if they got to Pence and Pelosi.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes, they do look pathetic and yet they can still do incredible damage. Also consider that they are just a tool being used by more powerful people.

As an aside, I find it strange how many people still shrug off what happened and this thread doesn't really do differently in essence. The USA is in deep trouble and everyone needs to take it seriously. It doesn't mean you can't laugh at the stupidity of someone wearing an anti-antifa sweater with a crossed out Soviet symbol, but no one should be downplaying the threat with threads and news headlines like this.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
The majority of pictures like that show the ones who had no plan and latched onto lies. The kind who would have been shocked, appalled and ran for their lives if they started shooting rubber bullets into the crowd. And even those people are useful to the ones who have a plan.

Look to the guys with zip ties or leaving pipe bombs if you want "scary" ones.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
This seems problematic. We shouldn't diminish the threat and danger they pose.

They'll say they're your average Joe, fighting for the country when, in reality, they're clowns who cry when they don't get organic food in prison.

However, I did just notice the clown on the left is wearing Yeezys. Wonder how Kanye feels about that.

I'm guessing Kanye would be happy about that.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I think you can think these clowns are pathetic, while also thinking they posed a real danger. Both things can be true at once.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They were so pathetic that the immediate reaction from even alt-right chuds on Twitter was to throw them under the buss and that they must've been Antifa.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
They'll say they're your average Joe, fighting for the country when, in reality, they're clowns who cry when they don't get organic food in prison.

However, I did just notice the clown on the left is wearing Yeezys. Wonder how Kanye feels about that.

funniest thing about that guy is that he was arrested already. he was a previous convict that violated the terms of his bail just to break into the capitol. he probably couldn't even vote in the 2020 election.


Oct 27, 2017
I see people in street clothes and that one dude that has like a million photos of him out there because of his outfit. There's really nothing about sweatshirts or scraggly beards that makes em look less of a threat than your other pics apart from the other pics literally having weapons out.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why we are still stuck on "LOL clown show" when they were one quick thinking Black security guard away from committing mass murder on elected officials.

On top of that, there were serious heavy hitters in the crowd. Former military and all.


Nov 12, 2017
I think you can think these clowns are pathetic, while also thinking they posed a real danger. Both things can be true at once.

Yeah just because they're clowns (idiots) and look ridiculous doesn't mean they're not dangerous. Especially the people who brought bombs or whoever had military experience.


Oct 25, 2017
They all look like they stink of unwashed ass and dick cheese. Perfect group of people to represent Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
There were thousands of people there, maybe even into 5 figures. Even if 90% of them are day trippers or cosplay warriors there were enough serious people hiding in the crowd and looking for targets to cause massive troubles.

The woman who died was ex-millitary and she got shot try to breach the last line of security between the rioters and elected officials.

If the serious and organised rioters actually managed to get a target like Mike Pence in their sights there is no way the vast majority of the crowd wouldn't be swept along with them.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Hah, it's always like that.

Brazilian protests against the dictartorship:


Bolsonaro supporters:



Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Can't see if they are carrying, but you imagined something more like this?


Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
Aesthetically, absolutely low class dumb fucks, but get enough low class dumb fucks in large numbers they become dangerous. I will say, the most insidious of the mob were the ones that were carrying zip ties, using walking talkies and carrying weapons.


Oct 25, 2017
The buzz is focusing on the clowns so that people forget/don't realize that there during the mess there was a coordinated terrorism effort happening. There were also men with military experience and full military gear working their way through the capital with direct knowledge of where to go. But yet we keep focusing on these clowns.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I mean it depends on who we are talking about/which picture. Yes that particular prominent group was pretty goofy looking but there were some scary fuckers in that mob doing scary shit. Put up the picture of the guy with the zipties in the chamber and tell me he looks silly


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
They'll say they're your average Joe, fighting for the country when, in reality, they're clowns who cry when they don't get organic food in prison.

However, I did just notice the clown on the left is wearing Yeezys. Wonder how Kanye feels about that.

Kanye would love it, he's probably gonna join on the next maga riot.
Oct 30, 2017
Portraying them as pathetic only makes them seem less dangerous.

That mob would have gotten way more violent if their actually got their hands on some members of Congress.

Yes they look like inbred rednecks. Many are. Many are very privileged .

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
No. I think trying to make them sound pathetic or calling them chubby or whatever downplays the severity of this. There were plenty of healthy, young, good looking, wealthy, people there. Plenty of people that would be considered "successful" there. Plenty of people with actual military training and weapons there.

Stop looking for ways to dismiss them so you can feel superior.

Secondly, I don't think looks should be a valid platform for dismissal of platform anyway. You want people combing through BLM protests and making fun of how everyone looks? Why does it matter? Is the cause just? Is their voice worthy of being heard?
Jan 18, 2018
America has an idea that evil is supposed to look cool and coordinated but that shit last week should be a lot scarier than a lot of you realize. They were out to kill and put themselves in a position to radically change the lives of POC for the worse.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
If anything it should bother you that these people weren't seen as a threat and largely weren't treated as one partly because of this exact reason.


Oct 30, 2017
Not gonna downplay shit
People laughed at Trump. They didn't take him seriously. I didn't. Then he started getting followers, support, POWER. He started saying things - dangerous things - and people started to cheer. He started to pack stadiums. He started holding rallies, spewing rhetoric of violence and intolerance. It was bigotry so toxic I thought nobody else would buy into it, but they did. And they got him elected.

And things got bad. Hate crimes skyrocketed. Anti-immigrant ideology became government action. Long-lasting damage to national allies happened. Systems in place to combat climate change were reversed. Children were torn from their parents and locked in cages. HUNDREDS were lost forever. We saw inaction when hurricanes decimated Puerto Rico, costing 3,000 lives. We saw daily acts of violence and oppression as Trump rallied behind supporters who actively sought out to harm protesters and dissenters. We saw the Republican party abandon all principles and fall in line to enable and support him.

We saw the bedrock of our liberties attacked in plain sight in broad daylight, as Trump boasted about how amazing it all was. How solicit a foreign power to interfere with an election. How he could threaten GOP congressman by sending his attack dogs after them. How he could attack the media as "the enemy" for reporting the truth around him.

So, on one hand, these people and their leader are clowns.

But nobody should be laughing at this point. Because THESE clowns - the ones that got caught - are only the tip of a massive iceberg of millions that look at the last 4 years of Trump's rhetoric and action and stand by him because that's what they want. And they're still insanely dangerous and they are far from done causing trouble.

"Trumpism" will likely outlive Trump himself.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Sadly, their pathetic / budget cosplay look has softened the response from a lot of people. They look like absolute clowns, but they're highly dangerous.