State of Play...

  • Is a successful format for Sony, and one I hope they continue with

    Votes: 372 18.8%
  • Is getting better, but not quite there yet

    Votes: 544 27.4%
  • Is still nowhere being as good as it needs to be

    Votes: 801 40.4%
  • I don't really care about State of Play, I want a return to live events

    Votes: 267 13.5%

  • Total voters


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Today was the first one I watched and it was basically a short Nintendo Direct which I'm fine with. Humanity was intriguing, Wattam finally got a release date & looks all sorts of weird, and there was some other stuff too. I've spent far worse 20 minutes watching a videogame company's announcement video.

EDIT: What is wrong with you all? A new game from the creator of Katamari Damacy coming out in 2-3 months should be a bigger deal around here.

Wil Grieve

Oct 25, 2017
After the one I just witnessed, no.

The only game that even piqued the smallest amount of my interest was Humanity.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Also as excited as people are for The Last Of Us 2, I think people are absolutely right to say that its presence in SoP would basically be a mid-point in any other Nintendo Direct.

Don't get me wrong, it's still gonna come out and win like one hundred GOTY awards, and it still looks solid, but the level of "importance" Sony places on a title like that is generally pretty relative to any level of top profile game Nintendo has coming out any specified season which gets a Direct highlight mention. Games like Fire Emblem Three Houses, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing are extremely important for Nintendo's bottom line, and normally going into Directs when they make a deal out of an impending game then yeah, those are expanded segments slotted into the middle or penultimate moments of the show - that includes their release date reveals, normally because they understand the importance of pacing in terms of titles the audience is aware of. Plus it's not like it's the first time we've seen TLOU2. This is what, the fourth showing? Second one with game play.

Obviously I don't really begrudge Sony for that at all because it's about all they have in their current slate, so it's best to cap off with that. But I definitely think it's part of the reason people felt pretty shortchanged by the presentation itself even when the game looked good.


Oct 25, 2017
Also as excited as people are for The Last Of Us 2, I think people are absolutely right to say that its presence in SoP would basically be a mid-point in any other Nintendo Direct.

Don't get me wrong, it's still gonna come out and win like one hundred GOTY awards, and it still looks solid, but the level of "importance" Sony places on a title like that is generally pretty relative to any level of top profile game Nintendo has coming out any specified season which gets a Direct highlight mention. Games like Fire Emblem Three Houses, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing are extremely important for Nintendo's bottom line, and normally going into Directs when they make a deal out of an impending game then yeah, those are expanded segments slotted into the middle or penultimate moments of the show - that includes their release date reveals, normally because they understand the importance of pacing in terms of titles the audience is aware of. Plus it's not like it's the first time we've seen TLOU2. This is what, the fourth showing? Second one with game play.

Obviously I don't really begrudge Sony for that at all because it's about all they have in their current slate, so it's best to cap off with that. But I definitely think it's part of the reason people felt pretty shortchanged by the presentation itself even when the game looked good.

Wrong thread reply apologies . But the content is the only thing that matters for these if they showed a ton of games people wouldn't care same for inside Xbox
Oct 27, 2017
It's nice to get excited for these things and it worked for me. I quite enjoyed it and want more. I think they will hit their stride a year or so after the PS5 release. We are in the twilight years of the current generation so it's unsurprisingly light. It doesn't help that Montreal tweeted nonsense related to Batman the day before and got everyone excited for nothing. If it wasn't for that, I think it would have went over smoother, maybe with less hype. They are great for giving PSVR exposure though. That was the highlight for me other than seeing Joel again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's ok, I don't like how everyone copied Nintendo though they should come up with their own thing


Oct 25, 2017
The first State of Play was underwhelming, the second one was great, and this one was pretty bad overall. This one in particular felt like it existed only because Naughty Dog said they were ready to announce a release date and they needed to cobble a few other things together.

I think the format is fine and can work, they just haven't found a way to hit the mark consistently yet.


Oct 27, 2017
They're "fine". I'll admit to being disappointed by the Batman thing, but to be honest if I hadn't thought that was coming I wouldn't have cared about watching it at all as someone not interested in TLOU2. I don't care about Sony's 1st party like that.


Apr 6, 2018
No. I hate this shitty format and nothing I've seen from either Nintendo or Sony has managed to convince me otherwise.

Stick to live events.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
New game announcement from Enhance Games (founded by Rez/Tetris Effect creator) - Humanity
Release date for new game from Keita Takahashi (Katamari Damacy) - Wattam
Cool trailer for the new game from Night School Studios (Oxenfree) - Afterparty
Plus some VR stuff & miscellaneous other games & announcements (like the PS+ lineup for next month being stronger than usual)

Rather disappointed to see intriguing games from established & respected developers like this being brushed aside as nothing, just because Sony didn't announce Knack 3 or whatever you guys were hoping for. I mean, you got your TLoU2 release date announcement + big trailer, what more do you want from a 20-minute video?


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
I think it's definitely getting better, just needs a few tweaks here and there, like injecting a bit of character into it. The voice over is fine and the layout is ok but compared to the Directs its all a bit dull.
Nintendo keeps it interesting with a colourful presentation and lots of neat little moments that keep you engaged.

In the end I'd much rather have the current format than the Inside Xbox style... They try but have about as much charm and character as my left gym sock.


Oct 27, 2017
You mean "Can we finally admit the Nintendo Direct format is a successful one for Sony?"


Oct 25, 2017
Its always been fine you just have the ones that automatically wanna be negative for little or no reason


Oct 27, 2017
its definitely similar to a Nintendo Direct, which is good. but not quite on their level yet. But I cant complain.


Oct 25, 2017
No. They should stick to e3 and PSX. They have very little to show, so it's better to pack them in 2-3 conferences per year.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017

Rather have live events. Only reason I watched today was because TLOU2. Might as well have just released the trailers and not bothered with the rest if these directs will be so low effort.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it. COD stuff, Humanity stuff and TLOU2 stuff were all really cool.


Oct 26, 2017
Not a fan of it, I mean it's as if for Halloween instead of going out trick or treating you were forced to stay inside your house getting candy from your grandparents.


Aug 9, 2018
State of play is the ps all stars of digital events. You're asking for comparisons with something nintendo does very well and its probably not be good enough simply because they won't put the effort to make these big things. That said it doesn't matter, pretty sure they just used the last of us name to make people aware of the things they showed before, and on that sense it works.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like Sony is still testing the format, so they aren't going guns blazing on the reveals like Nintendo. Still, I prefer those short presentations compared to those big live shows.


Mar 14, 2019
the pacing's getting better, but there's a lack of content since Sony seems to be in a holding pattern, hoarding cool stuff for the inevitable PS5 announcement.

Even stuff that's supposed to happen this year (like Concrete Genie and Dreams) are sidelined. There's just not enough news- I think that's why Directs work- there's always multiple things there to generate big headlines. SoP's not there yet- they build up some of the major announcements so much that a 30-second glimpse of a PS4 exclusive COD mode no longer feels exciting, but just a confirmation of what was already known.

I felt the last SoP was better. Predator game reveal, FF7 and Iceborne trailers, and a release window for a few smaller Sony games. This one just felt more lacklustre.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing will ever replace live events, which is by far the best way to reveal the big stuff.

As a direct, it's still poor in comparison to Nintendo. This is no different than random trailer drops on a random day. Nintendo direct is like an in depth preview of their games, they go step by step "you do this and this and this". They explain the game in a way that you don't need previews from outlets, they have you covered. Sony just has trailers, I know nothing about these games.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
From a game selection POV, I was into mostly everything I saw.

From a presentation POV, I still it find it lacking, it feels sterile compared to Directs, and the new colour scheme didn't help things. The narrator also sounds robot like which really doesn't help things either.


As long as the games they show mostly deliver that's all that really matters at the end of the day.


Oct 26, 2017
It actually had some interesting stuff to show this time so I'd say they are getting better about it. Still not where it should be, imo. The pacing still sucks, too.


Jun 12, 2019
The format is fine but they don't have enough relevant content to show.

Mostly because they are transitioning from PS4 to PS5. Can't really blame them.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
It is much better than when it started but it is still not there yet to be able to compete with Direct.

It is not the format but the content at this point- We are the tail end and the big reveals are already known. Come next gen, SOPs ought to be on par with Direct with apt amount of content.


Nov 12, 2017
I never really got state of plays. There nothing much there: There's not much commentary, no analysis, no insight or behind the scenes info. It's just videos. Why not just release the videos straight to youtube without state of play banner. You'd get the same impact. I feel there's always that one big game in state of play people are looking for info but there's not much there in regards to other things.
Oct 28, 2017
My 2 cents:

Each Nintendo Direct is structured quite literally like an issue of Nintendo Power back in the day. They anchor it front/middle/back with huge games. Some coming very soon, some further out. And there's almost always surprises in the Apple conference model ("oh, and one more thing"). And the presence of these larger titles every few minutes lets the smaller titles breathe, and honestly feel more important as they rub shoulders with core Nintendo's IP.

Sony right now seems to use SoP almost exclusively as a showcase for smaller, less known games. Which is a noble goal mind you, but it's done without context. So you get a trailer like Humanity (I think it was called?) leading a SoP, with no developer insight, no idea how it's played, and then you're right on to the next trailer or commercial for a co-marketed game. They've also had a bad habit of announcing anchor games, say FF7/Last of Us 2, and leaving them til the very end, leaving 1-2 minutes for them, which leaves people counting down the minutes til that one big game shows up.

Also not for nothing, I think Sony and their smaller teams (and the indies they feature) are awful at cutting gameplay trailers. They're always visually interesting, but many times give you nothing to latch onto gameplay wise, and with no "host" to clue you in on why should care, it makes it feel like a shotgun blast of cute/cool/etc looking, but forgettable trailers that play while you wait for Final Fantasy, Last of Us, or hope for Batman to show up. They need to make you CARE about the smaller games you've never heard of, and contextualize them into the greater "PlayStation experience" and imo these trailers have been really bad at that especially.

(All this said, the looooong, boring, announcement-less Inside Xbox's are still much much worse)


Oct 28, 2017
I don't care about the format, just give me good games, and it seems sony only has a very few of them in development
Oct 27, 2017
The ending reminded me a bit in tone of the signoff Cartoon Network uses to separate "kids' viewing hours" from "adult viewing hours", usually seen at 8 pm:

"Ok, good night everyone, thanks for watching your favorite shows."

And a PS Plus announcement of a years-old game (TLOU R), and MLB 19 the Show (particularly without explaining how this year's live services were ramped up significantly, or even stating they were having a livestream a little while after the State of Play stream), doesn't have as much impact.

At least the Directs have people behind the games from time to time. This is just so...reminds me of the movie theater preview/first-look programs they run before the actual movie trailers begin. I guess that's my feeling, this particular interpretation of a "direct" format makes the games announced seem so disembodied from the people working on them or bringing them to the Playstation platform.

Who is the disembodied voice of State of Play, anyway? (Sounds like Ashley Johnson a bit but it may not be her either).

Mr. Pointy

Oct 28, 2017
The format is perfectly fine. It's simple, but it works.

The issue is that so far all three State of Play had lackluster content. Clearly Sony is not interested in having those events be particularly big or meaningful rather than a way to deliver a handful of trailers that happens to be ready at roughly the same time and could be shown together because why not.
Pretty much.


Oct 25, 2017
The idea of copying Nintendo's Direct format is a good one, but the content has been lacking every single time, so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone ever doubted the format - It's tried and true thanks to Nintendo.

IIRC the criticisms were mainly content and the name sounding kind of silly


Oct 29, 2017
I think for the bigger things we need a live audience, (that aren't paid to cheer) giving genuine reactions to what's on display. This is ok for now I suppose, just not as exciting as E3 reveals.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
What does "success" mean here?

Is it a good format for Sony to announce stuff about games? Sure, I guess? I mean, this one kinda just had six? games (I originally thought it was four and completely forgot MediEvil and Civilization VI), and that's been the problem with all of these to date, so it's hard to say.

Is it a good way to highlight smaller games that otherwise might get lose in the shuffle? Yes, but only so long as people continue to tune in. If they keep doing big announcements like the TLOU2 release date then I think that's a viable format. Afterparty and Wattam got pretty good coverage, and this is probably most people's introduction to Humanity.

Is it interesting for most viewers? I dunno. It's clear this is a lull time for Sony as they gear up for next-gen, and I'll be curious to see if this format sticks around once we get into the PS5 era, or if this is purely a stopgap format they'll tinker with/abandon once the floodgates open again.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot that Cinematech 1st party studio going against the industry standard and streaming directly to consumers... weak troll, but I lol'd.
Not even trying to troll. Back in the day if you missed E3 conferences Cinematech would just show the new trailers for 30 minutes. They compacted E3 into just showing nothing but the games. And I'm sure there was another place that did that style of format before them.