
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah Avenger was a great movie and me and my brother had fun watching it and the later MCU movies, but for me I got the most excited when this scene in Civil War popped up;


As a die hard Spider-Man fan, I knew what those six letters word meant.

Yup, loved this too. I knew he was gonna be in the movie but seeing my borough on the big screen like that got me hyyyypppppeeeeddddd


Oct 27, 2017
The movie that solidified my hatred of Marvel super hero movies. Glad other people enjoy it though, they certainly are popular


Oct 25, 2017
It was such a "clean" movie. It didn't have the issues of having just too much stuff like AoU. Every scene and part never went on too long. Tons of memes, but unlike Revenge of the sith, it was also a really good movie. Tony flying in blasting loki with shoot to thrill is classic.


Oct 29, 2017
I also really love that old man who stood up to Loki in Germany.

"There are always men like you."

I remember reading somewhere that the old man was intended to be a holocaust survivor.

I hated that scene and the Cap v. Loki fight that followed.

Thought I was watching a Raimi movie for a second there.


Oct 25, 2017
It was mostly the specific examples, not that people are excited about entertainment. There was a huge list of moments but nothing really to describe why these scenes resonated so well.

Because they think it's cool? Because they've been reading comics for years and seeing characters interact in neat ways on the big screen was a dream come true?

Shit ain't hard.


Oct 29, 2017
That's why it worked. It was supposed to feel out of place, and then tony all of the sudden comes in blasting acdc and taking care of loki.

Huh.. so a purposely hokey introduction to the man out of place from another time? Never thought of it that way... that's actually kind of perfect then.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking about making this exact threat, but about Civil War. Civil War takes the whole comic book fan dream fulfillment thing that Avengers was a high point for, to the next level.


Oct 27, 2017
My favorite scene in the movie:

Flawless from beginning to end.

I also love the small touch of Bruce touching a baby cradle when he talks to Natasha about "not always getting what he wants."

It also makes their conversation in Ultron (where he's frustrated at not being able to offer a family to anyone, and she reveals they're both incapable of having children) seem less out of nowhere.


Oct 25, 2017
I always love when I open an MCU thread and there's a link at the bottom to
"Show ignored content". Those fools just can't resist.

Also nothing beat seeing this in a theater on opening night. The crowd went crazy. Clapping, cheering, backflips down the aisle, swinging from the chandeliers, crawling out of the vents-everything.


Oct 30, 2017
I always liked the part where Captain America is about to jump out of the plane and Widow tells him not too, because Thor is a practically a God and Captain America says " There is only one God mam, and I am pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."
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Deleted member 9197

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Such a great movie! My god...

Not to hijack, but Civil War is comic movie perfection, and it took everything that was great about The Avengers and gave it real emotional stakes. Avengers 2 was not great to me, and I'm praying that the new Avengers is closer to Civil War in tone, pacing, character work, and overall feel than either of the Avengers movies.

But the Avengers... still love it and could watch it almost any time, all these years later. And it's the movie that really gave us the best Phil Coulson!


Oct 25, 2017
I actually watched this movie for the first time yesterday (I'm a bit behind on the MCU, you could say), and the moment the action moves to New York it just becomes one badass sequence after the other.


Oct 26, 2017
Added the theme song to my gym playlist along with all other major MCU film songs. So fucking good.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The film gets real weak for that middle hour they are stuck on the Helicarrier. It's a boring slog until the ship gets attacked and the movie picks back up.


Oct 28, 2017
While The Avengers isn't my favorite MCU film, every year my love and admiration for what it accomplished grows.

I just rewatched it this week and even though most of the film is talking and the first substantial fight scene doesn't come in until like 45 minutes into the movie, it's a fun ride all the way through.

One aspect I find that doesn't get enough recognition is the Chitauri invasion in the 3rd act. The inexperience and desperation of a team dealing with pure overwhelming numbers makes it just such an awesome alien invasion. I don't even care that they are able to win by blowing up the main ship and it kills all the connected horde, they are good enough to be able to hold them off but with a war of attrition, you know they will lose. I only wish that Age of Ultron could have captured that same feeling with a little less of the Avengers just being able to confidently kick and as a little more moments where it shows that their super powers can only give them the advantage to a certain degree.

Admittedly, I sort of raised my expectations for AoU to have more scenes like that based on the Comic Con poster

as well as the trailers teasing that the threat may be more like swarms of Ultron bots and less like giant meteors.

I think Infinity War will nail that same feeling of desperation though, especially since it's starting after the team has been splintered in Civil War.

We're all in agreement that this trailer is absolutely awful right?

Yes. It felt weirdly dated as an early 2000's superhero film even when it released and feels even worse now. I got hyped at the time, but I'm surprised that the trailer really sold anyone on the film that isn't already into superhero movies. Okay, maybe I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's awful, but with how great the trailers have been for the MCU in Phase 3, this feels oddly off-brand and archaic by comparison.
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Also nothing beat seeing this in a theater on opening night. The crowd went crazy. Clapping, cheering, backflips down the aisle, swinging from the chandeliers, crawling out of the vents-everything.

Three of the biggest crowd reactions I've ever had the pleasure of being apart of were in this movie: the payoff to Tony's Galaga line, Hulk punching Thor off screen and Hulk smashing Loki on the ground.


Oct 28, 2017
A movie that for me has become something that feels....not as good as when I saw it, but is still enjoyable with some strong moments
Yeah it really doesn't hold up for me at all. I really enjoyed it the first time I saw it, but I just can't go back to it now. The dialogue is just terrible for most of the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. It felt weirdly dated as an early 2000's superhero film even when it released and feels even worse now. I got hyped at the time, but I'm surprised that the trailer really sold anyone on the film that isn't already into superhero movies. Okay, maybe I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's awful, but with how great the trailers have been for the MCU in Phase 3, this feels oddly off-brand and archaic by comparison.

I think the moment that MCU trailers started turning around was when the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer first hit with Hooked on a Feeling and just exploded: Marvel realized the importance of a good first trailer.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely not. Because it's fantastic and built so much hype for the film.
I really wish I could remember my initial reaction to that trailer but I just can't. But I know that even then that genre of rock was super dated, and the editing just feels weird now. Like Cuburger said, it's hard to imagine that trailer selling anyone on the movie that wasn't already on board.

Trailer 2 on the other hand

This was hype.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the moment that MCU trailers started turning around was when the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer first hit with Hooked on a Feeling and just exploded: Marvel realized the importance of a good first trailer.
GOTG trailer 1 and Ragnorok trailer 1 are probably two of the best trailers ever.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017

A personal favorite moment of mine. Opening night at the theater, the crowd was into everything the movie threw at them. They ate up every laugh and every surprise. During this part, there had already been about a dozen amazing moments just during the Helicarrier scene alone, and this is an example of how Avengers made good things even better. People had just laughed at the look on the pilot's face when Hulk came jumping at him and this scene was pretty intense. When he ejects and Hulk grabs him? People fucking lost it. This scene make me chuckle every time. It was so unexpected. Every scene was an opportunity to one up itself in surprising and awesome ways.

Marvel totally fucking nailed this movie.


Oct 30, 2017
This movie was pure comicbook fun. Thanks Joss!. Most of the best scenes have been mentioned already (the circle pan, Hulk punching Thor offscreen, Hulk ragdolling Loki etc.) but i would also like to special mention the mid-credit Thanos reveal. There was a collective fuck 'Yeah!' in my theater when that reveal happened.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
yeah that was so good

it also made me realize how much growth Stark has had as a character in the MCU. like, yeah, he's still kind of an asshole but he used to really be an asshole.
Tony Stark's growth as a character is dependent on whether you think he can ever actually make up for what a fucking idiot he was in Age of Ultron.
Oct 29, 2017
I think one of my favourite moments was when Cap' saw Stark and Thor fly off and, as he was attaching a fucking parachute gets told to sit it out because they're 'basically Gods' and Cap' replies 'there's only one God, mam, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.'

It's so cheesy and dumb but I absolutely love it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
LOVE The Avengers. There's so much to adore, I get stupidly excited for almost every scene, like the goosebumps you get before the Jurassic Park water glass bit, but for the whole movie.

RDJ is so flawless in this. I mean, he's always great, but he hasn't had quite the same spark playing Tony since. The character is much less 'fun' now than in the early MCU days and that's really where RDJ's light shone brightest. You can tell he's having a blast.

If I have any bone to pick, it's that I do kinda feel this movie did Cap dirty. That costume....WTF?! And in a lot of scenes he comes across as just one notch above competent. I can excuse some of that to being a fish out of water (time) but it went on for too long.


Oct 28, 2017
I think the moment that MCU trailers started turning around was when the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer first hit with Hooked on a Feeling and just exploded: Marvel realized the importance of a good first trailer.
You could be right. That Hooked on a Feeling trailer really seemed to not just change things for how Marvel marketed their films but how other studios would market their films.