Deleted member 23212

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Oct 28, 2017
Why would I be friends with anyone who would ever vote Republican? A party that actively wants to harm families like mine? Or people like my friends? Or is perfectly okay with throwing children in cages?
Well, there you go right there. I never said those who voted Republican, I specifically said those who didn't vote Democrat, which are not the same thing.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I know a few uninformed people who dont vote regularly. Considering that many of them dont have the same education level as me, had much harder lives growing up than me, and come from a much different background than I do...I dont really hold it against them. I encourage them to vote and give them the necessary information to do so but it's not my business whether they do or not.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Oh right the people that didn't vote... well apparently they couldn't care enough for the well being of people who need help so why would I want to be around people like this?
Again, I didn't say people that didn't vote, I said people that didn't vote Democrat, which doesn't necessarily mean that they voted Republican or that they didn't vote at all.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Vote shaming is unproductive. Offering an inspiring candidate people want to vote for is a lot more effective.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Again, I didn't say people that didn't vote, I said people that didn't vote Democrat, which doesn't necessarily mean that they voted Republican or that they didn't vote at all.
So for an independant? I mean I would say the independant US parties have their own questionable shit, but I certainly wouldn't outright dismiss them for voting as such.

If putting children in cages disqualifies a party from receiving your vote, then I guess you don't vote for either of the major US political parties.
Lucky me, I'm not in the US and not stuck with their shitty system. And yet the point stands, the people close to me can actually be bothered to give a shit.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Every loud and proud racist that is out there in 2018 under Trump was out there in 2013 when Hillary was secretary of state. The US didn't magically become a family destroying racist police state in November 2016, it was under 8 years of Obama and 5 years of Hillary. Nothing exists today without their prior stewardship.

Anyone who wants to pretend otherwise is either 100% in on the con or are willfully ignorant and like to make up for it by pointless, self aggrandizing grandstanding on internet gaming forums.

If either of those two people don't want to "be friends" with me because my scruples prevent me from actively participating in and legitimizing a disgustingly corrupt system then I am better off for it.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So for an independant? I mean I would say the independant US parties have their own questionable shit, but I certainly wouldn't outright dismiss them for voting as such.

Lucky me, I'm not in the US and not stuck with their shitty system. And yet the point stands, the people close to me can actually be bothered to give a shit.
Oh, so you can't vote in US elections, but you're willing to shame others who don't? I think that you should do more research on what the Democratic Party has done, it's not so black and white as you try to make it out, where there is an outright good and an outright evil, either way you're going to get an administration that commits atrocities. If you come to terms with that you can understand why someone may just decide to not vote at all.


Oct 28, 2017
Lucky me, I'm not in the US and not stuck with their shitty system. And yet the point stands, the people close to me can actually be bothered to give a shit.
You're making the assumption that if someone happens to not vote that automatically means they don't give a shit. I know people who vote that really don't give a shit and people who don't vote that absolutely do. It may seem easy to say never when you're abstracting it out, but these things are more complicated in real life.
Oct 26, 2017
Not this time. I'm one of those who never did. And to be fair my state has anyways voted the way I would have so it was one of those "no point in voting" opinions but in a good-ish way. I'm an ex-pat now and have found it very difficult to get registered at this point. So awkward spot.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Oh, so you can't vote in US elections, but you're willing to shame others who don't? I think that you should do more research on what the Democratic Party has done, it's not so black and white as you try to make it out, where there is an outright good and an outright evil, either way you're going to get an administration that commits atrocities. If you come to terms with that you can understand why someone may just decide to not vote at all.
Amazingly, other countries' news cycles are still dominated by US politics. And yet, issues like the treatment of immigrant families, the treatment of LGBT individuals, mass fucking shootings etc. still directly concern me, or affect people like me.

And since fucking when did I paint Democrats as some measure of perfection or nobility? I'm painting them against the fucking GOP who are a fucking cancer.


Oct 25, 2017
Granted I don't live in the U.S.A, but I'm pretty sure I've never even had a conversation about politics with my friends. Let alone knowing who they vote for if they even do lol.
Oct 25, 2017
I have a friend at work who's pretty indifferent to all this and doesn't keep up with the news. I was baffled at first,but it really was a waste of energy to try to get him to care about it when I don't even do all that much outside of retweets and actually voting.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
The marginal impact of a single vote is negligible, so getting mad at a specific person for not voting is pointless.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Amazingly, other countries' news cycles are still dominated by US politics. And yet, issues like the treatment of immigrant families, the treatment of LGBT individuals, mass fucking shootings etc. still directly concern me, or affect people like me.

And since fucking when did I paint Democrats as some measure of perfection or noble? I'm painting them against the fucking GOP who are a fucking cancer.
You mentioned independent parties doing questionable shit, which implies that you would judge those who vote for them over Democrats, when the Democrats have done far worse than the independent parties ever could. I don't see how any of those things would be solved by them, considering those issues all existed during the Obama administration.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
You mentioned independent parties doing questionable shit, which implies that you would judge those who vote for them over Democrats, when the Democrats have done far worse than the independent parties ever could. I don't see how any of those things would be solved by them, considering those issues all existed during the Obama administration.
So because school shootings still happened during Obama, it's the Dems' fault? Even with people pushing for gun reform, etc? I'm not even getting into international policy which is all the way fucked, but there's a fuck ton more at stake and affected than one single element of government relations.

And yes, I question independant policies but can't outright blame them for much because again, the US is dominated by two parties.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, and quickly put them in their place when they try to complain about the state of things. They learn quickly not to talk about shit.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So because school shootings still happened during Obama, it's the Dems' fault? Even with people pushing for gun reform, etc? I'm not even getting into international policy which is all the way fucked, but there's a fuck ton more at stake and affected than one single element of government relations.
Well, who's fault was it then? Are we at the point where we're not going to fault them for what happened even when they were in power? That's the exact same tactic that Republicans are using right now, blaming the Democrats when things go wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Well, who's fault was it then? Are we at the point where we're not going to fault them for what happened even when they were in power? That's the exact same tactic that Republicans are using right now, blaming the Democrats when things go wrong.
What positive reformations are Republicans pushing for that Democrats are blocking? Keeping in mind that the inverse example is Democrats trying to push against the availability and ease of access for fucking guns?

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
What positive reformations are Republicans pushing for that Democrats are blocking? Keeping in mind that the inverse example is Democrats trying to push against the availability and ease of access for fucking guns?
I didn't say anything about positive reformations, I mentioned assigning responsibility.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So you can't think of anything?

So you're going "SEE THEY BLAME THE OTHER ONE" and yet one is pushing to make things better and the other is actively making things worse.
Why would I think of anything? Do you think I like the Republicans? I don't know how you can genuinely say that one is pushing to make things better, unless increasing mass surveillance, torturing suspects, droning and killing civilians, deporting massive amounts of people, etc. can count as pushing to make things better (all policies done under the Obama administration). I don't see how you can't see why people are so hesitant to vote, remember that this topic is not about discussing the merits of the Republican Party, it's about not voting, and I'm telling you why people would choose not to vote.


Oct 26, 2017
Well yeah, they are permanent residents so they aren't allowed to vote anyway. No matter what stupid Trump says.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yup. They were pretty damn vocal on social media during the election too. I think they just wanted to troll people.

I'm kind of glad they didn't vote to be honest. We rarely if ever talk about politics anyways so it doesn't bother me.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Why would I think of anything? Do you think I like the Republicans? I don't know how you can genuinely say that one is pushing to make things better, unless increasing mass surveillance, torturing suspects, droning and killing civilians, deporting massive amounts of people, etc. can count as pushing to make things better (all policies done under the Obama administration). I don't see how you can't see why people are so hesitant to vote, remember that this topic is not about discussing the merits of the Republican Party, it's about not voting, and I'm telling you why people would choose not to vote.
Because all of those same things are being done by Republicans, except with a deliberate platform of bigotry and white supremacy, and suppression of the poor at play?

Not voting doesn't mean no one takes that seat.

Saying "oh I don't support that policy, and I don't support the other guys' policy" doesn't mean there isnt a clearly fucking worse option between the two. Not voting is someone doing nothing to push against that worse option.

And if that's not enough, contacting your representatives is a thing... y'know to air grievances with policy.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
People that do both sides are dumb yes. People who complain about a party being shitty but yet didn't vote are annoying yes. But do you talk politics that much that this decideds who you are friends with? Like just tell em to shut up and move on with ya life man.
Well it's not like I'm asking folks about politics whenever I meet new people. Just in my specific instance where the first convo we really have starts with "I didn't vote because both candidates were terrible" then I don't really wanna get to know them like that. And in the second instance, my friends would complain about Trump and didn't vote at all because they think voting is stupid. That is annoying as fuck and pissed me off whrn the subject of Trump would come up because they would complain about him after not trying to vote against him.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Because all of those same things are being done by Republicans, except with a deliberate platform of bigotry and white supremacy, and suppression of the poor at play?

Not voting doesn't mean no one takes that seat.

Saying "oh I don't support that policy, and I don't support the other guys' policy" doesn't mean there isnt a clearly fucking worse option.
So, for you the rhetoric is more important than the actions? If someone repressed LGBT rights, put children into camps, etc. but did it with a smiling face to the public, that'd make it more acceptable? You know that by shunning people merely for abstaining from voting is exactly what is beneficial for them. Instead of focusing on who truly is the issue (the people with the actual political power), going this way creates a conflict and that divide and conquer tactic works so efficiently.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
So, for you the rhetoric is more important than the actions? If someone repressed LGBT rights, put children into camps, etc. but did it with a smiling face to the public, that'd make it more acceptable? You know that by shunning people merely for abstaining from voting is exactly what is beneficial for them. Instead of focusing on who truly is the issue (the people with the actual political power), going this way creates a conflict and that divide and conquer tactic works so efficiently.
Since when did I say "smiling" changes anything?

This isnt about swaying voters, this is about who you surround yourself with. In which case why am I surrounding myself with people to whom I have to prove my right to exist? Who I have to convince to vote in defense of marginalized groups?

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Because all of those same things are being done by Republicans, except with a deliberate platform of bigotry and white supremacy, and suppression of the poor at play?

Not voting doesn't mean no one takes that seat.

Saying "oh I don't support that policy, and I don't support the other guys' policy" doesn't mean there isnt a clearly fucking worse option between the two. Not voting is someone doing nothing to push against that worse option.

And if that's not enough, contacting your representatives is a thing... y'know to air grievances with policy.
I think the main question is: are you okay with voting for the Dems despite them doing all of the things Oheao said? It's hard to take the moral high ground when the party who has been acting in our name and with our votes has been killing civilians, deporting a massive amount of undocumented immigrants, etc. Shit, there was a time when the ACLU sued a judge who argued that three year olds can act as their own immigration attorney and Obama's DOJ fought the lawsuit. I understand that Trump must be stopped and while the Dems are better, that also doesn't necessarily mean that they're good.
Oct 28, 2017
If somebody didn't vote, that's their choice. I have a few friends who didn't vote, I was pretty incredulous when they told me. But when they have the nerve to complain about stuff, I shut that down immediately. Don't sit here and complain when you didn't care enough to vote. You had a vote to voice yourself, you chose not to use it, it's too late to whine about it now.
That's silly. Ones vote is often meaningless if they are in a dominating state/district. And not voting in the past doesn't mean you won't in the future.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Since when did I say "smiling" changes anything?

This isnt about swaying voters, this is about who you surround yourself with. In which case why am I surrounding myself with people to whom I have to prove my right to exist? Who I have to convince to vote in defense of marginalized groups?
Did you read your previous post? Your issue with the Republicans is the platform that they run on. I also don't think you realize just how deep-seated racism, sexism, etc. is, voting someone in is not just going to fix everything. Also, non-Hispanic whites have a higher turnout rate than blacks, Hispanics and others, so you're turning away the very people you're claiming to be standing up for.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, but hear me out.
I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
our electoral system is designed after the British system of FPTP. so if you live in a riding that always goes one way in every election... for or against, sometimes voting in those ridiings is near meaningless, especially to people who are not interested in politics.

i will take the non-voter anyday over the conservative or the separatist

I find talking about politics in real life pointless; a) I'm already Super-Partistan, there is no convincing me. b) i don't want to hear the oppositions' talking points
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I think the main question is: are you okay with voting for the Dems despite them doing all of the things Oheao said? It's hard to take the moral high ground when the party who has been acting in our name and with our votes has been killing civilians, deporting a massive amount of undocumented immigrants, etc. Shit, there was a time when the ACLU sued a judge who argued that three year olds can act as their own immigration attorney and Obama's DOJ fought the lawsuit. I understand that Trump must be stopped and while the Dems are better, that also doesn't necessarily mean that they're good.
Again, this idea that there wasn't extremely obvious shit at stake is disingenuous. Literally no one is calling the Dems good. But that doesn't mean walking away at risk of the Republicans taking office.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I will tell my friends to vote.

If they don't and aren't happy with the results, it's on them and they aren't even permitted to say jack shit against it. Vote to at least be unhappy about the results.

Breaking a relationship over it though, no way, I'm reaching 30 years in two months and all my friend are there since a long ass time. I'll tell them they're dumb shits if they didn't vote and that'll be all.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Again, this idea that there wasn't extremely obvious shit at stake is disingenuous. Literally no one is calling the Dems good. But that doesn't mean walking away at risk of the Republicans taking office.
There was extremely obvious shit at stake, and yet people still didn't vote. Antagonizing someone over not voting isn't going to do anything. It's not going to get people out to vote in large enough numbers. It's not a winning tactic. It's better and easier to offer a candidate that people want to vote for.


Oct 27, 2017
What if you aren't into politics?

Hate how religion and politics create separation. Vote or no vote shouldn't devide.