
Oct 25, 2017
"Jake Sully" is saved somewhere in my head for some reason.
This, I have no clue why
There's the Blue Lady, Military Guy, Scientist Lady, Scientist Lady's lackey, that one pilot, and Sam Worthington

I have an easier time remembering the name "Jake Sully" than the fact that Sam Worthington is a person who exists and is not in fact neither Charlie Hunan nor Channing Tatum.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Independence day, however, is not concidered a landmark of pop culture in the same level of Avatar, there are only three things people remember about that movie:

2.-Boomer Lives
3.-My personal fave, This guy:


Avatar is supposed to be a mega franchise juggernaut, iconic even according to people on this very forum.

I assure you no one is dying to visit "Independence day land" on Disney World.

I think the argument can easily be made that Independence Day is more well known than Avatar. No one quotes Avatar. Avatar doesn't find it's way intoviewing queues one specific day a year.

And everyone remembers the drunk flying his plane into the ship at the end.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think most people can remember names of characters from movies they saw once in a theater 10 years ago.


Mar 14, 2018
I can't remember any. I'm amazed Cameron's devoting so many of his remaining good years to this franchise.


Oct 27, 2017
Disney now own the franchise that features aliens engaging in abusive bestiality rituals where they come to own their mounts by forcing themselves on them.
That fucking thumbnail got me bad hahaha.

So they're technically fucking those horses, right? Considering that blue people also connect their hair together when they fuck, if I remember right.

So bestiality is pretty much accepted by them?
I'm not trying to be funny here, I completely forgot about that and now I know maybe why that is.

Anyway, I got a better question for you guys, bet you can't remember the names of anyone in the movie adaptation of Blindness.

Mr Spasiba

Oct 26, 2017
Jake Sully and Neytiri (I can only spell it cause of the thread but I remembered it)

Don't really see what's weird about not being able to name the characters from a movie that came out a decade ago. How many characters from the Hangover can you name off the top of your head, I draw a blank past Alan? Only character I remember from Fast and the Furious is Dom and I've seen like five of those. I don't think I could name a single character from The Departed and that's a great movie.
Oct 27, 2017
I have an easier time remembering the name "Jake Sully" than the fact that Sam Worthington is a person who exists and is not in fact neither Charlie Hunan nor Channing Tatum.

That's not fair at all. Channing Tatum is a good actor and has way more charisma than Sam Worthington. I used to think the same but after the Jump Street films I totally changed my mind on him because he's a great comedic actor who isn't afraid to send himself up.
Oct 25, 2017
Not having read the whole thread, I'm going with "Yes, there is:"

Blue Giant Pussy

and sitting next to you in cinema: Blew Already Man (from the 3D, he said...)

I was going to try and name their AI / Tree god of whatever, but I can't remember a single name. Well, except for The Colonel. because he's fucking awesome and deserved to win that movie. I don't think I've ever boo-ed the 'good guys winning' as much as that one.

Fuck the Na'Vi. Pretentious pricks sitting on their antigrav Unobtanium.


Oct 25, 2017
That's not fair at all. Channing Tatum is a good actor and has way more charisma than Sam Worthington. I used to think the same but after the Jump Street films I totally changed my mind on him because he's a great comedic actor who isn't afraid to send himself up.

Oh, no, don't get me wrong, i like Tatum, i just sometimes forget he's not the guy on Avatar. Worthington is such a non entity to me that my brain is constantly trying to autocorrect him into a more famous actor.


Oct 30, 2017
I only remember Jake "SOOOOOLEY" because I recently watched a Funhaus episode where Elyse Willems dressed as a Na'vi and said that repeatedly.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Colonel Quaritch aka Colonel Coffee mug aka the biggest badass to grace cinema screens ever since.

Haha. I know you know who he is. But like, the rest of us don't. I mean I'm reading your post and I still don't know who he is. Captain Quint? No, that's another movie.

Dude wasn't badass either. When the only defining characteristic of a character is a coffee mug, it's pretty thin. Besides, Lumberg from Office Space is a better coffee mug villain. At least he has some famous lines.


Oct 27, 2017
I've obsessively watched Game of Thrones for years and probably only know 3 characters names from that show.


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
I only remember Jake "SOOOOOLEY" because I recently watched a Funhaus episode where Elyse Willems dressed as a Na'vi and said that repeatedly.

Was going to say the same thing. Without that, I honestly don't think I could answer this question. I know Unobtanium...does that count? Seems to have a more memorable presence than the actual characters.
How the heck did Avatar make so much money? 3D tax? It's an OK movie with great visuals...was that really all it took? If it wasn't James Cameron at the helm, would it have done as well, I wonder?


Oct 28, 2017
I've come across this question many times, and it never starts being funny.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I have an easier time remembering the name "Jake Sully" than the fact that Sam Worthington is a person who exists and is not in fact neither Charlie Hunan nor Channing Tatum.

You just reminded me of that dark period in the late 00s, early 2010s when Hollywood kept taking bland, talentless Australian actors and trying to shove them down our throats.

Sam Worthington

Jai Courtney

Liam Hemsworth

Each blander than the last.


Oct 30, 2017
Sam Worthington
Dr. Ripley
Flescher? (Unobtanium guy)
Colonel Pratt (Scar guy)

Honest attempt, and I've seen it 5 times.

According to Wikipedia, Flesher = "Parker Selfridge" and Colonel Pratt = "Colonel Miles Quaritch". I couldn't have told you those after walking out of the movie theatre. Sully was on the tip of my tongue.


Nov 18, 2017
I legitimately thought to myself, oh Sigourney Weaver was in Avatar. Wait, the thread was about character names.


Nov 13, 2018
Everybody wanted to try 3D. The sequels will be hard pressed to hit a billion combined, unless China gets a hard on for them.