Mar 3, 2018
would it be selfish of me and/or inconsiderate if i go around doing photography at a time like this? Im talking about riding my bicycle around or going for walks with my camera and taking pictures of buildings and the city....Slowly going crazy being indoors. i have been going for walks and bike rides early mornings, but throughout the day i slowly lose my mind.
Oct 30, 2017
would it be selfish of me and/or inconsiderate if i go around doing photography at a time like this? Im talking about riding my bicycle around or going for walks with my camera and taking pictures of buildings and the city....Slowly going crazy being indoors. i have been going for walks and bike rides early mornings, but throughout the day i slowly lose my mind.

I think "Official" guidelines are that if you're not showing symptoms, feel free to step outside provided you follow distancing rules and hand washing/sanitation. (Can't believe I just typed that.) After two weeks I'm feeling pretty cooped too and use photography at night to unwind. Staying indoors indefinitely also has real health costs.


Oct 27, 2017
I think "Official" guidelines are that if you're not showing symptoms, feel free to step outside provided you follow distancing rules and hand washing/sanitation. (Can't believe I just typed that.) After two weeks I'm feeling pretty cooped too and use photography at night to unwind. Staying indoors indefinitely also has real health costs.

Official guideline is stay at home when you can. If you need a walk in nature sure but just try to stay at home as much as possible. It's a sacrifice we're making.


Oct 27, 2017
Adding this tool to the OP. It's awesome.

COVID-19 epidemiology update: Summary —

This summary of COVID-19 cases across Canada contains detailed data about the spread of the virus over time and in different regions of the country. Includes breakdowns by age and sex or gender. Provides an overview of testing, variants of concern, cases following vaccination and severe illness...

Oh dang this is really cool, thanks.

Thanks, you two! My team will be rolling out improvements and additional visualisations over the next week. 😁 (If you encounter any bugs, let me know!)


Oct 25, 2017
would it be selfish of me and/or inconsiderate if i go around doing photography at a time like this? Im talking about riding my bicycle around or going for walks with my camera and taking pictures of buildings and the city....Slowly going crazy being indoors. i have been going for walks and bike rides early mornings, but throughout the day i slowly lose my mind.
Go out to stretch your legs/walk -using all the proper distancing rules, and take the camera with you but don't go with the purpose of taking photos


Nov 4, 2017
The border with the Americans is thankfully closed to non-essential travel.

if any one province recovers from this while one or more other provinces are still far from recovery, can that province close its provincial border(s)?


Oct 28, 2017

Coronavirus: What’s happening in Italy will happen in Canada, ER doctor warns - Hamilton |

An emergency room physician in Hamilton has come out with a dire warning for his fellow health-care professionals in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This doesn't sound good.

I mean there is a chance of that happening anywhere. I know for a fact that a nurse I know was moved from McMaster to William Osler so staff are being moved around. The only thing in the article that isn't happening is military at the Hospitals. I don't think that article is very productive at all imo and isn't saying anything new.

Trudeau will say "please" to the virus to take it easy.

I'm confused. Canada has been handling this rather well. What more would you like to see?
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Oct 27, 2017

City of Toronto acquires hotels, rental buildings for homeless in response to coronavirus

The City of Toronto has acquired hotels and residential buildings as part of it's "integrated homelessness response to COVID-19," Councillor Joe Cressy said on Sunday.

Great news to see.

Thanks, you two! My team will be rolling out improvements and additional visualisations over the next week. 😁 (If you encounter any bugs, let me know!)

Also, wow. Did not know you were coordinating this. Thank you very much for the important work that your team and yourself have provided us all to help keep people safe.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm about to ask a stupid question which will probably piss off some of you folks, because I should know the answer. I'm sorry but I'm dumb. I'm in Quebec and I'd like to drop off my daughter at her grandparents for the rest of the week -- this is completely illegal now, yes?

Cake Boss

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I'm about to ask a stupid question which will probably piss off some of you folks, because I should know the answer. I'm sorry but I'm dumb. I'm in Quebec and I'd like to drop off my daughter at her grandparents for the rest of the week -- this is completely illegal now, yes?

I don't know if this is illegal or not, but I've read that it's strongly discouraged because you can't really see symptoms in children, which means they could be carrying the virus without anyone noticing, and then infect their grandparents.


May 30, 2019
I'm confused. Canada has been handling this rather well. What more would you like to see?

Personally I wish the financial aid extended to full time students. I don't personally need it, but I know some people are likely going to be struggling since(as far as I understand it) the financial aid program going online early next month won't cover students/people who just graduated, unless I'm missing something.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally I wish the financial aid extended to full time students. I don't personally need it, but I know some people are likely going to be struggling since(as far as I understand it) the financial aid program going online early next month won't cover students/people who just graduated, unless I'm missing something.
Most student loans have a grace period when you graduate of around 6 months.

seems hyperbolic as fuck by the doctor. Canada has done a lot of things differently than Italy.

The Canadian government has been handling it well. I have been seeing so many people ignoring social distancing and while it was quiet out for a few days now the weather has been getting nicer I've seen more and more people out. I'm in BC and on my way home from work I've seen tons of people in the parks all close to each other, groups of people coming on the skytrain clumping together when the thing is almost empty (look like friends but still), lots of people are out walking around and even at our work the amount of people who have come down has almost doubled because people are bored and can't stay home like their supposed to. I mean it's kind of at the point where the next step is 100% lock down because I can't think of anything more the government can do, if people who are supposed to stay home and can stay home won't stay home none of this will work. More testing would be nice but we simply don't have the necessary tests we need.
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Oct 25, 2017
Most student loans have a grace period when you graduate of around 6 months.

Right, but like, as someone who will be officially finished their coursework by next week, I won't be able to find a job in this economy...

The summer job I had lined up got cancelled, many students in fact got their summer internships/post-graduate summer job offers retracted. At this point I'l be lucky to find a job in fast food.


Apr 10, 2018
Hi, I'm not too sure if it's appropriate to post in here, but I have a question about the CERB benefit package.

I graduated from my Master's program in December and got a job mid February. I didn't work last year, as it was not advised by the program, so I did not make the 5000 dollars required. I was temporarily laid off by the employee which I seemingly do not qualify for either. Am I screwed? Is there anything I can do? This is brutal if I'm just potentially out of money for the next 2+ months.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Depending where you live, there is still social welfare for those who can't find any employment and can't quality for CERB and EI.

... Also, grocery stores are still hiring on the spot if you really need to make min wage + $2 an hour


Oct 25, 2017
I think Canada has handled this well enough but:

- The benefits have too many conditions in general, which leads to some of the below
- Mortgage/Rent stuff is completely bungled
- Ignoring actual SMALL businesses, key word small, offering CERB to self employed is good but what are these people who cannot recover their business going to do afterward?
- Ignoring Students (loan pause is the least of their concerns), how about being able to pay rent and find a job any time in the remote future and so on
- Provide incentive to the employed as well because for a lot 2K sounds pretty good (I'm sure some form of this will come this week...)
- Not being hard enough on some distancing measures

I'm sure there are more. There is a lot to be desired.


Oct 25, 2017

Ontario developing ‘last resort’ guidelines on which patients to prioritize if hospitals are overwhelmed by critical COVID-19 cases

The province’s “triage protocol,” obtained by the Star, suggests Ontario is taking steps to prepare for worst-case scenarios already playing out in hard-hit regions such as Italy and New York, where doctors are being forced to ration life-saving treatments such as ventilators.

Hopefully we can keep it enough under control or can get capacity fast enough that we never have to use this.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Canada has handled this well enough but:

- The benefits have too many conditions in general, which leads to some of the below
- Mortgage/Rent stuff is completely bungled
- Ignoring actual SMALL businesses, key word small, offering CERB to self employed is good but what are these people who cannot recover their business going to do afterward?
- Ignoring Students (loan pause is the least of their concerns), how about being able to pay rent and find a job any time in the remote future and so on
- Provide incentive to the employed as well because for a lot 2K sounds pretty good (I'm sure some form of this will come this week...)
- Not being hard enough on some distancing measures

I'm sure there are more. There is a lot to be desired.

These things are about the recovery after. Let's survive the now before we make the government plan the afterward.


Oct 25, 2017
These things are about the recovery after. Let's survive the now before we make the government plan the afterward.
rent/mortgage/small business stuff is now though. What about small businesses that don't make a lot of money as it is? aka most of them. Leaving mortgage relief to banks is a disaster and leaving rent up to landlords is a disaster.


Oct 28, 2017


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
From my experience working at the hospital, and just looking at the data people are going to have to stay inside/practice social distancing for months and I really don't think people are going to be able to once it gets warm. Lots of people were outside yesterday.

I think it's fine to go outside, but at least try to distance yourself, seems like a lot of people won't take that part seriously for some reason.

I hope people can cooperate and cope as much as possible, I know it's hard in, hell, I'm guilty myself because I've still been doing my cycling, jogging but I'll try to do more exercise at home
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Oct 25, 2017
The fact that it's slowly spreading to several supermarkets (at least in Ontario) means that it'll probably be a slow burn that will last months, unless we just decide that the acceptable risk is fine and go back to normal or the promise of a summer heat wave wipes it out for a few months until we go back into quarantine again in the winter.
Oct 27, 2017
seems hyperbolic as fuck by the doctor. Canada has done a lot of things differently than Italy.

We have...and yet Canada is still following a nearly-identical curve, doubling cases every 3-4 days. Some regions are doing better than others (BC, mostly).

At this point the government should put a mandatory cover-mouth/nose order in place. Covering your face with a disposable mask is 68% effective at preventing catching a droplet-based virus compared to 55% for washing hands 10x daily (tested in 2003 during SARS outbreak). Obviously medical masks are in short supply and should be reserved for professionals that need them, but even bandanas or home-made masks prove effective if the majority are wearing them.

From this point on I will be covering my face when out in public. It has the added benefit of scaring people in keeping a distance away, and reminding you not to touch your face.
Mar 3, 2018
yeah people really need to stay friend was bicycling by himself yesterday in the west end of Toronto around high park and Parkdale and he said he saw way too many people being too close.

also, I think we are gonna hear about the indefinite delays of schools today based on what I'm hearing. Or at least this week. The talks seem to be pretty much over and finalized. I hope they announce it sooner than later, only a week left until their planned reopening which isn't gonna happen, and parents need time to start looking at alternatives and teachers as well as to what to do moving forward.


Oct 25, 2017
From this point on I will be covering my face when out in public. It has the added benefit of scaring people in keeping a distance away, and reminding you not to touch your face.
Doctors have suggested that it actually causes people to touch their face more in order to adjust their masks.
I know I still need to fix my glasses all the time and there's really no way to do it except by touching them with my hands.
Oct 27, 2017
Here is a chart showing that while we think we are doing well, in reality Canada is not flattening anything:


We simply started late, so our lower numbers seem okay.


Oct 25, 2017
Here is a chart showing that while we think we are doing well, in reality Canada is not flattening anything:


We simply started late, so our lower numbers seem okay.
Presumably with the hundreds of thousands of people coming back to the country in the next month, the numbers are just going to go up for a while.

In hindsight, we were too strict with the cruise ship patients and too lax with everyone else, which allowed community spread to occur.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
Doctors have suggested that it actually causes people to touch their face more in order to adjust their masks.
I know I still need to fix my glasses all the time and there's really no way to do it except by touching them with my hands.
I find myself adjust my mask often its a bit of a pain because it tens to bottom of my eyelids. Usually I usually use sanitizer prior to adjusting. However, I think the main reason why there not encouraging mask use is due to limited supply.


Oct 25, 2017
I find myself adjust my mask often its a bit of a pain because it tens to bottom of my eyelids. Usually I usually use sanitizer prior to adjusting. I think the main reason why there not encouraging mask use, is because of the supply
It's the same with gloves - it offers false protection if not used properly, and honestly people aren't going to use them properly if we can't even keep a proper quarantine in place.


Oct 25, 2017
Presumably with the hundreds of thousands of people coming back to the country in the next month, the numbers are just going to go up for a while.

In hindsight, we were too strict with the cruise ship patients and too lax with everyone else, which allowed community spread to occur.
Worst part is. Not doing any shit on the airport when there were thousands of people coming.


Oct 27, 2017
From my experience working at the hospital, and just looking at the data people are going to have to stay inside/practice social distancing for months and I really don't think people are going to be able to once it gets warm. Lots of people were outside yesterday.

I think it's fine to go outside, but at least try to distance yourself, seems like a lot of people won't take that part seriously for some reason.

I hope people can cooperate and cope as much as possible, I know it's hard in, hell, I'm guilty myself because I've still been doing my cycling, jogging but I'll try to do more exercise at home
I mean people who aren't essential need to stay home period. Some people will struggle financially absolutely but it won't change how things currently are. If people don't stay home this thing drags out longer and gets worse then peoples living situations are only gonna get worse than they already are. Like the solution is simple and yeah it sucks staying in but it's a small price to getting this thing curved quickly. If you have to go out then obviously social distance.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
I mean people who aren't essential need to stay home period. Some people will struggle financially absolutely but it won't change how things currently are. If people don't stay home this thing drags out longer and gets worse then peoples living situations are only gonna get worse than they already are. Like the solution is simple and yeah it sucks staying in but it's a small price to getting this thing curved quickly. If you have to go out then obviously social distance.
I definitely agree, but it seems to me that a substantial amount of people simply won't stay home, especially once the weather gets warm. I don't know what the Federal and Provincial governments will propose in coming days

I'm hoping people can at least keep a significant distance from one another and majority of people can't even do that.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Here is a chart showing that while we think we are doing well, in reality Canada is not flattening anything:


We simply started late, so our lower numbers seem okay.
Well shit. This isn't great. We're following the same curve as the UK, and that's... bad.

Japan is super impressive though. They haven't even closed most schools I think, but somehow they got on top of this despite having massive population density.

US, though... welp. They are so fucked. :\ I guess we can thank our lucky stars we aren't them. Even more so when you consider this abject, grotesque nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
Ontario changed on how they give daily numbers. It's now once a day at 10:30 am. They also give a detailed outlook like demographics, age, travel related etc. Too bad they removed the number of test pending.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm mad at the weather today lol. You predict two weeks of rain, and it's been sunny.

Fucking rain!! Force people inside!