Deleted member 32561

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Nov 11, 2017

What the title says. Starts at 13:00 (1PM) JST on the Sunday of the show.

To go into detail as to why this may be big (even though I know as a fanbase we jump with excitement at literally any tease of news), it's specifically a Sengoku BASARA stage presentation, not just one for the recent mobage Sengoku BASARA Battle Heroes. Now it's entirely possible this'll be for just that AND various SenBasa adaptation stuff and merch, as it IS on Sunday only, seemingly... But you never know, especially since I'd assume they'd market it as a Battle Party stage since they could most definitely sell a bunch of acrylic stands or posters of the PNGs from that game lol.

I seem to recall its been a fair few years since BASARA was present at TGS. I think 2016 may have been the last time? It'd be weird to label it this way if there wasn't more than one game to talk about as I recall in previous years it was specified as being for SB4, Sumeragi, Yukiden, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Pls giv nu sengoku basara game.....and makenit available in my region at least.

Alsod bring back my main man


Nov 11, 2017
If a new game is announced, it's probably never gonna leave Japan. Or it's mobile.


Oct 25, 2017
People still love DMC. If there's a time to make a new game and translate it, it's now since these games are practically character action except with more enemies on screen.

Actually, if anything, Capcom should go for Koei's jugular and make a Three Kingdoms Basara.
It'll just be a concert by T.M. Revolution.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Deleted member 32561

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Nov 11, 2017
This is a serie i've always wanted to try, it look so much fun. D:
If you have a Wii or PS3 definitely pick up Samurai Heroes, it's well worth it. If you don't, importing Sumeragi for PS4 isn't a bad idea either, given the translation for menus that exist online. And I'd be right happy to get into individual story/character details.

Deleted member 18857

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Oct 27, 2017
Please please please be a new main series game. No more mobile, no more shitty gakuen spinoff, OK you can have another Takarazuka adaptation if you want, but please be a main series game. I'll buy a PS4 or 5 or 6 for it if it's not on Steam.

And do as the first ones and recycle as much moves and animations from DMC as possible. Give me that sweet sweet nunchuk and dual motorbike action in 1615 please.


Oct 25, 2017
Just wait for this to not be a new mainline game :( And even if it is, I don't hold out hope for a English release! Day 1 import though ;)


Oct 25, 2017
Please please please be a new main series game. No more mobile, no more shitty gakuen spinoff, OK you can have another Takarazuka adaptation if you want, but please be a main series game. I'll buy a PS4 or 5 or 6 for it if it's not on Steam.

And do as the first ones and recycle as much moves and animations from DMC as possible. Give me that sweet sweet nunchuk and dual motorbike action in 1615 please.

Hey, that made me laugh. There's always room for more gag comedy animes whether they're original IPs or based on something.


Aug 20, 2018
the last sengoku basara game by capcom is that 2D fighting game during the PS2 era, am i right?

Deleted member 32561

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Nov 11, 2017
the last sengoku basara game by capcom is that 2D fighting game during the PS2 era, am i right?
Since then there's been Sengoku BASARA 3 (came out overseas as Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes), its expansion Utage, 2 PSP spinoffs that played kinda like Gundam games, an HD collection for 1, 2, and 2's expansion, Sengoku BASARA 4 and its expansion Sumeragi, and a spin-off called Sanada Yukimura-den. That came out in 2016. This year a mobage came out over the summer as well.


Aug 20, 2018
Since then there's been Sengoku BASARA 3 (came out overseas as Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes), its expansion Utage, 2 PSP spinoffs that played kinda like Gundam games, an HD collection for 1, 2, and 2's expansion, Sengoku BASARA 4 and its expansion Sumeragi, and a spin-off called Sanada Yukimura-den. That came out in 2016. This year a mobage came out over the summer as well.

wait what? What genre were those?

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Hey, that made me laugh. There's always room for more gag comedy animes whether they're original IPs or based on something.
Well, the series already have a mecha, a mecha user, a dual chainsaw user, and a dual tonfa-rocketlauncher-laundspeaker user, so it's not a big technological jump.

Oh, yeah. Bring back Zabii please.
Oct 25, 2017
Please please please be a new main series game. No more mobile, no more shitty gakuen spinoff, OK you can have another Takarazuka adaptation if you want, but please be a main series game. I'll buy a PS4 or 5 or 6 for it if it's not on Steam.

And do as the first ones and recycle as much moves and animations from DMC as possible. Give me that sweet sweet nunchuk and dual motorbike action in 1615 please.
Split in half horse/sword? Hell yeah.
wait what? What genre were those?
Basara is Capcom's take on Musou.


Oct 26, 2017
Please release in english.
Bonus point on PC.

All games of the genre were disapointing in comparison ever since I played Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes. :'(

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
wait what? What genre were those?
Mix between Musoulike and Character Action; Stylish Action as described by Capcom.

I may have misunderstood your post. There hasn't been a fighting game since Sengoku BASARA X, no. That'd be cool to have a sequel to, though. But it was developed by ASW and they're a bit busy with like ten other liscenced titles lol.


Oct 25, 2017
As a fan of the IP, it hurts to see Capcom not giving a sh*t about it in the West :(
Hopefully it's a new game, even if I have to import again.


Aug 20, 2018
Mix between Musoulike and Character Action; Stylish Action as described by Capcom.

I may have misunderstood your post. There hasn't been a fighting game since Sengoku BASARA X, no. That'd be cool to have a sequel to, though. But it was developed by ASW and they're a bit busy with like ten other liscenced titles lol.

TIL that those capcom segoku basara games were 'musou' @_@

Deleted member 18857

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Oct 27, 2017
For people who are not familiar with the series, the easiest way to describe is "a sort of Musou but not really".

Musou generally have big and intricate maps with points of interest you need to take or defend, and you need to be constantly on the move between all these points to push back against the waves of enemies that periodically show up. Killing thousands of people is necessary because they block your way, but if you just spend too much time mowing the grass, you're going to be too slow to the next objective, so they are ultimately a game about movement and weighting your priority (do I stop there and mow the grass to fill up my super move jauge or do I rush to defend the next fort?).

(main title) BASARA games are a much simpler affair. Levels are much more linear (some are a litteral straight line, some are a bit more labyrinthine) but most of the time your only choice will be "do I go left or right". Since 3, you also have some points of interest you can take and defend, but they are not as important: in some levels, they are simply an "switch" you need to capture to open a gate, in some others you can even ignore all of them and just rush to the boss. Obviously, there are some much more complicated levels, but they are the exception, not the rule. BASARA's average levels are just a bit more complex than a Final Fight/G&G level. It's basically a brawler.
What makes the series interesting is the movelist of the characters. Not to say that Musou characters are simplistic and samey, but BASARA's are much more complex, especially since 3. Imagine a DMC moveset limited to one weapon, remove any subsystem like devil trigger or royal guard, and that's one character. Now imagine 40 characters all with a moveset as different as a DMC weapon can be from one another. Some characters are very straightforward, just mash and you'll do cool shit. Some, like Môri (the guy with the okra on his head and a hoola-hoop as a weapon) can do fantastic combo videos Desk would be proud of.
Some animations in the first two games were actually directly lifted from DMC1, like the dual gun-wielding Nôhime (who even had alternate guns called Ivory&Ebony).

And then you have the dumb-as-rocks, hilarious characters and scenarios that everyone loves. While Musou generally paints his historical characters as benevolent rulers who have to fight each other but are at heart good people (with a few obvious exceptions), BASARA has some hilarious villains in all shapes and colours, and even at times manages to have some really good, tense moments.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I've played Sumeragi and it's basically Musou dialled up to 11, with batshit crazy stories and characters.
Oct 25, 2017
I also would add that Basara feels super damn good to play. It has that Capcom action game sauce most brawlers (musou or not) lack even today.


Oct 25, 2017
TIL that those capcom segoku basara games were 'musou' @_@
Calling the Basara games Musou is a disservice. They're character action if character action were also considered beat'em ups.

We're talking frame cancels and frame-accurate inputs and every character plays differently from one another. It's not just press X an x number of times and then press Triangle.
Oct 27, 2017
I can't imagine Capcom giving a whole stage presentation to a mobage, especially since we JUST got one last month, this is definitely going to be a console title.

Really hoping this new, cool Capcom localizes this one without issue, this series is amazing.


Oct 31, 2017
I played the PS3 game and enjoyed the hell out of it first Musou like game that I beat in a while.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd definitely be in for a new mainline game that would be coming to the West. I don't have too much experience with the series outside of playing 3 on PS3 but I loved what I played of it. I bought the Revoltech figures because I like the character design so much (and the Revoltech figures are fucking aces; they are so posable, dynamic, and detailed). I liked 3 a lot and there's a bit of a Musou drought right now, so bring on a new game!


Oct 25, 2017
Assuming its a mainline game, I'd be up for it if they release it internationally and put it on the PC but if not then Im cool too. Frankly I much prefer the mission design of Warriors games than Basara even though their character are vastly more imaginative and unique than KT's versions.

I also tend to drop these games much faster than Warriors games and I stick to just a few of the cast since the design of some characters can be super quirky and weird but not necessarily fun to play with even though I like that Capcom goes further with how they design their gameplay most of the time.

OP:Pirate Warrior 4 is coming out next year and that games feels like a nice in between of a traditional Warrior game and a hyper crazy Basara game so Im good in the mean time but it'd be nice to see a new Basara game.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, my sweet summer children, hoping for a new game. Y'all gonna get a port of Devil Kings with no additions or changes for 50USD and y'all gonna like it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, MD
Would be nice to get a new game announcement after so long.

Though...for the last few years, anything worthwhile was usually announced at Basara's own fan event, which happens in the first quarter of the year. But then again, it's already been a couple of years, and the brand has lost quite a bit of ground, as it is.

Deleted member 18857

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Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, that was nothing. They merely talked about 2 characters added to the gacha, and these two had been teased before so it wasn't even a surprise announcement.
Just fantastic.


Oct 25, 2017
Not even a proper stage show of outlandashly dressed band dancing and rocking a new tm revolution song or album? Capcpom pls.


Oct 25, 2017
Guess I go back to deluding myself that Sengoku Basara 5 will be a PS5 launch title with guest characters from all of Capcom's franchises.