
Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island


Hey guys, this is a frightening moment for MH speedrunners on PC and MH youtubers who have been using mods for their videos. Capcom Japan's legal team is going after Sunbreak videos on YouTube which feature any kind of mod and issue takedown requests and copyright strikes. We also received a copyright strike. With 3 strikes your channel gets deleted. Many videos of fellow MH speedrunners were taken down, some speedrunners even received 3 strikes and their channels were deleted. We are sorry this happened to them and we hope they can reach out to their community managers to reinstate their channels and just private or delete the videos instead. This is very serious news. And yes, also two of our Sunbreak videos have been taken down: "Sunbreak Lagiacrus Showcase" and "After you've killed 1000 Khezu". There might be more of our videos vanishing in the coming days and weeks. We will keep you posted.

One of the two videos that got hit had no visual mod in it (After you've killed 1000 Khezu). This video is a showcase run of 4 players using the Shadowboxing gesture to kill Khezu. It did not even have modded augmentations as we try not to use those for these kind of videos cause maxed out overpowered gear and skills make viewers who play legitimately feel left out. The only exception where maxed out augmentations were used was the Sunbreak Highest Damage video where we transparently disclosed the usage of maxed out augments and why it was necessary in that special case.

Regardless, we received a takedown request for our Khezu Shadowboxing video for the sole reason that we transparently disclosed the "fixed monster spawn" mod in the description of the video. This was the only mod used in this video and it is invisible to the viewer. About a year ago we started to mention every single mod used for videos in the bio as we wanted to be fully transparent with our viewers regarding which mods we use. Most of the mods we used didn't change how the game worked, instead they reduced the amount of resetting for showcase runs which often takes 10 to 20 hours.

Let's give an example:
Rathalos has 3 possible spawns at the beginning of a quest with 3 to 4 different sub spawns. The "fixed monster spawn" mod allows you to make sure Rathalos will always spawn in the area you need for your showcase. Another mod we often used was "fixed monster HP" that made sure we would get the lowest possible HP variant of Rathalos. These are all widely common mods for PC speedrunners and there are thousands of MH speedruns on youtube where these mods are used. The only difference in our case is that we disclosed them in the bio of TDS videos, while 90% of speedrunners just use them and dont talk about them. Since they are invisible to the viewer nobody can know for sure.

In light of recent events we feel that Capcom's new "no mod policy" is threatening our channel's existence so we apologize to you guys when we say this, but we had to remove all mod disclosure in our old videos as those videos pose a threat to our channel. What does this mean regarding new uploads? We are not 100% sure, but one thing is for certain, we will think twice before using mods in the future. That means probably no more size comparisons or damage comparisons from us as we did with MHW. Regarding runs, if a widely common mod is used for a video where it seems a necessity to even be able to make the video possible then we will not be able to disclose that anymore. It would most likely not be a visible mod. In this case we hope you guys can trust us that we won't temper too much with the games and still deliver honest and entertaining content. We will try our best to somehow still be transparent with you guys but all in a way where we don't feel in danger regarding Capcom's legal team in Japan coming after us.

From now on it will probably also take even more time to create speedruns, so there will most likely be fewer speedruns posted in the future. The alternative will be that the quality of speedruns will be lower cause we wont be able to spend 20-30 hours with a 4-man team on every single run. Capcom's community manager is currently trying his best to help out creators and we appreciate that a lot. We will see how that goes and will keep you guys posted.

To be very clear. We absolutely understand that Capcom has a problem with modded content where it damages their brand. In our opinion modding maxed out augments usually does harm to the community. Whoever plays on Switch and is watching said video will never in their life even come close to having a perfect build like that. Also, certain offensive visual mods can damage Capcom's reputation for anyone who doesn't happen to know that this is fan-made modded content. 4 months ago during a major Street Fighter live-stream event somebody accidentally used a NSFW Chun-Li mod. So, it makes sense that Capcom is trying to protect their IPs. We just hope that they don't neglect the positive impact mods can have. Some videos like our MHW size comparison which has almost 9 million views brought millions of people who never played Monster Hunter in connection with their IP and in one of the best ways possible, by showing the true beauty of the monsters of Monster Hunter World. This is a huge financial benefit for Capcom. Some mods also contribute substentially to the longevity of the game. Just look at Skyrim or GTA V. Mods certainly didn't lower these game's sales figures.

This is a very difficult situation for us. If you are transparent, Capcom will strike you and if not, you get called cheater.​

As of later there has been a lot of talk about IP Holders and how they treat videos with Mods (As Nintendo for example has been hitting certain creators for such things as well). While this isn't new for Capcom per se (They've hit modders of Resident Evil in the past for a variety of reasons). It does bring an interesting perspective to the conversation as it seems as of late, Capcom has become even less of a fan of people modding their titles


Capcom Expresses Concern Over Mods That Are 'Offensive to Public Order and Morals' - IGN

A Capcom programmer has expressed concern over the use of mods in the company's PC games that could potentially lead to "reputational damage," among other things.

Not entirely sure what exactly can be done as this seems to be a bit of a gray area when it comes to Youtube Content. I recall someone is actually trying to challenge Nintendo about their Mod Takedowns with a legal team but I can't remember the name of the creator. If that actually does happen, it might start a precedent of what the actual rules might end up being


Nov 27, 2017
In this case, it seems like Capcom took down videos because of two mods:
I guess you could argue the second mod is cheating (still not a good enough reason to take down the video), but the first one is just a cosmetic mod. Capcom has taken down videos featuring cosmetic mods in the past years, but it's always been nude mods or mods with skimpy clothing. Now it's starting to seem like any mod can be risky to showcase for a Capcom game.

There's even more Youtube channels with MHR videos that's been affected by Capcom recently:
View: https://twitter.com/SuperRADLemon/status/1732782992467075220

As someone who's been making mods for Capcom games for 14 years and responsible for modding tools that most of the community use, this really sucks. If it continues like this, I might drop modding Capcom games entirely.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Any chance this could be due to people misinterpreting the videos and thinking the unmodified game behaved like it?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As always, there is no legal case for modding, everything that involves editing code is technically a copyright violation if the copyright holder seeks to pursue it.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
so they only took down the videos that showed the mods, and not the mods themselves?


Oct 25, 2017
Seems inline with this:

CAPCOM R&D Presentation - Anti-cheat and Anti-Piracy Measures in PC Games Recommendations PC

It's quite a lengthy video, but there are some interesting points. Some of them are your usual "piracy = profit loss", but there's also interesting stance from them that consider mods as cheating and might hurt the game/company's reputation (because they might violate public order and morals...

Wonder how hard they are gonna crack down on rhis especially with the MVC scene starting to take off.


Oct 27, 2017
Capcom: Please enjoy our game.

*Pays money and then installs mod*

Capcom: No. Not like that >:O


Oct 25, 2017
What is the basis for such an action even? It seems very frivolous.


Nov 28, 2017
I've modded every single one of their games, this is a bad look. RE:engine made modding even easier.


Oct 25, 2017
Booo Capcom. You can be cool with fan games and some mods (RE4 HD project) and then do weird stuff like this... knock it off, you should be encouraging people to play the PC ports (your biggest market), not punishing them.


Jun 4, 2018
their stance on PC mods is one of the reasons I always support their shit, this is not good


Oct 27, 2017
Dumb asses. Yeah just fuck over your paying customers for absolutely no reason. "B-b-b-but if they see modders adding cool stuff for free, they won't buy our shitty dlc!"

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021
What is the basis for such an action even? It seems very frivolous.
It's probably an extreme overreaction to that coomer incident in which the host of a major SF6 tournament a few months back forgot that he had a nude Chun-Li mod enabled when one of the participants chose to play as her, and that got streamed across the world live.

Seeing how the Japanese fanbase for FFXIV has reacted in regards to mods for years in that game (as in, witch hunt style that is more about pressuring SE to punish foreigners than anything else), the Japanese fanbases for Capcom are probably pressuring Capcom to do the same thing, along with Capcom themselves likely being extremely unhappy with the incident.


Nov 27, 2017
It's probably an extreme overreaction to that coomer incident in which the host of a major SF6 tournament a few months back forgot that he had a nude Chun-Li mod enabled when one of the participants chose to play as her, and that got streamed across the world live.

Seeing how the Japanese fanbase for FFXIV has reacted in regards to mods for years in that game (as in, witch hunt style that is more about pressuring SE to punish foreigners than anything else), the Japanese fanbases for Capcom are probably pressuring Capcom to do the same thing, along with Capcom themselves likely being extremely unhappy with the incident.
NSFW mods have existed for so long (and Capcom has occasionally been taking down videos featuring NSFW mods for years now), so I'll be surprised if that incident is related.

Timing-wise, I'm betting this happened now because of the Monster Hunter announcement at TGA. I have absolutely no idea why they'd take down a video showcasing a mod that replaces a monster model, though. That's just bizarre, and makes me think that showcasing any kind of Capcom mod is a risk now.


Nov 8, 2017
User Thread-banned: Platform warring
Good. I specifically play on console to avoid the shenanigans and cheaters on PC.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is what folks get because some clowns had to put nude mods at a tourney. It's so ducking unfortunate


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
They probably got a concerned email from a sponsor over nude Chun-Li and are now having an extreme reaction to all mods.


Jun 25, 2019
Good. I specifically play on console to avoid the shenanigans and cheaters on PC.
Good for you, I've put a ton hours into world and rise on pc and haven't encountered a single cheater. Also acting like cheaters have never existed on consoles before and only pc...

What a weird comment lmao
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Nov 8, 2017
Good for you, I've put a ton hours into world and rise on pc and haven't encountered a single cheater. Also acting like cheaters have never existed on consoles before and only pc...
Modding and cheating on consoles is rare and risks a console or account ban. It's much easier and more common on PC.

What a weird comment lmao


Jul 31, 2020
Videos promoting the use of mods in Monster Hunter games? I digress. Ignoring thread.
What an incredible contribution to, but most importantly, participation in this thread.

For context, though I know you've ignored this thread - what you're talking about has NOTHING to do with the topic. Nobody rightfully cares if anyone individually prefers gaming with mods or without mods as long as they do not affect other users experiences, but I digress since this has nothing to do with the topic itself.

And, yes, striking videos for having a mod in use—even if invisible and non-problematic in any way shape or form—is wrong. The end.

You are, basically, like Capcom: They know—and have explicitly said so—that mods almost exclusively have positive effects and should be supported, but then support striking videos displaying mods.
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