
Nov 2, 2017
Los Angeles, California
Out of all the legitimate reasons to rip into him, I never got why "he uses a stage name" was the one that caught on.
If this is the "he's not really Hispanic/Latino" angle, he was born in Honduras to a Mexican mother and Honduran father, so let's not. Other than that, of course, drag this unfunny motherfucker.

Genuinely not shaming him for using a stage name. I just think it's a terrible name lol


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Rogan might be a shitheel of the highest order, but calling out Mencia is still the best thing he's done.

Dude was just a mid 2000s rip-off of Chappelle, minus the wit and self-awareness. So, like, late 2010s Chappelle.

So Chapelle stole his shit after he stole Chappelle's?

We need some good progressive comedians
Oct 26, 2017
I believe I heard recently some law enforcement officials contacted Cook about money of his that was stashed in the wall of a house.
The only thing I remember involving joke thieving with regards to Cook was him accusing another guy of stealing his "essence" (not his jokes) and talking about it on WTF.
The last thing I heard him on he sounded fine, though. He's had a crazy ride.
He talks about this on the podcast linked on here. That stash was only a small part of it.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
Mencia stole jokes from lots of comics. I hear him come up on all kinds of comedian podcasts. So many stories about him pulling shit on other comedians. Dude is a straight up mega-asshole.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
So Chapelle stole his shit after he stole Chappelle's?

We need some good progressive comedians



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Haaaa I was just listening to Double Toasted mentioning that he was stealing jokes lol.
That name is hilarious also.


Oct 27, 2017
Did you watch the actual confrontation that took lace at the comedy store? it was a pretty epic call out by Rogan.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
12 seconds in and he claimed he's never not authentic. Yes except everything you base yourself on.

Then tries to score points by saying if he stole from Cosby, so what he's a rapist. Yeah, but that wasn't out when he stole the joke.

It actually was. Cosby was credibly accused of sexual assault for decades, and his civil suit against Andrea Constand specifically was in 2005. EVERYONE knew about Cosby. It just wasn't until 2014 that Hannibal Buress *reminded* everyone that "hey, bill cosby is out here raping people while being a moralizing asshole" and it inexplicably blew up.


Oct 26, 2017
If this is the "he's not really Hispanic/Latino" angle, he was born in Honduras to a Mexican mother and Honduran father, so let's not. Other than that, of course, drag this unfunny motherfucker.

A lot of Latino standups made their way up way back in the day via like Galavision's Que Locos, later with Funny is Funny, way back when I was a kid I remember watching this all. Basically everyone who you can think of Latino who made it big from Lopez to Iglecias in the US had to make their way through this, Mencia played a part in Funny is Funny iirc so idk I can't really hate even if he never really struck a chord with me. I recall going to see him live and it didn't do much for me but I mean whatever man, latino comedy growing up was super niche in the late 90s so whatever got it out there was good for me. Mike Robles and Ernie G were awesome back then.



Oct 26, 2017
The only reason he ever got a huge push was because Comedy Central was desperate for a new show to supplant Chapelle's Show because it was clear Chappell's was done. Without that strong drive for edgy ethnic humor he never would have gotten anywhere in the first place— blaming Rogan for his downfall is wrong. Mencia's own shitty routine and schtick was his downfall. Plenty of good comedians have survived accusations of joke thievery (Amy Schumer and Denis Leary immediately jump to mind).


Edit: oh, I agree with the rest of your post.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Its was a slow burn if I remember correctly, Rogan actually was banned from The Comedy Store for a while for pushing it, sticking up for those he stole from. Finally caught up eventually and Joe was invited back.

Cook... Lost all his money to his brother who he entrusted to be his money manager (who is in jail and still won't say where he stashed it). Never was a fan, but he was crazy good at leveraging social media (myspace) back in the day to hit a small, but crazy supportive audience that filled stadiums to see him.

Glad they imprisoned the Burger King.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm about a quarter through and it sounds as if he's still pretending like he didn't steal. That's so pathetic. " His angle that his critics were trying to defend rapists by accusing him of stealing a super famous Cosby bit. "this is the guy you wanna protect?" No, my guy. It's the art they were protecting by outing you as the bully fraud you were and still are.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought about him the other day. Don't know if I have ever seen a bigger fall in comedy. Well him and Cook.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Fuck this guys. Sorry but not sorry.

He gave ignorant assholes a reason to call people like me beaners like it was acceptable. Also wetback.

Not even talking about his shit takes on the disabled. I couldn't believe people enjoyed this asshole. Good riddance. I couldnt stand him anymore and didnt know why he went away but I was happy and still am.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean it's easy to come up with the same joke as someone else. All the world's stories have already been told, right? Just have to try and not make it obvious.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
He was everyhwere one minute then gone

I think folks realize they were over paying for something that wasn't that good


Oct 26, 2017
I guess one of the 3 things Rogen has done that wasn't shit?

Other 2 are Fear Factor and Newsradio.


Dec 8, 2018
I'll be honest , I liked for a few months when he was super popular , but then I(like most), realized that his gimmick was lame and one note , and I really started to dislike it immensely , luckily he faded out soon after.


Nov 4, 2017
Rogan literally killed his career. This is one of the first things after the modernization of the internet that went truly viral. It was fun to watch.
Oct 27, 2017
What's even crazier is during that famous Joe Rogan interview, he asks Steve Rannazzisi to weigh in...and he's got one of hell of a controversial history himself.


Nov 8, 2017
Mencia was on at least one fucking TV in our dorm hallway during college and having to hear his "DEE DEE DEE" mentally handicapped punching down and listening to him roll around on stage laughing at his own jokes, multiple times per night, made me want to chuck every TV off the roof.

No idea why this interviewer is kissing his ass so hard.

lyte edge

Oct 25, 2017
The first time he has talked about what ruined his career.

LOL, even the description of this being the first time he's talked about this is a lie. I heard him in an interview, at least a few years back, talking about how it ruined him and he finally owned up to things and went to therapy, IIRC.

Now, listening to this, it's like he did a 180 and is back to being how he was when he got called out for being a joke thief.

Stealth edit:
I think this is the clip- it's from 2017.

lyte edge

Oct 25, 2017
Rogan literally killed his career. This is one of the first things after the modernization of the internet that went truly viral. It was fun to watch.

Rogan started it- But Mencia killed his own career. There's proof of his joke stealing all over the place and he still can't own up to it, including him "owning himself" after defending himself on a radio show, then mentioning a bit that the host recognized as being stolen, lol.



Oct 27, 2017
It's funny how a decade+ ago I couldn't stand Dane's stand up but after watching that I feel like I gotta support the guy lol. Seems like a nice dude who just got fucked over.
I've always unironically liked Dane Cook. Got made fun of bunch of times. Looks like I've got a good radar for comedians lol


Oct 28, 2017
Rogan started it- But Mencia killed his own career. There's proof of his joke stealing all over the place and he still can't own up to it, including him "owning himself" after defending himself on a radio show, then mentioning a bit that the host recognized as being stolen, lol.

Goddamn, this is brutal. The host handled it with class, but Carlos completely destroyed himself.


Oct 26, 2017
It also didn't help that the dude was known for having hours long sets that ate into other comics time. It didn't make him many friends.

He recently appeared on an episode of RLM, sorry.

Fucking LOL, with all this proximity bullshit there won't be any progressives.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I know how era loves to hate on age gaps, so if you want to hate Dane Cook again look up his girlfriend's age and how long they've been dating lol

(She's 20 and they've been dating 2 years)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's easy to come up with the same joke as someone else. All the world's stories have already been told, right? Just have to try and not make it obvious.

It absolutely is. Ellen Degeneres has a joke about monogamous penguins (Taste This standup) that Joe Rogan tells pretty spot on (Shiny Happy Jihad album) about 10 years after she did.

Whether its legit thievery or parallel thinking....*shrug*


Oct 27, 2017
This asshole, Dane Cook and Jeff Dunham are the trifecta of terrible comedians from the mid 2000s who were proped up by teens with terrible senses of humor who thought they were funny.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like Mencia and I think Joe Rogan is a great stand up comic in terms of timing and delivery and all that -- but one of my pet peeves is hearing comedians badmouth other comedians. It's especially bad when it's a comedian who's not naturally funny in real life - Kevin Hart for example is not funny unless he's doing a bit.

There's a fair number of those guys who just write and test and write and test and are excruciatingly dull in interviews. They're obviously talented and hard working but not naturally funny people.

It's like magicians describing how the magic is actually a simple trick - only vastly more boring and depressing.