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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I can't even fairly say what lessons kids are able to parse out from the music. Clearly they get the message that "It's okay to use this word if it is not meant in a hateful or derisive way". Do they understand that it's not okay for non-blacks to use it?

When someone non-black throws the word around in a casual context, are they intentionally and knowingly being transgressive? Or are they just imitating their favorite stars in ignorance of the rules?
Yes. People of all ages know the word is taboo. They don't care because they think black culture is theirs to participate in as they so choose. News flash.


Nov 3, 2017
Why would you want to say it knowing its history though
Non-black people have a desire to use it because they see it represented a lot within popular culture (black culture is increasingly the predominant influential culture in modern American society), and simply use it because they see others using it and want to be cool. From there, it's easy to ignore the history of the word, simply because they don't care. The cognitive dissonance between saying the word and being a racist is a safety net for these kinds of people.


Oct 31, 2017
Just don't, but please take the time to listen to why it isn't cool (at absolute best) from people that have put the reasons out there.

Stop and think, work towards understanding.


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Oct 26, 2017
Truthfully, there has been a level of tolerance given to non-black groups who use the words and all of that stems with how close someone is with a black person for that behavior to develop.

Most non-white people who say it know to gauge who their around before it leaves there mouth, at least they have the respect for it.

Honestly, its pretty much zero tolerance with white people in regards to the history, however, there are plenty of cases of non-black who abuse the word as well. In my personal experience, Ive witnessed Asian Men being the ones to use the word as mockery of sorts.

Because of this, there is a wider growing sentiment of black people who are looking to reign in he word more exclusively. So while there was a time where it was kosher for brown skin to use the word, as of late its starting to reel back to those of Black ancestry.

Thanks for the response. Since working here and seeing it so widespread, I have actually creating a thread like this myself on this board or our predecessor but felt it might be taboo for me to ask being a white person. Or be perceived as me wanting to play along and say it, too.

The feeling I always got because, like you said, it's only around people you trust or share the same attitudes that it seems to be allowed, is that people of Latino culture primarily have also had the same or similar struggles as black folk and it's an unspoken shared experience that allows that term to be used between both, regardless of skin color.

And me being the white dude who's regional ancestors caused the shared problems just sits back and nods and doesn't say anything as I should. Lol


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Does anybody be have any historical examples of "Word Exclusivity" actually working?

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
This is some dumb as fuck rationalization here. "Hey I am not black and I say nigger but I totally don't mean it in a racist way. Don't judge me." foh

Please go back and read my post. I never tried to rationalize it, I know its indefensible. I have never used the word nigger. And I most certainly don't use it towards black people. Only towards myself. Like I didn't even had to mention this shit but I am not trying to hide anything because I know my case is nothing like people who throw that word around casually in public towards others.


Oct 26, 2017
Shit is cringe. Especially when I see other Filipinos/Asian Americans use it. You have no history with that word, the most common thing we have is that we're, factually speaking, darker than whites.

It's trash that this sentiment would get me clowned in non black PoC circles in LA, but it is what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Don't ever come to uptown manhattan OP, cause minorities from all over use the word. Might as well fight every person of the borough of Manhattan while you at it.

Actually the entirety of New York City now that I think about it.


Banned for use of alt account
Sep 19, 2018
The fact of the matter is no matter what anybody says, or what arbitrary and contradictory rules people try to place on the word it has entered the common lexicon. I almost wonder if (especially with younger people) the meaning of the word is so far removed from it's original intentions that most people using it don't even consider it's abhorrent historical and cultural implications.


Oct 27, 2017
If word exclusivity works, it's because a certain group uses it only within their group. They don't sing it in songs that are heard by millions of people outside their group.

Black people, black artists, and black celebrities are responsible for what other people choose to say?

Horrible take.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact of the matter is no matter what anybody says, or what arbitrary and contradictory rules people try to place on the word it has entered the common lexicon. I almost wonder if (especially with younger people) the meaning of the word is so far removed from it's original intentions that most people using it don't even consider it's abhorrent historical and cultural implications.

Sorry but I don't buy that. Not when the word is still used as a slur pretty commonly. It still carries that hate. Anybody trying to claim they don't know the roots of the word is full of it. Especially someone who is in turn going to turn around and claim that hey are so steeped in black culture that they listen to hip hop all day and hear it used regularly.
Oct 25, 2017
The whole n-word thing is just weird. It's a super hateful and dehumanizing word but specific people are allow to use it and make catchy earworms with it. But beyond not speaking it, it's perfectly fine for those other groups to rock out to other people calling each other that word. I'm not sure how such a system is not going to lead directly to more hurt and perpetual "accidents".


Oct 25, 2017
If word exclusivity works, it's because a certain group uses it only within their group. They don't sing it in songs that are heard by millions of people outside their group.

This is a horrible take. How about people take some personal responsibility and not just parrot everything they hear. This idea that the onus to remove a slur from the public lexicon falls on the people it's been used to denigrate for hundreds of years is ridiculous.


Oct 25, 2017
Please go back and read my post. I never tried to rationalize it, I know its indefensible. I have never used the word nigger. And I most certainly don't use it towards black people. Only towards myself. Like I didn't even had to mention this shit but I am not trying to hide anything because I know my case is nothing like people who throw that word around casually in public towards others.
There is no distinction if you're not black.

Do you think this guy isn't saying nigger?
You dropping the "I say nigger but I am not a racist." disclaimer was your attempt at rationalization.
12 billion over 5 years..nigga....
Hmm... only use it at home huh?

Yet this issue keeps popping up.
Are you talking about black people here?
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Banned for use of alt account
Sep 19, 2018
Sorry but I don't buy that. Not when the word is still used as a slur pretty commonly. It still carries that hate. Anybody trying to claim they don't know the roots of the word is full of it. Especially someone who is in turn going to turn around and claim that hey are so steeped in black culture that they listen to hip hop all day and hear it used regularly.

No no, im not saying they don't know the roots of the word, just that the original intentions of the word are so far removed from how it is used nowadays in most forms of media. The word has been diluted to such a point that it doesn't even resemble it's original usage. It's fairly obvious this has happened already.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
You know when Chapelle does his white guy voice? That's what I imagine a white person sounding like when telling Hispanics not to use the n-word.
It's cute.


Nov 6, 2017
This is a horrible take. How about people take some personal responsibility and not just parrot everything they hear. This idea that the onus to remove a slur from the public lexicon falls on the people it's been used to denigrate for hundreds of years is ridiculous.
Black people, black artists, and black celebrities are responsible for what other people choose to say?

Horrible take.

Get the hell out of here. I was responding to a post that is talking about word exclusivity. You can talk about ideals and what people should do but that's not how language works. If people hear a word they will fucking repeat it, especially if it's in a catchy song. We can talk about not using words and what people should do but we don't live in that world. Both of you don't live in reality if you think you can police what other people say or expect them to police themselves. People don't care that much at the end of the day.


Oct 26, 2017
I would agree if the word were no longer being used in hateful way to dehumanize black people. But it still is. Regularly. To this day. And we all know that. I would absolutely call bullshit on anyone claiming they weren't aware of that. So as long as the word still carries those kinds of loaded, hateful connotations that's going to be a part of the deal. There is no rule book on how this works. There is no "black consensus" on who should and shouldn't say it, as evidenced in this very thread. So knowing all that, the white dude listening to rap all day needs to decide whether they want to use the word. My question is knowing all that why would you want to?

Many people, especially young people and especially non-americans, really don't know any better. I'm greek, I'm 39 years old, I'm out of touch with many elements of american culture and youth culture and I had no idea that singing along with a hip hop song would be problematic. I learned that by reading posts from people on this forum on the topic of that girl that a singer brought up on stage. Now imagine young people in non-american countries who grow up listening to music in which the word is used constantly and watching youtubers that use all sorts of vile slurs casually.


Oct 25, 2017
Get the hell out of here. I was responding to a post that is talking about word exclusivity. You can talk about ideals and what people should do but that's not how language works. If people hear a word they will fucking repeat it, especially if it's in a catchy song. We can talk about not using words and what people should do but we don't live in that world. Both of you don't live in reality if you think you can police what other people say or expect them to police themselves. People don't care that much at the end of the day.
24/7 minstrel show, sounds familiar...

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
There is no distinction if you're not black.
Do you think this guy isn't saying nigger?
You dropping the "I say nigger but I am not a racist." disclaimer was your attempt at rationalization.

Except I never said that or tried to rationalize it. I literally said "I can't defend it" in both my posts. I have been admitting from the start that it will never be ok because I am not black and thus can never relate and truly understand the trauma the word causes when used by other races. Trying to rationalize and defend it is exactly like saying, "I am not a racist, I have so many black friend", in one word, dumb af. I feel like this is misdirected anger.

I mean, you must get this is far fetched right ? You are now comparing me to the KKK bro. I am out of this thread.
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Oct 25, 2017
Except I never said that or tried to rationalize it. I literally said "I can't defend it" in both my posts. I have been admitting from the start that it will never be ok because I am not black and thus can never relate and truly understand the trauma the word causes when used by other races. I feel like this misdirected anger.
I mean, you must get this is far fetched right ? You are now comparing me to the KKK bro. I am out of this thread.
You claimed that you never said nigger and I asked you if the Klansman who said nigga is saying nigger. This little victim act you're putting on is not fooling anyone. Answer the question.
Also, I am not your "bro."
12 billion over 5 years..nigga....
Only use it at home huh?


Oct 27, 2017
Get the hell out of here. I was responding to a post that is talking about word exclusivity. You can talk about ideals and what people should do but that's not how language works. If people hear a word they will fucking repeat it, especially if it's in a catchy song. We can talk about not using words and what people should do but we don't live in that world. Both of you don't live in reality if you think you can police what other people say or expect them to police themselves. People don't care that much at the end of the day.

I expect people to be better. Your stance is absurd.

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
You claimed that you never said nigger and I asked you if the Klansman who said nigga is saying nigger. This little victim act you're putting on is not fooling anyone. Answer the question.
Also, I am not your "bro."

Only use it at home huh?

If you see it in the context of my post, you will see that I am again, just talking out loud to myself. I don't know why are you trying to do a gotcha moment here, I never did denied use the word ?

As for the question which is a thinly vield attempt at what aboutism, of course the word nigger and nigga don't have the same connotation, regardless of how the fucking KKK thinks and uses it. What does matter is how black people feel about it, and I can't say for certain, but I would think most of them consider both words ignorant and one of them particularly hostile and racist. And most of them would not be ok with non blacks using either of those words.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol what the fuck? I'm saying that if you're not black or more specifically if you are a white dudebro you shouldn't say it. I'm not saying that no one should say it. I can only control what I personally say, and I don't want to use it.

As a teenager I used to joke around with that shit but for what? So my other white friends could laugh at my diet racism and I could make any PoC around me uncomfortable as fuck?

I actually just had to have a serious discussion with my daughter not to say it because someone at school who knew better dared her to say it to one of her black classmates. She didn't know what it meant and was heartbroken when I told her what it meant in that context and why she was told to do that. The gist was "some people say it, that's OK, but you don't because the chances are high that you'll hurt someone's feelings".

Sorry then. My mistake. It's easy to misunderstand an argument when well... the argument isn't there. All I saw was "Don't say it." Not "If you're white don't say it."


Oct 25, 2017
If you see it in the context of my post, you will see that I am again, just talking out loud to myself. I don't know why are you trying to do a gotcha moment here, I never did denied use the word ?

As for the question which is a thinly vield attempt at what aboutism, of course the word nigger and nigga don't have the same connotation, regardless of how the fucking KKK thinks and uses it. What does matter is how black people feel about it, and I can't say for certain, but I would think most of them consider both words ignorant and one of them particularly hostile and racist. And most of them would not be ok with non blacks using either of those words.
You're so full of fucking shit. You're not black and you're using the word, there is no "gotcha," this board isn't your home but you thinking it is perfectly acceptable to use it led you to using it here.

I am black, unlike yourself and if you're not black there is no distinction between nigga and nigger, they're the same fucking word. You can also stop right there trying to tell me what black people feel about it's use. "You can't say for certain" you can't say at all. Stay the fuck in your lane.


Oct 25, 2017
Given the usage and discrimination of black people by goddamn everyone historically, non-black minorities and white people should never use the N word.
Oct 27, 2017
I could not care less if they are allowed to use it or not, it's the lack of consideration of just using it in public that bothers me the most. I just feel like these individuals are going to be fucked for life without the ability to consider basic ass shit. They become societal drains unable to consider an alternative.


Nov 6, 2017
Their post says everything that needs to be said to you, you're making excuses for people using that word who shouldn't be and trying to find any way you can fighting to justify the unjustifiable.

I'm not making excuses for anyone. I'm just being realistic about the world we live in. I'm not even for anyone using the word, I just know that it doesn't matter what my opinion is on it people will do what they want.

John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
You know what the hilarious part is, every single black artist and actor could stop saying the word completely in all forms of media. Every single black person in the world could stop saying it completely.

Yet white people and other ethnic groups will still say it.

Why? Because the "X artist says it in his song" is just an excuse.
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