
Oct 25, 2017



Nov 22, 2017
Real or not, the hostility in this thread is hilarious, bordering on banal.

Nothing I have seen has suggested to me that this will be anything less than incredible. Wife and daughter are pumped to see this as fans of the original musical and Taylor Swift; I'm going for the one-two punch of Hudson and Derulo. This and Ep. 9 will be a perfect way to cap off what has been a stellar year for entertainment (minus GoT).

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
This movie will dethrone waterworld as the biggest bomba in history.


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
The Lion King didn't blow it's cast budget stacking the film with oscar bait. Someone went out of their way to find world class singers, dancers, and choreographers for this and THEN CGI-ed them up.

The only source we have for the budget is the Guardian, and like it or not the Guardian is reputable. Until we see another source, 300 million is the credible number.

Mendelson by the way is completely insane if he's floating "under 100 million" as the number here. That's the budget for freaking Joker. Looking at that "most expensive films" list, Beauty and the Beast is the closest thing to this film- a musical loaded with ridiculous choreography but only half the CGI and a WAY cheaper cast than this, and it ran $250m- 20m more than the Lion King did.

In terms of cost, I wonder how expensive having to seamlessly blend live and CG actors for a large cast is. From my layman's perspective that would potentially seem like an awful lot of work to do for every frame. Any pro CG artists care to give input?


Oct 30, 2017
Looks fine to me. Its Cats after all in movie form. It never shied away from stroking the hidden, inner furry in people.


Oct 25, 2017

I really hesitate to classify this as furry because everyone is still too damn human looking.
before a certain time and improvements in fursuit tech, this was what 99% of furries looked like and were into. people looking "kind of" like animals.
these days you have animals looking kind of like people .


Oct 28, 2017
There's a line in the trailer about deserving cat being reborn into another life. I bet the ending will be they all turn into human and then starts an opera troupe called....CATS.


Dec 5, 2017
I think they've removed fur from around their eyes that has certainly made the lead look slightly less weird.

I do think that simply making their noses a different colour around the front would help make them appear more cat like. It is the completely human noses that is the oddest part of their look.

In the end, I think they might have gotten away with the digital fur tech if it was only used on their bodies. The whole thing would look way less bizarre if they just had practical effects used for their faces/ears. I can understand why they didn't want to use the leotards/make-up from the show ...but there must have been a better way than this.

I still dislike this trailer more than the I just don't understand the trend of making a musical and then trying to hide the fact it's a musical by not having any characters sing in the trailer.

I have a feeling this might do well long term...but maybe more in the home market as opposed to at the cinema.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone please just put me into cryosleep until the Wicked movie comes out


Oct 30, 2017
I'm seeing some claims that - like Sonic - the backlash of the first trailer caused them to rework some of the CGI on them.
"We'd only finished shooting in March, so all the visual effects [in the trailer] were at quite an early stage," Hooper told Empire. "Possibly there were, in the extremity in some of the responses, some clues in how to keep evolving [the production]. When you watch the finished film, you'll see that some of the designs of the cats have moved on since then, and certainly our understanding of how to use the technology to make them work has gone up, too."

Unlike Sonic, I don't notice any appreciable difference and I'm still horrified.