
Oct 25, 2017
Kelsdesu slippin.

Just woke up my guy, chillllll

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
thanks for this.

I know its storm, but still what if your image was deleted or did not work for me? All I would have saw in our post "My favourite is definitely the legend herself:"

I even have a problem with the ones that are comic book covers with the name of the hero/comic book even though I can see the source, there is still a possibility of a broken/deleted images.
That is true, but hmm, when we're in a thread about black comic characters and I mention "herself" and "legend", I think that narrows it down quite a bit to who it could be, because Storm is definitely the most popular black woman in comics.


Oct 25, 2017
I've read a ton of Valiant comics over the last few years.

Shadowman had his own Dreamcast game:

And LiveWire is becoming one of their bigger characters:


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Don't forget Batwing.

Also shout out to Battlestar whose stint as Bucky marked the first Captain America comic I ever read.



Nov 3, 2017

GL Mosaic was such a great series. John trying to make up for destroying a world in Cosmic Odyssey.


Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
Dunno if y'all are only posting the good ones, but the outfits on these really stand out. Blue Marvel is fantastic in particular.

Spawn, Blade, and Storm are the first black (anti)heroes I remember. Spawn had that 90's to the max vibe, but was still awesome. I don't think I've seen Blade change much through the years, and he's got a great look for any time period IMO. Storm's got a couple iconic looks of course, as well as a few duds. Being African in particular makes Storm stand out even more.

Edit: Went looking for Blade pic since I didn't see anyone else post him yet. He has changed more than I realized.


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Oct 28, 2017


Jan 4, 2021
Val-Zod (New 52 Earth 2 Superman, also a pacifist)

Really wish we got to see more of him. Was super interesting to have someone so powerful be a fully committed pacifist, especially with all the hell Earth-2 went through. I was mixed on the series overall but Vak-Zod in particular had a lot of potential for great stories. Unfortunately doubt DC will do anything with him anytime soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yea, Black History Month.

He will probably be mentioned over and over but Blade is my favorite in both comics and film. Mister Terrific, Michael Holt, is second.


One of my favorite pages was when he was helping Batman take down Brother Eye - asked if his being invisible to technology was ever a big deal, and he basically replied "well, today it is". He's also smarter than Lex Luthor and I hate Lex Luthor.


Edit: I should also mention Midnite, from my favorite comic series of all time: Hellblazer. Really makes John look like a punk in comparison (which, I mean John really is a punk literally and figuratively, but no one makes that more apparent than when he and Midnite are together).
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Oct 28, 2017
Really wish we got to see more of him. Was super interesting to have someone so powerful be a fully committed pacifist, especially with all the hell Earth-2 went through. I was mixed on the series overall but Vak-Zod in particular had a lot of potential for great stories. Unfortunately doubt DC will do anything with him anytime soon.
When it comes to multiversal crossovers, they shelf him for Calvin Ellis.

As for Earth 2, the whole series went through such a mess of creative directional changes from editorial interference and writers and artists coming and going and then Convergence happened and Society was the same thing until it ended. Hard to see it ever return in any form aside from maybe a character or two, but Val is certainly the most notable. That, and Alan Scott being gay, which has made its way into the canon proper.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
The best thing to come out of Reign of the Supermen.


He was the only one not claiming to be Superman, has had mostly awesome costumes, and has had a great arc of being inspired by Superman to inspiring his niece to become the next Steel. As a kid I thought he was the lamest of the four supermen but over time I realized my mistake.
I think Steel is overdue for a good ongoing. Always has been one of my faves as far as DC goes.
Oct 27, 2017
Also my favorite is Blue Marvel. Another hero who is wasting away. He should be front and center in the comics and when they finally make his origin story in the MCU it's going to be Legendary
Marvel/Disney should have had a Blue Marvel film or series greenlighted over a year ago. I need to see more Black heavy hitters out here. I need to see more characters who can hang on the same footing with the likes of Thor, Hulk, Wanda.etc. Introducing Monica is a start, but Brashear definitely needs to be added to the mix.


Oct 25, 2017
Marvel/Disney should have had a Blue Marvel film or series greenlighted over a year ago. I need to see more Black heavy hitters out here. I need to see more characters who can hang on the same footing with the likes of Thor, Hulk, Wanda.etc. Introducing Monica is a start, but Brashear definitely needs to be added to the mix.
We need
1. A Blue Marvel origin movie-with JFK and everything.
2. A Truth movie.

They deserve to be made and seen.


Oct 31, 2017
Not a superhero or anything and I'm having the hardest time finding a good picture of him from towards the end but Loop Hughes out of 100 Bullets was always one of my favorites. Out of that whole fuckin mess only a few people made it out real pretty and he manages to be one of em.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
John Stewart is THE green lantern for me, thanks to DCAU.

Another shout-out to Riri too, who has some pretty cool potential, and is great that she is getting a TV show.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
It's more of a webcomic, but that's enough.

Roy Greenhilt, the straight man of the Order of the Stick.



Oct 25, 2017
Guy doesn't seem to have much in comics does he? I looked him up on marvel unlimited, and only 29 issues pop up. Has he not appeared since 2017?
He was in his own mini series and then Al Ewing started using him and his family in his Mighty Avengers and Ultimates books. Then he shows up as a supporting character here and there.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He was in his own mini series and then Al Ewing started using him and his family in his Mighty Avengers and Ultimates books. Then he shows up as a supporting character here and there.

Well I'll definitely add at least the mini series and Ultimates to my read list. Ewing's Ultimates actually looks pretty cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Can we please get some more context for the more obscure characters? I'd like to know who they are, and more importantly, their comic books so I can read them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Mr. Terrific is a great character. I haven't read Strange Adventures yet, but since JSA I don't think he's been used very well recently (particularly in The Terrifics where he was cold and robotic), but as a character he can be great.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not sure if he had/s a comic series, but I always loooved Static Shock. I thought I heard they were trying to reboot the series or create a new show for him???

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So, I don't really keep up with comics. Are Storm and Black Panther still together? Or was that just a temporary thing?