
Oct 25, 2017
The Major's character design for GitS 2045. She can always remain somewhat the same or younger thanks to prosthetics, but the execution here is horrible.

Ilya Kuvshinov, never again.




I don't hate it. They gave her pants which is already better than her swimming onesie with leggings in SAC lol


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Basically every single female character in an anime-based game that, regardless of time period, setting, character role or technology level, has her thighs exposed for zettai ryouiki purposes. I'm so tired of that shit.


Jul 13, 2019

Fenris from dragon age 2. More specifically his lack of shoes. Most of his design I like. He's a pastiche of the jrpg sword boy and that's fine. But he's a front line fighter who wear no shoes and specializes in claymores and warhammers. That's just asking for injuries. There's no way he hasn't been able to steal boots off a guy he killed by now.

It also makes no sense since he doesn't culturally identify with other elves. Merrill being barefoot makes sense since she has that whole earth magic flower child thing going on. But fenris doesn't give a shit about elven culture. Just bugs me. Apparently someone at bioware agreed because when he showed up in the comics, he had some awesome boots on with Fire-nation style toe spikes.


Aug 3, 2021
Yeah the side cut has been run so into the ground that for me it is the basic white dude protagonist from the ps3/360 era type of oversaturation. There are so many possible hairstyles to use out there. Spice that shit up.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Unpopular opinion that will get me heat here, but I absolutely loathe sidecuts, regardless of gender too.


Just think they look ugly as sin.

I agree with this, honestly. It's just 1000000% not my style. No shade towards anyone who thinks it looks cool or attractive, but it does nothing for me, and the fact it's so common in video games just makes me like it even less. It's like the most generic "video game character" hairstyle since the Nathan Drake cut.


Dec 23, 2018
Practically every character with high-heels or no shoes in general, or sandals and anything adjacent. Proper, flat shoes or bust!

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Unpopular opinion that will get me heat here, but I absolutely loathe sidecuts, regardless of gender too.


Just think they look ugly as sin.
They're ridiculously overused now. I remember when Skrillex was doing it and it KIND OF felt like a new thing, at least by mainstream standards, and then everyone else started doing it. It has definitely lost its' charm just like everything does once it becomes a scene/label thing. I used to like seeing them in the cyberpunk genre, but now it's like so many characters and people in real life have them I don't think they're interesting anymore.


Aug 18, 2018
Been a huge fan of Rachel Grey/Summers from the X-Men since forever, but I feel like ever since she ditched the Dark Phoenix costume nobody has really known what to do with her visually, just generic super-suit after generic super-suit.

But the worst for me was when they tried to stick her in an updated version of the old Marvel Girl costume, only now with a midriff and big ass, dopey yellow sunglasses to try and replicate the big ass, dopey yellow mask of the original.
Jun 19, 2022
I loved DMC1 Dante's design, but that foul bowl cut in DMC3, and making him an old man in 4/5, made me so salty. The concept art designs for DmC and DMC4 were so, so good, it's a shame they weren't used. DmC's final design is fine enough, but the missed opportunity makes it annoying to look at for me
Final design

View: https://imgur.com/a/tMnVLVt

Sexy concept

Devil May Cry 4 DMC4 Beta Teaser Trailer 2005

Teaser trailer for DMC4 to show off the PS3's power.

For DmC it's hard to show in one picture because he doesn't look that different in one by itself, but all the transformations and tones and clothes had a much more punk and goth aesthetic that the main game kind of backtracked on (and he's cuter)
Final design (what's wrong with his face!?)

View: https://imgur.com/a/cKMxiSO


View: https://imgur.com/a/2ggPpot

Also the generic shonen-protagonist face + messy medium-length hair, I'm sure you already know enough of them


Oct 28, 2017
Aside from the buckets of things demonstrated in the female character design thread, anything involving an excessive number (eg, more than 2 total) of belts on a person is pretty much always going to cause me to groan.

I said I was sorry! I find completely off-putting.

For what it's worth the designs in One Piece (which started out sorta okay) and JoJo are like the biggest hinderance to me watching either at this point. So you're not alone.


May 29, 2019

Fenris from dragon age 2. More specifically his lack of shoes. Most of his design I like. He's a pastiche of the jrpg sword boy and that's fine. But he's a front line fighter who wear no shoes and specializes in claymores and warhammers. That's just asking for injuries. There's no way he hasn't been able to steal boots off a guy he killed by now.

It also makes no sense since he doesn't culturally identify with other elves. Merrill being barefoot makes sense since she has that whole earth magic flower child thing going on. But fenris doesn't give a shit about elven culture. Just bugs me. Apparently someone at bioware agreed because when he showed up in the comics, he had some awesome boots on with Fire-nation style toe spikes.

I played a LOT of this game, probably 150 hours including the DLC. And I never noticed he was not wearing shoes. Horrifying.
Oct 25, 2017
The Major's character design for GitS 2045. She can always remain somewhat the same or younger thanks to prosthetics, but the execution here is horrible.

Ilya Kuvshinov, never again.



I don't absolutely hate it but the biggest issue is all the main character heads are freaking huge proportionally Batou looks like freaking Team America in some shots.

I think the biggest offense is the main characters looking like they do then slapping them on screen with some generic people that seem like reused assets from a different show, it's so weird and they don't remotely fit together

I also don't know why but I don't feel the proportions were as noticeably weird in S1 but it immediately hit me in S2
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Oct 25, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Really specific but KOF12/KOF13's character designs just creep me out. Something is unsettling about them, despite all the praise they get.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I really dislike it, too. It now feels as generic as bald-headed marine.

I don't mind it as a haircut, it's fine. It's now gotten incredibly overused to the point of ridiculousness any time someone is trying to show a female character as "a badass". I think I finally lost it with the one-two punch of Outriders and the He-Man Revelations design for Teela.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Tidus literally looks like someone that doesn't know how to dress themselves (or a kid given the choice to "dress in WHATEVER CLOTHING THEY WANT" and it ending up as the outfit equivalent of Homer's car). The joke between my sisters and I at the time was that Tidus looks like someone who barely got up but was late for wherever the hell he was going, fell into a dirty clothes netted bag/hamper sack, emerged looking LIKE THAT (pieces of the netting stuck to him), and went on his way.

I also fuckin' hated some of the Dirge of Cerberus designs, especially his "living tribal tattoo" style:

Everything has to be soooo... prong-y. Even hair is bent into pointy segments. To me, it just looks bad. Especially how cool OG Galian Beast and Chaos looked in FFVII, DoC turned them into Emo Goth Vampire whose favorite saying is "You just don't understand my dark world..." and "I was a HORNy Teenage Werewolf".


Oct 5, 2018
Tidus literally looks like someone that doesn't know how to dress themselves (or a kid given the choice to "dress in WHATEVER CLOTHING THEY WANT" and it ending up as the outfit equivalent of Homer's car). The joke between my sisters and I at the time was that Tidus looks like someone who barely got up but was late for wherever the hell he was going, fell into a dirty clothes netted bag/hamper sack, emerged looking LIKE THAT (pieces of the netting stuck to him), and went on his way.

I also fuckin' hated some of the Dirge of Cerberus designs, especially his "living tribal tattoo" style:

Everything has to be soooo... prong-y. Even hair is bent into pointy segments. To me, it just looks bad. Especially how cool OG Galian Beast and Chaos looked in FFVII, DoC turned them into Emo Goth Vampire whose favorite saying is "You just don't understand my dark world..." and "I was a HORNy Teenage Werewolf".

On a side note I can not fkin wait to see what they do with Vincent's transformations in the remake sequels. They nailed Ifrits design and the other summons and kept them faithful to the original.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
On a side note I can not fkin wait to see what they do with Vincent's transformations in the remake sequels. They nailed Ifrits design and the other summons and kept them faithful to the original.
I'm hoping they nix the BS DoC redesigns and revert to something that is based off the original transformations. You mention Ifrit, and yeah, if I'll give Remake anything of a compliment (there are things I dislike about it), it did pay attention to certain characters, most of the monsters and bosses, and say, "Yeah, we are going to use the original designs as the groundwork, the base, and try to keep true to that sense of style". Crisis Core, not the new one, but the PSP one, redesigned Ifrit to where he looked nothing like the FFVII one, but was just a "new" design:


Fire mane, hooves, horns that extend to the side and back, a thong, another of Nomura's tribal tatt-esque metal symbol on his chest.

FFVIIR team could've said, "We already have a newer Ifrit design in Crisis Core! We'll use that!" but no, they went out of their way to redesign Ifrit yet again to make him look more true to the original FFVII Ifrit:

Purple hair, horns extending up and back, brown ragged loincloth, purple leg/foot thingies (don't know what they are called), humanoid feet.

And with Crisis Core Reunion, they are ditching OG CC's Ifrit for FFVIIR's redesign.

You can see an ideology within the history of the Compilation where they got to a point where they wanted to distance themselves somewhat from the original by doing something new/different, be it bizarre new ideas for stories that take place in that world, or total redesigns of classic designs just for the sake of it. By the time of FFVIIR, it feels like they are at the point where they are saying, "Y'know, nah, I think the old look is better. We'll use the old, original style as the basis for the new look!".

Now, I only wish they did that with a lot of the Midgar/Slum NPCs. To me, they look more like they'd fit in in FFXV's world than FFVII. They need a slight punk edge and some 90s flair. One could say, "But, they are just modernizing the look!". That would be all and fine if it wasn't for the fact that Cloud and his team (Avalanche) retain their punkish/90s sci-fi look, as do all the important characters (Don Corneo, Kotch, Scotch, Johnny,...).


Oct 27, 2017
Asymmetric designs annoy.

Like tidus from ffx for example. One pant leg is longer than the other, and then the opposite arm has like as metal sleeve.


Oct 30, 2017
There were a few costume choices in Game of Thrones that had me thinking "what the hell is this modern-ass design choice doing in here"
I can't remember offhand but one example was this quilted leather vest someone was wearing. A lot of the tops and jackets was just like "did they really take the time to make flourishes in the stitching like that back then?" despite the flourishes not adding any functional value.

I know it's a work of fiction but it always just threw me off to see modern fashion trends worked into costumes of a setting like that. Maybe these 'modern' trends were really just taken from way back when and I don't know what I'm talking about, but if so, that's just enough inside-baseball to pull me out of immersion.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Latex suits with belly buttons on the suit will trigger me 100% of the time. Can't be assed to look it up right now but I'll edit one into my post on my break or something.
Yeah this kinda irks me too, very few designs can get away with it. But i always notice it and it always bugs me
Oct 27, 2017
Quiet in MGSV

something something you will be ashamed of your words and deeds

Yes. It was probably fine for the tittering prepubescent who find pixel tits titillating, but the attempted justification for that ridiculous outfit by Kojima and other grown adults was downright embarrassing. It's pure cringe, if I was playing MGSV in front of my wife and then Quiet shows up she'd be genuinely concerned I think, doubly so if I went "Yeah, but you don't understand, she breathes through her skin yeah, so that's why she's dressed like a military stripper, it's contextual, you don't even know"


This dumb fucking design with the big-ass bow and the anime cutesy face from Tormented Souls.
That goddamn dumbass went into a decrepit asylum, knowing full well that it could be dangerous, and she went in it with the worst possible outfit for the situation.


I've never seen a character look so out of place in a game before, I hate it so much omg

Edit : Oh and let's not forget that this dip-shit, waste of time of a game probably has the speed-world record of full frontal and totally gratuitous nudity inside a horror "game."
Not only that, there's actually some clothes where she wakes up. But no, that moronic goddamn fool decides to go right back to her shojo-reject lookin-ass joke of an outfit.

Yes. The single reason I haven't played this game, the rest of it looks interesting to me but I'll be fucked if I'm running around dressed like that.

It reminded me of that Half Life 2 Cinematic mod which gave you the opportunity to change Alyx to essentially 'Slutty Alyx' so you can run around the alien post apocalypse accompanied by this:



Oct 25, 2017
Luffy is straight up ugly.

I can't take One Piece seriously because of its two main chicks. I liked. I'm over it. :/


I also fuckin' hated some of the Dirge of Cerberus designs, especially his "living tribal tattoo" style:

I laughed at the description, it's very true. xD

I also can't get over how uncomfortable Shalua's design is. The scientist with 00's popstar hair, one permanently closed eye (ooOoo such damage ), a bizarre assymetrical party dress with the most irritating strap.


I don't get thinking behind it at all.
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Oct 26, 2017
Looks like warframe but more anime.
Note where they put the core(?) on the female character. It's like the Astalos set on monhun. They don't know any other features women possess so they accentuate the only ones they know. Namely the boobs and pussy.

I'm honestly quite irked by a lot of the armour sets for the female characters on monster hunter rise. They're fucking terrible most of the time. I see a YouTube video featuring a cool looking set on a male char, check it out for my female char and somehow the cool looking helmet becomes some sort of shitty twin ponytail or something. Either that or it airs the crotch area half the time. Do monhun women have a problem with stinky sweaty vagina?


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
If the anime main character has black hair and looks like a normal dude, I dont like the design. Most I can tolerate it is Takagi-san, and the pink cool girl anime.


Mar 4, 2019

Minor Complaint: Adam's horns just look like highlights
Major Complaint: He got branded on the eye? Your 'animal people as stand in for minorities' evil guy got branded? On the eye?! That's the big reveal he's been wearing a mask for?
Everything about Adam is awfully writte

but for me: Riku's pants in Kingdom Hearts:


lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Games like Fire Emblem and Tales of. That kind of super clean looking JRPG in general. Not because the designs are technically bad in isolation, but because everyone looks like a model mannequin, with perfectly clean clothing, always looking pristine. The themes of war and struggle are at complete odds with the pandering and I don't know how it doesn't frequently take people out of the story.

This fucking dork. Just all of it. All of it.


What a little bitch.

That's more of a compromise with the hardware than the character design (the one which is used in cutscenes, battle and key art)

Pyramid Head

Oct 27, 2017
Just all comic book superhero designs really.

Well, the ones which are basically comprised solely of a skin tight lycra body suit, which is about 90% of them. They're pretty much all just pallette swaps of one another with not much else changed and it's always bored the shit out of me ever since I was a kid. Probably why I never read any comics outside of Transformers and 2000 AD.