SiK SiNr1

Oct 28, 2017
Los Angeles, Ca

I know FF is a JRPG but damn.... I feel no desire to play these games with these type of characters


Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
Gears of War. I just started 4--my first entry into the series--and while I like it, the hulking, lumbering character designs (and those in the preceding entries) are just...a bit much.

Yeah, Gears' character designs are definitely an acquired taste. If I hadn't been an Unreal fan from several years before the first Gears was released, I'd probably feel the same.

For me, the only one that recently comes to mind is Battleborn, which is a shame since I'm a big Borderlands fan. But the designs in BB were just... eye-hurting. A complete turnoff for me.


Oct 29, 2017
I used to love Final Fantasy games but I can't.... This isn't the cute cartoony graphics I loved

I know this is supposed to be a gender bender example of how bad Cidney's design is but....I think this male variant design would work.

I mean I dont particularly like it but if the jacket was another color and the head didnt look so large i think itd be fine.

The thing about gender bending is you cant swap the costume one for one. You have to make adjustments. Just like you cant put a skinny guy in a fat guy suit. You cant put a man in clothing cut for a woman without it looking weird.
Oct 25, 2017
The danganropa designs immediately puts a giant wall between me and that game to not even care about what it is about.

Not to convince you otherwise, but just gonna say the designs and tropes are there to be deconstructed, basically putting generic anime characters in an awful scenario where those traits will get them killed.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
It's funny about Cindy. The way she's always in the discussion about FFXV you'd think that the game revolves around her while in truth she's really such an insignificant character in the grand scale of things in FFXV.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Yea people really need to elaborate on what's exactly offputting about Horizon's designs. The game's devs set out to make the setting itself believable but it's hella stylized. We're talking a bunch of cultures a thousand years past our time. During a future post apocalypse where Earth has been populated by robot machines and the remainder of humanity has become incredibly superstitious because they don't understand the technology that their ancestors created.

Do they really need to though. Threads like this is basically asking which ones appeal to your taste aesthetically and which ones are not, it's basically the same with how people like certain physical characteristics about others they're attracted to---sometimes, it's just what it is, you know?

Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Definitely. He was also a bit of a favourite so I don't really understand how they could have butchered him so much. I guess originally he didn't really look like a war general but he was a pirate so that is sort of the point.

Being a pirate and rebel his design made some sense. It's odd that they'd drastically redesign a character with such a distinct look.

With DW8 he finally started to looks like Gan Ning again. And his design for DW9 is even better. Still miss his pirate sword, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Worth mentioning that character designs are not enough to make me avoid a game that otherwise fits my criteria. I mean I played the full game as the following, so yeah...



Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't put me off from completely playing the game, but just so extremely generic.

Oct 28, 2017
Elex. I'm interested in the game but I don't want to play as that ugly dude. Let me create my character, goddammit!

Any sort of disproportionate muscular character like Gears of War.

Any cartoony knight figure like Darksiders.

Any sum of the two above like most Blizzard games.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't put me off from completely playing the game, but just so extremely generic.


I thought their clothes were actually super stylish and cool. And they do kinda give an explanation for why they all dress similarly. Also you can change their clothes to more casual "realistic" type clothing in the game as well.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I find character designs that sacrifice believeability for style or cool-factor to be deeply irritating. Case in point:


I will never not find this shit dumb, and unfortunately Japanese designers seem way into it.

Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The danganropa designs immediately puts a giant wall between me and that game to not even care about what it is about.
Danganronpa designs are actually really well done imho, a lot of the time its used to relate to their talent so you can quickly get who is who especially given that its strength really is in its characters


Oct 25, 2017
You put anime in a game and I'm not playing it.

Also I've put off playing the Witcher for so long because the character design is just goofy.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I find character designs that sacrifice believeability for style or cool-factor to be deeply irritating. Case in point:


I will never not find this shit dumb, and unfortunately Japanese designers seem way into it.

Actually, their designs are quite believable in the context of the story and what their role are in FFXV. I mean, as far as Final Fantasy goes they're actually dressed like real people, TBH, hahaha.


Oct 25, 2017

I probably would've given the game a shot if it weren't so focused on being as titillating as possible by making its main character an objectified mess.

She deserved better.


Nov 17, 2017
Nah, that stuff doesn't bother me. Even if it's really bad, I'm not playing the game for character designs. But interestingly enough, I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 right now and that has some of the worst character designs I've ever seen so maybe that's not quite true.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Actually, their designs are quite believable in the context of the story and what their role are in FFXV. I mean, as far as Final Fantasy goes they're actually dressed like real people, TBH, hahaha.

It's progress, but unless the story is actually about a gang of male models who go on an exciting road trip, I'm gonna struggle to let those hair styles slide.

Actually, I would be way more interested in the game if it actually were about that.


Oct 25, 2017
User is warned for increasingly aggressive behavior when framing arguments.
That's nice and all, but one costume does not make things even remotely equal, and for that matter that's not even what I'm after. I want female characters that I can actually feel comfortable playing as amidst an ensemble cast, and I shouldn't have to buy a season pass to get that.

And still nothing is on the level of R. Mika. Like literally, I can't think of anything that could even come close as a male equivalent. It's simply too out there.
I didn't say thing were equal. Stop moving goal posts. 3rd time you do it, btw.

I asked you what you felt about the characters that are pandering to females. First you called them power fantasies for men. Then you claimed they weren't sexualized. Now you move on to "it's just one of two, it's not as many as the girls".

You arrived where I knew you'd arrive because I'm familiar with your post history. No need to reply. I won't bother entertaining hypocrites any further.

For the record, Ed's battle costume is on the level of R. Mika.

Deleted member 27921

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017

Rayman has always looked really dumb to me. It kind of blows my mind that this series is still (sort of) active.


Banned for trolling with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Gears of War 2 and onwards...

i'm fine with GOW1 as an one off

but can't stand those neckless beefcakes in more games...
Oct 25, 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has already been kicked and stomped to a pulp in this thread, and I feel I should contribute to it, because it deserves it. What a horrendous collection of some of the worst designs I've ever seen clustered together, egregious enough to the point where I may just pass on this game and hope that Monolith's upcoming fantasy RPG project can wash away this unsavoury flavour. Rex's design I grew to forgive and look past. It's an endearing kind of goofiness, and that thigh gap certainly doesn't bother me at all - especially not when you look at how most of the women are treated in the design department. Sure, Pyra deserves ire as there is no adequate reason for why she has to dress like that, but most of the Blades are just aesthetically worse in ways that leave me completely astonished. I'm seeing so many overdesigned things often with clashing colour combinations, what looks like a very young girl with an open derriere, and a lot of juvenile female designs that look like a teenager's caricature of what they think a woman looks like.

Star Ocean turns me off the moment I see those porcelain faces and the appearance of characters like Lymle and that sorceress from the latest game. I also genuinely don't think these designs translate well into these kind of 3D models where animations are limited, stiff and barely functional. Meanwhile Kingdom Hearts has me sitting up straight with that last Toy Story trailer - it looks brilliant and a wonderful in-game recreation of Pixar CG, until I see one of Nomura's trademark Organisation XIII designs pop up near the end and ruin things with its sheer incongruency. No, it's likely not going to make me pass over Kingdom Hearts 3, but the thought of having to deal with yet more remnants of Organisation XIII and Xehanort drain much of my personal enthusiasm.

The thread on why women criticise sexualised female character designs has taught me that mobile games like Fire Emblem Heroes and Fate: Grand Order are likely offerings that I may as well avoid, given some of the embarrassing screenshots I've had the misfortune of seeing.

Unrelated to sexualised designs though, I did find a game called EGGLIA: Legend of the Recap. The people who made the Mana games had their hand at this, I thought? Well, I can't say I've played anything other than Secret of Mana, but this could be worth checking out. I wonder what it looks li-

Oct 31, 2017
I am fine with cartoony style stuff, I am find with "superdeformed" proportion even, but The wonderful 101's design I find it absolutely dreadful.
I know the hardcore fans praise the game to the moon, but I just don't even want to try the game because of these characters....

You're missing out as this is an amazing game ! I also love the art... Might be my favorite PG game. Not sure yet :P

Bravo :D

Deleted member 9714

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

This was actually the first game/character to come to mind when I saw the title of the OP. I'm still trying to give Horizon a fair shake, but the ugly character designs aren't helping. I can't tell if it's due to uncanny valley or just poor art direction. Naughty Dog games don't seem to have this problem even though their character models are more realistic looking.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say thing were equal. Stop moving goal posts. 3rd time you do it, btw.

I asked you what you felt about the characters that are pandering to females. First you called them power fantasies for men. Then you claimed they weren't sexualized. Now you move on to "it's just one of two, it's not as many as the girls".

You arrived where I knew you'd arrive because I'm familiar with your post history. No need to reply. I won't bother entertaining hypocrites any further.

For the record, Ed's battle costume is on the level of R. Mika.
It is not on the level of R. Mika. He needs to be wearing tights with idiotic strategic cutouts that don't look functional (note: male characters don't have a functional equivalent of those massive mammaries), on top of having camera angles that sexualize him to the same degree (remember when they changed the camera angles on her critical art?).

Beyond that, you're constantly trying to get some kind of idiotic "gotcha" when I was never trying to be that particular in the first place. I told you why I don't like SFV's female character design and instead of accepting that explanation you keep trying to push me on the character designs that I don't care about (note once again: I don't play games for male character designs - they are irrelevant to my purchasing decisions). Ed is a lone exception in a sea of power fantasy male character designs and I really don't give a shit that he's there since it doesn't equalize the ratio of sexualized female-to-male character designs and I am the one who sets that goalpost because it's my decision whether or not their treatment of their female characters is good enough for me, got it?

Christ, you're a real piece of work.


Alt Account
Oct 28, 2017
Nintendo characters, no detail, JRPG characters too much detail so I guess Japanese games


Nov 4, 2017
I'd say Bayonetta but I played that. Had ta skip all cutscenes though cause ughhhh!

Anything Atlus as well. Whatever I see of theirs just has a very offputting look to it! Which I think should prove a point that "anime games" isn't a real thing. Cause I like anime and jp games alot!


Oct 25, 2017
Visuals overall push me away more than character design honestly.

It's the only reason why I haven't rented xenoblade 2, mainly play switch on the go and you are telling me it drops to around 360p?! What the actual fuck is that.


Oct 27, 2017
Ugly "realistic" character designs are one of the major reasons I stayed away from Bioware products for the last few years.