Jul 10, 2020

Fuck Joss Whedon.

Fuck him to the moon and back.

Fuck him forever.

Glad I never bought those Buffy Blu-Rays when they were on sale.


Oct 27, 2017
An absolutely disgusting individual.

It's sad that individuals like Whedon can't foster positive work spaces especially knowing he controls peoples careers.

Instead he choose to bully and scare people into compliance.

It makes perfect sense why him and Geoff John's got along so well.


Oct 25, 2017
That's pretty awful but the rumors were always there about how she got fired from Angel and she alluded to it in the past in previous interviews. I'm glad she finally spoke out.

I've been a pretty big fan of Angel, Buffy and Firefly. On top of the Harry Potter J.K Rowling fiasco, it's another instance of the creator of something I enjoy being terrible people.
Jul 10, 2020
Could Disney strip his director's credits for Avengers and AoU?

Probably don't want to be giving royalties to a POS like Whedon, especially with Wandavision so tied into AoU.

Fuck Whedon.


Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn. Fuck Whedon.
I haven't seen Angel in YEARS, so my memory is fuzzy, but I do remember thinking how shitty it was the way they handled her character.

I'm glad his career seems to be in the shitter at this point. Though with Hollywood's awful history, there's always work behind the scenes to salvage shitty white men's careers in that town. Hopefully this puts an end to it.


Oct 28, 2017


Nov 9, 2017
Beyond the fucking pale. I still love Buffy, but I sure as hell will never pay for anything Buffy related ever again. Whedon should fucking starve and fade away into obscurity. Preferably after having been punched repeatedly in the face by everyone he's wronged.
Oct 25, 2017
Depends how you take it, but regardless, asking a pregnant employee if she's going to have an abortion is never appropriate.

Edit: And that's the kindest possible interpretation of what he said to her.
for the show

everyone knew there was some issues with her departure from Angel not to this extent
The guy wrote a whole comic about where Buffy gets a abortion, reading this news makes it seem like he was trying to send a massage to the actress

Buffy getting an abortion: Joss Whedon on the big decision -- EXCLUSIVE

Buffy getting an abortion: Joss Whedon on the big decision—EXCLUSIVE

I've never watched Buffy or Angel, but this is some real "what the actual fuck" shit.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I am glad she spoke up, makes you think about other shit that went down.
May 25, 2019
It was obvious that he just got rid of her after Season 4 of Angel (guessing that's when she was pregnant since the story accommodated it). Only having her in one Season 5 episode was BS.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
Could Disney strip his director's credits for Avengers and AoU?

Probably don't want to be giving royalties to a POS like Whedon, especially with Wandavision so tied into AoU.

Fuck Whedon.
i don't think the director's guild would ever allow that. the guilds have very strict rules when it comes to credit. max landis still got writing credit for a 2020 movie even when his screenplay had been rewritten.
Oct 27, 2017
Damn. I'll just pretend they were directed by Alan Smithee.

Fuck Whedon.

Buffy was created by Jane Espenson.

Repeat after me.

Buffy was created by Jane Espenson.
No offence but this sentiment is always so weird, like putting your head in the sand to keep supporting media you like. Joss Whedon created Buffy, and if that bothers you, don't watch it anymore. There are plenty of good TV shows out there.
Jul 10, 2020
Really disappointing that the DGA can't do anything like this.

So Avengers and AoU were directed by Alan Smithee.

Buffy was created by Jane Espenson.

Nobody will ever tell me different.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Fucking hell, can't believe the guy I looked up to in the industry as 'one of us' is such a piece of shit.

I wonder if we'll end up with actors from his other works like Firefly & Dollhouse coming forward? You really have to hope not.


Oct 27, 2017
The pregnancy stuff alone speaks to a certain disgusting sense of ownership/entitlement over actresses.
Jul 10, 2020
No offence but this sentiment is always so weird, like putting your head in the sand to keep supporting media you like. Joss Whedon created Buffy, and if that bothers you, don't watch it anymore. There are plenty of good TV shows out there.

It's not about still enjoying Media. It's about recognizing the hard work of people who are total shitbags. Ergo, taking away Whedon's credit to the character and giving it Jane Espenson who was a better writer anyways.

Dirtbag is gone, and hard working people still get the credit they deserve without being tarnished by shitbag.