
Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
So last night Chelsea Manning was spotted at Mike Cenovich's Alt-Right Party.

Hundreds of pro-Trump Twitter activists, far-right online media figures, and Pepe lapel pin-wearers descended on a Hell's Kitchen nightclub Saturday night for a gala celebrating the one-year anniversary of President Trump's inauguration. But despite appearances from far-right media personalities like James O'Keefe, Mike Cernovich, and Gavin McInness, the most controversial attendee of the evening was former Wikileaks whistleblower, and now US Senate candidate, Chelsea Manning.

In the early hours of the party, Manning could be seen smiling and socializing with attendees, including pro-Trump Twitter personality Cassandra Fairbanks. Fairbanks, who reports for Gateway Pundit, has been a vocal supporter of Wikileaks

According to Chelsea she was crashing to protest:

Others say differently:

Others who spoke with Manning Saturday night described her attitude towards the party differently. A source who attended and who knows Manning told BuzzFeed News that "while she was not there protesting, she was there in a effort to bridge gaps between left and right."

The earliest report was in fact that Manning was actually friends with Cassandra Fairbanks, which Fairbanks denied, claiming they'd never even met.


Only it turns out:

Chelsea Manning has in fact hung out with Cassandra Fairbanks and some of the bigger names in the Alt-Right because I doubt anyone would think she crashed their Escape Room hangout.

The people in the pre-Christmas Photo at the Escape Room with Manning, a month or so prior to the recent Cernovich party:

Will Chamberlain: Executive Director of @magameetups
Jack Posobiec: Author of "Citizens for Trump"
Cassandra Fairbanks: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit
Lucian Wintrich: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit

And for someone who claims to have crashed the party to protest, it seems no one was aware she was "protesting"

Cernovich, the pro-Trump media personality who hosted the event, suggested that perhaps Manning — who is running for Senate as a Democrat — showed up because of a shared philosophy that's separate from partisan politics.

"I think it's clear that she does what she wants and doesn't give a shit," Cernovich said. "And I think she knows that we're the same way."

Regardless of the reason for Manning's appearance, other guests appeared thrilled that she showed up. "I truly don't want to speak for her but I guess she respects what this is all about," pro-Trump activist Jack Posobiec said, gesturing toward the room full of attendees.

"Everyone was respectful," a different party-goer said. Another claimed that not a single person in attendance misgendered Manning, who is an openly transgender woman.

"Honestly, her being here shows what this movement is really about," one pro-Trump Twitter personality told BuzzFeed News shortly after Manning left the party. "We're not ideological, we're tribal. We don't care about the politics as much as we care about pissing people off and trolling and shaking things up. She's about liberty, we're about liberty, it's all good. No bad blood at all."


Add in that Manning still refuses to denounce Wikileaks and I think at this point her entire progressive credentials should be deemed suspect.

NB: This is not where you argue this is proof she's a Russian plant, or somehow resurrect the Primaries. This is to discuss the credibility of someone who has staked a prominent named position in the progressive resistance and even declared intent to primary a Democrat Senator but whom we actually no very little about.
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Oct 25, 2017
As I said in PoliERA:

Yeah, I'm not too happy about this. If she was palling around with, say, an awful but "normal" capitalist like Paul Ryan I would find it bizarre but brush it off as a quirk. There's no justification for trying to make nice with alt right figures.

Moments like this always hurt but you get over it and move on. A good reminder not to have heroes. History already steels you for that anyway.

Trust historic forces, not individuals.
Oct 25, 2017
Forget it Chelsea, it's Kayfabetown. When folk show you who they are, you should believe that over what they choose to tell you they are.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: disingenuous argument and ignoring information in the original post
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah her excuse seemed pretty suspect in the first place. This makes it pretty clear that she's perfectly happy to hang with scum like this.
Oct 25, 2017
So do any of the genuinely frustrated progressives from the last thread want to just admit that maybe as a basic standard for progressivism, you don't get to claim you are progressive while making alliances with LITERAL NEONAZIS?

I won't name names. You know who you are.


Oct 25, 2017
The people in the pre-Christmas Photo at the Escape Room with Manning, a month or so prior to the recent Cernovich party:

Will Chamberlain: Executive Director of @magameetups
Jack Posobiec: Author of "Citizens for Trump"
Cassandra Fairbanks: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit
Lucian Wintrich: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?


Do you do fun nights out like Escape Rooms with the people who want to deny you your very self and identity?


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
Could it be that she is a bit attention seeking and not reliable? I support her previous actions and I'm glad she's not in prison, but I'm not tied to her as a political entity. I'm kind of not at all surprised by this kind of stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
How can the far left expect to be taken seriously when they constantly end up as being useful idiots for the far right?


Oct 25, 2017
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?


Have you got another explanation for her hanging out with them doing a fucking Escape Room (as documented in the OP)?


Nov 4, 2017
The people in the pre-Christmas Photo at the Escape Room with Manning, a month or so prior to the recent Cernovich party:

Will Chamberlain: Executive Director of @magameetups
Jack Posobiec: Author of "Citizens for Trump"
Cassandra Fairbanks: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit
Lucian Wintrich: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit

Oh. Well. Uh. Hmmmm. Oh. That seems not good for the brand.


Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing the lengths some on the left will go to defend this.

Edit: I mentioned the wrong guy.
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Oct 25, 2017
The people in the pre-Christmas Photo at the Escape Room with Manning, a month or so prior to the recent Cernovich party:

Will Chamberlain: Executive Director of @magameetups
Jack Posobiec: Author of "Citizens for Trump"
Cassandra Fairbanks: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit
Lucian Wintrich: Writer for "The Gateway Pundit" a "right-wing, far-right, pro-Trump website." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gateway_Pundit
And let me get this straight: she's running as a Dem?

Oct 27, 2017
Orlando, FL
So, I guess my question is whats wrong with a popular, sitting Democratic senator? I'm looking up Cardin's votes during the years and there is a lot for progressives to agree with there. Why does Manning feel she deserves this seat?


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. When I first saw things develop (and didn't know who Cassandra Fairbanks was) I'd assumed that she'd crashed the party to... like, literally tear shit up. Get in people's faces, read Cernovich's AMA back to him, extradite a couple of folks to the Hague so they can go the way of their idols, maybe toss a Molotov Cocktail or two. That sorta thing.

But like, you don't go do Room to Escape with folks you think are your dire enemies. That's not really a Literally Tear Shit Up activity. You can know people from who their friends are. Chelsea's friends speak about as poorly of her as is possible.


Oct 25, 2017
So do any of the genuinely frustrated progressives from the last thread want to just admit that maybe as a basic standard for progressivism, you don't get to claim you are progressive while making alliances with LITERAL NEONAZIS?

I won't name names. You know who you are.

That was already a standard. The issue was that there needed to be proof of her being friendly with alt right figures, which we now have.


Oct 25, 2017
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?

Have you never heard of Caitlyn Jenner?

Also the GOP hating poor whites and wanting them to die didn't stop Trump from getting elected and all branches of government being controlled by the GOP.


Oct 25, 2017
So, I guess my question is whats wrong with a popular, sitting Democratic senator? I'm looking up Cardin's votes during the years and there is a lot for progressives to agree with there. Why does Manning feel she deserves this seat?

She wasn't ever going to win, notably because there are plenty of people in Maryland that don't like her. Even assuming that they did, she is a moron, so I doubt that she could run a credible campaign.

All of this on the presumption that she is serious about running and not just attention seeking.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
As I said in PoliERA:

Yeah, I'm not too happy about this. If she was palling around with, say, an awful but "normal" capitalist like Paul Ryan I would find it bizarre but brush it off as a quirk. There's no justification for trying to make nice with alt right figures.

Moments like this always hurt but you get over it and move on. A good reminder not to have heroes. History already steels you for that anyway.

Trust historic forces, not individuals.

I really don't have much to add to this, so agreed.


Oct 25, 2017
She more or less committed treason in the first place. I wouldn't place her on a very high pedestal of moral and ethics after that. She's probably shopping for allies to get her senate seat. It's pretty lame she's playing game and pretending she was there to crash the party.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?


Nothing more pathetic than licking the feet of the same people that deny your rights. Same goes for closeted and open gay republicans and alt-righters, it's fucking stupid.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Are liberals really going to sink so low as acussing Chelsea of colluding with people who deny her very self and identity and most likely than not would like her dead?


It says they welcomed her, knew who she was, and didn't misgender her. Sweeping characterizations where nuance is lost is exactly why the left is so confused about who their actual political opponents are and what they stand for. Granted the altright is a mess of ideas with no clear leadership, just as most modern day movements, but your statement makes literally no sense in context of Mannings treatment by these particular altrighters.


Nov 2, 2017
So what are you guys getting at then? That she may be a fake democrat or something? Or is she just making questionable decisions?

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Could it be that she is a bit attention seeking and not reliable? I support her previous actions and I'm glad she's not in prison, but I'm not tied to her as a political entity. I'm kind of not at all surprised by this kind of stuff.
A bit? Seems like everything she does is crying for attention. At this point I don't even think she had ulterior motives for the leak, she just wanted to be in the spotlight.


Oct 25, 2017
It says they welcomed her, knew who she was, and didn't misgender her. Sweeping characterizations where nuance is lost is exactly why the left is so confused about who their actual political opponents are and what they stand for. Granted the altright is a mess of ideas with no clear leadership, just as most modern day movements, but your statement makes literally no sense in context of Mannings treatment by these particular altrighters.

You don't really believe that every single person at that place gendered her correctly do you?


Oct 25, 2017
So what are you guys getting at then? That she may be a fake democrat or something? Or is she just making questionable decisions?
It's a pied piper strategy, like w/ Wikileaks in the Bush years and how it transitioned to operating in the Obama years. Build up credibility on the left, then try and drag people to the right with you.
You don't really believe that every single person at that place gendered her correctly do you?
Eh, it's DC.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, as I said in the other thread, there are plenty of reasons to make her unqualified for running. Seems like she's only making it worse


Oct 25, 2017
These are some of the top minds of the Alt-right or at the very least largest Faces of the movement. Hanging out with them and going to parties etc. is a very bad look. There is no way to spin it in a way that makes me think better of Manning.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
It says they welcomed her, knew who she was, and didn't misgender her. Sweeping characterizations where nuance is lost is exactly why the left is so confused about who their actual political opponents are and what they stand for. Granted the altright is a mess of ideas with no clear leadership, just as most modern day movements, but your statement makes literally no sense in context of Mannings treatment by these particular altrighters.

Steve Sailer called it. The media is making a full court press for tranny acceptance. There's a new tranny story every day, it seems.[85]
A woman over 40 is indistinguishable from a tranny.[66]
Trump needs someone like me on staff who can explain media traps like tranny restrooms.[86]
Sheen got HIV while sharing dirty needles with tranny hookers. Typical Trump hater.[87]


And they all support policies that will oppress Trans People. That they were nice to one trans person and didn't misgender her means like you know nothing. One of the good ones is a concept for a reason.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Do you do fun nights out like Escape Rooms with the people who want to deny you your very self and identity?

She definitely wasn't crashing the party and her "I was protesting" narrative feels super shacky and weak, but I don't think she is close to be a nazi sympathizer as much as Kim Kardashian isn't for having a mother and a husband who are Trump supporters.

She is dumb for giving ammo to her liberal detractors though. Her run is practically over after this.