
Oct 25, 2017

Cheney joins Dems on Jan. 6 probe, defying McCarthy threat

The Wyoming Republican, who lost her leadership post over her criticism of Donald Trump, is joining the Capitol riot investigation that she crossed the aisle to back.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has chosen GOP Rep. Liz Cheney to join the Democrat-led investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, a rare cross-aisle elevation of one of Donald Trump's most prominent conservative critics.

The select committee on the insurrection will be led by Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), who had previously crafted a bipartisan plan to establish an outside commission to lead the probe into the Jan. 6 violence. After Senate Republicans blocked the investigation, leading Pelosi and her Democrats to establish their own panel, which won just two Republicans on the floor on Wednesday.

Cheney, one of only two GOP votes for the select panel, has already seen her leadership credentials revoked after she publicly blamed Trump for inciting violence at the Capitol. Now, she could face more repercussions for accepting Pelosi's appointment, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy privately warning some GOP members that they could lose their committee assignments if they serve on the panel at Pelosi's request, according to multiple Republican sources.

McCarthy said Thursday he is "not making any threats" about committee placement but added that he knows of no cases where a Republican "would get their assignments from the speaker."

"I was shocked that she would accept something from Speaker Pelosi," he said of Cheney, adding she might be closer to Pelosi "than us."

Cheney was unfazed following a meeting in Pelosi's office with the other select panel members. She signaled she had not talked with McCarthy or been told she would lose her committee assignment.

"It's very clear to me, as I've said, my oath and my duty is above partisanship and I expect Leader McCarthy to have the same view," she said.
"What happened on January 6th can never happen again," Cheney said in a statement confirming she would accept Pelosi's offer. "Those who are responsible for the attack need to be held accountable and this select committee will fulfill that responsibility in a professional, expeditious, and non-partisan manner."

Pelosi's trolling game is spot on. Well done.


Nov 23, 2017

Was hoping Kinzinger would be as well but I think he has a harder primary than Cheney.

seems like he'd have been willing if asked

Pelosi was never gonna name both of them though since then Dems wouldn't have a majority if the other spots got filled so I imagine it was a one or the other thing

obviously McCarthy isn't gonna pick him


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to be psyched for her at all, she's awful, but at least there's apparently a shred of honor in her which will definitely help the investigation.


Jun 26, 2020
Puerto Rico
I mean she sucks but she's anti-sedition so that's something at least.

And to be fair, Pelosi picking her specifically should have some reason aside of "bipartisanship". It would not be surprising that they have numbers showing that the Cheney-McCarthy feud hurt Rs in the suburbs and certain demographics. So by picking her, she hopes to keep the feud, and Rs now being the Cult of Trump, in the public eye to keep pushing the suburbs towards Dems.


Oct 25, 2017
She's shit but she does seem to have some honor. She isn't towing the GOP line about the "big lie" and also isn't ass kissing Trump. She's a republican but even she has limits.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So... why do the Republicans not want to prosecute Trump despite him blatantly not caring if they died on January 6th?


Oct 26, 2017
Fuck her and fuck working with her.
Democrats, for the love of god, please stop rehabilitating neocons, they are the worst people in the world.


worst. fucking. people.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
So... why do the Republicans not want to prosecute Trump despite him blatantly not caring if they died on January 6th?
Because they know their voters like Trump more than them. They can't go against Trump, or they risk their seats, so they have to just live in fear.

I'd feel bad for them, if they weren't a bunch of horrible shits who do nothing but try to destroy this country.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I mean she sucks but she's anti-sedition so that's something at least.

Yeah, her political career is done in Wyoming. She will be primaried and gone. Wyoming loves Trump way more than her. But at least she did something positive on her way out. Democrats shouldn't paint her as a hero though. She didn't act like a traitor and that's it. That shows how low the bar is for Republicans.


Oct 26, 2017
Who are you even talking to? Who's trying to do that?
She didn't force herself into this commission.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has chosen GOP Rep. Liz Cheney to join the Democrat-led investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack

I guess I would like more people here to remember what awful of a person she is and which wing of the Republican party she represents, but in general my issues is with politicians and not so much random citizens that has little to no power to affect the process.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck her and fuck working with her.
Democrats, for the love of god, please stop rehabilitating neocons, they are the worst people in the world.


worst. fucking. people.

I'd usually agree with you, but in this case Pelosi is definitely using Cheney in order to call the select committee "bipartisan".

Can't blame her for playing politics with this, since nearly half the country is willing to ignore everything that resembles truth if it makes anyone on "the other team" look good.


Nov 11, 2017
She didn't force herself into this commission.

I guess I would like more people here to remember what awful of a person she is and which wing of the Republican party she represents, but in general my issues is with politicians and not so much random citizens that has little to no power to affect the process.

Everyone should just take a walk down her twitter page before celebrating. ANy "you go girl" Tweet. is followed by all the party line stuff.
Shes a vile fucking human being.

I mean, she voted 94% for everything trump / fascists wanted and still got shit on just because she drew a line at trump lying about the election.

very low bar.

its good for night time cable news drama though, i suppose. It will take republicans an extra segment on fox to continue demolishing her and calling her a RINO.


Nov 26, 2017
Doing the right thing would be convincing more lawmakers to get on board. So far, 6 months later, both her and kinzinger have failed miserably in that regard. It's a performance.


Nov 19, 2017
Fuck her and fuck working with her.
Democrats, for the love of god, please stop rehabilitating neocons, they are the worst people in the world.


worst. fucking. people.

I mean, I'm not disagreeing with anything in your post, but if the following is true...
And to be fair, Pelosi picking her specifically should have some reason aside of "bipartisanship". It would not be surprising that they have numbers showing that the Cheney-McCarthy feud hurt Rs in the suburbs and certain demographics. So by picking her, she hopes to keep the feud, and Rs now being the Cult of Trump, in the public eye to keep pushing the suburbs towards Dems.

This is a smart political move. Who here is praising Cheney as a hero?

I'm well aware that she's terrible. She's also pro voter suppression. In this particular matter, though, she is against her own party.

Mainstream news will probably try to make her seem like a good person, but they always pull that kind of crap.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd usually agree with you, but in this case Pelosi is definitely using Cheney in order to call the select committee "bipartisan".

Can't blame her for playing politics with this, since nearly half the country is willing to ignore everything that resembles truth if it makes anyone on "the other team" look good.
I think this is a mistake, even from a pure tactical perspective.
Remember, she voted for him in 2020, and was a very reliable Republican vote in congress for his agenda.


And even now, she doesn't hate him for the same reasons you and I hate him, she hate him because he didn't like war enough for her neocon tastes and her talked shit about her dad and the Iraq war.

People like Liz Cheney don't give a shit about democracy, no one in the Republican party does, they have not accepted a Democratic president as legitimate in my lifetime and stole an election not so long ago (and it was the "respectable Republicans" like her fucking dad who did that).

The GOP made it so Democrats can't win close elections and they are very busy to make it so that they can't win elections at all and Democrats need to wake the fuck up and stop pretending that they have friends there.
They don't.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Cheney is done in the House. I don't give her any credit for this, it's just a last petty act of spite on her way out the door.


Oct 27, 2017
Why though. what do we need a house republican for, what do we actually get out of her?

The word "bipartisan" scores mega points across the broader public that is at least somewhat willing to vote for a Democrat.

Pretty much. While we Era-folk almost commonly think bipartisanship is a huge waste of time (and I agree wholeheartedly almost all of the time with modern politics being republican politics)., there's likely many centrists across the US who will see this as an act of good faith. Probably not enough, but many. That's how Pelosi and the other centrist democratic members can see it.


Oct 27, 2017
She's terrible but it's important to remember that the insurrectionists weren't just there to murder Democrats. If a Republican sincerely wants to get to the bottom of what happened directly to all of them that day, I'm not going to be mad about it.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, does it really matter. Conservative fuckers will just call her a traitor to America or some shit and say everything they find is fake news


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, does it really matter. Conservative fuckers will just call her a traitor to America or some shit and say everything they find is fake news
Does it matter to changing the minds of Trump supporters? No, not really. But it's still important to get as much information about one of the worst security breaches in US history.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Lol what's McCarthy got to threaten her with? She's practically already ostracized w/i the party, so fuck 'em

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Why though. what do we need a house republican for, what do we actually get out of her?

Better to have one more on our side than one more on theirs.
I will condemn our enemies, but I will welcome genuine help from defectors to take them down. And if she becomes a catalyst for putting GOPigs behind bars, then so be it.


Oct 24, 2017
She's awful but there's two good things here:

1) The commission can be called bipartisan

2) Even in the not-guaranteed situation that she gets re-elected (she's unpopular with Republicans but also her opponent had to put out a statement explaining how he impregnated a 14-year-old and likely drove her to suicide so who knows), she'll be toothless with two parties who both dislike her and that situation is only helped by her being on the commission


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
She already lost her committee seat. What can McCarthy do to her? She's already hated by the GOP.


Oct 27, 2017
She's terrible, but she also likely doesn't have so much love for the party who removed her from her position for sticking to her principles in defiance of Fuhrer Trump. If Pelosi is going to put at least one GOP member on the commission, it might as well be the one who isn't in denial about the insurgency and the big lie.


Jan 25, 2018
Pelosi is simply trying to make this appear somewhat "bipartisan" for those swing voters who likely will determine swing districts in 2022, I really doubt she's doing this because she thinks it's best for the Democratic Party. Playing politics to save the D House majority, is more important than anything else right now for Dem leadership in the House. If it means putting a disgusting horrible Republican in the committee to woo those silly swing voters who like that stuff, then that's what they must do.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm really not sure why anyone is livid about this specific assignment. She one of the only ones that does believe that the actions of the insurrectionists were seditious and traitorous. That's the only qualification she needs for this specific special assignment.

As alluded to up above, yes, it is a really, really, really low bar.

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
Sheesh, some of you suck at politics :) Of Course Cheney is horrible but she is needed for clout, else you risk the idiotic media to calling this a partisan exercise.