Oct 26, 2017
Via Damage Report:

Time stamp for segment: 00:36 sec
A Republican says that "illegal alien" crime is 100% preventable. Cuomo points out that they apply that rationale to no other crime prevention methods in the country. He then says that things that are 100% preventable are things like poverty and hunger. The Republican jumps in and says, 'How is poverty 100% preventable? Are you going to say socialism? Because take a look at Venezuela'. Cuomo says, 'Venezuela? Because that's a great strategy you got going there, right? You starve these countries of support. Then you create environments on the ground where they can blow up. And then you stand back and watch them burn.'.

He even has new fans in AOC and Jacobin:

.@ChrisCuomo, there's a Jacobin subscription with your name on it

This is what swiftly cutting through nonsense looks like. Bravo @ChrisCuomo
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Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Every time CNN types get up and advocate for clearly progressive ideals, it only makes me more aware of how much they are intentionally misrepresenting the truth and playing a role for a corporate institution every other time its needed that they call fact out for what they are yet dont. And that's no good.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"Illegal alien"

When did that become a thing?
Are they calling illegal immigrants for non-humans?


Oct 25, 2017
Every time CNN types get up and advocate for clearly progressive ideals, it only makes me more aware of how much they are intentionally misrepresenting the truth and playing a role for a corporate institution every other time its needed that they call fact out for what they are yet dont. And that's no good.
It's also the reason why anyone that keeps yapping about a leftist media consipracy is a loon. There is no mainstream left leaning media. It's either full on right wing (like Fox), or a bunch of both sides, got to appeal to the right as well, media outlets. You know these talking heads at CNN aren't right wing (or even full on moderates), but they have to play the middle because of ratings and what not.


Oct 27, 2017
Its very consistent among right-wing circles, sadly. Dehumanization of people from other countries is a necessary prerequisite to passing hurtful legislations towards them.
Also doesn't help that it's written that way in law. Much like how they call social programs 'entitlements' to give it a negative connotation.


Oct 25, 2017
Any summary?

I can't view tweetssince the era launch and I can't see the video right now.

A Republican says that "illegal alien" crime is 100% preventable. Cuomo points out that they apply that rationale to no other crime prevention methods in the country. He then says that things that are 100% preventable are things like poverty and hunger. The Republican jumps in and says, 'How is poverty 100% preventable? Are you going to say socialism? Because take a look at Venezuela'. Cuomo says, 'Venezuela? Because that's a great strategy you got going there, right? You starve these countries of support. Then you create environments on the ground where they can blow up. And then you stand back and watch them burn.'.
Oct 26, 2017
A Republican says that "illegal alien" crime is 100% preventable. Cuomo points out that they apply that rationale to no other crime prevention methods in the country. He then says that things that are 100% preventable are things like poverty and hunger. The Republican jumps in and says, 'How is poverty 100% preventable? Are you going to say socialism? Because take a look at Venezuela'. Cuomo says, 'Venezuela? Because that's a great strategy you got going there, right? You starve these countries of support. Then you create environments on the ground where they can blow up. And then you stand back and watch them burn.'.
Added this to OP. Thanks!


Oct 27, 2017
Props, he does his homework and knows how to present it immediately during the argument rather than waiting to reply a day later in a monologue.


Oct 25, 2017
The damage report crew in that video come off as sniveling little shits. Props to Cuomo for shutting that guy down, they really need to boot him off CNN altogether. He contributes no intelligent argument.


Oct 25, 2017
But no country has managed to 100% prevent hunger, poverty (or homelessness) though?
Meh, I don't see why hunger has to be this thing that is tolerated. With the amount of food produced it wouldn't be hard to make some of the most basic foods available to people. If you provide biscuits made of grits or something else that is super shitty, people won't starve, but no one is going to choose it over food from anywhere else. Universal basic food income for anyone who requests it. Like how much is quaker oats selling grits for? Something so basic that is basically a waste from other food production could stop anyone from starving in this country.


Oct 26, 2017
I've seen that right-wing talking head guy a lot on CNN lately. He takes a hard L every time and comes back for more. I love it.

He just parrots talking points, whenever it evolves into a critical, evidence based discussion he instantly shits the bed.
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, great answer. Anything vaguely social democratic isn't Venezuela, Republicans. Some of the safest, most prosperous places in the world use the social democratic model.
Oct 25, 2017
in the case of Venezuela it was Chavez that had the country entirely depend on oil and started taking over private businesses accusing them of economic war when those had to increase the prices of their products when inflation started to hit.

I agree with the sentiment but it doesn't apply to the current situation of Venezuela, Chavez had the chance to make his country into Norway and he fucked up.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
well done, time to someone to point that out for the rest of the americans


Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean alien has been the term for a while now, its the term used in USC federal statutes. I dont think its dehumanizing but I can see why some do

Well to me, an alien is something not from earth, something that is not human, so calling another person for an alien, like saying "Illegal alien" menas they are calling that person not a human.


Oct 30, 2017
Meh, I don't see why hunger has to be this thing that is tolerated. With the amount of food produced it wouldn't be hard to make some of the most basic foods available to people. If you provide biscuits made of grits or something else that is super shitty, people won't starve, but no one is going to choose it over food from anywhere else. Universal basic food income for anyone who requests it. Like how much is quaker oats selling grits for? Something so basic that is basically a waste from other food production could stop anyone from starving in this country.
Not saying it should, it's just not a problem you can solve by throwing money at it alone. For example, Iceland has almost eradicated homelessness, but that's in a country of 350K people where 90% of the people live in a small area of the country and are 91% homogeneous.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Well to me, an alien is something not from earth, something that is not human, so calling another person for an alien, like saying "Illegal alien" menas they are calling that person not a human.

It just means foreign or a foreign body. This is not new. It's been that way for the longest time. It's the actual definition of "alien". Not shit from out of space that doesn't exist.


Oct 26, 2017
Stunning revelations.

I can certainly understand the desire to not give a platform to these guys but it's just not going to happen in the reality of commercial TV news. Ever since William F Buckley and Gore Vidal trolled the shit out of each other on ABC News in 1968, the news watchers have demanded the Point/Counterpoint talking head format. They love it.

So I'm resigned to the fact that CNN will always have to incorporate some sort of right wing pundit in their in their on air "debates". May as well use stooges out of their depth like the dude in the video.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
Well Ive not heard it before.

The way the word is used in specific media, I can see how it's kind of wild to process. But again, it just means foreigner. Foreign to white America. Now, how people respond to that term is what we should be questioning.
So you aren't wrong in that it's been a fucked designation for people. The tone has shifted to "immigrant" more recently and not alien and anyone that uses alien is an absolute shit because they know it's outdated but still used as a gov't designation. I bet we see a come back for the term really soon.


Oct 25, 2017
This was a good response, but before we all go patting this guy on the back, it should be noted that last week he was devil's advocating birther conspiracies.

He apologized, but it does show that he isn't above propagating utter nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
Well to me, an alien is something not from earth, something that is not human, so calling another person for an alien, like saying "Illegal alien" menas they are calling that person not a human.

The reason you think that is because of the movies Alien and Aliens. The bit in Aliens when Hudson says Vasquez thought they said "illegal aliens" was actually what happened to Vasquez's actress when she auditioned, and was written into the movie. When the first Alien came out a number of people (including my aunt) were confused that it was in space and not about immigrants. Those movies largely changed the popular use of the term, which before then was more commonly used to describe terrestrial immigrants. That's why the term is applied to extraterrestrials; the phrase "aliens from another planet" as originally used in older sci-fi movies literally means "immigrants from another planet."


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
It's also the reason why anyone that keeps yapping about a leftist media consipracy is a loon. There is no mainstream left leaning media. It's either full on right wing (like Fox), or a bunch of both sides, got to appeal to the right as well, media outlets. You know these talking heads at CNN aren't right wing (or even full on moderates), but they have to play the middle because of ratings and what not.

I would argue a lot of these folks on corp media are full on moderates, every time these stations actively hire(not just give interviews to) failures like clair mccaskil who lost to republicans because they tried to out neoliberal the GOP and failed, your telling everyone you just want a narrative of people who will attack progressives and protect the status quo, a failing system.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know where I stand on Cuomo. He does stuff like this where he calls people out on their lies but also does the Kamala birther comment.


Dec 26, 2018
I would argue a lot of these folks on corp media are full on moderates, every time these stations actively hire(not just give interviews to) failures like clair mccaskil who lost to republicans because they tried to out neoliberal the GOP and failed, your telling everyone you just want a narrative of people who will attack progressives and protect the status quo, a failing system.

Progressives lost to moderates in the mid-terms in a landslide. If the centrists are failing so badly why haven't the progressives captured more of the party?

in the case of Venezuela it was Chavez that had the country entirely depend on oil and started taking over private businesses accusing them of economic war when those had to increase the prices of their products when inflation started to hit.

I agree with the sentiment but it doesn't apply to the current situation of Venezuela, Chavez had the chance to make his country into Norway and he fucked up.


Meh, I don't see why hunger has to be this thing that is tolerated. With the amount of food produced it wouldn't be hard to make some of the most basic foods available to people. If you provide biscuits made of grits or something else that is super shitty, people won't starve, but no one is going to choose it over food from anywhere else. Universal basic food income for anyone who requests it. Like how much is quaker oats selling grits for? Something so basic that is basically a waste from other food production could stop anyone from starving in this country.

Because there are people in power who don't care and the system isn't easy to turn around on issues like this. Go to any country in the world and you'll get hunger and poverty, it's one of those causes which as a concept is unsolved anywhere in the world.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol tell me you dont actually buy into that nonsensical explanation? Because the real reason it's used is very clear to everyone.

"Alien" is the term used all over US law and it's been used that way for hundreds of years before people even wrote stories about space aliens.

The shitty part of the phrase isn't "alien" it's "illegal." Because "legalness" isn't a property of humans, it has to be considered in reference to some law. The neutral version of the phrase would be "unauthorized alien."