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Dec 7, 2017
Canada can have a citizenship question on census because the government system is decentralized and our elections are administered by an independent organization.

In US, there is too much power inside the federal government and citizenship question would be used by GOP to gain political power and discriminate minorities.

There are many things Trump administration would implement that are already implemented in Canada like merit-based immigration system. In that case, Canadian system is balanced while the Trump one would probably be discriminatory.

US and Canada are two different societies and countries with their own histories, what works in Canada might not work in US.


Oct 25, 2017
The purpose of this thread was not to suggest that the citizenship question on the U.S. census is not a big deal. Quite the opposite. The article in the OP outlines exactly how something so innocuous over here can be abused over there. As a Canadian who was not in the loop on this issue, I found this article illuminating. Trump is only a symptom of a very deep rooted disease.

It is easy to tell who read the OP and who did not in this thread.
Ignore the op he makes pro Trump threads all the time. Notice that you cannot view his profile to see his previous threads? I wonder why? 🤔
This is not even a pro Trump thread. Link my pro Trump threads. Otherwise this is baseless slander.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh my bad. I thought it was in 2010 as well.
The American Community Survey, which since 2005 has regularly collected the kind of data that appear on the long-form, does have the question, however. It's asked, just not on the decennial forms of the actual census, hence this battle to try to keep it off and keep the Hispanic population from being undercounted.


Nov 11, 2017
It's not the question but how it's used to disenfranchise voters and guarantee further republican gerrymandering and main republican control of government outside of actual free and fair elections.
Oct 25, 2017
The American Community Survey, which since 2005 has regularly collected the kind of data that appear on the long-form, does have the question, however. It's asked, just not on the decennial forms of the actual census, hence this battle to try to keep it off and keep the Hispanic population from being undercounted.

Got it. Thanks for the elucidation!


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
This thread's topic is based on a false equivalence between the US and Canadian systems and as such has been locked.
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