
Oct 25, 2017
YouGov's weekly poll is up. Like the others, good for Warren/Harris, bad for Bernie/Biden.

Oct 27, 2017
United States
Gonna suck when I have to vote for Biden when I actually support and believe in the subsequent top three potential candidates much, much more.

I fucking HATE voting "who will win" over who I'd actually want in office. It is completely against what voting is actually supposed to represent. Fuck you, trump, for putting me in this position.

After this election, never again.
Jan 15, 2019
Gonna suck when I have to vote for Biden when I actually support and believe in the subsequent top three potential candidates much, much more.

I fucking HATE voting "who will win" over who I'd actually want in office. It is completely against what voting is actually supposed to represent. Fuck you, trump, for putting me in this position.

After this election, never again.
It's not that grim. If you look at the trend Biden's slipping month after month after month. Just a month or two ago folks were worried his lead was so substantial as to be insurmountable, making the entire primary a formality. Now some polls have his lead within the margin of error. He is this cycle's Jeb Bush.

I'll be voting on Super Tuesday which is early enough that Biden will presumably still be in the race no matter how far he's fallen, so I'll likely end up casting a vote for who ever I'm confident can garner more votes than him at the time. I can absolutely live with Warren, Harris, Sanders, Buttigieg and a few others to varying degrees of enthusiasm, so who ever's risen up the ranks that isn't Biden is probably getting my primary vote, tbh. I'm dreading the horror scenario where Bernie, Warren and Biden are the final three and Bernie/Warren get 30% each while Biden coasts to the nomination on 40%, even though the majority obviously preferred a more progressive candidate but couldn't agree on which one.