
Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017



Man time is a circle, this was 1954


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The more things change the more they stay the same.


Oct 25, 2017
In 50 years we've gone from Lenny Bruce being arrested for telling a joke to Kevin Hart losing one gig over saying some heinous shit on social media and almost every comedian acting like it's nazi fucking Germany.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 7, 2020
Yep, it's gonna be like this forever. PC culture "ruined" comedy in the ninties. Now they'll find a new word and complain again in the 2040s.


Oct 27, 2017
Much of comedy is toeing the line of what is barely acceptable to joke about, naturally in a few years the line will have moved. Always been the same, but I guess nowadays that old stuff is just a few clicks away for anybody to see.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, I can't blame the comedians. This means they have to put in effort and come up with smarter jokes. Must be hard.
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Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Maybe comedians should employ some actual fucking talent then and come up with new stuff rather than punching down like lazy stupid idiots.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
" Comedian nearly comes to the realization that they made people laugh due to being incredibly uncomfortable, not actually funny. "


Nov 9, 2017
Fantastic. I hope people will spam this shit in whatever whiny Twitter threads the Gervaises, Chappelles and Seinfelds of the world come up with.


Oct 25, 2017
Its the year 2500 and XL2500-A25 complains on the galactic neuro-net about how post human machine minds can't even make fun of organics for having to go the bathroom.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
It's the audiences fault I'm not funny anymore.
It's like what I've been saying about Right-wingers and their perception of the 1st Amendment. They believe "Freedom of Speech" means they can say anything they want (they can, for the most part), but also that everybody has to kiss their ass for saying it. They're like, "HOW DARE YOU say I'm wrong for saying the things I say! YOU are trying to take my 1st Amendment right away!" ... no, that's not how it works. Nobody is obligated to kiss your ass because of your opinion or beliefs. Same for comics, nobody is obligated to think they are funny, especially if their jokes or routines aren't. Some dumb, dumb people might THINK they are obligated to laugh or stand with those types of comics or Right-wingers, but that's only because they already align with those types of people.


Oct 27, 2017
Whenever I hear about political correctness being too rampant by someone (which honestly hasn't happened too many times to me personally besides online articles) I just bring up Bill Maher had a tv show 20+ years ago made for this exact thing and it seems to be something some comedians and people just complain about when they get called out for their racist ass jokes/comments.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
In 50 years we've gone from Lenny Bruce being arrested for telling a joke to Kevin Hart losing one gig over saying some heinous shit on social media and almost every comedian acting like it's nazi fucking Germany.
The guy from You're wrong about really nails it in the part about low stakes here :

The Methods of Moral Panic Journalism

Scare stories on "left-wing illiberalism" display a familiar pattern.

On one hand, a few prominent figures faced routine professional consequences for their publicly stated views. On the other, thousands of people, including children, were beaten to death in the streets despite doing nothing wrong.

It's a long read but it's a great dissection of everything that's wrong with these dumbshit moral panics that sound so right to some people.


Oct 29, 2017
Somewhat relevant, here's what Bobcat Goldthwait recently had to say about comedy and cancel culture:

I actually don't believe there's a "cancel culture." It just reminds me of like in the 80s when a shock jock would get fined by the FCC or get in trouble with management or a sponsor. They would say, "I'm getting killed by the man," and then that person's fans would rally behind them, and they would end up making millions of dollars.

When people use the term cancel culture, it's just a way of people marginalizing marginalized groups, and it gives permission to their audience to feel like they're the victim. No one's freedom of speech is being taken away. All these millionaires are going to keep on making millions of dollars.

If it boils down to a millionaire and a major corporation versus people who are being murdered and have a high rate of suicide, which side do you think I'm going to be on? I'm going to be on the side of marginalized people. I've always considered myself an outsider, you know?


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
"No one laughs at themselves anymore"
*proceeds to laugh at minorities he's not a part of*


Oct 27, 2017
Meanwhile nobody has a problem with Anthony Jeselnik, who jokes about more taboo subjects than all of these clowns put together, but his material is thoughtfully crafted enough to not punch down.

To a similar effect, even if it all doesn't hold up, with Lenny Bruce during Grandpa Joe's day. And then Carlin. And on and on.


Sep 18, 2021
My favourite comedians don't have this problem and they pretty much cover everything from fancy dress funerals to viking gerbils to terrorists bombing children to grooming.

Frankie Boyle and Russel Howard constantly make me smile and laugh. Sean Lock, Catherine Ryan and pretty much all of the 8 Out Of 10 Cats contestants as well. You don't need to be racist, sexist or homophobic to be funny. Just think of something absurd and riff on it, whether it's a news article or a personal anecdote. Insulting the stupidity of others or the absurdness of things around you or whatever your mind comes up with is seemingly limitless in its comedy potential.