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Deleted member 64377

user requested account closure
Mar 8, 2020
I wanted 'Island' in my name, which only left three characters :/


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way that gets past the censor. My friend wanted to put in "Numpty" (they wanted "Numpty Island" but not enough room) and even that didn't go through.


Oct 25, 2017
I invite a new villager to my island every time I use a Nook Miles ticket to visit a random island. I would feel bad otherwise. They are all just looking for a place to belong.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone else feels miles ahead of me. People have fucking aquariums and stuff and I feel like I've barely done anything. I guess it's not a speedrun or anything, and it is my first Animal Crossing. Won't panic just yet.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
So Animal Crossing threw a wrench in this whole bunnies vs. snakes thing by having a bunny named Snake.


holy shit. he's a bunny. a snake. and he also looks like a naruto cosplayer making him a total weeb. IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.
Everyone else feels miles ahead of me. People have fucking aquariums and stuff and I feel like I've barely done anything. I guess it's not a speedrun or anything, and it is my first Animal Crossing. Won't panic just yet.
aquariums are just what happens when you set your bugs or fish on the ground. they don't just go free, luckily!


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could get into Animal Crossing, its just missing something for me.

I don't think I could play this all the time myself. A few of my streamer pals are a level beyond all in and I'm just I'm pretty glad I didn't plan out a long schedule of this tbh. That was actually a lot of the appeal of this for me. I was excited for them and just kinda wanted to fit in.

aquariums are just what happens when you set your bugs or fish on the ground. they don't just go free, luckily!

This is the second time I've been schooled on this forum today (the first was being told I don't have to hold L3 to run in Apex Legends). I never said I was good at games tbf.


Oct 28, 2017
For anyone that wants to peruse DC's fall collected edition plans, here's an easy link. You an also split off hardcovers with the menu options on the left. I'm not sure if any of them are entirely new, but it's nice to have them all organized and at-hand. Note that only the Deluxe Editions are oversized, other than Absolutes and omnibi. Anything else should be standard-sized.


Edelweiss, by Above the Treeline, is the book industry’s platform to sell, discover, and order new titles.

Ah, check that. Here are some unlisted ones that hadn't been previously announced:

The Phantom Stranger Omnibus

100 Bullets Omnibus Vol. 1

Batman in Brave & the Bold: The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 3

Batman: Detective Comics Omnibus (Tynion IV's run)]

Super Sons Omnibus Expanded Edition
Super Sons and Tynion Detective are on my list. Especially given that I'm gonna finally be cancelling my box at my LCS and getting rid of my floppies and long boxes.

Or binding them...?

Deleted member 64377

user requested account closure
Mar 8, 2020
Quarantined in the apartment with my wife, both of us lounging around like slobs, doing nothing playing Animal Crossing all day, has honestly been the happiest I've been in a while. I just came off a depressive episode recently that came close to lasting an entire month, and then a literal global pandemic hit, and it's just been a lot, and I needed this dumb, sweet little game.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Quarantined in the apartment with my wife, both of us lounging around like slobs, doing nothing playing Animal Crossing all day, has honestly been the happiest I've been in a while. I just came off a depressive episode recently that came close to lasting an entire month, and then a literal global pandemic hit, and it's just been a lot, and I needed this dumb, sweet little game.
I totally see the appeal, I just need something more. Like if I could build my city like a DQ Builders, or if it had dungeon crawling, I think it would be perfect for me.

Thats why ive been looking forward to Sakuna for so long. Its got everything I want for the most part out of a game like this.

But yea, that sounds like a great day and I hope we all are able to find those days.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Really? I was definitely interested, but the 15-ish hour game length made me decide to wait for a price drop. What aren't you a fan of?

Im only 2 levels in and there is much left to see do I may grow into it, but it's not really the thrilling action slugfest it usually is.

it's very rigid. You have an insane number of tools, many on cooldowns, and it's all about managing them as such. The game doesn't really want you to play on -your- terms. It demands you to fight in a very specific approach. You are constantly solving the same(uninteresting) puzzle on every encounter.

Ammo is super limited and your chsinsaw is on cooldown(saw kills gets you ammo) so you are constantly seeking some fodder to refill. Your new flamethrower is on coldown and is required for armor. Certain enemies require grenades to remove efficiently and it's wasteful and punishing if you miss your opportunity or are off CD! Etc....etc...etc..,

It's Doom and you have cooldown meters everywhere. Each fight feels like I am faffing about with my radial menus and several gimmick tools to just maintain myself. It's overbearing and not in a very exhilarating way. It's exhausting and I miss just shooting shit!

Here is what I wrote in the OT(big debate happening as opinions are mixed.

This isn't really strategy. Its juggling cooldowns and radial wheels to abuse the same trick as fast as your reflexes allow.

I don't feel(yet) like this is a sandbox where experimentation is rewarded. Nor am I just hurling my choice of arsenal at the foes based on preference(2016). Instead I am doing 'the thing' based on necessity. I am punished if my cooldown is not ready or the wrong mod is equipped and my brief window of opportunity is lost to exploit.

I am only at the end of stage 2, and many argue it gets good in some level I have yet to see, but so far I'm not loving it(UV diff). 2016 definitely had its own flaws, and maybe things change but this feels pretty rigid in terms of combat flow so far.

Anyway, just a long vent as I'm kind of bummed out. Also the story is poorly told and is mostly handled through codex logs. Seems many argue it gets way better later on with more unlocks and upgrades. I just am not feeling it so far.


Mar 1, 2020
Is anyone picking up Children of the Atom next month? I'm mainly interested bc of the writer

Quickly realizing how obsessed I am with the X-Men :|


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Yea that doesnt sound like DOOM lol. It sounds like an action mmo rpg, but in a FPS. The previews that they were showing were giving off that impression, but I figured that was just the most optimal way to play, not the only real way to play.


Oct 25, 2017
My brain literally could not handle trying to manage all the stuff in Doom Eternal on a keyboard. I might try it again on console when it drops to $20.

People trying to compare it to Japanese action games... maybe if DMC required you to switch between 6 different weapons and your weapons broke after 12 hits so you had to keep recharging them, lol

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yea that doesnt sound like DOOM lol. It sounds like an action mmo rpg, but in a FPS. The previews that they were showing were giving off that impression, but I figured that was just the most optimal way to play, not the only real way to play.

I also forgot to mention everything is happening at 90mph which makes all the juggling and tool use even more frustrating to get accustomed to. The worst is pulling out my shotgun to use its grenade attachment on a cacodemon because my thrown grenade is off cooldown...BUT I HAVE THE WRONG MOD ATTACHED, so I have to wait out the animation to swap and I miss my opportunity while having three enemies behind me that shredded my hp to almost nothing.

It's like they force you to do anything but strafing and blasting. I should really appreciate the shift in focus, but it comes across as misguided here I think. But a lot of people do love it, so maybe I should just go read comics instead.

My brain literally could not handle trying to manage all the stuff in Doom Eternal on a keyboard. I might try it again on console when it drops to $20.

People trying to compare it to Japanese action games... maybe if DMC required you to switch between 6 different weapons and your weapons broke after 12 hits so you had to keep recharging them, lol

Yea, I hear it gets great when everything unlocks. Because shooting stuff with a shotgun in Doom is now no longer fun!


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, wasnt there news a week or two ago that Hawkeye Freefall was getting extended, or turned into an on-going? I swear I saw someone post something like that here. (and no it wasnt BleedingCool lol)
What happened was that initially the book was listed as five issues and then when the sixth was solicited a bunch of people started asking Rosenberg about it and he said it was never five issues. Today he tweeted that he pitched a six issue story.


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I can't escape animal crossing anywhere. I am staying strong in my spending choices. God damn.


Oct 28, 2017
Is anyone picking up Children of the Atom next month? I'm mainly interested bc of the writer

Quickly realizing how obsessed I am with the X-Men :|
I've picked up every single X book since Hickman started and I've only dropped Fallen Angels after issue #2 and Excalibur after the first arc. I wanna say #6. Otherwise I'm still digging X-Force, X-Men, and New Mutants. Wolverine #1 was pretty good, and I fucking love Marauders.

I. Fucking. Love. Marauders.


Oct 28, 2017
Finished Gotham City Sirens. I must say, I'm disappointed. The book started great with Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy teaming up to survive because "hey people want us dead/in prison and we need to lay low." Paul Dini and Guillem March create a bright, kinetic energy for the book with good chemistry and a light tone with some dark humor. Basically If Batman the Animated Series had an Adult Swim cartoon by Paul Dini. Selina and Harley deciding to go around the neighborhood finding a lost dog only to find out the reason the neighborhood has had so many dogs go missing is because Harley's hyenas have been going out and eating them was hilarious. You also have some good recurring characters in Nygma and the Carpenter as well as some solid antagonists with Gaggy, Dr Aesop, and some future set up for Hush. The random doctor who set up Ivy was fine. The part that was fun was how petty the villains attacking the girls were, but also personal. It all was very seedy, and I dug that. Sort of like New 52 Secret Six, the emphasis was on having personal growth, but like pre-Flashpoint Secret Six it's about pre-established supervillains in the world, so their reputation precedes them and they must do so while navigating the world with that baggage in tow. I compare it to Gail Simone's Secret Six because of it being a supervillain team book, though the similarities really end their because the book is very unique.

Once Dini leaves, however, so does March. When that happens the whole book changes and it's for the worse I'm afraid. While the book is not necessarily bad, it becomes something it certainly wasn't before. It becomes dark, serious, and brutal. Tony Bedard finishes up Dini's arc with Ivy at STAR Labs (at least her initial one), where he left in the middle having her being ambushed and trapped by a worker she fired. This arc is extremely out there and I found it hard to believe it matched with the rest Of the book, however perhaps if Dini had written it, then it would've turned out better. Basically STAR is using a plant alien from another planet to mutate plants to regrow regions of destroyed rainforest, but it doesn't work. Ivy becomes possessed because the alien wants to take over Earth and he takes over her body. The book then has a short arc with Maggie Kyle becoming an exorcist to kill Selina.

Bedard leaves the book and Calloway takes over and the book takes its much darker turn. Whereas it felt in hindsight that Bedard might've been finishing Dini's outline, Calloway does his own thing. Zatanna contracted by Talia to erase Selina's memories, which she has a moral crisis over. Harley then invades Arkham to kill Joker and instead gets back with Joker in the final arc. She kills and manipulates to do it, they then brutally murder a lot of guards (or Joker does and Harley watches). Catwoman goes to Devil's Square for a crossover featuring her sister, Michael Lane, and Azrael and fails her test. Then joins up with Bruce as Batman to go back to Arkham and shut down the riot, putting away Quinn and Ivy along with everyone else.

The whole book ends messy as hell, as Harley and Ivy break out to kill Catwoman as part of Penguin's plan (I guess? It's dumb) and it's revealed that Selina was in on this "plan but not really a plan" that was created by Dick as Batman to keep Harley and Ivy but mostly Ivy in check. That the true purpose of the Sirens. Ivy destroys a shit ton of cars and buildings, Harley and Selina decide to fight Batman to buy her time to run away.

So while Sirens' first half is certainly pure joy, filled with lots of personality.The concept of three of the most notorious supervillain best friends navigating Gotham's seedy underworld together as they bond and find new paths in life since their old ones will end up getting them sure killed or in prison, neither of which they want, it's a joy. A book of growth, change, and reform. Ivy's developing humanity, Harley's independence, and Selina's strength. Plus we have Nygma's own arc happening as well that would've been cool to see more of. When Bedard and Calloway step in, the book loses the charm and sex appeal and becomes dark and morally serious. The characters are no longer friends or personal. Ivy and Selina hate each other, but both love Harley who loves them, but the book deepens that until they all hate each other to the point of actual murder. It's hard to read.

That said, it's one of the most unique books from the Big Two and I'd love to see it tried again, but certainly with the love and charm Dini was shooting for and not the latter half.


Oct 25, 2017
Children of the Atom looks interesting. The art is good and Ayala seems to have put a lot of work into coming up with the characters. Of course a book about zoomers doing things that actual young people do makes the stereotypical comic fan mad, so we'll see what happens.


Oct 28, 2017
X-Force was some shit and Hell Arisen was...well fuck it here comes Death Metal

Deadpool is soooooo good
Last edited:


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Finished Gotham City Sirens. I must say, I'm disappointed. The book started great with Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy teaming up to survive because "hey people want us dead/in prison and we need to lay low." Paul Dini and Guillem March create a bright, kinetic energy for the book with good chemistry and a light tone with some dark humor. Basically If Batman the Animated Series had an Adult Swim cartoon by Paul Dini. Selina and Harley deciding to go around the neighborhood finding a lost dog only to find out the reason the neighborhood has had so many dogs go missing is because Harley's hyenas have been going out and eating them was hilarious. You also have some good recurring characters in Nygma and the Carpenter as well as some solid antagonists with Gaggy, Dr Aesop, and some future set up for Hush. The random doctor who set up Ivy was fine. The part that was fun was how petty the villains attacking the girls were, but also personal. It all was very seedy, and I dug that. Sort of like New 52 Secret Six, the emphasis was on having personal growth, but like pre-Flashpoint Secret Six it's about pre-established supervillains in the world, so their reputation precedes them and they must do so while navigating the world with that baggage in tow. I compare it to Gail Simone's Secret Six because of it being a supervillain team book, though the similarities really end their because the book is very unique.

Once Dini leaves, however, so does March. When that happens the whole book changes and it's for the worse I'm afraid. While the book is not necessarily bad, it becomes something it certainly wasn't before. It becomes dark, serious, and brutal. Tony Bedard finishes up Dini's arc with Ivy at STAR Labs (at least her initial one), where he left in the middle having her being ambushed and trapped by a worker she fired. This arc is extremely out there and I found it hard to believe it matched with the rest Of the book, however perhaps if Dini had written it, then it would've turned out better. Basically STAR is using a plant alien from another planet to mutate plants to regrow regions of destroyed rainforest, but it doesn't work. Ivy becomes possessed because the alien wants to take over Earth and he takes over her body. The book then has a short arc with Maggie Kyle becoming an exorcist to kill Selina.

Bedard leaves the book and Calloway takes over and the book takes its much darker turn. Whereas it felt in hindsight that Bedard might've been finishing Dini's outline, Calloway does his own thing. Zatanna contracted by Talia to erase Selina's memories, which she has a moral crisis over. Harley then invades Arkham to kill Joker and instead gets back with Joker in the final arc. She kills and manipulates to do it, they then brutally murder a lot of guards (or Joker does and Harley watches). Catwoman goes to Devil's Square for a crossover featuring her sister, Michael Lane, and Azrael and fails her test. Then joins up with Bruce as Batman to go back to Arkham and shut down the riot, putting away Quinn and Ivy along with everyone else.

The whole book ends messy as hell, as Harley and Ivy break out to kill Catwoman as part of Penguin's plan (I guess? It's dumb) and it's revealed that Selina was in on this "plan but not really a plan" that was created by Dick as Batman to keep Harley and Ivy but mostly Ivy in check. That the true purpose of the Sirens. Ivy destroys a shit ton of cars and buildings, Harley and Selina decide to fight Batman to buy her time to run away.

So while Sirens' first half is certainly pure joy, filled with lots of personality.The concept of three of the most notorious supervillain best friends navigating Gotham's seedy underworld together as they bond and find new paths in life since their old ones will end up getting them sure killed or in prison, neither of which they want, it's a joy. A book of growth, change, and reform. Ivy's developing humanity, Harley's independence, and Selina's strength. Plus we have Nygma's own arc happening as well that would've been cool to see more of. When Bedard and Calloway step in, the book loses the charm and sex appeal and becomes dark and morally serious. The characters are no longer friends or personal. Ivy and Selina hate each other, but both love Harley who loves them, but the book deepens that until they all hate each other to the point of actual murder. It's hard to read.

That said, it's one of the most unique books from the Big Two and I'd love to see it tried again, but certainly with the love and charm Dini was shooting for and not the latter half.
That book completely sold me on Carpenter as a villain. I think she even got a one-shot issue.

Deleted member 64377

user requested account closure
Mar 8, 2020
I got stung by bees a second time before recovering from the first time, and that unlocked the "teary-eyed crybaby" title on my passport, which is perfect for me.


Nov 6, 2017
A fridge just dropped from a tree, so i placed it in my house and opened it hoping to store my fruit but instead it asked me if i wanted to change clothes

what is this game
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