Oct 7, 2018
yes, they're also gaslighting me that it's my fault

Wow do we have the same family lol.. I was told that I'm a disgusting person by both of them because I questioned how they could support someone that is intentionally spreading the virus by having constant huge unmasked rallies and putting our family and their grandchildren in greater danger.

Apparently wanting less risk of my family losing a family member makes me disgusting?

My Uncle is an intelligent man hes a partner at a New York City law firm but somehow truly believes that Biden/Harris will be much worse for Black,Latino,Native and lower middle class people?

My mom isn't as intelligent so pretty much just parrots everything that he says. He's gay and in his mid sixties but never came out of the closet to anybody but his closest friends and family so my mom is basically his closest confidant.

I literally feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone
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Rice Eater

Oct 26, 2017
I just found out my brother voted for Trump. Not sure if he's a legit Trumper, but he has turned into a nut case. To summarize he thinks

-Biden is going to put the country on lockdown
-And because of this so many small businesses will but permanently shut down
-He says that Biden will heavily tax gun owners for having a fun so that it'll cost thousands per year
-He thinks this will lead to a civil war

I disputed some of the things he said. The gun tax thing he said he read it on Bidens website. I went there and found nothing. I'm pretty sure whatever group he hangs out with on the internet is spreading fear mongering BS and he's already deep into it and nothing I say will have much affect. I decided not to dispute the things he said and just hope we didn't talk about it anymore over the weekend since I drove from GA to NC to visit.

Five years ago my brother became a big gun lover. We never talked politics though but just based on that alone I had a good guess on which side he would lean to. For years I decided not knowing was probably for the best and never brought up politics. But when he started saying that stuff to me my heart just sunk. I was so disappointed that I didn't have much to say back besides just trying to let him know that none of that stuff is going to happen.

If it does come up again I'm going to be more prepared to push back and correct the BS that he's been fed. But that also depends on how he reacts to it. If we can talk about it calmly even if he disagrees, I'll do my best. If he starts getting angry over this then forget it, I'm not interested in getting into a shouting match with my brother. I would just suggest that we not talk politics around each other anymore.

Jive Turkey

Oct 25, 2017
I'm so happy my immediate family aren't assholes. According to my sister, the only one of us with a Facebook account, the extended family have lost their minds (more than normal, anyway) and are all praying for a Biden assassination. These are all "good Christians".