
Jul 25, 2019
Historically I have never been one to change default controls. I recently tried with a game and it completely changed my opinion of the game. I was playing Halo Infinite [last Halo I played prior was Halo: CE] and finding the game frustrating because 1.) the grenade defaults to L instead of R, and 2.) the scan button was down on the d-pad. My inability to learn these mapping made the game frustrating. After remapping, I have actually found the game fun to play.

Do you ever remap buttons in games? Anything that you do commonly?


Oct 25, 2017
I always have to change controls on PC because I use my mouse left handed and I use arrow keys to move


Oct 25, 2017
Always change controls in Ys games, I mean look at this shit:


Like who the fuck puts targeting on one of the face buttons?

And on a similar note, I tend to put attacking on Square/X/Y on Switch if it isn't there by default. KH is pretty much the only series I can deal with it any where else.


Oct 25, 2017
Always. Don't know why you wouldn't.

I'm a Halo bumper jumper player so for Control I put jump on LB. I wouldn't have it any other way with how often you're in the air.

In Apex, I use the Evolved scheme.

On PC I always rebind melee to mouse4 (lower thumb) and crouch to left alt.


Oct 26, 2017
When I play fps games on controller, I always change crouch/prone to R3 and melee to circle button (playstation layout).
On PC I always put crouch toggle to CTRL. If game has melee/grenade system, I always put those two to mouse side buttons.


Oct 28, 2017
When possible I move melee off the right thumb stick, because I have a bad habit of clicking it when I shoot certain weapons for whatever reason.

I try to make all shooters as similar as possible because my brain has trouble adjusting.

And I remapped the Switch buttons to the Xbox layout because even though I go back all the way to NES, I still have about 15,000 more hours or so on an Xbox controller than a Nintendo one.


Jun 4, 2018
For controllers, camera inversion is the biggest one for me. Pulling back on the stick needs to make the camera look up. Every game should have this as an accessibility option, since it's a make-or-break thing due to how individuals can be wired.

Other than that, making shooters similar is a major thing for me. The right-stick-to-melee works really well - I got used to it because of Borderlands, and due to the excessive amount of that I played, I had to swap things like Destiny to it as well. It works out nicely - especially with an Elite controller, so the face buttons can sit nicely on the paddles, effectively allowing me access to everything that isn't the D-pad while also not taking either thumb off of the sticks.

That aside, there's some commonalities I like to establish in things like 2D action games, for example - having a dash or backdash not be on L/LB/L1 feels awkward and wrong. Super Metroid is another great example of a control scheme that needs changing, as the default is just bizarre by all standards set at the time (and to this day, as it turns out).

For PC games being played with a keyboard for movement, I swap WASD to the obviously-superior ESDF, which often necessitates that everything else be able to be changed as well.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I have to remap regularly. Drawbacks of having arthritis in my hands and cognitive issues.

PC gaming is an utter blessing for this - I can theoretically remap any game, on a game-by-game basis, with Steam Input. And it's customizable as heck too. That's a blessing. I was able to remap the controls in Phantasy Star Online 2 just a little bit ago so that dashing and targeting were easier for me.

Also turn on toggle options whenever possible. I can't hold down buttons for lengthy periods of time anymore. Devil May Cry 5 didn't have a toggle for the lock-on, so I made one using Steam Input.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 6, 2020
I always remap to make them similar to other games I play.

So for example, pinging on Apex and Halo for me is Up on the d-pad.
Then I put sprint on my lower right paddle and crouch on the lower left. Jump I put on left bumper, and then I map the last 2 paddles to the most used face button.

Just stops me from continuously getting used to settings every time I switch games. For single player games, I usually tend to just put all face buttons on paddles, but on the rare occasion, I will change a bit more if they have terrible controls.


Oct 25, 2017
Funny you say this, I just finished Daemon X Machina and there's a pretty important core mechanic that's borderline unusable with the default controls. You can switch between a temporary attack boost, shield, or turbo speed boost by pressing down on the d-pad and it cycles through them. But that's dumb, because when you want those things, you want them immediately. The game makes it fairly simple to set up a bind that uses a modifier button (I used X in the standard Xbox layout) but I guess they didn't want to overwhelm people with extra controls.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I still play with my up/down inverted, so I always have to change that.

I'll change the face buttons if they really don't work for me. I swapped attack and cast in Hades, for example, and reload with the codex. Pretty much if I can take the L3/R3 buttons's and put them anywhere else, I will.
Jan 15, 2018
I always give the default control scheme a shot since it's the intended way to play the game. After an hour or so if it doesn't click I'll make changes to button layouts that make more sense to me. An example of a control scheme that seemed weird on paper but made sense when I played was Dying Light having its jump button mapped to the shoulder button.

I do always find that sensitivity is generally way too low by default though.


Oct 25, 2017
I play ESDF on keyboard and invert y on controller, changing controls is like death and taxes.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A thing I do which is probably uncommon is I always remap sprint to the A button in FPS.

The common default - sprint on left stick - is garbage and I can't believe younger me played COD like that for years. It's so straining pressing that damn stick down all the time. My poor left thumb started feeling so worn out. Having to take my right thumb off the aiming stick for 0.2 seconds is a far more preferable price to constant LS mashing.


Oct 28, 2017
To play Nero (DMC 4 & 5) optimally, it's better to change his shoot button into trigger/shoulder button so you can do combo while chargin his gun.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually play default, even if I don't like it because I assume developers know better. The only two recent games were I felt like I had to change the controls to play better were Devil May Cry 5 (both Nero and V, Dante plays fine on default) and Doom Eternal. I guess the reason why they went with the default controls in both was for consistency.

I forget the details of DMC5 but in Doom Eternal I put the dash on a shoulder button the second I unlocked it and changing swap grenade to clicking in on one of the sticks worked a lot better too.


Oct 26, 2017
This needs to be a thing, I hate that you have to resort to alternatives outside the game to change the button layout.


Oct 27, 2017
Always change controls in Ys games, I mean look at this shit:
Like who the fuck puts targeting on one of the face buttons?

And on a similar note, I tend to put attacking on Square/X/Y on Switch if it isn't there by default. KH is pretty much the only series I can deal with it any where else.
Completely agree with ys 9 and the mapping lol ridiculous. Had to change it too. I do try to keep games mapped the same and hate it when there aren't options. Retroarch emulator is a godsend for remapping


Feb 10, 2021
I'll just say it, every single game should have fully customisable controls.

I let out a sigh every single time I click on the Controls option in a game and I'm all I'm greeted with is a picture of the controller it's uneditable bindings.

System setting level options are a start, but it fucks with everything on a system level. It should be on a per game basis.

Beary Jams

Nov 5, 2017
Portland, OR
I'll just say it, every single game should have fully customisable controls.

I let out a sigh every single time I click on the Controls option in a game and I'm all I'm greeted with is a picture of the controller it's uneditable bindings.

System setting level options are a start, but it fucks with everything on a system level. It should be on a per game basis.

Came here to say this. I hardly ever stray from default control schemes but every once in awhile I"ll get frustrated by a certain button mapping that I'll desperately try to change it.


Oct 27, 2017
I do remap but it depends on the game. In Rocket League I like to have 4 fingers on shoulder buttons because it improves my grip and accuracy and allows me to do stuff that would be much harder to pull of without remapping any of the controls.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
Halo Infinite did some things differently to Destiny and that confused me initially. Worst one recently was the Borderlands stand aloone DLC on PS+ atm, a dozen presets and none of them comfortable, but I wasn't about to go remapping anything int he OS just to play that game and muddled on.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine playing a Mega Man X game without dash on a shoulder button. Can't even hold a charge shot and dash with default controls.

Drain You

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Every game should allow button re mapping. It's fine 99% of the time but every now and then you get the weird ass game that has something mapped so oddly. Or you get a game like Rocket League that has an un mapped move that I'd say is crucial.


Dec 17, 2020
I'm pretty good in adapting to different control schemes with a controller, but when it comes to keyboard, I have very strong feelings about how certains genres of games should control and accept zero developer intent if it is different.


Oct 5, 2020
I only remap in competetive games, more recently Halo Infinite.

Im using a Scuf Instinct Pro right now so most of my remapping happens with the back paddles.

For exemple the very trendy "dropping weapon" button I mapped it to right dpad and then mapped it to top left back paddle.
Jul 1, 2020
I still play with my up/down inverted, so I always have to change that.
The 360 had the option to set this at the system level and every game just worked but it was removed with Xbox One. The PS5 has this option too but I haven't played enough PS5 native games to see if every game just pulls the setting and applies it automatically.

I've been playing Max Payne, Max Payne 2 and Timesplitters 2 on Xbox and the fact that all of those games have fully remappable controls means you can apply a modern control scheme and they play better as a result.


Oct 26, 2017
I got really into it for a while but have eased off again.

Being able to remap every button on the PS is great though I wish you could save per game profiles.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The 360 had the option to set this at the system level and every game just worked but it was removed with Xbox One. The PS5 has this option too but I haven't played enough PS5 native games to see if every game just pulls the setting and applies it automatically.

I've been playing Max Payne, Max Payne 2 and Timesplitters 2 on Xbox and the fact that all of those games have fully remappable controls means you can apply a modern control scheme and they play better as a result.
Largely a PC gamer, though I also have a switch. But it's got to know it's becoming system wide elsewhere.
May 15, 2019
On PC I remap stuff all the time, I always want to prioritize different actions than the developers do for easy access while still keeping my fingers around WASD, plus games generally don't count on you having side mouse buttons. They'll generally double-map melee across both V and Mouse 4, but then I'll want something else on V, or put something like grenades on Mouse 5. Controller games it's pretty rare, and basically boils down to just the ones I'm gonna spend a ton of time playing like Devil May Cry where basically anyone that isn't Dante across the series I will rebind stuff. Usually I want to play the game the way the devs intended and only swap stuff around once I feel like I really understand the game and thus why I would actually want specific functions in specific places.

I guess character action in general I tend to rebind, was frustrating going back to Bayonetta 1 after 2 and not being able to rebind the controls to use the sequel's Left Trigger lock-on Right Trigger dodge layout. Despite Bayo 1 having the same R1 lock-on button as DMC I find it uncomfortable because the dodge is Right Trigger, so you have to use both your index and middle finger at the same time on the right side of the controller.
Jul 26, 2018
I'll always remap, whenever possible, clicking the sticks l3 and r3 to the most useless actions. I want to avoid clicking the sticks as much as possible, if anything to hopefully extend the time until they start drifting.


Nov 5, 2017
I'll just say it, every single game should have fully customisable controls.

I let out a sigh every single time I click on the Controls option in a game and I'm all I'm greeted with is a picture of the controller it's uneditable bindings.

System setting level options are a start, but it fucks with everything on a system level. It should be on a per game basis.

Quoting myself from another recent thread:

The real solution, as with so many questions and problems with input and accessibility related issues, is for the platform holders to develop Steam Input-like control abstraction layers and enforce their use at the certification level. Time and time again it has been shown that a majority of developers have little to no interest in or ability to provide proper input customizations on consoles. You're lucky if you even get button-for-button remapping in games, let alone action-based remapping or camera control options.

OS level remapping and hardware solutions are not an viable solution here either, because they result in their own set of problems related to glyph mismatches and confusing on-screen prompts.

Sony and Microsoft need to develop a proper modern input API that abstracts in-game actions from hardware buttons, sticks and gyros and make its use mandatory. For people who never want to modify their input preferences, they can use defaults or fallbacks and be none the poorer for it compared to the current experience. But people who want to use gyro for aiming, or different face button layouts, or paddles/back buttons, for either accessibility, performance, or just preference reasons would have the tools to do so without relying on hacky solutions.