Oct 27, 2017
I expect the contract is very precise with what services the PC version is allowed to launch on for the duration of the exclusivity window.

Game Pass has been around long enough that Sony would have locked that down.


Oct 31, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Platform Warring; Body Shaming
Will be somewhat annoying if they don't. Both of the games will be available on Steam so they can still be played on PC. Paying to keep a game off of a specific service on a different platform would be proper small cock behaviour let's be honest


Oct 27, 2017
I'm certainly hoping they're day one day one but it could go either way (and I'm surprised how many folks are saying with certainty they don't expect it at PS5 date)

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I'd be more hopeful if there was any mention at all of a MS store Windows version but so far there hasn't been. Sony's agreement probably prevents releasing on the 'Microsoft Store' anyway, which covers both console and PC.

I will say, if they did, then there might also be nothing stopping them from putting them on Xcloud too at the same time...and hypothetically, if they could get Xcloud rolled out on consoles soon, they could launch day and date as playable games on XBOX, just not locally.

I'm going to say, there is like a 2% chance of this happening, but since we don't know any details about the exact wording on their exclusivity arrangements, it's still a possibility.
Wouldn't it count as a "cloud streaming platform"?
I had to look it up since I've never used it before but apparently some games can be streamed on PC in beta. Looks like it could be a grey area so I don't know.
xcloud/xbox cloud streaming would require there to be an Xbox console version since it's console games that are streamed.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
xcloud/xbox cloud streaming would require there to be an Xbox console version since it's console games that are streamed.

Good point. I didn't consider that, but I could see them bringing PC games to Xcloud at some point in the future...though likely not in time for the release of Deathloop or GT.


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
While nowadays I think not having announced it already / be actively marketing it, and the Resident Evil contract thing about game pass / services rule it out... I wouldn't be surprised if they are just not allowed to do any marketing for it until it's released, so it could be a potential "shadow drop" on pc game pass... but I don't think Sony would leave that possibility be after that RE8 leaked contract.

If it was possible though, MS couldn't probably do any marketing for it anyway. In fact, they are not advertising the pc releases in any way that I am aware of. It's like the pc version doesn't exist or isn't relevant, although we all know it exists and will release on the same day as ps5. Maybe they can't release it on any MS platform (win10 store / game pass)? And it is only coming to Steam for the first year? They could advertise it anyway, as they would get their share from those sales, yet they are not marketing it -almost?- at all. So who knows. Watch it being announced for pc game pass the day it is released or something, I dunno. Don't care, can't play on pc unless they have pc blades for xcloud already when it launches.

edit- could it be they are still figuring this out with lawyers to not fuck their contract with Sony up? Because, I know the E3 conference was titled "Xbox and Bethesda" but, come on, a lot of pc only people will also watch that and would have enjoyed a Deathloop trailer/announcement if present. Yet there was no mention at all if I'm not mistaken, so it could be just that Sony doesn't allow any info outside of PS5 regardless of it happening or not (win10/pc gp).
Last edited:


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
I think the biggest impact you might see, is MS holds any dlc for a Complete edition when the 1 year is up - and leave support to just bug fixes during the first year.


Feb 4, 2020
Based on the recent contract language we saw around RE8, I very much doubt it.

When it comes to Xbox, yes.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
They'll go on Game Pass after the exclusivity deal with PlayStation is over. So most likely September 2022 for Deathloop & a year after Ghostwire: Tokyo releases.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the biggest impact you might see, is MS holds any dlc for a Complete edition when the 1 year is up - and leave support to just bug fixes during the first year.

A lot of it comes down to contracts Sony has with Bethesda about that stuff.

Even then that would be bit mustache twirling types of evil thing to do.


Jul 11, 2019
I think people are missing the point: The idea is that the exclusivity clause would have provided for console exclusivity, but may not have been restrictive with respect to PC platforms. And the MLB The Show deal indicates that Sony didn't always appreciate the possibilities around content being included on Game Pass.
However, I think it's pretty clear that it cannot be on PC Game Pass on day one:
  1. I'm pretty sure MS would have let everyone know by now, it if was.
  2. The difference between MLB The Show and Death Loop / Ghostwire Tokyo is that MLB The Show was not a console exclusive game. I'm guessing that the console exclusivity deals prohibit the games from being on "Xbox platforms" generally, which would prevent them from appearing in the Xbox windows store as well.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think the biggest impact you might see, is MS holds any dlc for a Complete edition when the 1 year is up - and leave support to just bug fixes during the first year.
you mean not releasing DLC (if they have any planned) for the PS version? nah. that sounds really childish and unprofessional. they'll just move on with their plans for DLC/updates for the ps5/steam versions, and i'm sure that stuff is already covered in their moneyhat deal.
Jun 22, 2018
I imagine something in the contracts is blocking it. Either the exclusivity contract with Sony blocks it from being on services like Game Pass during the exclusivity window. Or it may have a PC exclusivity agreement that blocks it from being on the windows store / PC game pass.


Oct 28, 2017
If Sony are smart (and I think they are) that would be forbidden in all their PS + PC exclusivity deals. The value of any of those deals falls through the floor if Microsoft can sneak in and money hat the PC version.

Instead Sony is just going to money hat their way to keeping games off of GamePass which is shitty. Instead of competing with MS by offering consumers better services we're just going to attempt to devalue their services. They had the exclusive deal here so it's whatever here but the RE8 stuff is so weird to me.


Dec 13, 2017
I doubt it comes to PC GP day one.

What I think is crazy is that 2 MS exclusives are hitting Sony's console first and crazed fans are touting that as some sort of win over MS without actually thinking about it. I am not exactly sure how the money situation is, but it seems like a purchase of one of these titles puts money in MS's bank. Also, these are MS properties now so if they are smash hits or GoTY candidates, they are that for the MS brand.

The timed exclusivity deal on these is the strangest thing I have ever thought about when it comes to the subject.


Nov 1, 2017
We don't really know what is in the contract. While I don't expect it, I wouldn't be shocked either if it does. Also, for those who are saying "they would have already announced it", I wouldn't be so sure. I think it's very possible that Microsoft is just waiting for preorders to be locked in and then do a shadow drop a week or so out. Sure some will cancel their preorders, but many others will not. However, what this strategy does is it allows Microsoft to potentially dominate the news cycle at a time when Sony is a week away from launching a third party exclusive.


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
I imagine something in the contracts is blocking it. Either the exclusivity contract with Sony blocks it from being on services like Game Pass during the exclusivity window. Or it may have a PC exclusivity agreement that blocks it from being on the windows store / PC game pass.
It wouldn't be that much different from Psychonauts 2 getting a next gen version on Xbox and not playstation


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I am sure if there is some loophole they can find in the contract with Sony, that's something they'd want to do, but I imagine those contracts are pretty aggressive about stamping those sorts of possibilities out.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Im pretty sure sony owns the marketing rights for the game which would forbid them from doing any marketing anyway
I mean, Bethesda could still market their own game since they technically are the full publisher of said game. I just feel like the Xbox team is kind of influencing it and pushing the brunt of the marketing for the PS5 release onto Sony.

Is that like, allowed in their deal? I feel like that would be illegal. Of course the deal could've had Sony responsible for marketing
I mean, it's Bethesda's game and Bethesda is publishing the game. Sony and Bethesda will be collaborating on marketing for the game to an extent but I don't think Xbox/Bethesda are going to be doing much marketing for a game that's currently a PS5 console exclusive outside of their direct collaboration with Sony. And I feel like that includes not having a Game Pass PC release as well.

Kind of fucked in my opinion if that's actually what they're doing, but as long as no one is seriously impacted I don't think it matters much regardless outside of a "those poor devs won't have a lot of people see their game for a whole other year"


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
I mean, Bethesda could still market their own game since they technically are the full publisher of said game. I just feel like the Xbox team is kind of influencing it and pushing the brunt of the marketing for the PS5 release onto Sony.

I mean, it's Bethesda's game and Bethesda is publishing the game. Sony and Bethesda will be collaborating on marketing for the game to an extent but I don't think Xbox/Bethesda are going to be doing much marketing for a game that's currently a PS5 console exclusive outside of their direct collaboration with Sony. And I feel like that includes not having a Game Pass PC release as well.

Kind of fucked in my opinion if that's actually what they're doing, but as long as no one is seriously impacted I don't think it matters much regardless outside of a "those poor devs won't have a lot of people see their game for a whole other year"

They can market the game, they've been doing it like in the deathloop explained video. They can't market it in context of being a multiplatform or timed exclusive though. So they can talk about the game but only within the context of it being PlayStation game


Jun 9, 2018
They could do what Sony is doing with Death Stranding and have an expanded version launch exclusively on PC Gamepass/Xbox once the 1 year contract is up.


Dec 13, 2019
They could do what Sony is doing with Death Stranding and have an expanded version launch exclusively on PC Gamepass/Xbox once the 1 year contract is up.
A lot of contracts (like marketing and console exclusives) have a parity clause where no version of the game can be released on another platform with content that isnt in the version for the console where the contract was signed. So any expansions would likely have to come to ps5 too


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
That was MLB call not Sony.
Sony's license with the MLB was expiring. They negotiated a new deal with the MLB in order to keep making MLB The Show, which also led to the game coming to other platforms and services (MLB didn't want a single platform game. They tried to make their own title in-house with RBI Baseball, but it didn't catch on). Sony could have negotiated more favorable terms.


Gravity Is Hard
Mar 13, 2021
Sony's license with the MLB was expiring. They negotiated a new deal with the MLB in order to keep making MLB The Show, which also led to the game coming to other platforms and services (MLB didn't want a single platform game. They tried to make their own title in-house with RBI Baseball, but it didn't catch on). Sony could have negotiated more favorable terms.

It doesn't really matter unless microsoft is gonna pay for it to be on gamepass every year

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sony's license with the MLB was expiring. They negotiated a new deal with the MLB in order to keep making MLB The Show, which also led to the game coming to other platforms and services (MLB didn't want a single platform game. They tried to make their own title in-house with RBI Baseball, but it didn't catch on). Sony could have negotiated more favorable terms.
You think so? You think they could have kept the game off other platforms that long? You really think? Wow.

The RBI series wasn't successful, clearly. MLB literally controls the license to MLB. They could give it to whoever they wanted. But they know Sony makes the best version of baseball available. So negotiate with Sony to make the games in multiple platforms and they get to keep the license.

You make it sound so easy "they should have negotiated better terms". Easier said than done. That is why they are called negotiations. I'm sure Sony tried but ultimately MLB holds more of the leverage. As the license holder you typically do.


Oct 27, 2017
Not totally in the know obviously in terms of contracts but I very much doubt that Sony lawyers would allow a contract that states exclusivity for their console while allowing a pc version wouldn't also have some clause to stop a pc version being out on gamepass under the xbox brand day 1 as well. Bethesda or otherwise, I doubt Sony would ever allow such a contract going forward after they've invested in a game in some form for that exclusivity......now the contracts of course could have been signed a long time ago but gamepass pc isn't really new and I'm sure once it launched Sony probably made changes to contracts etc......at least any company with a semi decent law firm working for them would I'd hope make sure their contracts can protect from things so clear as day that random people on the Internet could see it as a possibility otherwise.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Sony's license with the MLB was expiring. They negotiated a new deal with the MLB in order to keep making MLB The Show, which also led to the game coming to other platforms and services (MLB didn't want a single platform game. They tried to make their own title in-house with RBI Baseball, but it didn't catch on). Sony could have negotiated more favorable terms.
TIL that MLB develops their own baseball game in-house. I feel like this should be a bigger deal. Especially because they released a new game this year despite the renewed deal with Sony.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
You think so? You think they could have kept the game off other platforms that long? You really think? Wow.

The RBI series wasn't successful, clearly. MLB literally controls the license to MLB. They could give it to whoever they wanted. But they know Sony makes the best version of baseball available. So negotiate with Sony to make the games in multiple platforms and they get to keep the license.

You make it sound so easy "they should have negotiated better terms". Easier said than done. That is why they are called negotiations. I'm sure Sony tried but ultimately MLB holds more of the leverage. As the license holder you typically do.
They could have negotiated keeping it off subscription services like Game Pass on day 1. And I seriously doubt the MLB would have revoked the license even if Sony didn't want to play ball (lol) and wanted to keep the The Show exclusive. I heard the MLB was having discussions with EA as a contingency plan as there was some interest in reviving the MVP Baseball series.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They could have negotiated keeping it off subscription services like Game Pass on day 1. And I seriously doubt the MLB would have revoked the license even if Sony didn't want to play ball (lol) and wanted to keep the The Show exclusive. I heard the MLB was having discussions with EA as a contingency plan as there was some interest in reviving the MVP Baseball series.
You don't know they if they could have kept it off GP or not. MS negotiating with the MLB to put the game on GP is separate from Sony negotiating to keep the license.


Nov 6, 2017
i think i read somewhere that those games are not "timed" but real exclusives, so i guess neither of them would be on xbox/pc


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I have a sinking feeling that Xbox will be putting minimal marketing efforts towards Deathloop/Ghostwire until after the one year of PlayStation timed exclusivity. That means no PC Game Pass until the release of the Xbox port

That's kind of already happened or we would have seen a closer cut of gameplay features in the Xbox/Beth E3 event especially since these are closer to release than Starfield.

Tortillo VI

May 27, 2018
On PS5 launch day and exclusivity window? Nope.
On Xbox launch? You bet!
Really looking forward to the latter: getting a more polished version on Gamepass is worth one year wait for me.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
PC is possible for Ghostwire Tokyo. The game was announced as a PS5/PC title back when it was first announced. I, of course, haven't read the license agreement, but it's likely that PC isn't listed as a platform that would break exclusivity.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
PC is possible for Ghostwire Tokyo. The game was announced as a PS5/PC title back when it was first announced. I, of course, haven't read the license agreement, but it's likely that PC isn't listed as a platform that would break exclusivity.
It's quite likely that as part of the exclusivity agreement the game also can't appear to competing subscription services such as PC Game Pass. If the game was on PC Game Pass day 1 I would imagine Microsoft would have announced that already.