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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 29, 2017
Also check out the posts by CDAN user "Himmm" aka RDJr Iron Man and co.


Oct 25, 2017
That #8 and #9 stuff is so tangential. It just said he was a supporter of those politicians and sang in events for them. I don't see how that involves them in the alleged activities. It just feels tacked on to the end to seem extra juicy.

Yeah if the names posted are correct, when this story comes out it's going to be "Hillary covered up the rape of a minor! Lock her up!!!" which besides being extremely fucking annoying because according to this story they seem to have had 0 role in this and probably didn't even know about it, it's going to deflect a lot of attention from the real pieces of shit in this story.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this site legit? I've heard a lot of negative things about it. They supposedly make up alot of stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah if the names posted are correct, when this story comes out it's going to be "Hillary covered up the rape of a minor! Lock her up!!!" which besides being extremely fucking annoying because according to this story they seem to have had 0 role in this and probably didn't even know about it, it's going to deflect a lot of attention from the real pieces of shit in this story.
anyone trying to sell those tickets is a piece of shit and i hereby give you the permission to not only ignore them but to do other things too.
like seriously, after hearing all that, if all you can muster is a "b-but Hillary, did she know?" then it's into the trash bin with you and you'll never come out.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah if the names posted are correct, when this story comes out it's going to be "Hillary covered up the rape of a minor! Lock her up!!!" which besides being extremely fucking annoying because according to this story they seem to have had 0 role in this and probably didn't even know about it, it's going to deflect a lot of attention from the real pieces of shit in this story.
This.... they literally had nothing to do with this and the clintons will be the main focus of right wing news for weeks


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Can someone help me understand some of the terms, like 'Permanent A', 'A+', 'A-'? Thanks


Oct 27, 2017
While googling, found something from 2012. Does the guy behind CDaN write for Trump?

Online, Enty writes that he's an obese, thrice-divorced entertainment lawyer who lives in his parents' basement, drinks heavily and networks with his famous clientele, who feed him his best items. Only some of this, he says, is true.

"I am not 400 pounds and living in the basement," he says, laughing. He began the blog as a hobby; a few years ago, he tells The Post, Gawker Media offered to buy his site.
Oct 25, 2017
So many truly terrible people involved in that story.

Since so many people knew about it, the cops had little choice but to do something. So they handed the case over to a Detective who was a friend of theirs, an elite golden boy in LAPD. He was friends with the Madam too, and became head of the LAPD "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" in Vice. Mostly his time was spent taking bribes from executives and covering up cases.

The Detective made sure the case got downgraded and the evidence was lost. With the Judge's help, the entire nightmare for the Rocker wound up far different than that of Roman Polanski years before. So it was then that the Rocker was convicted of "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor", given a $2,500 fine, and put on probation. No mention of rape, soliciting, or abuse of the girls. No word on what happened to the 22 GRAMS of cocaine, 5 oz. of marijuana or 160 Quaaludes found in the rocker's bedroom strewn all over the bed. It was booked into evidence, but later became worthless as evidence.

Just a bad apple, I'm sure.
Oct 29, 2017
Can someone help me understand some of the terms, like 'Permanent A', 'A+', 'A-'? Thanks

They are basically popularity/mindshare evaluations aligned to the A-D grading system.

There is not a fixed standard so the plus and minus are just further gradations. A permanent A-lister is someone who will always be famous because of who they are, what they have done, etc..

EDIT - It is also possible for the prominent typo as mentioned above. I like my head canon definition though.


Oct 25, 2017
While googling, found something from 2012. Does the guy behind CDaN write for Trump?

And he's only getting bolder, accusing aging and dead stars of a rape, murder, pedophilia.

So, why hasn't he been sued yet?

'Our jobs are hard enough without the fracturing caused by the Internet," says one LA-based lawyer, who represents an Academy Award-winner. "With an anonymous gossip site, you have to find out who registered it" — Enty's domain is hidden — and even then, the address could be hopping from computer to computer. Given that news lasts five minutes these days, sometimes the advice is: Don't do anything."

And if a celebrity did sue, the onus would be on them: They'd have to prove that the information was not only false but posted with malicious intent, and invite high-profile media coverage that would last longer than the most outrageous online rumor.

And so, until libel laws catch up with the web, Enty will probably continue to "reveal" the "answers" to his scandalous blinds, celebrities and publicists afraid to deny them. Because, as one publicist says, "If I go on the record to say my client doesn't know him, who knows if he'll get mad? And what will he say next?"


I don't know what to believe, here.


Oct 25, 2017
I take his rumors with a grain of salt. Hollyweird is a fucked up place, in mind, body, and soul. So a lot of shit is possible. But a great rumor without proof is just that.

I also take news about himmmm with more salt, because if he was legit, lots of connected people would want to see him fall.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently the charge against Henley is public record, it was just brought down to delinquency by his crisis team. It sure doesn't seem too hard to picture this being the real story.
I mean there is no doubt the story is about Henley. It matches exactly what is available on public record and on his Wikipedia page. The only bit to question is if the 15 year old does have the hard evidence which would make a conviction likely. What's the statute of limitations for raping a minor in LA? Is there one?
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy that this is on Don Henley's wikipedia. Everybody has just known for 37 years that he drugged and raped a 15 and 16-year old and noooooobody cared. I guess he paid that $2,500 fine so that squares it.



User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Sounds like its supposed to be prominent instead of permanent, if not that then I have no idea

If it's a typo or a language misunderstanding it raises my komrade warning system. The original shit that went down definitely sounds shady as all hell but it's hard to trust anything like this anymore until we get official allegations.

If true and it's the wife of a powerful Republican in California she should have turned 52 very recently or in the next couple weeks.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy that this is on Don Henley's wikipedia. Everybody has just known for 37 years that he drugged and raped a 15 and 16-year old and noooooobody cared. I guess he paid that $2,500 fine so that squares it.

There are plenty of open secrets in the music industry. It's not difficult to find stories of rock legends like Bowie, Jimmy Page, The Rolling Stones etc etc all partaking in sex with minors. The difference here is that the story says she has hard evidence it actually happened and isn't just a story retold by a former groupie. It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out and to see if this will begin the outpouring of #metoo stories from the music industry.
Oct 25, 2017
"permanent a lister" makes sense to me. It means they've been a-listers for their whole career and will continue to be until they die, unlike someone like Mel Gibson, who was an A-lister but has since been demoted.

"Prominent A-lister" makes no sense. Every A-lister is prominent by definition.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's a typo or a language misunderstanding it raises my komrade warning system. The original shit that went down definitely sounds shady as all hell but it's hard to trust anything like this anymore until we get official allegations.

If true and it's the wife of a powerful Republican in California she should have turned 52 very recently or in the next couple weeks.
I know the clinton connection is in the mix, but why does the politician she married have to be a Republican? That just pushes the political BS angle that at this point is just detail fluff.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the other posts in the blog give some credibility to this blogger: Kevin Spacey and Louis CK . Granted, the descriptions are vague enough to be applied after scandals like this break, but still.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I know the clinton connection is in the mix, but why does the politician she married have to be a Republican? That just pushes the political BS angle that at this point is just detail fluff.

I dunno, I guess that's why my komrade detector is tingling. They don't want to reveal who she is but they include weird unnecessary details like "Married to a Republican politician in California" in the story. If this is true it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a shortlist of who this could be.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, I guess that's why my komrade detector is tingling. They don't want to reveal who she is but they include weird unnecessary details like "Married to a Republican politician in California" in the story. If this is true it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a shortlist of who this could be.
It's not. Didn't take me long to look at a List of Republican politicians from California and match the ages up. It's not really protecting anonymity giving away so many details like that. Not sure why your komrade sensor is tingling though. Can't really see how this could be tied to the Clintons, unless they are gonna claim the whole thing happened in that pizza joint.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy that this is on Don Henley's wikipedia. Everybody has just known for 37 years that he drugged and raped a 15 and 16-year old and noooooobody cared. I guess he paid that $2,500 fine so that squares it.

I mean, it's hard for me (and I assume a lot of people) to conceptualize just how different things were back then. Like, the difference between now and even a few months ago when it comes to people being condemned and punished for their sex crimes. But I feel like in the 70s and 80s it was just... "Oh Don, what a crazy weekend, drugging up some underage prostitutes." I can't imagine a place where that sort of thing is so commonplace that people just sort of shrug and move on, but based on the open secrets you have coming out of the woodwork I feel like it must have been.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this site legit? I've heard a lot of negative things about it. They supposedly make up alot of stuff.

It's a fucked up mess.

"Enty" (the sites proprietor) claims to be an entertainment lawyer with famous friends. The problem with that is he's not actually an entertainment lawyer (he's like a copyright lawyer or something) and he has definitely misled people on his sources. On top of that, the site ventures from "celebs bad behavior" to haphazardly accusing actresses' of prostituting themselves and outing gay actors.

It's clearly not ENTIRELY bullshit, though, because as it gained stature it's also received more anonymous tips. The period between blind items and their reveals is sometimes years and often something will come to light that was 100% word-for-word accurate in the original blind (excepting the names).

So basically: Everything with a grain of salt, the site is sketchy, but some of this shit is real.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the other posts in the blog give some credibility to this blogger: Kevin Spacey and Louis CK . Granted, the descriptions are vague enough to be applied after scandals like this break, but still.

This is one of my issues with inherently trusting blind item stories. The first is that sometimes they are vague enough that when a scandal comes out, it can be tied to something that it wasn't actually meant to be. The second is that people always remember the hits and never remember the misses.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the kind of person who would never do something like this. I also couldn't see Paul McCartney doing something like that.

Average washed out American corporate mega-rocker? Living in LA? Oh yeah. The number of skeletons is a given, the only hope is its not anything too bad. Sex cults and drugs, etc is one thing, but when you start getting into the famously dark underworld of underaged prostitution, drugged rape, snuff films and worse, these things have been the dark story of Hollywood since its existed. It's about time that it comes out into the open for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
I had always heard Don Henley was a huge asshole, but this is something else....

fucking hell no... I quite like his solo material


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
This seems to align perfectly with the newspaper article about Don Henley posted above. Even if it didn't unfold quite as horrifically as described in the article, here's hoping he suffers for the rest of his life because of what he did to these poor girls (and I guarantee this was not the only instance).


Oct 25, 2017
If it's a typo or a language misunderstanding it raises my komrade warning system. The original shit that went down definitely sounds shady as all hell but it's hard to trust anything like this anymore until we get official allegations.

If true and it's the wife of a powerful Republican in California she should have turned 52 very recently or in the next couple weeks.
Kinda OT but not everything is the result of Russian influence
Oct 25, 2017
Could be real could just be taking a little known story and turning it into a thousand words fanfic to drive traffic. Find out in 2018? Maybe or maybe you are just pushing something in to the future only to be forgotten when it doesn't come to fruition like one of many doomsday prophets.
Really curious to see what sort of criminal charges could be brought, I'm not a California lawyer so the legal theory in particular interests me. The story sounds plausible which makes for a great tease.


Oct 25, 2017
no idea if any of the details beyond what is already known about the incident are true, but who do people think the politician/politician's wife are? The only prominent Cali Rs i can think of are Arnold, Issa, McCarthy, Duncan Hunter, Rohrabacher, and Nunes.


Oct 25, 2017
Your Mom
no idea if any of the details beyond what is already known about the incident are true, but who do people think the politician/politician's wife are? The only prominent Cali Rs i can think of are Arnold, Issa, McCarthy, Duncan Hunter, Rohrabacher, and Nunes.
someone who is married to a wife who was 15 in 1980. Then you could check their biography and see if it adds up


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
I'm studying to be a screenwriter and actress and while this is scaring the shit out of me, I almost feel like I have an obligation to try and change this shit too. #MeToo has helped, but more women who won't take shit need to get into the industry.

This whole story is disgusting, and I will likely end up murdered anyhow but hey... Good cause


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah if the names posted are correct, when this story comes out it's going to be "Hillary covered up the rape of a minor! Lock her up!!!" which besides being extremely fucking annoying because according to this story they seem to have had 0 role in this and probably didn't even know about it, it's going to deflect a lot of attention from the real pieces of shit in this story.

That ship sailed back in 2013.

Mr. Pointy

Oct 28, 2017
I mean, it's hard for me (and I assume a lot of people) to conceptualize just how different things were back then. Like, the difference between now and even a few months ago when it comes to people being condemned and punished for their sex crimes. But I feel like in the 70s and 80s it was just... "Oh Don, what a crazy weekend, drugging up some underage prostitutes." I can't imagine a place where that sort of thing is so commonplace that people just sort of shrug and move on, but based on the open secrets you have coming out of the woodwork I feel like it must have been.
It was all that lead in the paint and gas.

While it doesn't completely absolve anything, you could argue it did contribute to how fucked up the 70s and 80s were.


Oct 25, 2017
There are plenty of open secrets in the music industry. It's not difficult to find stories of rock legends like Bowie, Jimmy Page, The Rolling Stones etc etc all partaking in sex with minors. The difference here is that the story says she has hard evidence it actually happened and isn't just a story retold by a former groupie. It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out and to see if this will begin the outpouring of #metoo stories from the music industry.
Damn, you're not wrong. There's a decent amount of info on old 70's rockers hooking up with 11-14 year old girls from just a simple Google search. Disgusting.
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