
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like embargo has been lifted. Will update as more come in..

Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Metacritic: 67 based on 41 critics

Uproxx - 7/10
'Creed II' Acts As A Direct Sequel To 'Rocky IV' And It's Insane It Works As Well As It Does

Variety - Positive
Michael B. Jordan's ferocious performance anchors a sequel that's rousing and effective but lacks the powerful punch of the first 'Creed.'

IGN - 6/10
Just like Adonis himself, director Ryan Coogler proved with Creed that this new iteration of the Rocky franchise could stand on its own and forge its own legacy. Creed II, however, can't seem to let the past go, abandoning the exciting new path blazed by Coogler in favor of evoking what's come before, with undeniably diminished results.

AV Club - B
Sometimes the movie feels torn between spare evocations of a boxer's life and crowd-pleasing evocations of past movies. But more often than not, Caple splits the difference with aplomb.

Entertainment Weekly - B+
The Land director Steven J. Caple Jr. has made a rousing tale about fathers and sons, guilt and redemption, loneliness and family - just the sort of big, sledgehammer-subtle themes that have always propelled the series.

Empire - 3/5
Creed II, with Coogler only on executive producer duties, is sadly a lesser effort, full of programmatic plotting and on-the-bloodied-nose writing, but leavened by the chemistry of its stars and its commitment to the beats of the series.

THR - Negative
Slack and unexciting compared to Ryan Coogler's blisteringly good 2015 reconception of a 1970s icon for modern audiences, this follow-up is an undeniable disappointment in nearly every way, from its dreary homefront interludes to a climactic boxing match that feels far-fetched in the extreme.

IndieWire - B
We know what to expect from these stories, but both "Creed" and its sequel invite us to forget - so we can rediscover the thrill all over again.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm very much hyped. Loved the first Creed. But I've still only seen Rocky 1 of the original Rocky films.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a feeling this one is going to be better than the first Creed. I know, I know everyone LOVED that movie, Coogler is amazing, etc. And rightfully so, it's great. But this one being pretty much a sequel to 4, bringing back those characters and all the backstory from that one, seems like it's gonna be pretty emotionally charged, which is key for a Rocky film.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown
Loved the first Creed so I'm really anxious to see how this one turns out. I'm really excited to see a sequel to Rocky IV.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I want to see this. I'm actually digging how much this plays like a sequel to Rocky 4
Oct 28, 2017
The problem with Creed is Adonis Creed. Dude's one-note boring, no charisma. Pale reflection of his father and the new movie just doesn't have the character/personality/chemistry that made the original cast so special.


Jul 18, 2018
love the first Creed, this one looks mediocre, the revenge stuff is so used now, do something else please.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah having anything to do with Ricky 4 in 2018 was probably a mistake, but I'm sure it will be still fun to see.


Oct 25, 2017
Hope this one is good. Creed is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Start to finish just an excellent film.


Oct 28, 2017
The only Rocky movie I care about is Creed, and I have yet to get excited about this with Coogler not directing. I may end up seeing it, but if I miss it, I won't be heartbroken.


Oct 27, 2017
The only Rocky movie I care about is Creed, and I have yet to get excited about this with Coogler not directing. I may end up seeing it, but if I miss it, I won't be heartbroken.

You probably didn't know who Coogler was before you saw Creed, why not the same reasoning with this one and Caple directing? Unless you were a huge fan of Fruitvale Station prior to seeing Creed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I'm a shameless shill for Rocky IV and loved Creed, so obviously this is Day 1 for me no matter what. Reviews look to be what I expected, so no tempered excitement for me!


Oct 28, 2017
You probably didn't know who Coogler was before you saw Creed, why not the same reasoning with this one and Caple directing? Unless you were a huge fan of Fruitvale Station prior to seeing Creed.
I don't know why you presume to know what I knew about Coogler before Creed, but yes, I saw Fruitvale Station and was only excited about Creed because Ryan Coogler wrote and directed it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I thought the first Creed was just ok, but with these reviews it seems the only reason to watch it is because of nostalgia for IV.

I'm keeping my expectations for this movie very much in check.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm kinda expecting a Rocky to Rocky II kind of quality difference with a dash of Rocky IV nostalgia. Could think of worse ways to spend my time.

Going to a screening on Monday.
Apr 19, 2018
Several of the reviews appear to imply that the emotional drama (or maybe slightly more melodrama?) delivers in this one, and that ties directly into the fights themselves Given the director switch, though, I was most curious to see how the fight chreography turned out in this one:

The Playlist said:
In the ring, "Creed II" isn't particularly flashy (and not trying to be, either), but it's effective nonetheless. Once again, the matches are designed to focus on the drama first, action second. But what it may possibly lack in long-take flair, it more than makes up in punishing punches. And this is really the key takeaway: More than anything, "Creed II" is visceral and grueling in the ring. These characters are in spiritual pain before the bell even rings, so by the time the unremitting head shots and body blows being to clench you up and force you to grit your teeth in anguish, you've already been feeling hours of sympathy pains.

Polygon said:
The change in hands is also reflected in how the fights come across. Punches still land with cringe-inducing impact, and both Jordan and Munteanu are experts at balancing the fight choreography with the emotions they're meant to be experiencing as rounds drag on, but otherwise, the fights fall curiously flat. There's no coherent sense of movement, which may have something to do with just how scattered the film feels as a whole.

IGN said:
You'll notice that for a movie that centers around boxing, I've barely mentioned it here. That's because the fights in this movie are deeply forgettable – not just because Creed's opponent is a bland and vague character, but because the straightforward cinematography of these scenes just doesn't have any of the vivacity of the fights from the previous film.

"Visceral and grueling" is precisely what I'd expect from a Rocky IV sequel, but it does sound like the fights lose some of the flair that the first Creed boasted. That one-shot take during the fight with Leo was amazing.
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Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
A solid 7 doesn't seem that great, but I was going to watch this anyway


Nov 2, 2017
I'm not expecting this to be a transcendent masterpiece. As long as it's on par with Rocky IV, I'll be happy.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't think it would review as well as the first but it still looks like a solid film and I'm thrilled about Drago's return.

Also, I don't understand the IGN review claiming that "...abandoning the exciting new path blazed by Coogler in favor of evoking what's come before, with undeniably diminished results."

Creed was basically a rehash of the original Rocky (hell even the outcome was basically the same) with a bit of Rocky III sprinkled in. It was a great film but it was hardly anything new or bold for the franchise.


Oct 29, 2017
Whole lotta hand wringing over the connection to IV. Entertainment Weekly seems to actually touch on the emotional core thats there. Day 1.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
"Not as good as Creed 2, but it'd be very difficult to be" seems like the consensus, and that's not surprising at all. I'll support this, and I'll support Creed 3 as long as the "vs old villain's son" ain't the trope in it or going forward


Oct 25, 2017
Hearts on fire remix incoming?

Figuring this will be less good than Creed 1 with no Coogler but probably pretty entertaining. Hoping the soundtrack is as bomb too.

The training scene better be fire


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Thought this has looked awful from the jump, but the first Creed was mediocre too so not sure what I was expecting.

The Rocky franchise has one good movie but I'm endlessly fascinated by it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rocky is among my favorite movie franchises, so I'm definitely watching this one. I loved Creed.


Nov 1, 2017
Sad Coogler didn't come back for this. This movie is like the anti-thesis of what the first was trying to do.